38.88% Tales of a Modern Day Aura Guardian / Chapter 7: Report : Route 4 : Santalune City

章 7: Report : Route 4 : Santalune City

Arriving at the Pokémon Center, Ash and I registered our Pokédexes for the Pokémon League, receiving a case each for when we begin collecting Gym Badges.

After doing so, Ash said he wanted to contact Professor Oak back in Kanto before we headed off.

Seeing as this was as good a time as any, I made my way over to a video booth myself, a reasonable distance from anyone who could overhear my conversation, punching in the codes and waiting for an answer.

Just in case, I decided to channel my aura, creating an invisible bubble around myself and the video booth. This prevented sound from escaping my location; however, it allowed sound to enter.

I didn't have to wait long before the screen lit up, displaying a woman sitting at a desk. She had black hair, black eyes, and a soft smile on her face. She was a carbon copy of our founding Ancestor, Mochizuki Akari.

"Well, well, well, I know you promised that you'd call, but I didn't expect one so soon! So how are you, my sweet boy?"

"Hi, Mum, I'm alright. The last few days have been a bit of a mess, but all in all, everything is good."

"Hmm, yes, I was sent a copy of the News report yesterday, and I have to say, you performed splendidly, albeit a little reckless."

"I just did what I thought was right."

"Haaaa… so much like your Father." She said before suddenly; her expression became neutral.

"Now then, the line is now secure. Are you able to make your report?"

"Yes, Ma'am. No civilians are within earshot, and my sound dampening barrier is active."

"Good, now, your report."

After which, I gave a fully detailed report regarding the incident. I made sure to not leave anything out… including the fact that both Ash and Professor Sycamore saw me use my ADA and Ash's prior knowledge on Aura Guardians.

When I arrived at this point, my mother's eyes became sharp.

"Are you saying that you exposed our secret to a civilian?" She asked in a cold tone of voice.

"No, Ma'am. I, myself, am merely compromised by these two individuals. However, knowledge of our family's secrets is still secure."

Hearing my words, she remained silent for a moment. She then continued, asking,

"You mentioned that one of these individuals, an Ash Ketchem, had prior knowledge of the existence of Aura Guardians?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"I want a detailed report on how this is so. As soon as possible." She ordered.


"What is your opinion of the other individual, this Professor Augustine Sycamore. Will you be further compromised?"

"No, Ma'am, I do not believe so."

"Oh? And why, pray tell, do you believe that to be the case?"

"Because the data bank which houses the CCTV footage of Prism Tower runs on a private server. As I am currently travelling with the Lumiose City Gym Leader, I will be able to access his datapad, confirming the legitimacy of the Professor's words. Also, as the best judge of character among my siblings, I have assessed that he is both honourable and righteous. A promise kept when repaying a debt is something he will most likely take seriously."

"And if your assessment of him is wrong?" She asked.

"Then I will eliminate him personally," I replied coldly.

"I see," she said with a slight smile.

"I truly am proud of you, Kai. You've grown up to be a great man and a great Guardian."

"I am merely doing what is expected of me as a member of this family," I replied, an answer which made her smile grow slightly wider.

She was about to ask another thing when a voice from behind me called out,

"Hey, Kai! You ready to head out?"

Turning around, I saw Ash waving towards me, jogging over. When he arrived at my side, entering my bubble, he noticed I was still on a call.

"Oh! Hi there, my name's Ash! Are you Kai's mum?"

"That I am, young man. Kai was just telling me about you. I also happened to see your actions on the News the other day. That was quite brave of you."

"Oh, haha, nah, I was doing what I thought was right," Ash said, scratching the back of his head awkwardly, unknowingly repeating what I had said earlier, something my mother picked up on.

"How funny; Kai said the exact same thing. So it seems like you two will get along splendidly."

"Mhm! Kai's awesome! I can't wait to travel all around Kalos with him." Ash said, nodding his head quite quickly.

"Well then, I suppose I shouldn't keep you any longer then. But, Kai, make sure to give me a call soon, alright? I want to hear all about my sweet boy's adventure!"

"Alright, Mum. I'll see you later." I replied, feeling a little embarrassed at how my mum addressed me in front of Ash.

The call then shut off.

"Alright! Let's go!" Ash exclaimed, running off to where Bonnie, Clemont, and Serena were waiting.

Looking back at the video booth briefly, I sighed before making my over as well.



After leaving the Pokémon Center, Clemont spoke up, saying,

"So Ash, you mentioned wanting to challenge the Santalune Gym first?"

"Yeah! I'm pretty sure the Gym Leader should be back by now."

"Well, according to this map, the best way to get to Santalune City is by travelling Route 4 all the way there."

"Then Route 4 it is," I announced.

"So then, let's hit the road!" Clemont said.

"Huh? You don't have to show us around anymore." Ash said, looking towards me, seemingly confused.

"Haha, silly Ash! We're all really, really good friends now, right? So we're going with you!" Bonnie replied.

"No joke?!" Ash exclaimed.

"We're serious! Seeing what you and Kai did to help out Garchomp showed me what it's like to have real courage! I know I can get stronger! We both can get stronger while travelling with you two!" Clemont replied.

"You're right, Clemont!" Bonnie affirmed.

"So, is that okay?" Clemont asked, seemingly a bit shy now.

"Of course it is! Travelling with lots of friends is way more fun!" Ash declared, continuing,

"And, of course, Serena, you're welcome to come along too!"

Hearing his words, everyone smiled.

"Well then, off to Route 4 we go!" I said.

"Yeah!" They all cheered.

Passing through the gate that led out of the city, we made our way through the forested Route 4.

Ash was walking upfront with Pikachu, Bonnie and Clemont. They were looking around for different Pokémon that might appear, with Bonnie going from bush to bush, seemingly deadset on finding something.

Serena and I were walking a couple of paces behind them, watching their shenanigans.

Looking over at the girl walking beside me, I decided to strike up a conversation.

"So Serena, what made you decide to go on an Adventure?"

"Huh? Oh, umm… well… it's umm.. a little embarrassing, to be completely honest…." She replied, seeming quite flustered.

However, I just raised an eyebrow in response, trying my best to look confused.

Seeing my expression, Serena closed her eyes and took a deep breath before saying,

"Umm, you see, it's… it's because of what happened on the News a couple of days ago."

I raised my eyebrows in mock surprise, asking,

"You mean because of the Garchomp incident; you decided you wanted to get your own Pokémon and go on a journey yourself?"

"Well… no, not entirely…." She said, looking quite nervous.

"Oh… Umm, I'm sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable with my questions." I replied, wearing a worried expression.

"Oh! No! No, no, no, Kai, you didn't do anything wrong!" She suddenly exclaimed, waving her hands back and forth in front of her towards me.

"I went on this Journey because I wanted to see Ash!" She yelled out.

Seeing how her face suddenly became a little red after the fact, it was apparent that she was embarrassed by what she'd just said.

"Oh! I get it now!" I said with a giant smirk on my face.

"Let me guess, Ash's heroic actions on live T.V had you swooning, so you just had to see him again in person, right?" I snickered.

"Huh?!? What?! No! That's not it! If anything, watching you dodge all of Garchomp's attacks was even cooler!" Serena once again blurted out.

However, realising what she'd just said, her face burned a scarlet red.

I could've sworn I saw steam rising from her head this time.

Then, perhaps in a rush to cover up what she'd just said, she continued, saying,

"I know Ash from a camp where I'd met him years ago! I just recognised him and wanted to see him again."

Serena then began to look up at me nervously, looking away with her eyes, only to snap them back on me, internally hoping I'd ignore what she'd just said.

Hearing her words, I didn't have to put on a fake surprised expression this time.

I was genuinely caught off guard by what she'd just said. However, to honour her attempt at diverting attention away from her earlier words, I said,

"Ohhh, I see. So this is one of those 'Reuniting with a childhood crush' kind of situation."

"W-W-What?! Childhood crush?! I-I-I…" She exclaimed, looking at me wide-eyed, in shock, blushing even harder.

"Oh, come on, I can totally tell you're head-over-heels for Ash!" I snickered.

"I mean, someone wouldn't just drop whatever they were doing to run off and meet someone from their childhood just because they saw them appear on T.V. There had to be some kind of strong driving force behind that!"

"Something like…. Love?" I said as I squinted my eyes and smiled, much like a Cheshire Cat.

Hearing my words, however, I noticed the blush on her face actually lessened, a weird glint passing through her eyes, a mix of relief, disappointment, and confusion? Which internally confused me. Then, however, it once again vanished just as quickly as it came.

"I-I-I…. Gnuuuuuu~! Kai! You're teasing me, aren't you?!" She exclaimed.

"Hahaha, you got me there! You seemed like the type to get flustered easily that I just couldn't help myself! It's a good look, by the way!" I said with a wink.

She blushed again. However, this time, she took an intense breath before forcefully exhaling in a sigh.

"Haaaa… Mouuu, you're such a bully~!"

"Hahaha, sorry, sorry!" I laughed, placing my palms together and holding them in front of my forehead.

"Well, in all seriousness, I wish you luck, and you have my support."

"Huh?" She said, not understanding what I meant.

Without looking over at her, I elaborated.

"I haven't known Ash for very long, but something tells me he's the ultra-dense kind. So if you really wanna get your feelings across, you're gonna have to be pretty upfront about it and shove it straight in his face for him to realise. Otherwise, he's not gonna notice a thing."

Then, turning my eyes upwards, I continued,

"You'll just be another friend he'd made along the way towards his goal. In fact, I highly doubt you're the first girl to develop feelings for Ash while travelling with him, only to have it go nowhere 'cus he just never noticed."

Hearing my words, Serena turned to look at Ash with a complicated look in her eyes.

"Ultra-dense, huh…?" She said, before subtly looking back at me, mumbling,

"I think I'm beginning to understand what you mean…"

She'd said it so quietly that I actually didn't pick up on it. Instead, I just continued looking ahead, enjoying the walk.



Our little journey down Route 4 ended up being quite relaxing. We'd actually come across Didenne and Fletchling, much like the group had done in the Anime. However, Team Rocket never showed up.

Thus, we finally made it to Santalune City.

Currently, we were chasing after Ash as he ran ahead while Clemont lagged behind.

"Santalune Gym, you better look out! I'm gonna get my first Kalos Gym Badge from you!" Ash declared.

"C'mon, guys! Can't you slow down a little!" Clemont pleaded from behind, struggling to keep up.

Clemont suddenly lost his footing, causing him to fall face-first into the ground.

Hearing the thudding sound from behind me, I turned around and saw a sight that nearly had me bursting out with laughter.

"Hey, Clemont, you good?" I asked as I jogged over, helping him to his feet.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

"Hey, Kai, Clemont! Let's hurry it up!" Ash shouted from ahead.

"Umm, Ash, one thing, and it's kind of important. Do you even know where the Santalune Gym might be located?" Clemont asked.

"No clue! Of course, I don't!" Ash announced, sounding proud about what he'd just said.

"Huh?!?" The group replied, sans me, of course. I had fully expected this.

With a leap, Ash stood upon the ledge of a water fountain we were passing by, pointing forward in a 'Heroic' stance, announcing,

"I figure out stuff best when I run! Keep moving ahead, and you can't go wrong! That's the way we roll!"


After his statement, the water fountain, which had been previously inactive, sprung to life, generating a picture-perfect background behind Ash.


"Huh?" Ash said, looking over towards where the clicking sound emanated from.

"Thanks so much for the great pic!" A lady called out. She was carrying one of those expensive DSLR cameras.

Arriving at Ash's side, with Serena, Bonnie, and Clemont, I looked over at the woman who I recognised.

She was around 167 cm (5'6) and had cream-coloured skin, dark green eyes and short sandy-blonde hair. She wore a sleeveless white top that ended halfway down her abdomen, revealing three or so inches of skin, forest green cargo pants that covered her belly button and ended just above her ankles, and brown hiking boots.

She also had a forest green neoprene wristband and camera bag.

"The two of you seem to have the makings of a great team!" She said as she approached Ash.

"Hey, thanks! Pikachu's my partner!" Ash replied.

"M-hm-hm. F.Y.I, if you're heading to the Santalune Gym, make a right at that corner." She chuckled before pointing down the street we were on.

"Yeah? Thanks a lot for the info!" Ash said before he looked towards us, saying,

"I told you we can't go wrong! Let's go, Pikachu!" Ash said as he ran off once again.


"Ah, Ash! Not so fast!" Clemont called out before running after Ash.

"Wait up!" Bonnie said, running off as well with Serena in tow.

I just stared at them running off before shaking my head.

"He really hasn't done a single piece of research, has he," I said before turning towards the camera lady.

"If he had, he'd realise he'd been talking to Santalune City's Gym Leader this whole time."

"Hahaha, you caught me! So from what you've said, I take it you've done your research, huh?" She replied.

"Mhm, in order to minimise the amount of suffering my Pokémon might have to go through in the event of a Gym Battle, I make sure to learn all I can."

Hearing my rather bold statement, she raised her eyebrow at me.

"Oh? That's an interesting way of putting it. Most Pokémon tend to really enjoy battles; what makes you think they're suffering?" She asked curiously.

"While I have no doubt that my Pokémon absolutely adore battling, it is my responsibility as their Trainer to come up with viable strategies to use in order to win said battles," I said while looking at her. I then turned my head, looking to where my friends had run off to, continuing,

"If I happen to go so far as to come up with strategies which lessen the amount of damage they take in each battle, to end it as quickly and as efficiently as possible, purely for my own selfish desires in not wanting to see them hurt, then I like to believe I have that right as their Trainer."

"Well, Battles tend to be pretty unpredictable. So it's hard to always develop ways to do what you're trying." She said, probably questioning me to see how deep my resolve ran.

"Mm, you're not wrong. I'm not omniscient; I can't always predict what will happen. But that doesn't stop me from trying my hardest to make things easier for them. After all, if they're willing to put their bodies on the line for my ambitions, the least I could do is try my best to make sure they don't come out battered and bruised."

Hearing my words, her eyebrows shot up in surprise before she furrowed them, placing a hand on her chin and looking down in contemplation.

During this moment of silence, two bursts of multicoloured light erupted from my bag, forming into Luca and Luci.

"Caaar~!" They announced as they rushed forward and hugged me from both sides.

"Haha, hey, you two! You have a good rest?" I asked.

"Caaar~!" With them nodding in response, I smiled brightly, petting their heads.

The lady finally looked up from her contemplation, seeing the beautiful scene of us having fun.

She reached for her camera before,


She snapped a photo. She looked down to see the result and couldn't help but smile brightly.

"While I still think your endeavour is a tough one, I respect your resolve. Let me properly introduce myself. My name is Viola; I'm the Santalune City Gym Leader. It's a pleasure to meet you." She said, sticking out her hand for a handshake.

Replying in kind, I grasped her hand, saying,

"Nice to meet you, Viola. My name's Kai; these are my best friends Luca and Luci. We hope you'll indulge us in a Gym Battle whenever you're free."



next chapter
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