2.19% TGD: My Way To Achieve Peace / Chapter 2: CH-0 Prologue

章 2: CH-0 Prologue

In a vast universe, where numerous stars glowed with brilliance, several god-like entities loomed over a female figure.

She lay incapacitated on the unforgiving ground of the planet, gasping for breath as the cruel sting of wounds on her chest overtook her.

Her persona outspread as a breathtaking show, adjoining by an aura of fervent intensity as though a certain fire surrounded her.

Her long, blonde tresses, crowned with golden baubles, cascade down in a brilliant cascade, complementing her piercing blue eyes.

Adorned in a masterfully handmade, ebony gown that contrasts beautifully with her glowing complexion, she had an unmistakable aura of power and authority.

"Ah, so that's what you all were cooking behind my back?" The words slipped from Iris Hope, the Goddess of Destruction, with an air of inspection rather than shock.

A deadpan expression painted the faces of the surrounding god-like beings.

But contrary to their expectations, Iris didn't seem afraid; instead, she appeared... Entertained.

"Do you feel no remorse for the chaos you've inflicted upon our realm?" A female angel challenged her, the icy gaze of an almighty empress seemingly reducing Iris to insignificance.

"I merely stirred up a 'little' trouble out of boredom." Brushing off the animated accusation with a soft, spirited giggle, Iris admitted lightly.

"You-" the same woman about to say something but Iris cut her off with a playful wink. The icy gaze of the woman only grew colder.

"Go on, darling Maya, aren't you the twin whore who climbed her way to divinity by having sex with numerous men in dual cultivation and just for money?" Iris interrupted, childishness dancing in her eyes.

"..." The tension between the two hung heavy in the air, their gazes locked in a standoff.

"You should remember, this Charming woman before you is Iris, the Goddess of Destruction." The silence was eventually broken by Iris. "My actions were not chaotic but were justified. Because every crime warrants a punishment which is death if it somehow relates to me."

"So, you find taking lives to be as simple as breathing?" Hearing the bestial male lion's intervention, Iris got quizzed a pointed question.

In response, the goddess effortlessly adopted an air of insouciance.

"Oh, bother with the trifles. Instead, allow me to ask, if your wife's flesh is similar to roasted poultry, would it taste delicious upon my return if I dine her?" With a sly lick of her lips, she jested carelessly.

With a blast, the beastly white lion bellowed incensed, "... MOTHER-FUCKER, BEFORE THAT YOU WILL DIE!"

The area around her trembled with the power of his aggression and killing intent.

Unfazed by both the man's rage and his dauntless display of strength, Iris only chortled as she yawned. "Ah, there's no need for theatrics! After all, not a single soul can claim my life other than me, myself. Let me sleep… [Flame of hell]"

As she thought last words, torrents of fire engulfed her majestically.

Her body disintegrated, starting from her lower half, transforming into a pile of ashes in a mere instant.

With a series of teasing words, she left with a promise, "When I return in this realm, I'm gonna havoc and the only name you will know as the ruler is Iris Hope."

Her form dissolved into a mound of ash, blending effortlessly as it was absorbed by the planet below.

As the fiery air dissipated, anxiously, everyone held their breath, overwhelmed by the sensation that accompanied the flares' of spirit essence(Si in short) in space.

Sensing its malignancy, the atmosphere pulsed with hostility.

The flames vanished as swiftly as they had appeared, yet something lingered in their minds. A single thought clearly between their ears: Revenge.

Oh, they would pay the harrowing price for the betrayal to their dearest friend—Iris, the mighty Goddess of Destruction.


Following the end of my physical existence, I couldn't resist watching with fun as my former friends scramble to escape from the catastrophic disaster I left behind.

I felt no actual pain, but inside, I felt a strong urge for revenge against all the betrayers.

I had been detailed that these traitors who schemed my death were mad by greed for my wealth.

Yet, I couldn't believe their devotion to me had been reduced to a mere matter of money, manipulated by the enemy and I also had yet to identify those fuckers.

Notwithstanding the heavy emotions' tsunami within my ghostly heart, I recognised the importance of patience, as I needed to move my pawn into an intelligent way for my vengeful return.

As I transformed my hidden spirit form into a visible entity, I manifested my distinct weapon - the sword of Destruction.

All of this transpired while the world lay overlooking my presence… Hehe, Maybe, waiting to enact a new scheme against those who wronged me.


I proceeded to maim my ethereal figure as I slashed and hacked at my translucent self, splitting apart the core of my being.

I then cast a part of my primary soul into the mortal realm, taking the form of a solitary sphere.

As it descended, its purpose was to gain knowledge from the new world in preparation for fusion once again with me.

In the meantime, I remained in this world and the universe anew, allowing me to be reborn again with previous body look.

As I grew more familiar with the surroundings, I intended to gather critical data on their technological advancements.

The rationale behind this strategy was rooted in the part that even the powerful beings known as Cultivators were unable to peer into those human worlds.

This is because these mortal territories were specially blessed by the Five Heavens for the express purpose of offering sanctuary to normal humans with not any type of energy to exist.

Living into a new world, My agenda concurrently aimed at developing potential subordinates coexisted with the pursuit of knowledge.

This was set in motion while my main soul was diligently working on accomplished invaluable information.

The path towards retribution has just begun, And only after a few years I have to wait to take step forward in my game with the master.

Be safe, Master…I already miss you.

A_Jhonny A_Jhonny

First Chapter, Hope you like it, And it's First time writing this first person pov so endure it as long as you can... If you wishes, I will change into third person pov.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


