
章 5: CHAPTER 3


I start tracking down my assailant using his or her scent that I got from t his or her arrow and chase them down, karma is coming to get ya!! whoever or whatever you are.

I keep following the scent for a while until the trail comes to an end and I come across three paths with each of them having an arrow pointing in each direction for each path and all of them had a weird looking characters on their signs that didn't look normal at alL,in fact they don't look like any language that's common in Ooo, it just look like a scribble ignoring the scribble on the signs, I try to pick up the scent again.

"Tch.. no dice."

I said in slight irritation.

Ok ok ok calm down Jake, what would Finn do in this situation. I then try to imagine, what Finn would do only for him to imagine what I would do, and what I would and will do is to follow the path where the scent stopped and carry on from there. Ok time to put the plan into action.Hmm.. ok the scent trail stops….. there!! I point to the path that looks the creepiest out of all of them.

"*gulp* ok-k, ok y-you got this J-jake all you've got to do is-s follow the scary looking path and find your attacker to find Finn. Ok no pr-roblem.you can do this jake you're not a cowardly dog anymore, your a grown pup now you've got to act like it."

After taking a deep breath I carefully and cautiously venture down the crooked path *cough* I mean creepy path. After a while the sun start to set slowly and the night time is slowly creeping in I need to find him or her fast then find shelter or shrink and rest in a tree for the night, I wouldn't want to be around when the monsters of the night are lurking around especially vampires*shivers* anything but vampires… and I don't know is it me or are the tree's making faces at me? Oh Glob...… I must be going insane.

The longer I walk down the creepy path the more my will is tested, well you've got the classic tress with weird twisting faces, the creepy fog that hinders your vision, the gazillions of eyes in the darkness and to top it off the random howling of monsters, I literally have to be on guard every time I hear rustling in the bushes and worst of all I feel like I've been going around in circles despite walking in a straight line!!!

I've passed that statue of a bluejay and a racoon fist bumping each other seven time's, it's the frog prince fiasco all over again…

wait!!!a minute it's exactly like the frog prince fiasco well except this time I didn't leave a trail this time and I---

i clutch onto my ears due to how loud the sound of metal clashing with metal, the sound of a fight going on, I need to hurry that could be finn fighting the unknown assailant if so I need to help him I need a better view to know where the fight is happening , I try to stretch my body into the air only for nothing to happen.


Wait a minute why didn't I notice it until now ...Oh NOOOOOO!!!! I have human fingers, but I don't feel different…."

I look to my feet and yup I have human feet too. Wait I didn't wear clothes as a dog … so does that meant the reason I've been feeling older than usual is cause I'm...n-naked?"

Being naked as a human feels weird , and that's coming from someone who rarely wore clothes as a dog.

"Wait but wouldn't my doggy senses be gone if I was a full born human?"

As if the answer to my question was being answered I felt my ears change shape into a more comfortable form that being my dog ears, and I felt something grow out of …my bu-my backside that also felt familiar.

The sound of metal clashing against metal became a 1000 times louder, normally this change in the sound would have been easy to adjust to as a dog , but considering I was a human(probably still am I think) the change between two races and their perspective

My senses felt as good as ever… at least better than they were previously, I try to stretch my body again and it only yielded the same result as before only that I seemed to have a slight increase in height. *sigh*well I guess that's better than nothing, I return to regular size after that ..just doing that felt exhausting, wait….did I just spend up to five minutes here trying to understand my body???oh how low youv'e fallen jake the dog, oh how low. I shake my head disapprovingly.

*BOOM* an explosion so fierce that it shook the entire creepy forest and almost blew out my ear drums had come from the direction of where the previous battle was occurring.

"DAMN IT. I got distracted!! what is going on over there!!!"

I rush to the direction of the fight at the speed this current body, my body could carry me.

Upon reaching there I came across a huge a clearing, what was meant to look like a grassy plane with the perfect spot to stare at the night sky and admire the numerous stars that formed liked droplets flowing at sea….was made into a large pit filled with rocks, some raw materials from where I am standing looks like a diamond and cracks all over .

with the centre of the pit seemingly being occupied by two people one seems to have kicked the bucket and the other seems to be checking the other person's body .. no hes robbing it!! but one thing that added to my rage fact that the one robbing the dead body had a bow and arrow.

I run into the pit to try and confront him.

"stop right there!!"

I shouted.

He seemed surprised by the fact that someone caught him , but he quickly composed himself as he brought out his bow and arrow , with his arrow already poised and pointed it at me , and said while smirking I think I couldn't really tell under his hood.

" Help me take out the trash okay?"

He then releases the shot to which I dodge instinctively, only for me to realize he wasn't aiming at me he was aiming at-. my eyes widened in horror as the arrow pierced the make shift diamond material like as if it was a splinter entering a piece of flesh.

Then every suddenly went deathly quiet. My animal senses were on edge, my instinct was telling me to book it as if I was about to come face to face with a predator.

The diamond material suddenly started shaking as if dislodging itself from the earth, and it started rising increasing in height until I came face to face…no that would be an understatement I wasn't looking at it face to face, it was looking down on me from above like the proud monstrosity it is.

A50 foot tall monster, covered in a full body mane that was white as snow , with diamonds for claws and eyes that were so cold it sent shivers down the spine of whoever it deemed prey, the only animal I could link it to ban on Ooo would be a bear.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


