TV 220 章 2.6M ビュー

4.4 (48 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次 Reviews


A boy wakes up in the middle of the woods with no idea of who or where he was. Read how he thrives to live and gain a purpose amidst the never ending chaos in the supernatural community of Beacon Hills.



Disclaimer: None of the characters, except the MC, are mine.

As always, my story will be cross-posted on Scribblehub and Fanfiction.net

  1. RaRaOs
    RaRaOs 貢献した 467
  2. tallhattt
    tallhattt 貢献した 450
  3. Un_lecteur
    Un_lecteur 貢献した 419


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット




  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



Dum! Dum!! Dum!! My second fanfiction is finally here and I have to say I'm pretty nervous about this one. The reason I chose a Teen Wolf fic to wrote is because there were absolutely none(those on Wattpad don't count) that I found, interesting, except one here on Webnovel, but unfortunately it was dropped so I have high hopes for this one. I decided to write Teen Wolf because I wanted to challenge myself and also take a break, or rather another outlook, from the one I took in Marvel: Re-do. Believe it or not, writing something as complicated as a Marvel fic is hard so kudos to all the authors who managed to make theirs a wonderful story. Now unto TEEN WOLF: BLOODBORN. The starting is a little iffy as I was torn between the different scenarios that came to me when writing the first few chapters so it might seem a little bit... nor sure of the word I want to use there, but that's how it might seem. Whatever it might be, it's definitely a unique start, one of its kind. I assure you. I'm not going to give too many spoilers about it so you'll just have to make your own impressions. Romance? Of course. Though this one will be way different than what I tried to portray in Marvel. Main love interest is Malia... I just love that girl. She's the very picture of my ideal girlfriend so don't judge. The only thing I'll say is that they both meet quite early on, way earlier than she waS introduced in the series...and I mean WAY earlier. As for MC, this is where it gets a little bit interesting. The situation about the MC's beginning in reference to the starting of the novel is quite interesting so his situation overall follows the same route. As for what he is... He's a vampire. Or at least one of the many types portrayed in media. Like everyone knows, a vampire in Teen Wolf is overkill so I'll have to bring him down to their level, like way down. His vampirism is a cross between Twilight's and The Vampire Diaries', in the sense that he doesn't burn in the sun and does not glow either. He has the normal weakness to vampires, also news one based on Teen Wolf's myths and also the urge which impacts his character in most ways. In essence, he would be quite similar to a Wendigo for those familiar with Teen Wolf's supernaturals. That's all I can say, so please look forward to it.

46 の返信を表示する

The story is pretty familiar if you've seen the first season of the show, so nothing to really write home about there though of course being a SI/new MC there are some twists and turns as one expects with a fanfic. The writing is decent, but for Webnovel it's a five because it has complete sentences with a basic grasp of grammar. The updates appear to be regular.. The main, and really only, problem I have with this novel so far is the MC's personality. Apathy as a character trait does not work. It can work temporarily as a building block that shows character development, but as is, it seems that the author intends to keep the character apathetic the entire time. The MC only gets involved in things that very directly involve him or provoke his "bloodlust" which is just edgelord'y but I suppose isn't the worst. Anyway, unlike your standard "apathetic" cultivation MCs, he doesn't even seem to care for training, self development or face slapping. He literally seems to care about one thing and one thing only, and that's his girlfriend. I would recommend the story up to its current chapter on Webnovel (54 chapters) but if MC continues to stay apathetic, I'd say not to bother, eventually the fact that the only way MC gets roped into things is through proximity is going to get old. The fact that the author is writing a fanfic of a "teen drama series" and seems apathetic toward "teen activities" and "drama" is all you really need to know.

3 の返信を表示する

Honestly bad the character has zero development even after years he remains the same with no goal or ambition boring af. The pacing and story telling are horrendous it’s every where and the author can’t seem to remember or decide what supernatural he is or if he even is one. There is also the issue of him having no ambition he’s essentially just an insert that is just there to be a rag doll

5 の返信を表示する
LV 14 Badge

Author writing a chapter: He went shopping and stuffAuthor in the comments: He was turned but not into a werewolf, no big deal so I just did it off screen

2 の返信を表示する

First review besides the author! Well, if I know this author, I have high expectations for this fic. I'm something of a Teen Wolf fic writer myself (Looks at my AO3 with 55 fics of Teen Wolf, mainly Sterek cause i got a little bit obsessed with the ship)

8 の返信を表示する

Author don't drop the fic. I'm currently binge watching teen wolf, so would love some quality fic on the go. Would like it to reach atleast season 4. You know see the same scenes from a different perspective. Btw you're doing a great job with the fic. So again don't drop. 🙂

1 の返信を表示する

Although the beginning was confusing, it turned out quite well. That cannot be said about the last chapters so far. If in the beginning it was pity for the main character and because of this kind of drama it was interesting to read, then everything goes downhill. The character of the protagonist is so bad, I didn't like his thoughts at all. This is my opinion as a reader and it may not coincide with others. Liked the chemistry between Malia and the main character. That's basically it.

4 の返信を表示する

the story gets better the more you read, trust. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4 の返信を表示する

A vampire was already enough to eanr you a five star. The story was enough to enough you more.. .but sadly this the most I can give

1 の返信を表示する

I woud give more but i have to see how mc reacts in conflict and interacts with other people. If he is a p* as you are making him out to be then i would give less. But if you exagerated and mc retaliates then i will give five. Otherwise very well writen. I especialy like the relationship you made with Malia. It has everything i ever wanted from it.

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power stones for you [img=update][img=update][img=update]

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Hey guys, my friend has a very good teen Wolf story on FanFiction.net called Teen Wolves, look for it and read it, it's currently in season 5 and releasing chapters, read it, you won't regret it

2 の返信を表示する

Todo muy aburrido y sin sentido... Pero es bueno si quieren algo que los haga dormir

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C'est une histoire qui à un début difficile selon mon point de vue mais qui à une très bonne intrigue sa suit à la fois le canon de la série tous en modifiant certains événements en conclusion l'histoire est bonne

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The starting so far had been great. Loved the way you eased the characters into each other. Hoping to see more when canon kicks off

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Don't know what u was expecting when I started reading but I'm loving this... MC's a vampire, though what variant still remains to be seen, but the author's effort in portraying Tristan is sublime. Just give a read before u make a decision to drop

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0 の返信を表示する

The best and longest teen wolf novel on Webnovel. Really like the character development for Tristan and his evolution as a person. The pacing events essentially follow canon (duh what do you expect) but the author has done a good job in my opinion with inserting his own character and plot developments. It doesn’t feel like Tristan is just “along for the ride with the cast”. Thanks Author, would love to see more 😊

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very good fan fiction, a good development of person especially of our MC, the only thing I had to reproach was the lack of information regarding his past and his disinterest in it that has probably changed, looking forward to the next chapters!!!

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LV 4 Badge

Very good; I'm currently in chapter 185 and so far nothing has really displeased me, perhaps the lack of development of the protagonist's past, but that will probably have an explanation in the future and I really liked the MC's development with his friends, I found it very satisfactory and in line with his personality. And of course the Romance with Malia is very good, not something that takes up the focus of the story, they are small constructed moments that give a very good natural quality.(Google Translate)

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