

Later that night, as Norman walks into his office, he is surprised by Spider-Bat standing there in the dark. An intrigued and mesmerized smile appears on Norman's face.

"It's you." Norman says.

"Who was the man on the bridge tonight? What does he want with you?"

Norman regains his composure, straightening his face to answer the question.

"Doctor Otto Fries Octavius."

"The scientist. He used to work for you when Oscorp was getting its start. He supposedly died in a lab accident." Peter replies.

"Someone has done their homework. Yes, he's suppose to be dead but obviously he's not. I met Otto back in college. I recognized his brilliance and offered him a job in my startup company. But soon he became- obsessed with a project that was wasting company money- my money. I had no choice but fire him and that's when he lashed out and caused the accident that I thought took his life. I guess he blames me for the accident."

Peter stays silent for a moment.

"Is there anywhere he would go as a hideout?"

"I'm not sure, he never left the lab. He practically lived there."

When Norman turns back around he sees that Spider-Bat is gone.

A few moments later, Peter lands infront of Oscorp's old building. As he walks through the old building, he sees a hallway covered in ice. Peter walks through the hall and enters a room that's also covered in ice but notices a woman frozen in a container and a tape playing on a monitor. Peter reminds the tape and sees a normal Otto Octavius who still has his mechanical arms.

"My name is Doctor Otto Fries Octavius. I am recording what- I pray will be mankind's first step towards immortality." Otto on the tape says.

The doctor then uses his mechanical arms to reveal his wife who was frozen then as well.

"Here you see the CC-100. A cryogenic freezing chamber of my own design. I created it for the express purpose of freezing subjects stricken with inoperable ailments. Subjects like- my own beloved wife, Nora. Once a remedy has been found-"

Otto is soon inturupted by Norman Osborne and security guards barging into the lab.

"Step away from that equipment, Otto." Norman says.

The owner of Oscorp turns to the guards

"Shut it all down."

Otto quickly steps infront of the chamber that contains his wife.

"Norman stop, please! This is my experiment!"

"Your unauthorized experiment. I ordered funding suspended weeks ago. I'm already three million in debt, because of you."

"You can't stop it now. My wife is in there."

"Just bring her out, I don't really care."

Octavius gets even more emotional.

"You can't inturupt the process now!"

Norman scoffs

"Open it." Osborne tells his security team.

"It's her only chance, Norman!"

"This is my equipment! My lab! My company! I have every legal right to use it or not use it as I see fit. I say this project ends now!"

As the guards walk towards Nora, Otto is overcome with anger.


The doctor then swats the guards away with his mechanical arms.

"Stay away from her, murderer!"

Norman raises his hands up towards Otto with compassion in his eyes.

"Otto- I'm sorry, I just lost my temper. You've been my friend since college, you helped me achieve all of this- without you- I'd have nothing. It does have to come to this."

Norman slowly approaches the doctor.

"Let's just- talk."

As Otto lowers his mechanical arms and his guard, a sadistic smile appears on Norman's face. The ruthless business man then kicks Octavius into a table full of chemicals, all while laughing.

"Mr. Osborne, we have to go, now."

As the room begins to be covered in fumes and ice, Norman and his security team quickly run out of the room. While his body begins to be covered in ice, he crawls towards his beloved wife, putting his hand where her face his.

"Nora!" Octavius yells as he falls to the ground.

The video soon ends with Peter shocked by what he just saw.

"My God."

"Yes- it would move me to tears if I still had tears to shed." A voice says behind him.

Peter turns around and sees Otto Octavius standing in the doorway with his cold gun aimed at him. He shoots at Peter but the hero dodges blast and webs the cold guns opening. Otto then grabs Peter and slams him into the wall.

"Do you like the snow, Arachnid? Clean, uncompromising."

"And cold." Peter adds, feeling compassion for the doctor.

Octavius stays silent for a moment

"Like the swift hand of vengeance."

"I saw what happened. What Norman Osborne did to you. I'm sorry."

"I'm beyond emotions. They've been frozen dead in me." Otto replies.

"That suit you wear- I take it it's not a fashion statement. Is it a result of the coolant?"

"Very good, Arachnid. A detective to the last. I can no longer survive out of a sub zero environment. Tonight I mean to pay back the man who ruined my life. Our lives."

"Even if you have to kill innocent people to do it?"

"Think of it Spider-Bat. To never again walk on a summers day, with a hot wind in your face- and a warm hand to hold. Yes- I'd kill for that."

Octavius then throws him through a wall, burying Peter under ice and ruble. The doctor then leaves, going after Norman again.

A few minutes later, Peter burst out of the ruble and kneels over, slowly catching his breath. When he slowly stands to his feet, he looks over and sees the schematics to Otto's arms on the table, learning that they are powered by a chip in the back of his suit. He realizes that the only way to stop Octavius, is to shut down his arms.

Later, as Osborne works in his office, the room begins to get cold. The wall next to him then starts freeze and one of Octavius's mechanical arm comes crashing in and grabs Norman by the leg, pulling him outside and dangling him infront of Octavius.

"Hello again, old friend."

Otto climbs up the Oscorp building while holding Norman.

"You want me to beg!? Not gonna happen!" Norman yells.

"Beg? In my nightmares I see my Nora behind glass. Begging to me, with frozen eyes. How I've longed to see that look frozen on you. But we're past the point of begging. Before they mop you off the pavement, you will apologize to me and my beloved Nora."

Norman stays silent for a moment.

"Ok-ok. I'm sorry, Otto. I'm sorry that- I ever took pity on you in college and gave you a job! I'm sorry that you were ever worth a damn when you worked for me! I'm sorry that you not only failed yourself, but you also failed your wife for years!"

When Otto hears this, anger swells up inside of him and he drops Norman, who screams all the way down. The business man is quick caught and thrown onto another roof nearby and Peter webs over and runs up the Oscorp building, launching himself onto the roof. Norman gets to his feet and smiles while leaving the roof.

"After what you seen him do to me and my beloved Nora, you still save him?" Otto asks.

"I know what he's done is wrong, but this isn't the way to go. He needs justice, not vengeance."

Otto then begins to tower over Peter

"A man like that gets to continue living, but my wife gets to spend the rest of her life frozen, unable to experience life? You call that justice, Arachnid?"

Octavius then shoots ice blasts at Peter, whose flipping around to avoid the ice. He then shoots out a web that sticks to the gun, then takes it out of his hands and slams it to the ground, breaking it. Mechanical arm then grabs the hero by the chest and throws him into the air. Peter quickly attaches webs to the roof, launching himself back to the roof, stomping Octavius into the ground.

Otto grabs Peter by the waste and launches another mechanical arm at him. Peter quickly catches it and sends it crashing down into the one around his waste. Peter then jumps on Otto's back and rips out the chip, depowering the arms.

"No!" Otto yells as both he and Peter to fall off the top of the top of the building.

The Vigilante quickly grabs Otto and swings them both through a window into a lower office of Oscorp.

Moments later, Otto Octavius is arrested.

"Leave the suit on. He can't survive without it." Peter tells Commissioner Stacy.

"I'll put the order out." Stacy replies.

Peter then pulls out the tape of Octavius's accident and hands it to Stacy.

"A few years ago, Norman Osborne inturupted an experiment. And in the process destroyed two lives. Here's the proof."

As Stacy takes the tape, Peter glares at Norman who's nearby, then swings away.

The next morning, in a prison called The Raft, Otto Octavius is told that he has a visitor. The doctor walks to the visitation area to see Peter Parker sitting there.

"Doctor Octavius. I'm Peter Parker. I'd shake your hand right now, but- you know."

"Yes, I know exactly who you are Mr. Parker. Your father once offered me a job at Parker Industries. I- regret not accepting."

"Look, last night, someone came to me and told me about what happened to you and your wife. I just wanted to let you know that me and Parker Industries will do everything we can to help her. I'm sorry the say that there's nothing much we can do for you. I'm sorry."

Octavius stays silent for a moment

"Do not worry about me. Just focus on my beloved Nora."

Peter nods and prepares to leave, but Octavius stops him

"Thank you, Mr. Parker."

Peter smiles and nods at the doctor, then leaves while Otto is taken back to his ice cold prison.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C15
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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