/ Anime & Comics / TamaTsuki: A Fox Tail and Blood Moon of Lies
I am again writing a story of Fate. This time the heroine is, as you guessed, Tamamo no Mae.
I just played Fate/Extra and as waifu I chose her. She was hard to raise but so OP in the later stage plus if you add her back story that takes your heart away~.
Anyway, I have no idea what powers I should give to MC.
I don’t know if I should add Minamoto Raiko and her children in series with Raiko as harem member.
Or I am even thinking about adding Arcueid but who knows. Suggestions are welcome.
レビューを書くI Love your previous novel about fate and I am looking forward to how this one will go.😉 . . And one last question? –Is this going to be a harem? -If so how many girls will be in it ? —If not please let me know😅 “i am a fan of noharem so” . . AND ✓[[Story:Fate/Against Fight was awesome]]✓
作者 J_Titan
onward into another typemoon adventure. not a lot of people use fate/extra so that's neat. .