6.25% Sunshine in Fairy tail? / Chapter 1: Chapter 01
Sunshine in Fairy tail? Sunshine in Fairy tail? original

Sunshine in Fairy tail?

作者: FanfictionLover

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 01

(A/N: I will be rewriting the whole fic, some would stay and some would change. I don't really know if anyone is still waiting for this fic to get another chapter after more than a year of Hiatus but I will continue writing this one anyways.)






The battle against the Demon King finally came to a conclusion, with the Demon King's defeat and with victory falling into Meliodas' and the others' hands.

After the battle, Meliodas then used his Demon King powers in exchange for the commandment's destruction, stopping all possibility and means for the Demon King to be revived once again.


After the battle, Zeldris and Gelda bid their farewell to the Seven deadly sins as they then left together.

"Well, looks like they left anyways". Elizabeth said as she, with the others, stared at Zeldris and Gelda's retreating backs.

A minute has passed and they were all still standing there in silence as they stared off the distance when suddenly, a voice called everyone's attention.

"Now then. You guys have waited long enough".

The voice made some of the sins to flinch as they recalled the sad reality that is standing behind them.

"You guys...? Oh... right". Diane, the cheerful Giant who bears the sin of Envy mumbled sadly while looking down, refusing to look behind her.

The King of the Fairys and also a member of the sins who bears the sin of Sloth, Harlequin/King, could also be seen trembling as tears slowly came out of his eyes.

"What are you doing standing there...? Let's go back... Together". King said in a shaky voice, sounding as if he was begging.

Meliodas, who has been silent the whole time was gathering up some courage as he looked up. Slowly turning his head to his back, his face couldn't help but show sadness as he looked at his friend with various emotions swirling in his eyes.

With Meliodas, came the others as they all slowly turned to their backs, looking at the sole person standing there still.

"I'm sorry... I'm afraid I can't move anymore. I think we have to settle it like this..."

His voice, although weak, could not hide his strength and greatness within as the voice belongs to none other than the strongest man in the world who bears the sin of Pride... Escanor.


The members of the sins flinched as they all slowly turned to their backs to face the sole person standing there, looking at them.

"Now then. You guys have waited long enough". The person's voice, despite being somewhat weak, can't hide the strength of its owner.

The voice belongs to the strongest man in the world who bears the sin of pride... Escanor.

The atmosphere

The member of the sins turned their heads back slowly, only to see a huge figure of a burning man. The man has a sad expression as he speaks those words.

"You....guys? Oh....right...." A voice belonging to a woman spoke. She's a giant but strange enough, her voice isn't loud like other huge beings, now...it is only a voice of a sad young woman. Snake, Sin: Envy, Diane

(A/N: For those who don't know. The snake was Diane's symbol, like escanor which is a lion)

"What are you doing standing there.....? Let's go back...together..." The voice belongs to a young man who has small fairy wings on his back. His voice was shaky and he was now somewhat trembling while floating mid-air. Grizzly, Sin: Sloth, Harlequin/King.

"I'm sorry... I'm afraid I can't move anymore. I think we have to settle it like this....." Escanor said with a smile while looking at his friends.

He then said. "I have no regret in this life. Thank you... For giving me the honor of meeting you all". Hearing that, the sins all have solemn looks on their faces.

Escanor then looked to his feminine dark red-haired friend and said. "Gowther...you were a great friend who listens to my deepest feelings..." Gowther only looks at him with a sad expression.

Escanor then looked at the fairy and giant pair. "King. Diane. It pains me that I won't be there for your wedding. However, I wish the both of you a happy life..." Diane turned her head to the side and closed her eyes while sobbing, while king looked down and trembling.

Escanor looked at the white-haired princess. "Princess Elizabeth... Please convey my feelings to the king and Hendy-kun..." Elizabeth nodded her head with the same solemn expression as the others.

Escanor then looked at the owner of his powers. "Mael-san... I owe you a debt of gratitude." The archangel nodded at him.

He then looked at his used-to-be Immortal friend. "Ban... Tone down on the booze for me, will you?" Ban just looked at him without speaking.

He then looked at his captain and smiled. "Captain... You are the reason why I'm alive and also my best friend in this world." Meliodas looked at him sadly, while clenching his fist.

Escanor closed his eyes, breathe in some air and turn to his right side.

"And finally... Merlin-san. I've always loved you... Not because you looked a lot like Rosa... But because you treated me unlike any other."

Merlin seeing him turn to her crossed her hands to her chest and harrumphed.

"Hmph" after a while, she then said. ".....I'm flattered. After all this time I only saw you as an interesting entity to develop my knowledge. Knowing all this, aren't you downhearted to hear it?"

Escanor only smiled and shook his head and said. "Not at all. To think that I share a place in your mind... Makes me the happiest man to have ever lived."

Hearing this, merlin grit her teeth and clench the side of her sleeve. She then looked down and said. "Late... It's too late... There's no turning back now." She turn her head to the side and closed her eyes.

After a while, she asked while still closing her eyes "Escanor... Why couldn't I have met you sooner..? Especially 3000 years ago..."

Escanor smiled at her and said. "I'm going to be by your side no matter what... There to support you in your endeavors... And carry the weight of the harrowing sin that burdens you."

Merlin open her eyes wide and looked at him. "You.... knew about it..?"

Escanor shook his head and said. "No. But I felt it. Because your eyes were sad ever since we met."

Merlin stared at him in silence, when suddenly Diane shouted in panic.

Diane: "Ahhh!!! Escanor... your body is...."

Escanor look at his body which was burning more and more violently, he smiled and said. "It must be time then... I wish you all the best." He then warned. "Now then, please stay away... It's dangerous."

Meliodas seeing his state, spoke. "I'll keep an eye on them, Escanor...." Escanor nodded.

"This can't be happening...." Diane said, her voice shaky and trembling and tears flowing from her eyes.

Escanor looked at merlin, smiled, and said. "This is goodbye Merlin-san..."

Merlin hearing that suddenly looked at him, she stood for a while, but then started to approach him.

Escanor seeing that merlin was approaching him, asked in a panic. "W-what are you doing?! You'll get hurt!" But was suddenly silenced, as merlin's lips covered his.

Everyone was shocked, and so was escanor. Escanor widen his eyes and looked at merlin who was kissing him while he was still burning.

Merlin then stopped kissing him after a while and stood in front of him with large burns on her mouth, and cheeks that went down through her neck. She then said. "You're wrong. This doesn't hurt." She said while letting the others see her burns.

She continued and said. "This is the proof that you were alive. This is a mark from a man who truly loved me..."

Escanor looking at her silently shed a tear. He then suddenly decided to recite a poem out loud. "O' wine infused with sweet love and loneliness. Dear god... Please bless her with a chalice deserving of her love." Escanor recited and finished. He then felt that it was his time and closed his eyes. His hand started to disintegrate and turn into ash that scatters through the wind. In no time, his body fully turned into ashes and the wind carried it upward scattering it in this land.

Meliodas looked up at the scattered ashes and said. "May you rest in peace, Escanor..."

That day was marked by the passing of a member of the seven deadly sins and the end of a hero that sacrificed himself for his friends.

But.... was it the end though?




After a while, the Sins bid farewell to the archangel Mael. Mael stood there watching their backs into the distance. He then turned around and tried to sense where his grace is to take it back to himself.

After a while, Mael sensed his Grace and willed it to approach him. Receiving it, he then started to absorb it, when suddenly...

"AARRGGHHH". Mael kneeled to the ground with blood flowing from his mouth, he was trying to breathe but he can't. After a moment of struggling, his eyes then lost their lives and he lay on the ground. Dead.

After the death of mael, the Grace, Sunshine, flew out of his body. The grace losing its host looked around. It has no consciousness and its only will is to find another host to wield its power.

It then flew and started to look for a host. The gods and strong beings were unaware of such happening. After years and years and hundreds of years of searching. The sunshine still didn't find its host, until one day, while searching for its wielder. It stopped... It stopped for a while without moving, then suddenly it turned bright slowly, as bright as the real sun. It then suddenly, without warning, accidentally open a rift in space and went through it.

While on the dark space rift. The Grace has no conscious... but, something's different to it now... It was... It looks like it's fusing... with a soul inside it? No, not a soul... but souls... It's trying to fuse with two souls inside it unconsciously and it was on the verge of succeeding but just can't. It needs a medium... Yes, a medium to successfully fuse with the two souls who successfully fused first.

A space rift then opened to an unknown town and the grace hurriedly and randomly went inside a human. Accidentally, it went to a human that was in the process of copulating.


The male cummed inside the woman, and the woman felt so warm inside. Inside her womb, the grace was transferred and fused with an egg cell. Yes, this is basically what it needs as the medium and completely fuses with the soul.

(A/N: The two souls already fused.)

A Grace that fused with two souls and assumed a physical body. Something that was never heard of was happening and this mystery was all inside the womb of a woman, budding with life. Whether this would turn good or bad was still unknown.

(A/N: What would happen and how would this turn out? Find out and read next time on dragon bal- *ahem the next chapter!)

FanfictionLover FanfictionLover

First chap~

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


