71.79% Sunshine on Multiverse / Chapter 28: Chapter 28

章 28: Chapter 28

Around morning time and after performing their morning runs around the mountain, the corps of cadets were now about to perform their balance tests with DMT equipment. There were 6 rows formed facing each test structure.

Zirken was possibly going to be one of the last to go, as he was still feeling severe pain in his pelvic region from the blow he received the day before. Honestly, he was struggling to be able to walk normally.

'*sigh* I just hope with all my heart that this pain doesn't last too long.' - Zirken.

"'Today we will perform a balance test! The one who can't do that, won't even serve as bait!" - Keith.

'According to the anime, this test should have been performed on the 2nd day, so why only now?'- Zirken.

"IF YOU FAIL YOU WILL BE SENT BACK TO THE CAMPS!" - Keith, ending his threats in a louder tone.


All the rookies felt a shiver down their spine and also a feeling of insecurity mixed with nervousness. They immediately understood that, unlike the other tests, this was the one they could not fail.

'Because of the hassle I had during these days because of that administration error, this test needed to be postponed... I'll be sure to get the disqualified ones out today and I'll solve two problems at once.'  - Keith.

So everyone immediately started taking their tests. From the point of view of those who were still keeping calm, it wasn't something difficult, but a large portion of those who went already managed to pass successfully. After a while, it was the turn of the girl with black hair and an oriental face.

"This test is the basics of the basics. Anyone who cannot at least fulfill it will have no future within the combatant field." - A sergeant who was passing by to observe the test.

"Look at her, she doesn't even swing. That's a rarely seen talent." - Sergeant, looking in Mikasa's direction.

The girl was calmly balanced on the Dmt, as if it were only an extension of her body.

'Compared to what I've seen from the others so far, she's being by far the best here...' - Zirken.

After a few more minutes, it was finally the turn of the girl with blond hair caught in a bun. However, before she went, she heard the distant voice of her companion who was only two rows away.

"Good luck!" - Ezir, speaking loudly as he jumped up for her to see him.

However, she only ignored him and went on to take her test. The girl still didn't know how to handle the boy's bold actions properly, even though that wasn't the first and most likely won't be the last.

Annie had a great success in the test and managed to be almost as good as her "rival", but unfortunately all attention was drawn to a single cadet who was not upside down while hanging on with the help of the dmt. This is Eren, who just failed the test.

"What are you doing, Eren Yeager?! Get up!!!" - Keith.

'You've got to be kidding me...' - Eren, in total disbelief.

The voices of the other cadets could be heard in the background, some even sneered, as they had managed earlier. However, Zirken observed such a scene and seriously thought about whether it was worth helping the boy at this moment.

'That bald guy must be loving this... Is it worth it to help him now and get some favor later?'- Zirken.

While still thinking about his next actions, suddenly the oriental looking girl appears before his eyes. She was distant and wasn't even looking at him, but she had some concern on her face. Seeing this, the young man finally came to a decision.

The young man soon walked towards the chief instructor, some cadets were commenting on this, while Keith still continued to yell at the totally innocent boy.

"He can't even do it, he still has the idiocy to say he's going out to explore outside the walls." - Jean.

"Get up and get your ass out of there Yeager! Others need to take the test!" - Keith.

"!!" - Eren.

'I... am I going to fail?'- Eren.

It was then that the green-eyed boy noticed the voice of Zirken, who had just approached the chief instructor.

"'Eeer, sir, wouldn't it be better if he took the test with a different belt? Just for confirmation purposes..." - Zirken.

"?!" - Eren and almost all the other cadets.

"What are you trying to suggest, Leonhart?" - Keith.

"You never know when a piece of equipment might become defective. Besides..."

He stopped in the middle of his sentence and looked intently at Eren

"The sooner the disqualified ones leave, the sooner we'll be able to solve the problem of the girls in the cadet corps, sir." - Zirken.

As he listened, the chief instructor momentarily widened his eyes, but it was quick enough that no one except Zirken noticed.

'Did he find out?! But how?!' - Keith.

All the cadets were completely silent. They couldn't imagine that there would be someone so hateful as to want to humiliate the boy even more. And of course, Eren didn't think so differently, but he didn't know how to respond in the face of the facts until then.

"I understand, but..." - Keith then came face to face with the golden haired boy.

"I'm the one who decides who is disqualified here, understand?" - Keith, showing his authority and speaking with a threatening tone.

"Understood, sir!" - Zirken, responding without blinking.

'That boy is going to be tough...' - Keith.

"Yeager, stand up and switch belts with Leonhart." - Keith.

Just then, Eren managed to get up with the help of Mikasa and Armin. Zirken took off his belt and quickly handed it to Eren, who hesitantly took it and put it on. Before long the boy was already attaching his belt to the equipment and trying to balance himself.

"!!" - Eren and everyone else.

The result was a success, Eren managed to balance perfectly, as if the event of a few seconds ago was nothing more than a mere illusion.

"Mikasa, Armin, I did it!!!" - Eren.

"Looks like the equipment was damaged. Take it to maintenance and recheck all the devices! We'll continue the test tomorrow. Dismissed!" - Keith, as he handed Eren's belt to one of the nearby aides.

The cadets were gossiping among themselves about the recent occurrence, while Eren celebrated with his companions. Seeing that he was out of place, Zirken soon turned to leave, but was interrupted by someone's voice.

"Hey, wait!" - Eren.

"Huh?" - Zirken.

"Here." - Eren, returning the belt.

"Keep it for yourself. I'll get a new one." - Zirken.

"Wait a minute, I'm not done yet." - Eren.

"What?" - Zirken.

"Why did you try to humiliate me?" - Eren.

"Is that how you see it? Well, good luck not ending up back in the camps. I hope you don't end up delaying your companions."  - Zirken, as he turned to leave.

"What?!" - Eren, about to put his hand on the boy's shoulder to make him turn around again.

However, he was abruptly interrupted by Mikasa.

"Stop, Eren." - Mikasa.

"What? Why?! He made fun of my face!" - Eren.

"*sigh* You really didn't understand?" - Mikasa.

"Didn't realize what?!" - Eren.

"What are you talking about, Mikasa?" - Armin.

"Never mind, it's no use if you don't understand it yourself." - Mikasa.

Both Eren and Armin didn't understand what the girl was talking about at all, to them it seemed obvious what the arrogant boy's intentions were, but Mikasa had a different perspective. She clearly saw the moment when Keith Shadis seemed surprised by Zirken/Ezir's possible guess, so she was able to deduce what the boy's real intentions were.

'But why did he want to help Eren?'- Mikasa.

Leaving behind an indignant boy, and another curious girl, Zirken walked towards one of his hiding places used for when he wanted to skip classes or training. When he arrived, he sat down on the ground and kept his back leaning on a tree.

"Why did you help him?" - Annie, suddenly appearing.

*shudder and fright*

Zirken almost jumped to the ground from the fright. He didn't even pay attention to whether he was being followed or if there was anyone around.

"Are you crazy, woman?! My heart almost came out of my mouth!" - Zirken.

"Sorry." - Annie, as she sat down next to the boy.

"It's okay. And as for your question, well... let's just say I was paying off a debt." - Zirken.

"Debt?" - Annie.

"That's not really relevant right now." - Zirken.

Right after saying that, the boy hung to the side and rested his head on the girl's shoulder.

"?!" - Annie.

"I thought you would go days without talking to me again...I'm happy." - Zirken.

"!!" - Annie.

The girl was surprised, and for some reason unknown to her, her heart raced at an alarming rate.

'Her heart is too fast.'  - Zirken, feeling her happiness almost double.

They both spent some time like that, completely alone, as if enjoying each other's company. Until a questioning struck the boy's mind.

"Now that I stopped to think about it, you never told me about your past...Could you tell me a little bit about it?" - Zirken.

ZirkenSensei ZirkenSensei

And we are left with one more intimate moment to ship the couple. The next chapter will be one of the most decisive of the plot, that is, it will change a lot of things. Anyway, just wait a little longer and you will find out!

Thanks for read!!

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C28
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


