87.5% Teen Mage in Teen Wolf / Chapter 35: Ch. 35 Tuesday Night Time Madness

章 35: Ch. 35 Tuesday Night Time Madness

Myrddin walks to the field after walking Erica to her moms car. He talked with Erica's mom briefly, much to Erica's embarrassment.

He learned that her dad works at an insurance agency and is very busy most of the time. That's why her mom has to take some time out of her work schedule to pick Erica up every now and then. Erica staying after school and watching lacrosse apparently helps her mom since she can finish her work instead of having to push work off until later.

He gets to the field when he realizes he didn't grab his cleats. So he asks Isaac to watch his helmet and stick while he runs back and grabs his cleats.

Ever since he watched that Hannah girl get dragged through the woods while she screamed and shrieked…. clawed at the dirt…. squirmed to get free of whatever was dragging her by her feet… Ever since that vision he's been a little out of it. He's been able to forget about it at times, but when his mind wanders it goes right back to the horrified expression of Hannah like she knows she's already dead.

It was somehow worse than watching Isaac's dad get killed. Did she have a date worse than death?

"You ask him!"

Myrddin hears Scott say like he doesn't want to touch something with a 20 foot stick.

"Why me?! You were the one that Allison asked to ask him! You do it!" Stiles says back, like he doesn't want to touch something with a 30 foot pole.

"I asked you, so you can ask him. That way we both asked one person!" Scott logically states.

"What?! If you're doing the inviting, finish the inviting!" Stiles quickly rebuttals.

Myrddin grabs his cleats and puts them on while listening to these two. They're at least amusing to listen to. But it's almost annoying how oblivious they are to their surroundings.

After Myrddin finishes tying his shoes he walks past the end of their isle of lockers. "Let's get going you two, practice is starting"

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" "Aaaaahhhhh!"

The two scream, with Stiles screaming the loudest which caused Scott to scream which nearly made Myrddin scream as well.

"Stiles!!" Scott complains and hits the guy on his shoulder.

Stiles just stays slack-jawed and wide-eyed as he gets bumped into the lockers.

Myrddin just shakes his head and goes out of the locker room. These two had managed to be the last 2 in the locker room again.

"Myrddin! Wait up!" Scott shouts while dragging Stiles behind him.

This causes Myrddin to slow down and they all head to the field at a jog.

Scott and Stiles proceed to be deadly quiet as they run next to Myrddin.

"So…. what did you want? Or did you just want the 3 of us to show up together?" Myrddin likes silence, but the air was filled with awkwardness.

"Scott just wanted to ask you something!" Stiles blurts out.

Scott gives Stiles a glare before turning back to Myrddin. "So here's the thing… Allison, Jackson, Lydia, and myself are going to hangout after the game Saturday night. She asked me to invite Stiles and you…"

Myrddin looks at Scott and then Stiles and then back to Scott. "Are you and her trying to set me and Stiles up together?"

"What?!" Stiles falls over and eats dirt.

"No! It's just us… hanging out… after the game together. Not a date" Scott looks pained when he says hanging out.

Myrddin stops running. "You want me and Stiles to 5th wheel?"

"No! Wait… maybe? Look, Allison is the one that said I should invite you and Stiles" Scott tries to explain.

Stiles jumps up back to his feet and catches up to the other 2.

"She said you 'should' invite us?" Myrddin asks and gets a nod. "That doesn't mean you 'have' to invite us"

A look of realization and confusion grows on Scott's face. "But then why would she-"

"She wants to be nice. And she wants to know your best friend. After what you pulled at the party you shouldn't have another chance. So get your act together a little bit. And work on those aggression issues before Saturday. We don't need you injuring the entire other team or getting penalized out of the game" Myrddin then runs back to the field and sits next to Isaac while messing with his chinstrap in his helmet with the help of Isaac.

Stiles grabs Scott's shoulder. "I don't wanna 5th wheel either! Have fun on your double date with Jackson and…. Lydia~…. Maybe I can rage along for a little bit? Maybe just long enough that Lydia has to acknowledge my existence. What do you think?" He shakes Scott.

"I think Myrddin just talked his way out of joining us" Scott brushes off Stiles' hand.


That Same Tuesday. Night Time:

"Why are those two out here?" Myrddin asks himself while watching a certain jeep drive down a dirt path through the Preserve.

He's out in the Preserve looking for Hannah or any tracks left before rain comes and wipes away the little clues left behind.

Now, Myrddin has 2 options. He can either keep searching for Hannah aimlessly or go and see what Scott and Stiles are up to and probably get a clue from them.

He doesn't just take off to follow them. Myrddin knows where the road they are taking leads to, it's the Hale house. So he takes his time searching the ground for any clues while he heads towards the duo's destination, but he isn't able to find a thing.

Myrddin isn't just out in the woods looking for one of the alpha's prey without trying to protect himself. He hasn't been able to make himself invisible, but he thinks he has found a way to erase his scent. It's mostly using Ventus to disperse his scent and 'borrow' the surrounding's scent. But he can't be sure if he has fully done it or not. If he gets found by Scott or the alpha that might be his answer.

When he gets near the house he stays back behind the tree line. He doesn't need to get closer due to his eyesight being better than a human's and he can use his mana to give him a slight boost if he needs one. He can also hear the two talk when he pushes some mana to his ears. He's far away to limit the possibility they will find him.

Scott and Stiles are digging up the dirt next to the burned down Hale house. And apparently Scott went to the hospital and sniffed the bottom half of the corpse to make sure it was the same scent he smelled here.

Myrddin really doesn't want to judge Scott. But WHAT THE FUCK?! Sniffing the lower half of a corpse to make sure it has the same scent as something you smelled at a burned down house where there is a patch of recently upturned dirt? Just dig up the dirt to begin with! Don't go sniffing corpses!

After Myrddin's small mental rant, he notices that they actually did dig up half a body. But it was half a wolf, the half with the head.

So… was it like the Twolight werewolves? Were there different types of werewolves? He really did need to join the Argents sooner rather than later for information.

Stiles pulls a rope from around the corpse and it's covered in some sort of plant. And when it was pulled from the ground surrounding the body in a spiral…. Myrddin witnessed the wolf corpse turned into the corpse of the woman he saw in the woods a month ago!


Scott hears a heartbeat suddenly and turns towards the woods in the middle of his and Stiles' freak out over their discovery.

"W-what is it?! Is it Derek?!" Stiles begins freaking out.

"I-… no… it's nothing" Scott figures it might have been his imagination playing tricks on him. How can there only be one heartbeat?

"Holy… you scared the shit outta me dude!" Stiles feels his heart start beating again. The rope still tightly clutched in his hands.


Myrddin's heartbeat nearly gave him away.

He took off as silently as possible. He had already gathered enough information. And he also has something that might help him defeat the alpha.

Stiles mentioned there was a plant called wolfsbane. And it doesn't take a genius to know that it wouldn't be good for a werewolf to come in contact with a plant called wolfsbane.

Deciding to do more research about that plant later, Myrddin gets back to his original purpose for being out here.

Going off towards the next location where he thinks Hannah was taken he thinks about why the alpha would take a girl out here.

This is a behavior it hasn't yet shown previously so Myrddin tries to figure out why. If it wanted to turn her, it could have just bit her and ran like it did with Scott. And if it wanted to kill her… Why drag her out here?

"Wait" His brain cuts to a completely different thought.

That corpse went from full wolf to girl. If she was a unique werewolf… and the alpha is a unique werewolf… could they have fought over something? Did they know each other?

"God this is annoying" Myrddin doesn't like having to think about something so much when he doesn't have the full picture. And it's even more annoying when the information is so difficult to find.

After 30 more minutes he makes his way towards an area of the Preserve that looks more similar to the scenery in his vision than the last area he checked. But that doesn't exactly mean anything considering how big the Preserve is.

Another 45 minutes pass when he finds something. It's the trail Hannah's body made being dragged through the woods. It was covered up but he managed to find some blood she left on a rock, probably from her nails that had been destroyed by clawing at anything and everything to get free.

He decides to follow the trail slowly to make sure he doesn't lose it. He wonders why the alpha would have bothered going back and literally covering its tracks.

After a mile he finds something he can't describe.

It was a footprint, the first one he's found. But it wasn't one you would expect from any kind of werewolf. It was small, and had 4 toes. And the imprint was faint. Meaning the thing was relatively light.

He didn't see more because whatever this thing is, it was able to hide its tracks extremely well. It knew exactly where to step to not leave a trace or how to fully cover up the other footprints it left behind. That means that this thing is smart. Which causes some flags to pop up in Myrddin's mind.

If this isn't a werewolf it could be anything besides a human….

He snaps away from his lost train of thought and comes back to focus on the ground and search for any hint of what this new creature could be.

Following the trail he comes to a small clearing. The grass here seems to have been battered down. It looks like Hannah was either able to briefly escape or the thing let her free for a moment.

In the end, the small splatters of blood here doesn't bode well for Hannah. But some were newer than others….

Myrddin looks around for any clue about what happened. He found more footprints, both human and some of the smaller and 4-toed kind. He saw handprints of the human kind as well. And a smaller set of hand prints that had 4 fingers, including a thumb.

He does his best not to disturb the area as he walks around it, not through it. He spots a small mound, maybe a couple inches tall. Normally it would be overlooked, but Myrddin didn't leave anything to chance.

Moving the mound he realized that it was barely even covered by dirt. It was a barely buried ball of cloth. He picks it up and moves it away from the clearing.

Nothing was inside it, at least nothing heavy. He unravels the ball and spreads it around on the ground.

When he takes a step back and looks at it, it almost looks like pajamas. But these aren't Hannah's clothes. These are pink pajamas, Hannah was wearing something like a tshirt and a skirt. He couldn't really tell what she was specifically wearing, but he would remember something bright pink with hearts over them. These pajamas also look to be that of a woman's who is taller, and presumably older, than 17 year old and 5'6" Hannah.

This means that this small clearing is a gathering place of some sort.

Whatever this thing is, it has dragged at least 2 women to this spot.

Myrddin looks around for Hannah's cloths and is eventually able to find them after an extensive search.

This means that another woman would be reported missing soon if she wasn't already before.

Now the questions is. Where are the women and the thing that took them.

He hasn't found a trail leading anywhere else out of the clearing aside from the one leading into it. So he resorts to something that may or may not work. He's only been able to successfully use it two times so far.

Myrddin pulls out a map of the Preserve and Beacon Hills. He lays it down on the ground and holds a piece of Hannah's shredded shirt. He closes his eyes and moves his hand holding the cloth over the map.


Myrddin commands. The map below his hand slightly glistens a barely noticeable baby blue as he focuses on finding the owner of the object in his hand.

When Myrddin opens his eyes he sees the map has a blue dot dimly shining on it.

This is a new spell Myrddin was 'told' about. It's very situational and often doesn't work. This is only the third time he's been able to get it to work. He's not sure what the conditions are. But he's been able to use this on his mom, sister, and now Hannah.

So far he needs an object belonging to the person he wants to locate, a map, extreme concentration, and a hell of a lot of mana.

He digs out a pencil from his pocket and wipes the sweat away from his forehead. He marks the location on the map and kneels down. He needs to let his mama recover before he can attempt to find this new mystery girl.

And if he isn't able to locate her, then it helps him narrow down the limitations of the spell.

He looks at the map and where the dot is. It's off towards the more mountainous side of the preserve, which is a hell of a way away from Beacon Hills. And he's not looking forward to going all the way out there, but at this point he might as well go there. The dot is at the bottom and closest to Beacon Hills as it can get.

If he wants to make it there he won't be able to wait for his mana to recover. So for now he takes a pocket knife from his hip and places it open on the ground in front of himself.

He brings his hands together, palm to palm, in front of his chest.


Myrddin takes his hands and slams on the ground. Black markings immediately form on the ground, spreading from his hands, and form a circle around the pocket knife.

The ground beneath the pocketknife bubbles as metal from the ground coats the pocketknife. A second later and the metal solidifies into one solid weapon. It's basically a, VERY short, short sword. But it's better than the small pocketknife blade.

If he's not going to have magic to defend himself with, he might as well have a weapon.

He picks the weapon up along with his map and takes a cloth from the pajamas and keeps the cloth from Hannah's clothing. He puts the rest of the clothing back where he originally found it.


He doesn't really need to sleep tonight. He can go longer than a person can without sleep. But he doesn't want to find out how long. But one night won't kill him. So he makes his way towards the dot where Hannah supposedly is.

Along the way he makes sure to be very weary of his surroundings. He has not gone this far before, and there is a alpha werewolf and a new creature that has abducted at least 2 women.

After 2 hours he gets enough mana back to attempt to pinpoint the location of the mystery girl.

He sets up the map and grabs the pajama cloth in his hand as he closes his eyes.


He opens his eyes and nothing happened.

This basically means he needs to know about the person he's looking for to some degree. And possibly have seen them and know their face. He knows Hannah's age, hair and eye color, height, and has seen her. Among his other conditions it seems Hannah has fulfilled more than this mystery girl has.

He gets his things situated and gets back to running towards the dot at the bottom of the mountains.

Quade_The_Unknown Quade_The_Unknown

2,915 words

I’ll be trying to more explicitly say what the dates are. I’ve tried giving hints or saying them somewhere between the cut scenes but at the line breaks I’ll be saying when there is a date change. And MIGHT be giving a location change depending on the situation.

I had to move some things around for the story. I didn’t want this ‘Hannah arc’ to happen so soon but things just lined up while I was writing this chapter.

We’re are 1920 Power Stones.

You guys, and gals, are amazing!

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C35
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


