93.1% The Animagus Chronicles: A 'Harry Potter' Marauders Fanfiction / Chapter 27: Chapter Six: 6th Year

章 27: Chapter Six: 6th Year

HOGWARTS WAS JUST AS BUSY AS IT usually is at the start of a new year. The first-years were trying, and in some cases failing, to learn the layout of the castle in order to not get lost. The seventh-years were having fun flaunting around their new seniority over everyone younger than them. All the while, the Marauders had started pranking anyone that they could. Honestly, it had only been about two months into the school year, and they had been working their way on pranking everyone they came across. 

Iris, even if she didn't want to admit it, had been a tad bit apprehensive while there. She was... still suffering through some of the trauma that had held onto her from the previous year. Being at Hogwarts wasn't helping her that much. However, constantly distracting herself with her friends, pranks, and Sirius had helped take her mind off of it. 

Speaking of the boy, Sirius had definitely tried to keep her within arm's length at all times. Iris didn't complain about constantly being by his side all the time, since she is perfectly content with it. Besides, what girl wouldn't want to stay far from her loving boyfriend. If anything, this has helped better their relationship, which didn't seem possible since they were already so smitten with each other. Being stuck to his side wasn't bad. Sure it kind of felt like he was always watching her, not letting her go on her own at any time. However, she knew that it was only because he was worried about her. He didn't want anything bad to happen to her while she was out of his sight. 

Even when they have to be apart from each other, like when he has quidditch practice or Iris goes out somewhere with the girls. Honestly, Iris never really got time to herself anymore... It also didn't help that Sirius was a tad bit... tense. No matter how much he tried to deny it when she brought it up, but Iris knew that Sirius was still a bit bothered by what she had told him over the summer about Derek. It was slightly off-putting at times, but Sirius always made sure to make it up to her. To reassure her that it didn't bother him at all. That he has full confidence in how Iris likes him and how Derek couldn't compare to him.

Though Iris figured that Sirius Black was definitely the jealous type. Whether he tried to hide or deny it, Iris could see the jealousy wafting off of him from a mile away. No matter how much he tried to argue, Iris could see all the times he glared at any boy whose eyes had lingered longer than usual on her. However, Iris found it so entertaining. Despite that, their relationship is to die for. Everyone at Hogwarts wants someone to look at them the way Sirius looks at Iris. It was clear that in his eyes, she is everything to him. His whole world was Iris Evans. It is the same way for Iris since he is her knight in shining armor. If it was obvious to Iris that Sirius was jealous of Derek, then it was quite obvious to her that there were a lot of people jealous of their relationship.

Though at the moment, Iris was tucked nicely in his arms as they sat in the warm common room with the rest of their friends. After a normal, boring school day, they were definitely in need of some relaxation. The couple was cuddled up together on one of the comfy chairs. Meanwhile, Lily, Wendy, and Remus were sat on the couch next to them, while James and Peter were sat on the floor in front of them. They were all talking animatedly with each other about their school year so far. The girls, sans Iris, were swapping gossip about new students and their classes. The boys were debating who would be the best to prank next and what to do.

Iris groaned as she cuddled closer into her boyfriend's chest. Sirius laughed lightly at her and rested his chin on the top of her head. "What's wrong, love?"

"School," she explained blandly as if it explained everything to him. "Is it just me or are our professors giving us a load of homework? How do they expect us to get our mountain of work done in one night?" The red-head scoffed loudly, over the fact that they were getting far too much work this year. And it was only the beginning of the school year! "It makes no sense to me!"

There were a few hums and grunts in agreement at that. They were getting a lot of work even though they were just about two months into the school year. Couldn't their professors be a tab bit more lax with their homework? Just to be nice? At the other end of the common room, Lily clicked her tongue. "Well, instead of procrastinating why don't you actually use your time wisely and do your work right away?"

"Who do you think I am? Remus?" Iris scoffed as her friends laughed. She waved her hand dismissively at her sister, "Please, getting your work done early is your thing, Lil."

Lily shook her head, though there was a small, amused smile on her lips, "Whatever."

Iris could see, even if Lily wanted to hide it, that she is bitter. Of course, everyone knew just why she was bitter. Iris cooed, "Aw, don't be so down, sister dear. Are you still just upset that you and James are prefects together?"

The other red-head instantly scoffed and rolled her big green eyes, "I don't understand how a boy like... him could end up with such a responsibility."

It is a reasonable thought, no one thought that it could possibly happen. If anything, it was predicted that Remus might end up being prefect for their house. Considering he's one of the boys at the top of their grade, and a much better role model than James, it's understandable why everyone thought it would be him. However, Remus isn't necessarily unhappy with the news, it just means he has more time to look after his friends and stop them from doing anything too extreme. Just on less responsibility that he has to worry about. Though Remus just has to wonder how James Potter will do with such an important role.

In Iris's opinion, she has a theory as to why James was given such a role. If she had to guess, she felt like their headmaster had a bit of a hand in picking the prefects for Gryffindor. That cheeky headmaster liked to get involved in silly things around Hogwarts. Iris is certain that he has been the reason why she hasn't gotten harsher punishments for some of her pranks. He is just as much of a trouble maker as she and the Marauders are. So it wouldn't be that surprising to her if he did suggest making James the Gryffindor prefect.

"Hmm, guess it's just fate, lily-pad." The boy himself chuckled loudly. The sly, suave smirk that he always seems to have on his lips was far larger than usual. Most likely because of the fact that he now has an actual reason to be around his precious redhead more often. "A sign from Merlin."

"To what?" Her nose scrunched up(quite cutely, if you asked James) in distaste, "Date you? Ha!"

The group all laughed with each other. It is pretty obvious to all of them by now, that there must be a small part of Lily that found James endearing. In the beginning, Lily was repulsed by James and everyone was aware of it. Nowadays, people could say that there was a small part of her that might like James. If not, "like" then it was probably that she tolerated him. If it were still obvious that Lily didn't like James even a little bit, they would stop. However, they could see through her little faux hatred. Perhaps she doesn't hate him, just a pretty strong dislike. 

Wendy tutted from her spot on besides Lily and nudged her playfully, "Oh, give the poor bloke a chance."

"Yeah, we can all see you're just trying to pretend that you don't like 'im," Marlene nodded her head along.

Lily bristled with her cheeks growing a tad bit warm. "That is nowhere near the truth!" How could she deny having any feelings for the boy when she looks much like a tomato. Everyone laughed at her dilemma, except for James who looked far too smug for Lily's liking.

"Whatever you say, Lils," Iris chuckled and burrowed herself closer to Sirius.

Remus cleared his throat and stretched. His gangly limbs lifted him up from the couch, "Now, I say we head down for dinner. It's getting late."

Iris instantly perked up at the mention of an opportunity to get food, "Now you're speaking my language!"


Dinner was a normal affair for everyone. As usual, every inch of the tables were filled with plates and bowls of many mouthwatering foods. It had taken up until last week for the first-years to finally become accustomed to the foods that magically appeared in front of them. The muggle-borns obviously took a little while to get used to it since they haven't really been around so much magic, though it was quite amusing to see how they brightened at every magical occurrence. Iris remembered when she was like that at their age. Traveling around and seeing all of the wonderful things in the magical world was quite amazing as an eleven-year-old. 

Meanwhile, Marlene and Iris stuffed their faces full of just about as much food as they could. If anything, it seemed like they had a competition with each other to see who could eat the most before. Wendy fussed over the two to make sure that they didn't choke. Meanwhile, the boys were betting who would win this little food battle between the two girls. Obvious, Sirius sided with Iris and James agreed. Remus and Peter were rooting for Marlene to beat Iris, to knock her down a peg from her high horse as it were. Lily just tried to ignore them to the best of her ability, freiging that their rambunctious behavior was getting on her nerves. Though in reality, she was amused by the whole display, even if she didn't want to admit it.

Eventually, dinner came to an end, to Iris and Marlene's dismay. They didn't even get to figure out who won their little challenge between them. Looks like they'll have to battle each other tomorrow. Just so they can find out who really is the best!

As soon as the food disappeared, Wendy and Remus had to work together to help Marlene get back to the common room. Even if she had eaten the same amount of food as Iris, Marlene was far more stuffed. Iris literally has a black hole instead of a stomach. That has to be the only explanation. Peter trailed after them like the obedient puppy he is. Meanwhile, James and Sirius had gotten in trouble with professor Mcgonagall and were currently being scolded by said women and escorted to detention. Let's just say, a few of the other students may or may not be stuck in their seats because of them.

Satisfied with her meal, Iris patted her stomach, "If there's one thing that I missed about Hogwarts, it's the food."

Lily nodded her head as the pair walked down the corridor together. They were the last of their friend group to leave the great hall. Lily raised a finger, "Question is though, who has better food? Hogwarts or mom?"

"Oh, don't put me in such a tough situation," Iris whined at the impossible question. Their mother's food is amazing on it's own, really god-tier level of food. However, Hogwarts has just about everything that Iris could ever dream of. The house elves do a good job. So what's better? Quantity or quality? That's the real question. The two continued to stroll down the corridor, Lily may have tried to get Iris to agree to some study sessions this week and getting nowhere with her. Though in the darkness, creeping up to the girls is a slimy little traitor, desperate to speak with them. Turning a corner, the girls find themselves facing one of the wizards that they have come to hate. Iris sneered, with an audible growl. "Snivellus."

Lily stared at Severus with anger as she tried to place herself in front of her twin, as if keeping the boy from getting to Iris. Even if she didn't want to believe it, it's obvious that Severus had some sort of part in what had happened to Iris. Even if he had helped them get a cure for the potion and getting it to Iris, he still had a hand in what had happened to Iris. No matter how much Lily wanted to think that he wouldn't hurt either of them, it was still done. Though there was that small part of her, the naive part, that didn't want what had happened to be true. She would never want to think that the boy who has been so close to them since they were ten would have any sort of role in hurting Iris.

Severus tried to regain their attention by grabbing out to them, "I-"

Iris slapped his hand away instantly, it wouldn't be surprising if his hand ended up with a bruise. "Don't even say anything to us, you idiot!"

"I wanted to-"

The red head pushed past her twin and advanced on their former friend. "What? Apologize? Ha!" She scoffed loudly, "We don't care, Snivellus! You lost every chance to apologize to us." Iris then grabs Lily's arm and pulls her around Severus, hoping to get away from the slimy, little boy who thought he could be their friend again.

"N-No, please," He pleaded with them while trying to catch up. Desperation lathered every inch of his voice, "Really! I want to apologize properly. They made me help them!"

Iris turned sharply to Severus with such a heated glare that it almost seemed as though Severus was going to combust into flames. "It doesn't matter! If someone tried to make me hurt you, would see me fight tooth and nail to not do what they want!" She spat and jabbed him in the chest harshly, causing him to stumble back into the stone wall, "You should have done the same!"

Severus started to shake, "B-But I helped fix it, I tried to help you!"

"Too little, too late." Iris growled, "Besides, you may have lied to the others, but I know what you actually did." Her voice became gravely as she advanced on him with her rage filled eyes. If Severus wasn't scared now, he certainly is terrified of the girl and the way she is advancing on him like a lioness ready to pounce on him for the kill. "Black and Malfoy may be somewhat smart, but they're not intelligent enough to make such a strong potion. You did all of that to me. You are a pathetic, little bastard."

Seeing that he couldn't get anywhere with Iris, (why did he think he could?) so he turned to the other redhead. She's the more empathetic sister, if he tried, he could appeal to her empathy. If he played up on his sincerity and sadness, then she would more than likely be willing to hear him out. "Lily-"

The cold stare that he received from Lily, chilled him to the bones, "Don't talk to us." Looks like his little plan to manipulate her isn't going to work.

Their spat together had certainly drawn some attention. While they may have started their argument alone, slowly but surely that has gained a small audience. It just so happened that most of those onlookers were Slytherins. Their hissing voices came up behind the trio, like honey slowly pouring out of a jar. One voice drawled out, "Do you see that?"

"Snape is being belittled by those mudbloods," a different voice scoffed. None of them were too surprised to see the pathetic sixth-year being treated this way. Severus Snape is somewhat of an outsider in the Slytherin house. Some people didn't like him all that much because he was associated with Gryffindors. Though they tolerated him because he is a Slytherin. He was still treated poorly by them, either way. So it isn't surprising that they were doing it now.

A different student scowled, "How weak is that boy?"

"Being shouted at by some mudbloods like that, he really is pitiful," someone voiced.

The voices, the berating, the belittling, it was all starting to get to him. Iris and Lily have been his best friends for years now, there's no debate about that. However, since they've been in school, he knew that they viewed him as inferior. In his mind, he believed that they saw him as their little friend. Giving him pity every time he was bullied or thinking that he wasn't capable of looking after himself. He was pushed around, sure, but if they were going to keep codling him so much then he wouldn't learn to stand up for himself. 

Iris has always been there to be his defender, while Lily is his pitier. Did they view him as anything else than some pathetic boy? Why hadn't he realized it earlier? While he sees Lily as the love of his life, and Iris as his sister, they see him as some little boy who constantly needs protecting. "I don't care anymore! I wouldn't care about a pair of mudbloods like you!"

The pair stared at him, surprised and disgusted beyond belief. So it looks like Severus really has changed for the worse. Tears started to collect in both of their eyes. Lily looked far more saddened, but Iris was enraged. Without saying anything else, she whipped out her wand and shot out a random spell on the tip of her tongue. Severus quickly found himself thrown to the side as the twins rushed off. Not only that, but he now was completely bald, earning cruel laughter from the snakes that had watched the whole spectacle.


Iris does not recommend running through the Hogwarts castle with tears in your eyes. Having her vision blurry was quite the impairment considering there are so many winding corridors. The twins both were crying all their way up to the Gryffindor tower. Once they made it there, they barely noticed any of the other students in the common room, including their friends. They just bypassed them all and climbed up the stairs to their dorm room. Their friends had wanted to follow them, but Wendy advised against it. She could tell that they were deeply upset about something. They needed some time alone for now. Sooner or later they'll tell the group what had happened.

The sisters entered their shared dorm, practically dragging themselves into the room. Lily had instantly thrown herself onto her own bed, and shoving her tear-stained face into the pillows. Iris climbed onto the bed with her sister, she cooed softly to Lily, "Hey, hey, hey."

"What you said about the potion…" Lily cried, fat tears crawling down her cheeks, "Was it really him."

Iris nodded her head strongly, no doubt in her assessment, "Of course, it had to be."

Lily lifted her head to stare up at her sister with glossy green eyes, "But he said that he didn't know-"

"He lied." Iris stressed, not letting Lily think any different. The last thing she needed was Lily thinking that Severus is somehow innocent in all of this, "We know he's quite the genius when it comes to potions. That's what they needed him for, and he agreed."

They were silent for a moment as Lily processed that. Though it didn't take long, since she already had the feeling, deep down, that this is what had happened. Beforehand, Lily wanted to believe that Severus was manipulated into doing what he did. In a way he kind of was. Threatening his well-being along with hers and Iris's would be a bit of a reasonable thing to be frightened of. However, she knew that he could have done more to make sure this didn't happen. She sniffed, "How could he do this to you?"

Iris shook her head and clenched her jaw. "I don't know, and I don't care anymore. He chose his new friends over us." She wiped away her tears roughly, not wanting to shed anymore tears over this, "So he can go around with his blood-purity, dark arts groupies doing whatever the hell that they want! We don't need to think about him ever again."

The pregnant pause between them was deafening. The only real sound in the room is Lily's sniffling. "I still don't understand!" She cried out in confusion, "He was our best friend! He cared about us, we cared about him. How could he just... do this to someone he saw as a sister?"

Iris shushed her hysterical sister softly. She hates seeing Lily get so emotional like this. Especially over a slimy bastard like Snivillus, "Don't question it anymore. Just forget about him, we don't need to worry about him or anything. Let's just move on from all of this, okay?"

"...Okay." Lily whimpered, clinging onto Iris. More than willing to try and forget this. This entire situation has certainly traumatized both sisters. Iris for obvious reasons of being taken advantage of, and Lily for feeling like an accomplice to this all. After all, it was Lily's insistence about the perfume and trying to fix the relationship between Iris and Snape that caused this. So if anything… could Lily say that this was also her fault?

Iris sighed heavily while pulling Lily in for a tight hug, "Good, good." 

So for the rest of the night, the two sisters clung onto each other mourning over their ruined relationship with one of their closest friends. Though they shouldn't be mourning for long, this was bound to happen. With how Severus is so easy to be bent one way or the other, it is surprising that he hadn't been turned against the Evans sooner. All it took was one Regulus Black's obsession with Iris and his want to destroy Sirius's relationship with her that started all this. In the dungeons, Severus also mourned. Though he once again could only blame himself for this. There is no need for anyone to pity him this time.

next chapter
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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C27
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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