/ Fantasy / Techno-Heretic

Techno-Heretic オリジナル


Fantasy 143 章 435.6K ビュー
作者: garrick_skalnor

4.78 (12 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次 Reviews


Eli is an ancient man sentenced to death for the crime of surpassing the sacred number of 32.8, which is the allowed percentage of increased mental ability from the use of AI chips. As he journeys through death and into a world of fantasy and magic, he finds himself approaching never before seen heights of magical power and ability. Powers that will shape the world and would see him go down in legends for generations ever after.

But just because someone acquires magical abilities, that doesn't mean magic is suddenly the most important thing in their life.

Some people aren't looking to be all-powerful gods, have the world bow at their feet, or spend their days obsessing over accumulating ever more power. Some people just want acceptance, stability, and the warmth of their loved ones to drive away the cold loneliness of the night. And in a world where magic is the bedrock of society, where magic is what determines who is preferred for siring children, where people with high magical ability are destined to live in great luxury and those without magic simply live to make due, this difference in values and perspective could not have a starker contrast.

As Eli and the people around him navigate the misconceptions and deceptions of this world, he will represent a great and magnificent future for the human race. One where humanity will stand above the elves, dwarves, orcs, fairies, and all the horrors of the world. Sadly, men's tools are as fallible as the people who make them, and in a society where the potential of an individual is determined solely through their magical level, this seed of promise may yet turn venomous.

This book is now available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08N3K5D4G
Discord server: https://discord.gg/wP5ehQjeFz

No One 17 and Under Admitted
  1. Keyweilder
    Keyweilder 貢献した 262
  2. Priszka
    Priszka 貢献した 119
  3. Joshk
    Joshk 貢献した 75


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット




  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



Shameless authors 5 star review I have read many Isekai/reincarnation novels over the years but there were always somethings I would like to see but no one ever really touched on. Some deeper looks into what magic means for daily life and wider implications for society. What does being able to be dragged into another world say about the soul ecosystem and the inner workings of it all? Why with all of the fantastic abilities of magic do these worlds seem to be so much lesser than our own in so many ways? Where does prejudice meet genetic fact in a world with multiple sentient species? These are just some of the questions and thoughts that will be going into my writing of this novel.

1 の返信を表示する

Quite the good story and the characters and their interactions and growth are pretty much the highlights. From what I could read I would reckon the story is about disruption, about how the protagonist's mere existence and knowledge can have a profound effect on the world he's been transmigrated to. The author's take on a world where magic exists and it's implications for human society is one of the most realistic depictions of it. Basically a society where magical eugenics is the overarching influence on all walks of life and how extremely rigid and hierarchical the divide between classes. Although the world building is not up to par with only a few snippets and descriptions of the world's history, cultures and races which doesn't leave a lot in feeling immersed to the setting. Though I assume the author will mitigate it when we reach the kingdom building arc hopefully. The writing and structure of the story are good with the rare spelling and grammar mistakes. Names, places and terms are consistent although some of the chapters are mostly dominated by the perspective of a single character. But they are written where it's clear who's talking and who's who so you don't really get confused from the dialogue. The technical aspects of the magic system being described are easy to understand and also the scientific concepts being applied are also clear. So far it's been a marvelous experience to read it and I can't wait for the succeeding chapters. And how the protagonist carries himself into this new world. Thank you author for bringing your story to life and I hope you continue writing this until the end.

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Gibe moar chapters. . . . . . . many words many words many words many words many words many words many words many words many words many words many words many words

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JUST caught up yesterday(chapter 38), so far so good and thanks for the chapter ALSO PLEASE improve the "World Background" or "World development" more, Atleast explains what mc know about the world(sorry about bad english, english is not my first language)

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This.... this is one of the best novels on this app/site. When I picked up the novel I couldn't stop reading. It's truly addicting. I felt that if I didn't write a review I'd be doing the novel an injustice. I eagerly await new chapters.

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Probably the best novel here. Good world building, interesting theme. Warning: contains sexual content, but it makes sense in context, its not just for lewds sake.

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LV 1 Badge

An excellent story featuring lots of generally subtle world building fleshed out multidimensional characters and lasting plot threads. Translation does not apply

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Not a writer of reviews but sometimes I feel like a book deserves the effort for a good rating so here[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

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LV 3 Badge

I am honestly surprised this is not higher ranked. This story is amazing there is one part I don't like is that I thought the kingdom building would have already started but other than that it's amazing .

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Hey there! Good day for writing! If you wanted to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new work, you might want to contact geekyteddyyo@gmail.com. A brief introduction, some sample chapters or links will be appreciated when reaching out.

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My opinion: this novel is great. I respect the author chugging thought and writing a chapter every few of days. So much of this start up writing and translation space bores me. This ambitious project brings something new. We will see how it pans out, only thing not changing is me tuning in The characters are believable and with the change in perspective of the writing, you can even understand them deeper. The techno side of things gives me something to look forward to) Plus the setting is pretty epic. My concerns. ( No a writer here ) -- with something ambitious-you will inevitably split the community. Maybe not 50-50, but some people will splinter. You have to have conviction to keep this book from becoming something you don't want to write anymore -- the pace has to be right. Slow enough so we enjoy reading it, fast enough so it's not bogged down. To author, /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ you're doing great.

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I consider this as one of the best books on this site. The storry is well writen. While the story is at times slow, the developments are logical and the transition is good. The characters are flashed out, have multiple dimensions and show growth. The world Background feels good and at least I didn´t recognise inconsistencies.

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