80.95% TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha / Chapter 16: Chapter 14 - Dusk Pack's first full moon

章 16: Chapter 14 - Dusk Pack's first full moon

"Why did you threaten him?" Allison asked me, her eyes glowed with anger, "You'll understand in time" i said and moved and carried her princess-style, "W-what are you doing?" she asked me with surprise in her voice, "Just hold on tight" i relpied and crouched down,

the concrete started cracking, heavy fog came and shrouded the entire block, my eyes glowed scarlet red, Allison's heart rate increased, "Here we go" i whispered calmly, and then with her in my arms,

i jumped, the concrete beneath my feet, caved in, i soared, high into the sky, and arrived around the sixth floor, my momentum slowed down, i reached out my right foot and stepped on a window ledge and used it as leverage to propel us upward with one single push, causing us to continue our ascent,

we floated up easily and arrived on the roof, "What the f..""Dude! How'd you do that?" Danny interruped Stiles, whilst Erica and Sarah looked at me with shock and surprise, i landed softly and stepped down off of the roofs edge, "Let's just say, i evolved" i answered with a smile.

"Alright, take a seat, tonight, i'm gonna try and help you guys anchor yourselves, Allison sit beside me, if they lose control i'll be able to force them to submitt and shift back to normal" i said and led them towards the small outdoor firepit,

"Do you guys feel it? Your instincts tryna take over, your emotions dailed up to 10?" i asked and sat down, "Yeah, it's like the simplest things can set us off" Stiles answered,

"Exactly, what i'm gonna teach you, is a way to anchor your instincts, a way for you to have control during full moons especially" i said as each of them sat and formed a half circle infront of me, "How exactly?" Allison asked looking a little worried,

"Well there are different ways, every alpha teaches their betas in the way they themselves learnt control, for example, Satomi of the Bhuddist pack that resides, in the town next to ours,

teaches hers using a mantra, [Three things cannot long be hidden, the sun, the moon, the truth] her betas repeat this mantra, until they calm down or control their wolf sides, the Hale pack also had a mantra, [Alpha, beta, omega] they repeated this whilst holding a carved triskelion medallion, it helps with focus", i said

"Now for ours, the Dusk pack, i have chosen the <Triquetra> as our pack symbol, i have carved the symbol out on these round wooden plaques" i said as i handed each of them a wooden medallion with the <Triquetra> carved on it, it was small so it could fit perfectly in the palm of their hands, "Now that's yours, keep them with you" i said and sat back down,

all of them looked at me with questioning gazes, "Pack symbols are important, they state what your pack stands for, and also differentiates you from other werekin, take the Hale packs <Triskelion> symbol, each spiral represents, an alpha, a beta, and an omega, meaning an alpha can lose it's power and fall to become a beta, or even an omega, and a beta can rise to become an alpha, or fall to an omega, whilst an omega can rise to be either ones" i explained, "So what does our symbol represent?" Sarah asked me,

"The three points of our <Triquetra> will represent: Werewolves, Humans and supernatural creatures, and the circle that connects all three points,

will represent, the delecate balance that connects and separates all three of our worlds, forever tittering on the edge of chaos and harmony, our worlds are forever connected to one another" i explained, "Wow! That's pretty deep" Danny said with a look of understanding,

"Haha, i know, now... i'm gonna teach you to anchor yourself to a memory, not just any memory, a memory that stirs a deep emotion within you, you could also anchor yourself to a person you love,

but i strongly disapprove of that, that kind of anchor is fickle, and can turn bad, if that person dies or breaks your heart, you will lose the anchor, so that's why i recommend using a memory" i said and looked at them in the eyes,

"Now close your eyes, i want you to think of a very happy memory, it could be a memory about a loved, or about a place, a memory that stirs joy from within your very soul, a memory so significant, that when you are at your lowest, this memory puts a smile to your face, and drags you out from the darkness within" i said and stood up,

"Now hold on to that memory, i'm going to force you to shift, if you feel your about to lose control, feel the medalion in your hands, and think on that memory....you ready" i asked as each and everyone of them nodded, they kept their eyes shut, and focused a their specific memories,

"Here we go....3....2....1, *Grrrshhhhiiiiiffftrr*" i growled in a low deep voice, everyone instantly shifted into their full forms, they turned and looked at each other with wonder, they had control over their bloodlust and instincts, the moon was out, shining brightly, all their eyes were shining golden,

"W-wow!" Allison gasped from beside me, "Well done, now, your officially werewolves" i smiled, "Hahahaha we did it, we-we did it" Stiles shouted and shifted back to being a human, "We did it!" Erica yelled and jumped at me, and kissed me, "Haha calm down, the nights still young, and we have an initiation to do" i said as i accepted her kiss but pushed her off of me quick, "Initiation?" Sarah asked and looked at me confused,

"Well there actually wasn't one, but our good friend Stiles here, had said that we needed one, so.... tonight.. we hunt" i said and moved to grab a few folders and handed them to everyone,

"In your hands, are photos and information on people that have moved into Beacon Hills in the past 10 years since the Hale pack was killed, they are either supernatural, or criminals, Allison think you can wait for us here? we'll be back within an hour" i said and looked at Allison who nodded "Sure, i'll wait" she answered and went down into the apartment,

"Now, there are a few who are just normal people, don't worry only those i suspect to be supernatural, are on those papers, and the kind of supernaturals they are, are the bloody kind, tonight, we run them out of town, or we straight up kill them, it will depend on the situation, and you" i said and moved to the roofs ledge, "Choose your prey, and let's go" i added and jumped off the roof.

(MC POV End)

(Erica POV)

My target, was a man named James Kolan, he moved here 5 years ago, i chose him because he had been suspected of multiple counts of rape and abuse, but was never charged due to insufficient evidence, their were also a few rapes in the area, since he moved in, but the sheriff couldn't convict him without evidence,

so here we were, watching him walk to the park, in a black hoody and black pants, {Erica, how do you want to do this?} Jake asked using our telepathic link that we had discovered before we left the apartment, everyone of us could talk to eachother like this, or send images and memories if we wished, we could also easily feel what other members of our pack are feeling, if we concentrate and focus on them,

{I wanna see if he'll try to attack someone first} i replied, and followed the guy, all around us in the dark i could see golden eyes, watching us, and one pair of bright red eyes on me, suddenly thick fog started to set in, completely blocking visibility, but for us it was just slight haze,

i knew it was Jake who did it, manipulating the fog, {I'm gonna use myself as bait and see if he'll do something} i said to the pack, {Ok} was the reply i got, James Kolan stopped and turned to see me behind him, he didn't move forward and instead dropped pretending to tie his shoelaces, when i walked past him he grabbed me in a rear naked chokehold and tried to squeeze,

but i moved quick and elbowed him in the gut before smashing the back of my head into his nose, *CRACK* "AAARH-" i turned and ripped his face off using my claws, stopping his scream before it could get louder, {Ok, everyone, follow Danny, i'll clean this up} Jake sent a message telepathically to us, my claw was dripping with blood, but i had killed the real monster, we all turned to run to Danny and we vanished in the fog.

(Erica POV End)

<Time - 11:04)


Unlike Erica the rest of the pack members didn't want to kill, so we had chased some people out of town or seriously crippled them, the last one was Sarah, she chose a guy named Henry Stimpleson, i didn't know much about him,

but a few things stood out about him, he lived alone, and a few kids had said he was stalking them, Henry had moved into town a year ago, and hadn't really done anything, but the guy had gotten into altercations with his neighbours and sometimes stalked the kids and teens of his block, the sheriff had issued him two warnings for his behaviour but the guy hasn't taken them seriously,

tonight he would have to leave town, or be removed from existence, it all depended on him, {You ready love?} i asked Sarah through the link, {Yes} she answered, {We'll follow your lead, how do you want to do this?" i asked her as we watched Henry walk into an allyway watching a teen couple who were walking down the street not to far from us,

{Lets corner him here, Stiles, you and Danny block him from the front, Erica and i'll block him from the back, we keep him in the middle between us and question him} she said firmly and led the way to the guy, i was just here to watch and step in if they couldn't handle a situation, otherwise this initiation, was to be handled by they themselves,

i was on the roof of the building overlooking the alley watching as the 4 of them cornered the guy, Sarah took the lead in questioning him, it was all calm at first, until suddenly the guy changed, his skin and hair sort of receded and his body looked like it was squirming, he suddenly went bald,

his skin turned to scales, green-ish gray in color, he flicked his tongue at Sarah, his tongue was forked, hi s fangs came out as well, Sarah was shocked by the sudden transformation, but quickly reacted and shifted herself into her werewolf form, i jumped down right between them as the guy attacked her, i blocked his strick, and was abit confused,

because his attack felt light, i thought he was a kanima so i had jumped in to protect Sarah, but this guy wasn't one, he had no claws or tail like a kanima's and his eyes weren't yellow, they were just slit pupils, "Sarah i think you can take this one yourself" i said and took a step back,

Sarah didn't waste time and attacked, with a swift move, she arrived in front of him and slashed her claws at his stomach, his scales weren't strong enough to withstand her claws and she easily sliced through them, splashing blood and guts everywhere, what was even more surprising was the dead child that suddenly fell out of the guys stomach,

making all of us stop and stare in shock at him and the child's body, the child looked no more than 8 years old, Sarah was so shocked that she did not know what to do, giving the creature a chance to pounce at her, but i grabbed it by it's throat before it could reach her,

"_YOU_DISGUSTING_ANIMAL_" i said, my fangs grew out and eyes glowed, i shifted my arm into my full alpha form and thrust it into the creatures chest, before ripping out it's heart and crushing it with a clench of my hand, the creature's skin slowly squirmed before he changed back to human,

"Wha-what the hell was that thing?" Stiles shouted with clear disbelief and shock in his voice, "Do you know what it was Jake?" Danny added and looked at me, "i don't know what it was" i answered with a look of confusion at the creature and dropped his body,

"We need to call the sheriff, it had a kid in it's stomach, we...""It's ok Sarah, it's ok, come on let's get out of here, we'll talk more once we get home" Erica said as she gently held Sarah's hand and led her and the others away, i turned and followed them soon after i sent an anonymous text to the sheriff's department.

Time - 11:47 pm

Back at the apartment everyone told Allison about the night and the people they hunted, Allison wasn't comfortable when she saw the blood on Sarah, Erica and Danny, Danny's was less bloody than the girls since he only broke his preys nose and threatened him to leave town or die by morning,

Stiles was the only one who threatened to expose all of his preys dirty little secrets if she didn't leave town and never return, Stiles prey was a woman named Olivia Harold who sex traffics young girls,

Stiles had Danny hack all her financials and threatened to release them to the FBI if she did not leave the States, ofcourse the minute she packed and was tryna leave Stiles had already sent her information to the Feds, anonymously, all her bank accounts were frozen curtesy of Danny our designated 'Tech Wolf',

they had also put a tracer on her phone, i really have no idea how these two did it but they said the FBI should pick her up by tomorrow, Danny's prey was a guy named Loyd Palsor a wannabe gangster who was cooking meth just next to a kids play ground, Danny broke his arm and nose, and told him to leave or he'd wake up one morning with his nuts in a cup next to him,

the guy cried like a baby and drove off immediately after burning his trailer home down, it was were he was cooking, Allison listen to everyone patiently, she was aghast about that things these people did, so she didn't feel any anger towards us, she even said we did a good thing and made jokes about it, talk about a twist in personality,

We talked about the snake like creature discussing what exactly it was, but came to no obvious conclusion, we'd ask our pack emissary once he/she came to us, until then we'd just speculate,

Stiles said it could have been a weresnake, I thought it was a gorgon, or unevolved kanima though, but us speculating would do nothing so we dropped the topic soon after,

and just as midnight hit i smelt a familiar scent of a beta, not mine, but anothers, while everyone was busy talking and telling stories i slipped away and headed to the roof and looked down to the street, there i saw Scott sniffing around in his werewolf form, tryna find a way to climb up,

i also spotted Derek who chased down Scott before attacking him and dragging him away, i shrugged and returned inside, i cleared my throat to get everyones attention, "Guys, i have something to tell you, by the end of the school year i'll be transferring to Portland High, in Oregon,

remember the lawyer i went to see in L.A, well he had some papers for me to sign, as well as give somethings, it seems my mother came from a very wealthy family, everything they owned has now been transfered over to me, and since i'm emancipated, i am now one of the richest teenagers in the entire world,

go figure, i also learnt about my mother's name, Elianor Arcadia, she was the last of her family, and since i am her son and the last living descendant of the entire Arcadia clan, everything they owned is now mine, homes in Hungary, England, Spain, France, here in the U.S, i own alot of properties,

so it seems i'll be busy visiting this places to very soon, but before that can happen, my mother left very specific instructions for me to follow before i can lay claim to the entire Arcadia clan's fortune, the very first thing she wanted me to do was head to Portland, Oregon, it seems my maternal family owned an old mansion there,

my mother wants me to find something hidden within, i've been given a key, and a map, the lawyer who gave me these things was a werewolf, sworn to loyalty to follow my mother's instructions, he said he was part of her pack, and she had entrusted him, to take care of eveything and only come to me if my mother suddenly disappeared,

he said she has been missing for 5 years now, and he was told to come find me when i turned 17, which i will in a month from now" i said and looked at them all, "So... your leaving us?" Erica asked as tears formed in her eyes,

"No, i'm asking you and Sarah to come with me to Portland, Danny can you and Stiles hold down the den while were gone?" i said and looked at Danny, "You can count on us Jake" Danny nodded, "Yeah" Stiles added they came over with everyone and gave me a big hug, "So when are you leaving?" Allison asked,

"At the end of the school year, Erica, Sarah and i will transfer to Portland High, we will be there for a year, and will return after the year ends" i said and gave her a smile, "But before i leave, i need Derek to become the alpha of Beacon Hills, so i'm gonna help Derek kill the alpha and take Laura's spark back" i said firmly, "Sarah, you ok? You wanna come with me or not?" i asked Sarah because she was being unusually quiet,

and then with out warning she kissed me, "Yes, i wanna come with you" she said and her eyes glowed, at that very moment my other half took over, the half i was locking away anytime the girls kissed me or teased me, the lust inside of me surged, Erica and Sarah immediately picked up on it,

without saying a word they each held my hands and dragged me into my room, "You guys better stay away from the 8th room for awhile, Erica and i have an alpha to tame" Sarah said teasingly and licked her lips, "Hehe i've waited long enough for this" Erica added and hurriedly pulled me along with them inside before slamming the door shut,

(MC POV End)

(3rd person POV)

"Wha-what are they gonna do?" Allison asked with shock, "They're going to slay the beast known as Jacob Hale" Stiles said with a tone of jealousy in his voice as he turned around and went into his room to play a game and keep himself distracted,

"Come on Allison i'll show you to your room , the girls prepared it when you asked to come over" Danny said and led Allison to her room, Allison on the otherhand was slightly distracted and kept glancing at the room the trio of Erica, Jake and Sarah had entered,

for some reason she felt her heartache, Danny left to sleep afterwards,the room Erica and Sarah had taken Jake too was abit sound proof but not entirely, so for the rest of the night, whispers of passionate groans and moans would fill up the corridor of the apartment.

<<<<<R18+ scene next chapter>>>>>>>

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C16
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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