23.8% That Time I Got Reincarnated / Chapter 5: Off To The Dungeon - Part 4

章 5: Off To The Dungeon - Part 4

Today represented a significant turning point for many individuals, as they braced themselves for the impending challenges that would shape their futures. How they navigated these obstacles would ultimately determine whether they would emerge as leaders or be relegated to the sidelines.

Seated in their assigned positions, the students eagerly awaited the guidance of their teacher, Yoshino Haruka. Haruto, however, found himself casually observing his peers. Some exuded confidence, almost as if they had been anointed as the chosen ones destined to save the world, while others maintained a composed demeanor, concealing their inner turmoil. Haruto could empathize with their struggles, evident in their expressions.

The sudden emergence of dungeons and monsters had thrown the world into disarray. As an avid gamer, Haruto couldn't help but draw parallels between the unfolding crisis and the mechanics of the games he enjoyed. The mention of "drop items" only served to underscore his frustration at their apparent inability to comprehend the gravity of the situation. It seemed they were unable to see beyond their own perspectives.

Mio sat nervously beside Ichika, her thoughts racing back to the recent earthquake that had shaken her home. In the midst of the chaos, a creature resembling a goblin had invaded her house. At that moment, Mio's mind had been preoccupied with thoughts of Haruto's carefree demeanor at school as she went about washing dishes. After completing her task, she made her way towards her room, only to freeze upon hearing the relentless banging on the entrance door, as if someone were violently attempting to break in.

Terrifying images flooded Mio's mind as she recalled the recent news of a family brutally murdered by an unknown assailant, instilling fear in the community. Now, with the door being mercilessly hacked apart, Mio trembled with fear, taking a step back in horror. She dreaded what awaited on the other side.

As the door finally gave way, Mio's widened eyes locked onto the grotesque figure standing in the doorway. Questioning her own sanity, she gasped in disbelief as the creature emitted a chilling laugh and advanced towards her, wielding a small club. Its green appearance and weapon mirrored those of countless adversaries she had encountered in games.

"A goblin?!" Mio exclaimed in shock. Before she could comprehend the situation, the goblin lunged, raising its club menacingly. In a moment of sheer terror, Mio closed her eyes, resigned to her fate. Tears streamed down her face as thoughts of unfinished dreams with Haruto flooded her mind.

"Swoosh! Slash! Thud!"

In an instant, a brilliant burst of light sliced through the air, splitting the goblin in half. Facing Mio was a girl, emanating an aura of heroism as she wielded a shining katana. With a tranquil smile, she sheathed her blade and approached Mio, emitting a gentle chuckle. Her ponytail swayed gracefully as she neared, her breath causing a tingling sensation in Mio's ears. Surprised by the sudden closeness of the breath, Mio let out a startled scream.

"Ha-ha-ha!" chuckled the girl who had rescued Mio from the crisis. Catching the sound of laughter, Mio turned to look at her savior and leaped into her arms. Feeling secure, Mio was grateful that the girl had arrived just in time, as she always did. However, upon hearing the laughter aimed at her, Mio pinched the girl, indicating her disapproval of the behavior.

"Ouch...! Okay, okay, Mio, I promise not to laugh again. Please, stop!" pleaded the girl, wincing from the pinch.

"Hmph! Laugh all you want! Let's see how you'll laugh when I'm done with you, Ichika! You need to be taught a lesson! I'll make sure of it this time!" declared Mio to her friend Ichika, who had come to her rescue. Today, the two had arranged to meet at Mio's house as summer vacation drew to a close. They had planned to spend the remaining days together. However, upon meeting, they found themselves facing an unexpected situation.

Examining the goblin's body, Ichika found amusement in Mio's childlike curiosity. Engrossed in playing detective, Mio remained oblivious to Ichika recording her on video. After completing their investigation, they left the body where it was and retreated to Mio's room. They discussed monsters, a topic that felt surreal to them, yet after encountering one, they knew their experience was all too real.

During that pivotal moment, the world was jolted by a seismic earthquake, its sheer force rippling through the very essence of existence. Mio and Ichika swiftly sought refuge, their instincts honed to sense the tremors, their hearts echoing the rhythm of the earth's convulsions. In an instant, everything shifted, plunging them into a relentless whirlwind of uncertainty and dread. Over the ensuing days, Mio and Ichika absorbed every fragment of information within their grasp, grappling to comprehend the magnitude of the unfolding catastrophe.

Yet, their phones cruelly betrayed them, losing signal and severing their lifeline to the outside world, leaving them isolated and vulnerable, unable to reach out to loved ones or seek aid. Together, they navigated the chaos, their bond strengthening amidst the turmoil, as they anxiously awaited a beacon of connection, a flicker of hope amid the encroaching darkness. When at last they regained signal and attempted to reach out, their phones erupted into sudden activity, shattering the eerie silence that had enveloped them. It was the school urgently beckoning them, their voices tinged with concern and urgency. Mio and Ichika were summoned to the school grounds, their hearts heavy with trepidation as they braced for the unknown that awaited.

The school had already notified their parents of the dire circumstances, their acceptance tinged with an ominous prescience, as though they had foreseen the impending crisis. Learning of this, Mio and Ichika exchanged apprehensive glances, their minds besieged by a deluge of questions and fears. With a sense of urgency propelling them forward, they hastened towards school, their steps echoing through the desolate streets as they encountered fellow students, each burdened with their own anxieties. Witnessing the widespread devastation wrought by the earthquake — buildings reduced to rubble, streets strewn with debris — their hearts went out to the displaced souls they encountered, some clad in garments reminiscent of adventure game characters, their resilience a testament to the human spirit.

Reflecting on the challenges she had faced, Mio reassured herself that she would be fine and took a deep breath to steady her nerves. Glancing at Haruto's usual seat, she felt relieved to see him sitting there, unharmed.

Standing at the teacher's podium was Yoshino Haruka, the instructor for Japanese studies. Surveying her students with a pained expression, she bore the weight of responsibility to educate this class about monsters. Haruka understood that she could shield her students from weaker surface-dwelling monsters. However, she harbored uncertainty about their safety within the depths of a dungeon. Today, she felt compelled to instill in them a sense of resilience.

"Dear students, monsters now share our world with us. They pose a grave danger, with goblins being particularly perilous, especially for young girls. These creatures, green in hue, are driven by base desires and often resort to deceitful means, kidnapping females to propagate their species. Should you encounter one, exercise utmost caution and act swiftly to protect yourselves," Haruka began her lesson on monster lore, her words capturing the undivided attention of her students. With determined sincerity, she continued to impart valuable knowledge about these creatures.

"Now, I'll explain how to utilize your powers. Some of you may already be familiar, but it's crucial to listen attentively," she said sternly. "The abilities you awaken will serve you throughout your life. However, only those with occupations such as fighters and warriors will be selected for dungeon clearance. Others will remain behind, supported by military personnel and researchers, to explore the potential applications of your powers." Haruka noticed a shift in the students' moods as she spoke. She sighed inwardly, acknowledging the harsh reality that those with talent often seize opportunities, leaving the rest with little.

"To awaken your powers, simply say 'status open.' This will unlock your abilities and reveal any aptitude for magic," she instructed. Upon hearing these words, the students erupted into excited chatter, eagerly shouting "status open" as if anticipating a grand event.

"Status open," I murmured softly, as a magical window materialized before me, revealing my potential abilities.



Name: Yoshikawa Haruto

Occupation: Thief

Age: 17

Aptitude: Dark

HP: 50

MP: 50

Physical Attack: 10

Physical Defense: 7

Magic Attack: 12

Magic Defense: 11

Agility: 8

Skills: Shadow Walk, Cat Hands


"So, I've got the Dark attribute, huh?"

Haruto reflected, memories flooding back to the day he acquired the skill 'Dark World.' Cast into the void for an indefinite period, he experienced a myriad of extraordinary things beyond the grasp of ordinary individuals... His head throbbed as he dwelled on the memories.


The classroom echoed with a mix of wails and cheerful exclamations as students reviewed their 'status.'

"Excellent! Herbalist it is, a job that fits me just right!"

"What? I'm stuck as a Butcher? Slicing and dicing meat all day... Well, at least I won't go hungry!"

"Phew! Dodged a bullet there! Compared to the others, being a Blacksmith feels like wielding the hammer of destiny itself!"

Some students exuded joy, while others lamented, and a few breathed sighs of relief... Their destinies were now etched in stone.

I surveyed the disheartened students assigned roles like carpenter, winemaker, and cook. Their dreams shattered, the heroic fantasies they nurtured dashed by the stark reality of their assignments.

Observing her students from the podium, Haruka heaves a sigh. She hadn't anticipated her students venturing into this path so soon. However, she acknowledges the necessity of dungeon clearance. With the looming threat of monsters accumulating and potentially flooding the cities closest to the dungeons, it becomes crucial to avert such scenarios. To achieve this, high-level jobs are essential for clearing the dungeons. Haruka casts a quick glance at Tachi and his group, noting their cheerful demeanor. She assumes their results must be satisfactory.

"Okay, everyone, quiet down. Mio and Ichika, please go and collect their status data."

In response to the summons from Haruka-sensei, both Mio and Ichika swiftly rose from their seats and obediently complied with her instructions. After meticulously gathering the required data for a minute, they approached Haruka and handed over the compiled status information.

Methodically examining the status updates of her students, Haruka felt a weight lift off her shoulders as she discovered that most of them held crucial attacker roles, essential for dungeon clearance. With each reassuring revelation, a sense of relief washed over her, and a smile of satisfaction graced her lips. Her pride swelled as she carefully scrutinized the statuses of Ichika, Tachi, Mio, Abe, and Sakai, recognizing their exceptional abilities and the valuable contributions they could make to the team.

Tachi Keisuke attained the sought-after position of "Hero," with his companion Sakai Fuji claiming the role of "Berserker," and Nishikawa Ichika earning the prestigious title of "Magic Swordswoman." Nakaya Mio was appointed as the formidable "Sword Priestess," and Abe Hinata achieved the esteemed status of "Martial Master." These were the highest echelons of humanity's roles, revered and respected by all.

"Having completed the assessment of your statuses, I'm relieved to report that most of you hold the required roles to enter the dungeon. Yet, for those remaining, it might pose difficulties. However, I cannot definitively determine who can or cannot enter the dungeon, as this decision lies with the school leaders..."

"Additionally, you will all be staying at the school in the upcoming days. Your parents have been notified, so there's no need for concern. Take this time to relax. As for the rest of the class activities, the decision will be yours to make, as us teachers will be occupied with compiling the data. Farewell."

Following Haruka's departure, the classroom buzzed with excitement as students eagerly showcased their jobs and abilities. Tachi and his companions were quickly surrounded after unveiling their roles and attributes. Enthusiastic girls bombarded Tachi with questions about his hero job, while the boys engaged in friendly banter, comparing their strengths. Amidst the lively atmosphere, Mio and Ichika discreetly made their way to Haruto's side, joining him amidst the bustling crowd.

"Yoshikawa-san, why do you think monsters appeared?" Mio asked, her curiosity evident in her voice.

Seeing Mio and Ichika seated nearby close to him, Haruto couldn't resist the urge to tease. "Maybe they heard there was a party and wanted to join in on the fun," he quipped with a playful grin.

Ichika laughed, adding to the jest, "Yeah, they probably heard we were having a blast and wanted to crash the party!"

"Yeah, I think..." Mio trailed off, realizing she was almost taken in by their teasing. She puffed her cheeks in playful exasperation. "Ichika, Yoshikawa-san, please don't tease me like that," she admonished, her tone light-hearted despite her feigned annoyance.

"Okay joke aside what do you think about monsters drops and leveling up dont you think its similar to fantasy games" withh excitement hidden in his voice said haruto

Ichika took a moment to ponder, her tone carrying a hint of doubt. "You know, I never really considered it that way, but now that you mention it, there are indeed some remarkable similarities," she conceded.

"It's intriguing, isn't it? After defeating monsters we can gather experience and acquire new skills—it's almost like we're characters in our own RPG"

"Exactly! And the monsters dropping items—it's just like looting in a game"

"I wonder if we can find rare drops like in games too..."

"Who knows? Maybe we'll stumble upon a legendary item in our first dungeon exploration!"

"Well, one thing's for sure—we're in for an adventure unlike any other!" Ichika smiled at the excited duo, her thoughts drifting back to the days when Mio's interests in games, anime, and light novels suddenly sparked. Since then, she and Mio had been immersed in the otaku world together.

Haruto was deep in conversation with Mio and Ichika, completely oblivious to his surroundings. Meanwhile, Keisuke kept sneaking glances in their direction, his face twitching with discomfort each time. Eventually, he excused himself from his classmates, and together with Fuji, they headed towards where Ichika and Mio were seated. Hinata sighs at the scene and followed suit, joining the group. The sudden appearance of Keisuke, Fuji, and Hinata interrupted their ongoing conversation.

Ichika's apologetic glance towards Haruto indicated the group's unexpected arrival. Keisuke and Fuji took seats facing Haruto, while Hinata positioned himself beside him. With everyone, including Haruto, now gathered, they were ready to resume their conversation from where they had left off. Although Haruto didn't mind and simply began to listen to the group's discussion about their plans for the dungeon, the glares being cast in his direction made him feel uncomfortable.

Haruto reflected on how merely sitting among them could incite envy and jealousy among the other students.

As the discussion persisted, the day gradually faded into night. Given the situation, students were required to stay on campus for the foreseeable days, with accommodations arranged separately for boys and girls. They spent the night undisturbed, slipping into peaceful slumber and dreams.

The following morning, they were roused from their slumber early and directed to assemble at the playground for exercises. Both boys and girls complied, initiating their routine with running laps and engaging in activities like football and basketball to acclimate to their augmented abilities. Their exercise regimen would span from morning until late at night, with only six hours allotted for sleep and a mere 30 minutes for breaks to catch their breath. The demanding routine drained their energy but fortified their resolve, compelling them to quickly adjust to the challenges of their unfamiliar circumstances. Despite the physical exhaustion, their commitment never faltered as they tackled each task with unyielding concentration. Fueled by a competitive drive, they pushed themselves to excel, eager to demonstrate their capabilities and prowess.

After enduring ten days of strenuous physical conditioning, the students found themselves in higher spirits and noticeably stronger physically. However, those who specialized in support magic struggled to keep pace, highlighting the unique challenges they encountered in the training program. Despite this disparity, the overall atmosphere among the students remained optimistic and resolute as they persisted in their efforts to adapt and excel.

The long-awaited day to embark on their dungeon journey had finally arrived. Equipped with bags containing safety essentials and provisions, they were also armed with swords, shields, and leather armor for protection and maneuverability. With all preparations complete, they eagerly followed their teacher, Yoshino Haruka, toward the dungeon, brimming with excitement at the prospect of confronting and defeating monsters.

"Goodbye, my peaceful life," Haruto murmured, resigning himself to the path ahead as he followed the others on the journey toward the dungeon.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


