/ Sci-fi / Technology Bigshot

Technology Bigshot

Technology Bigshot

Sci-fi -- 章/週 これは過去30日間の平均実現リリース率です。 翻訳者のスケジュールは--章/週です。 60 章 699.7K ビュー
作者: Rock Panic

4.09 (57 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次 Reviews


A talented young man, Ren Hong, drops out of Tsinghua University to establish a technology company called XlouS.
XlouS's breakthrough application software, "Real-Time Online Translator", gains the favor of Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, who buys its exclusive license for a whopping 12 billion USD.
This is just the start of XlouS's rise to prominence in China's technology industry. Two years later, it subsequently launches the wearable smart device, "S-1", challenging American multinational tech company Apple Inc.’s iPhone.
XlouS continues to pioneer multiple industries by developing advanced holographic imaging technology, leading to a new wave of changes in film following 3D and IMAX...
As XlouS’s slogan declares, every technological product it launches exists to “Change the World”, and it is all because of this young man, Ren Hong…

  1. Arkiuss
    Arkiuss 貢献した 165
  2. Jflash09
    Jflash09 貢献した 165
  3. Aollin
    Aollin 貢献した 165


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました




    • 翻訳品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    This synopsis looks awfully simar to the development of Blacklight Technology company in the novel 'My Super USB Drive'. Lol, is it the same author?

    7 の返信を表示する

    Damn, now the Chinese author even dare to directly use the real life person and company name... Its like "I may not invent Facebook or Iphone, but I surely can slap all of you in the face by smacking new tech that makes you drool and awe in my novel without fearing for sue because my country is backing me up!!"...

    21 の返信を表示する

    The book is based in modern times and is about a young entrepreneur building a company specialising in advanced technology. It’s similar to ‘I have a super USB’ in the fact that both mcs create superior technology that change the world however it differs in the fact that this book is much more realistic. From what I’ve read, the author is more respectful to foreigners I guess as seen by the mcs confrontation with Mark Zuckerberg. This can change in the future however so don’t take my word for it. This book seems like a sci fi about the world advancing in tech due to a single man. Personally I believe that this will have less action unlike ‘I have a super USB’ and much more text relating to advanced science so it’s really not for me. Give it a try

    6 の返信を表示する

    I have been advocating for a good Technology / Business novel for a long time and i was tired of reading MTL’s for them I am very happy the way that the book can out and hopefully It gets pick cuz i really wanna read it to the end.

    4 の返信を表示する

    I gave small review after few chapters. This novel is not entirely bad. Author did something different than most of others, instead of giving literal cheat( System, ability to enter other dimensions etc.) MC is genius... Obviously speaking most of tech stuff isn't explained as MC takes it out of ass. As another reviewers said, it's quite different in not attacking foreigners on every possible occasion. Usually you got typical propaganda stuff in novels, I think its related to generations of brainwashing and publishing requirements.

    2 の返信を表示する
    LV 12 Badge

    I don't like this novel. And I don't have anymore time to waste. My critical and enigmatic review correspond to the fact that I don't have anymore time to waste and to the fact that perceived quality of a novel depends on the reader.

    0 の返信を表示する

    Another wish fullfiment urban crap, thanks Webnovel, as if we don't have enough of this type of novels. like really, there are those novels with 1 ch we voted for? wtf happened to that format. fuk wn

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 14 Badge

    Translator did a great job! No complaints there. I'd recommend this translator for future projects as well. The book sucks though. There is no system, the MC is just a genius. That's fine, but there's nothing about him being a genius so far. No development arc, no programming, no learning. He just starts with the amazing software that translates perfectly. That's the strength of the product - perfect translation. Otherwise, Google translate can do exactly the same thing, very well . The novel doesn't understand these points, the market in general, why this is amazing, what would actually be required, or anything similar. All that is fine! There's even supporting characters, which would make this an okay novel. But I didn't really like the author making inappropriate jokes about how a guy fangirling over the MC would "turn gay if not trans" while looking at the person with disdain. I get it's supposed to be a joke. I just don't support that sort of culture. A joke about how he might turn gay at least makes sense, but knowing trans people, that's entirely unrelated. I also don't think the looking at them with disdain is okay. Combined with the fact that there's no real redeeming traits to this book, nothing outstanding or well done, I stopped about there. There's no interesting system, it's all going to be about an arrogant character who doesn't understand the world. Another negative, he said nobody can possibly replicate his software in the next 10-15 years. But he's a college student, presumably around 20- he said sophomore, which would be 18-19 minimum. I doubt be wrote the software since he was 3, or even 8, so is he saying it's impossible for anyone as smart as him to exist and do this, even when they have his work in front of them to dissect and copy? The author doesn't know enough to write this topic well, and the book is only this topic. No system, no magic, nothing to make it make sense. In conclusion: Read it if you want to have a story about a guy who succeeds for no reason, and can only avoid mistakes because the author knows what will happen in the future.

    3 の返信を表示する

    this is great from what I read so far although we don't know much about the background of the main character, the main character is a super-genius, respectful of foreigners with his approach with them, and there is none or only little amounts of nationalism in it.

    0 の返信を表示する

    Not realistic, can you imagine he built a translator that translate in many languages and he is just college bookworm student when many billion worth of company taking long to build translator and many money spent on it. If he have a system I can think of it happen. ( I'm sorry my grammar suck)

    1 の返信を表示する

    petition to bring back the world of deities.........................................................................................................................

    0 の返信を表示する

    omg its so terrible, like whatever you were going to compare it to... just dont, youd be insulting those novels. this plots basically races at the speed of light with the MC apparently being a super genius who just shows off his products as soon as they're complete rather than showing anything related to how he made them. also apparently he has 28 degrees at 19 but has only completed 1 year of university and no one ever brings that up...also, he has literally no personality, he is just a show-off who continuously shouts out his company's slogan like its a magic chant. I was hoping the romance would improve this story but it didn't, he just decides to se_xually harasses a woman who works for him (and really wants her 0.5% shares) until she agrees to be with him. Do youself a favour and ignore the inflated rating, this novel is so trashy, literally, no tech or science is involved here , its just showing off random technology and flaunting to the rest of the world.

    0 の返信を表示する

    many people gave this novel low rating calling this a racist novel, no it's not. The only nationalism shown in the novel is people from China posting the technology is developed by Chinese or stuff like that. MC is not pushing his country as no 1. some people have concern about MC's friends joining the company, don't worry they are loyal friends(so no drama about backstabbing). The biggest reason I love the novel is no system,MC is just pure genius. it's not like I hate system novels but I have never seen this kind of novel without system. secondly in these novel mc get arrogant after few hundred chapter, until now our MC is a humble guy.

    2 の返信を表示する

    Yeah, chinese hypotIsm runs deep in these authors. its reaks of propaganda and hate. overall not bad but too much bs when if isn’t necessary. it ks okay of you say you are great but stop sjittinh on others S

    0 の返信を表示する

    well this much more realistic than that piece USB. and racist was almost not have. this basically about competition between company to large consortium to national. even if mc always win he get negative effects to like his headquarters company get terrorists almost killed him to. make him reflect about what him mostly lack n improve.

    1 の返信を表示する

    Title: Technology Bigshot(科技巨头) Status: Completed(667 chapters) Not much to say about this one. Stereotypical Chinese technology novel where the unlucky loser of an MC ends up becoming the bill gates of China. I have to say that the novel is quite racist at times so keep that in mind.

    1 の返信を表示する

    This novel is entertaining an impossible idea. The characters are rather shallow and I feel like the author didn't try too hard explaining certain things. I read it for the sake of fun. The idea is not bad and I like novels like this one, but I can already tell that many people won't like it. I gave it 5 stars only because I needed a novel like this.

    1 の返信を表示する

    Another first hehehehe FillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFillerFiller

    2 の返信を表示する

    I'm not gonna act like an expert at reviews, just gonna say this was perfect. I hope there are more chapters out there......................................

    0 の返信を表示する

    only issue I have is updates 😺🙂 . .................................... ...... ..... ............ ....... ...... .

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    作者 Rock Panic