

It was a new day in Hidden Leaf Village, and right now a young man is going to start his life as a shinobi, "Okay, stay still…..and….done" with a click sound, picture of Naruto has been taken for his shinobi I.D. The cameraman looked at photo and whistled, "Damn kid, you look good!" he showed the picture to Naruto, who grinned at seeing his photo. As for his outfit….he is not wearing that orange jumpsuit. Because Hiruzen, Kakashi and Jiraiya were taking care of him from the beginning, so he did not have to worry about any grocery or clothes related problems. Right now he is wearing the same outfit what Boruto wore in 'Naruto's Next Generation'. A full black tracksuit which is open to show white t-shirt underneath and the cuffs of the pants were tucked in by white shinobi tape. He wore his ninja headband on his left bicep with its black cloth dangling.

"Thanks oldman….I'll be going now!" and with Naruto took off towards Hokage tower to register his photo for shinobi I.D. He arrived outside the Hokage office and knocked on the door, he heard 'come in' and entered the office. "Howdy, Gramps…" he said with full nonchalant manner, Hiruzen chuckled at that, "Just passing my time and waiting for you to take my seat." Naruto took a spare chair and sat opposite to Hiruzen, "Tch tch tch….not so fast gramps….I still have to show the World, how awesome I am!!!" he said while passing his registration form to him, "Hehehe…well it looks like my old bones have to wait longer than I thought!!" he took the registration form, signed it and then stamped it with Konoha seal.

Then Hiruzen perked up as if sensing someone, Naruto too sensed someone's chakra and both of them looked at the door, which suddenly slammed open and an eight years old kid with long-ass blue scarf wrapped around his neck, and with wooden shuriken in his hand, "FIGHT ME!! OLD GEEZER!!" Hiruzen sighed at seeing this, while Naruto snickered. Then the kid aimed his shuriken at Naruto and threw at him, but Naruto easily caught the shuriken. "Oi!! Whats the big idea!??" Naruto yelled at the kid, "Haha…caught you, big bro!!" the kid said.

Naruto blinked owlishly, "Ohhh….." then it struck him, "You cheeky little brat….you tricked me by yelling at Gramps, but your real target was me all along, huh!!??" the kid rubbed under his nose, "Yeah, wasn't that cool!?" Naruto nodded at that, "I must say, you'd gotten better at this." Hearing this, the kid beamed, "Really big bro…." he then rushed towards Naruto and started to shake him, "Then teach me some cool jutsu…."

Hiruzen seeing this chuckled, "Konohamaru, you are too young to learn any jutsu and by the way, Naruto has some works to do!!" "Oii….I'm free, I can spend some time with him…." Naruto answered in irritated tone. Then they heard someone calling for Konohamaru, "HONORABLE GRANDSON….WHERE ARE YOU!!??" Konohamaru hearing this clicked his tongue, "Damn, it's Ebisu sensei again…." Hiruzen shook his head, "So you ran away once again, huh!? You know right that I put Ebisu to be your tutor!!!" Konohamaru just 'hmphed'. "Oi I know what to do…." Hiruzen looked at Naruto with raised eyebrows, "Why did it sounds like, you are going to prank someone!??" Naruto just grinned and lifted Konohamaru on his back, "Let's go Kono, I think I have a perfect jutsu for you….." and with that, he took off from the Hokage window with Konohamaru on his back.

Few seconds later, Ebisu entered the office, "Lord Third, have you seen Konohamaru-sama. I swear, I just heard his voice from here….." Hiruzen puffed on his pipe and looked at Ebisu, "Ah…yes, he was here…but Naruto took Konohamaru with him." Hearing this, Ebisu's eyes widen, "What, that brat…." He gritted his teeth and rushed outside the office in search for Naruto and Konohamaru. Seeing Ebisu gone, Hiruzen took out his crystal ball, "Let's see what jutsu Naruto is going to teach him…."

"Let's do this…..'SEXY-NO-JUTSU'!!" Konohamaru yelled and with a puff of smoke he transformed into an ugly and fat looking lady in bikini. "No…that will not do...do it again. Let's keep doing this until you got it….that's how I do most of the things." "Okay, big bro…." and with that Konohamaru's strict training to transform into a sexy and hot women started. Meanwhile Ebisu was searching for them, "Damn, where did they go!!!" he jumped from roof top to roof top, 'I'm an elite tutor, I have taught many future Hokage candidates. I will get rid of any virus before it infects my student.' Ebisu monologued internally, but then he remembered that Naruto had tied for the Rookie of the year tittle with the Last Uchiha. "Even so, I won't let him infect our honorable grandson."

With Naruto and Konohamaru, "Soooo, you still wants to be Hokage!?" Naruto asked, while they were sitting under the tree in an empty training ground. "Yeah, one day I'll defeat grandpa and take his title and then everyone see me as Konohamaru, not some Honorable Grandson of Third Hokage." Hearing this Naruto bonked him over his head, "Oww, what was that for!?" "Idiot…who would acknowledge a brat like you." "Huh?" "The Hokage title isn't something a little brat could take…" "But…" "No buts…do you even know, what is the meaning of Hokage is!?" Konohamaru was silent at that, "N-No…"

Naruto sighed and ruffled his hair, "A Hokage is like a eldest guardian and the whole village is his family. Not only he has to take care of his own personal family, but the whole village. A true Hokage carries a huge burden on his shoulder and sent his own family members to dangerous missions, not knowing if that person will return or not." Konohamaru was listening to this quietly and taking every words to his heart, "And moreover…..You cannot become Hokage to again others acknowledgement, those who get acknowledge by others become Hokages."

Hiruzen, who is watching everything from his crystal ball, smiled, "Well said by boy, well said…..and that is why I believe that, one day you too will be acknowledge by others for your efforts and then the path for Hokage will come easily to you."

With Naruto and Konohamaru, Naruto saw Konohamaru was listening to him with seriousness, he smiled seeing that. But the nice mood was destroyed by the third party, "I've finally found you." Both he and Konohamaru looked at the tree and saw Ebisu standing there, he then jumped down from the tree and did a superhero landing, "Boooo….-1 out of ten." Ebisu's eyes twitched at that, but he ignores him. "Now young master, let's go home."

"Booo...you have disturbed an important lesson big bro was giving me…." Ebisu slipped at Konohamaru booing him. "B-but young master, I am going to show shortcut for becoming Hokage!! That is why you must master 1000 skills, just like your Grandfather, Lord Third." Naruto clicked his tongue, "You are wrong Ebisu-san, yes it is indeed true to be vary of someone who has 1000 skills in their arsenal, but you should never let your guard down infront of someone who has only one skill but has mastered it 1000 times." Konohamaru nodded at that, "Yeah! What big bro said…..I want to be someone who has mastered his one skill 1000 times…." "But young master, what about your grandfather, he is known as the 'Professor' for mastering every elements….surely you jest!!!"

Konohamaru shook his head, "Nah, my grandpa is someone else and I'm someone else….My name is Konohamaru Sarutobi and I will become who I wants to be, not what others wants me to be!!!" Ebisu was shocked hearing that, 'That damn red haired brat, he is brainwashing young master!' "It is enough young master, let us go….." "No….you take this!!! SEXY-NO-JUTSU!!!" this time Konohamaru transformed in a brown haired hot and sexy naked woman with smoke covering her private parts. Ebisu's jaw dropped and blood started to leak from his nose, but unfortunately, Konohamaru didn't able to keep the transformation for long and reverted back to normal, "What!? It didn't work!"

Ebisu was shaking where he was standing, "W..Wh…What a perverted skill!! I'm a gentleman, such a dirty skill will not work on me!!!" he said while wiping the blood from his nose. Naruto was looking at this with deadpan look, watching how Ebisu is trying to get Konohamaru and the kid in return trying to escape. Sigh "It looks like I've to do everything!" he then formed cross head seal, "Shadow clone jutsu!!!" and ten solid copy of Naruto puffed into existence.

Ebisu and Konohamaru stopped their struggle and looked at Naruto and his clones, "Wow!! Thats amazing, big bro!!!" Konohamaru said with stars in his eyes, while Ebisu looked at this with a smirk, "Hehe, how foolish…I'm an elite tutor, a newly made Genin cannot defeat me!!!" but Naruto smirked, "Oh, we'll see that….now, TRANSFORM!!!" and with the puff of smoke, each Naruto clone transformed into naked Nami from One piece and hugged Ebisu, "EBISU~~SAMAAAAA~~~~~" they all yelled together. Ebisu seeing this was in daze and then went flying by the nose bleed. "Hehehe….I call that, HAREM-NO-JUTSU!!!" Konohamaru was in awe while Hiruzen slapped his forehead.

He then grabbed Konohamaru and started running away, "Come on Kono, let's get out of here!!!" "Yeah…." Konohamaru said with a huge smile. Hiruzen seeing this scene, smiled too and then looked at the photo of Minato on the wall, "Minato, your son is truly something incredible…." The way of a true shinobi is still far away, though knowing this Hiruzen smiled kindly. As he watched over this young man with fiery hair and his dream to become the strongest in the world, knowing that the journey ahead is filled with many hardships and difficulties. 

Next day, Naruto woke up in his nice apartment which his Godfather gifted him. "YAWNNNNNN.....Good Morning Konohaaaaa..." he got up from his bed, folded his bed sheet nicely and placed the pillows over it. After that, he walks into the bathroom to freshen up. After a nice bath, he walks out of the bathroom and looked himself into full body mirror, and flexes a bit and can clearly see six pack abs forming. "Hmm…..I look awesome…." He then combed his smooth red hair into slick back style and dressed into his full black tracksuit with the zip of the jacket open showing his white t-shirt underneath and finally he tied his ninja headband onto his left bicep with its black cloth dangling. For the final time he checked himself into the mirror and winked at himself, and with that he took off towards the Academy.

Inside the Academy, Naruto sat beside Saskue and nodded at him, to which Saskue nodded in return. He noticed that how Saskue was wearing different outfit from his regular ones, he was wearing the same outfit as what Megumi wore in JJK, with white shinobi tape wrapped around his forearms and ankles. He then heard a commotion near the classroom door and saw a pink haired girl and a platinum blond haired girl were arguing as to who first entered into the classroom. They both then humped and looked away from each other, and both of them looked at his and Saskue's direction and immediately rushed towards them. "Hi Saskue~kun~~/ Hi Naruto~kun~~" both of them then looked at each other with sparks flowing between them, "Back off, Ino-pig....I wanna sit next to Saskue~kun!!" said the pink haired girl, "Why don't you back off, forehead….I wanna sit next to Naruto~kun!!" hearing this both Naruto's and Saskue's eyes twitched. And as if like life saver, Iruka entered the classroom at exact moment. He looked at Ino and Sakura, "You two, stop disturbing Naruto and Saskue and go back to your seats!!!!" both Ino and Sakura looked at each other for the final time and took the separate seats.

"Now that everyone is settled, starting today, all of you are real shinobi….but you are still Genin. The hard journey that lies ahead has just started….now you will soon receive mission to help the village. So toady we will create the 3 man teams….and each team will have a Jounin sensei. You will follow your sensei's instruction in order to successfully complete your missions." He then looked at the clip board and remembered something,


"But Hokage-sama, are you sure about this….wouldn't it upset the balance. Team 7 mainly consists of Rookie of the year, Top Konoichi and a dead last!!!!" Iruka then looked at the list, "But this is totally absurd…..Naruto Uzumaki, Saskue Uchiha and Sakura Haruno. This team is just too overpowered compared to other teams….." Hiruzen listened to Iruka's muttering while puffing on his pipe, "Calm down, Iruka! There is a reason why I put Naruto-kun and Saskue-kun on the same team…." Iruka finally calmed down and looked at the Hokage, "You see, both Naruto and Saskue compliment each others, both of them push each other to surpass their current limits and as for Sakura….she will be a perfect supporter and balance the team perfectly." Iruka nodded. "And by the way, there is a particular Jounin who asked for both Naruto and Saskue to put in his team…."


Iruka then shook his head and started to announce the team from Team 1 to Team 6, "Now Team 7 will consist of, Naruto Uzumaki, Saskue Uchiha….." everyone groaned hearing that two of the strongest and top students are in the same team, both Naruto and Saskue nodded at each other at that. The rest of the girls in the class has crossed their fingers, wishing that they will be put in Naruto and Saskue's team...…"And Sakura Haruno."

"YEAH BABYYYYYY..." Sakura cheered loudly, as she was very happy that not only she was placed in the same team as Saskue but Naruto was also in the same team. She squealed in delight, while the rest of the girl populace groaned, "Now Team 8, Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame and Hinata Hyuga." "Yosh, I am in the same team as Hinata-chan….." hearing this Hinata activated her Byakugan and looked at Kiba with dangerous glint in her eyes, "Did you said something!!??" Kiba gulped and shook his head in terror, "N-No mam..." Akamaru immediately hid under his master's jacket.

"Team 9 is still on roll, now Team 10 will be Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi and Ino Yamanaka." "Noooooo….." Ino groaned, "Why the hell I am put with these two lazy bums and that Forehead is put with Naruto and Saskue…." "Yeah, sucks to be you, Ino-pig!!!" "What did you say!??" Iruka's eyes twitched, "Will you both shut up…." Both Ino and Sakura silently sat on their seat. "sigh…..okay, this afternoon we'll introduce your Jounin sensei's, Until then…take a break." 

Phantom_178 Phantom_178

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


