9.75% Summoned (Hotd) highschool of the dead / Chapter 8: Skipping school

章 8: Skipping school

"So they only react to sounds?" Kohta asks in a low tone.

"Yep, they are blind and seem to ignore physical contact with inanimate objects, they might be able to sense heat though. As from what I saw, they seem to realize when they have grabbed a human and they are also able to home in on a running person after getting their initial 'lock on' too... even if that 'lock on' doesn't seem to last very long. As they lose interest pretty fast, and get distracted even faster. I'm just hypothesizing about that though, I didn't have much of a chance to test it out, nor do I have a death wish to experiment how long it will take them till they would lose interest in chasing me, especially when I'm in a closed space." I say as I look back at Kohta.

"I see, that would explain why we were able to just walk around them then." Kohta nods while he keeps speaking quietly.

"Also kind of obvious but, these things are, well, dead" I say with a deadpan look on my face.

"Huh, dead? Don't be ridiculous, if they are dead then why are they still walking around?" Saya butts in with a sharp and rather loud voice.

"I don't know, but you have seen them? I might not be that particularly versed in human biology, but what I do know is that you can't be considered to be very alive if you're chewing your own ripped off arm, half of your back is missing and you are dragging your own guts on the floor. Also Takagi, could you pleeaaase... talk just a biiiit more quietly?" I turn my head to Saya with a pleading look.

I tried to be as polite and non provocative as I could. And obviously, I failed. This is Saya we're talking about after all.

Saya frowns, puffs her cheeks and answers with a rather loud voice, again.

"And who are you to tell me what to do? And why did you have us stop in this classroom in the first place?"

Right now we were in an empty classroom, as I asked the other two for a 'stop' after I saw them trying to hide behind a couple of lockers when they spotted a couple of corpses 'staring' at our direction. I could have explained how the corpses act right then and there. But I had the strong feeling that Saya would not be able to help herself and would end up with some loud, snarky remark after my explanation.

So, planning ahead for that, I picked an empty classroom in hopes of somewhat soundproofing Saya's outbursts, as she kept speaking loud enough to make every single deadhead turn our direction.

"Ughhh...forget it, I am not here to antagonize you. Kohta and I will check the door. And if it's clear I will signal with my hand so we can move out. We should try to keep the noise and chatter to the minimum after we get out of this room." I say and get up from the chair.

"And who made you the boss anyway?" Saya 'asks' as she silently looked away from me.

Ignoring Saya, I started moving towards the class door.

(God, she might seem cute and all with her tsundere act in the anime. But the fact that all I get from her is tsun and no dere is making me want to start chewing a desk. I had to deal with one too many corpses already, because she was being too loud.

Uhhh, focus, got to keep myself focused. She might act like a total stuck up bitch right now, but she is not a bad person, I hope. And, I also have to make sure Kohta won't end up dead before he gets his custom-made nail gun thingy.)

Going to the door, I cleared my mind and slowly opened and peeked through the door.

(Right side has two of them standing up and three on their knees munching on some unlucky bastard.

Left side has only three, but all of them are on their feet. Normally, I would take the right side as going around the eating ones is much easier, but I don't want to risk it with the other two with me.)

I move back to the classroom, motion Kohta to wait, pick a random pencil case, stuff it up with clutter, close it and then move back to the door. Then hurl the case at some lockers on the right side. While the noise caused the prone zombies to get up and move to the lockers, it also caused the trio on the left to start moving towards the right corridor as well.

As they shambled past the door, I motioned to Kohta to move out. He gets up from his chair and starts moving, followed by an annoyed, yet silent Saya.

After getting out and stealthily walking to the left, the three of us started moving down the hallway with me in the front, Saya in the middle and Kohta bringing up the rear.

"Kohta, if possible keep a lookout behind us. I don't want us to end up surrounded in the wrong moment." I say to him in a hushed tone.

Kohta gapes at me like a fish before he proceeds to simply nod. Saya just kept quiet.

(Got to get Kohta his gun, he's being way too meek like this.)

"Say Naier, what's with the get up?" I hear Kohta ask.

"The bag, shoes and gloves?" I answer without stopping to look back.

"I had a tight schedule today, I was planning to leave right after school and only return tomorrow morning so I packed for it" I responded without waiting for Kohta's input.

"You're going somewhere?" He asks right after.

"Yea a part-time job" I answered once again.

"You have a job?" Kohta returns with another question.

(God damn it dude, stop being so curious. Now I have to make up even more things on the go.)

"Yep" Then, an idea hit me.

"I was helping a friend of the shop owner we met a couple of days ago, you remember him right?" I answered back, hoping that if the gun range owner came into play, it would make Kohta stop asking questions, as him being there with me yesterday was not very legal. Not that being legal mattered in any way right now. But both of them have yet to realize the weight of the situation from what I see.

(I just hope that this won't come back and bite me in the ass.)

"Ohhhhh I see" Kohta was about to open his mouth again when...

"Will you two shut up already!" Saya butts in, again, with a loud voice.

(Saya, you just got brownie points for this. Even if you were not actually aiming to help here.)

Thankfully Saya's loud voice did not attract anything other than a couple of corpses that were already behind us. So other than the occasional corpse that got wind of us 'somehow' and had to meet the wrong end of my bat, or fall in love with a nearby wall, we moved through the hallways with relative ease.

(What should I do now? I got Saya and Kohta with me, so I could just go straight to the classroom I got the screwdriver from and arm Kohta up. Although that means that he might also run out of ammo sooner... As in the anime he gets his gun at sunset, and we have about an hour before the sky changes color at all.

We could go straight to the faculty room and wait for the rest of the team. With the car and bus keys there, these two will probably agree to go with me if I tell them that I can drive. But then, I won't be sure if the group will meet up at all. Hmm, Saeko and Shizuka, I know they are heading towards that room as well, so all we have to do in order to meet them is wait. That only leaves Rei and Takashi out...

No, no I must make sure Takashi joins up with the group. Bad thoughts, bad Naier, bad.

So, I guess we'll just go get Kohta his gun and then run around until sunset. Worst case, I'll have to let the whole thing with Saya getting attacked and going into shock happen. Although I hope to avoid having her go through with that harrowing experience… Anyway, Takashi was aiming to leave the school with Rei, so we could find him if we keep an eye on the front gate after teaming up with Saeko and Shizuka.)

With thought, I decided that the best next move is to arm Kohta. As right now I'm the only one that's actually doing any fighting, with Saya and Kohta either staying behind me or trying to find a place to hide, from blind corpses. Bad habits die hard I guess.

"We should go to the workshop class, it should have tools and materials that will let us reinforce what we have, or make something better, as I don't know how long this bat will hold if we keep going like this." I say while turning my head back looking at the two.

"There's one on the second floor." Saya speaks up as she pushes her glasses with her middle finger.

"Alright then, second floor for starters." I nod and turn to look forward again.

As we kept moving, I noticed a group of corpses huddled together at the end of the hallway. The sound of moaning, chewing and bones being snapped being audible in the otherwise silent hallway.

(I have three good reasons for why I don't want to go down that way, and one is making my own bones protest.)

I stop abruptly and raise my arm without looking back, my hand in a stop motion. But apparently I was not the only one that was not looking, as Kohta bumped into Saya's back.

"Watch it Fatso!"

Saya's voice rang like an alarm in my head…

"Shit." Was all I managed to say as I saw the whole group of corpses at the far end of the hallway get up.

I then looked behind us, to see that corpses that were following us were also closing in on us as well.

I didn't even have time to be mad at Kohta for not telling me that we were being followed. If we didn't act fast, we would end up surrounded, and there were way too many of them to fight off.

(The stairs are not too far, if we run we can make it there before the group in the front can cut us off.)

"Stairs, now." Is all I say as I start running. Taking the hint, the other two pick up speed and start running behind me.

(Good, we will make it to the stairs before they do, they are too far away.)

Right before we reached the staircase though, I saw a corpse walking out the corner that the stairs were located at, then another, and another. And seconds later, corpses started pouring out of the staircase.

(Are you for real?!)

I stop running and bend my body backwards to balance out the momentum of my sprint, my boots slide across the floor for a bit before finally stopping.

Saya, not being able to stop as fast, ended up being in front of the group now as she stopped a few meters ahead of me. And...We were now surrounded.

"Do something!" Saya shouts without looking back.

(Too many of them to fight, and we can't evade them. Come on think, Think damn it!)

Kohta walked past me and stood next to Saya as he stared at the group of the approaching corpses.

"Why are there so many of them here?" Kohta asked as he kept looking at the now giant group that was slowly making its way to us.

"Instead of asking stupid questions, how about you start thinking of how we can get out of here?!" Saya puts her hands on her hips and turns to Kohta as she shouts. While that was happening, I was looking at what little 'free' space we had left as the corpses closed in from both directions...

My eyes then fell to a classroom door that was a few meters away from the larger group.

(We don't have much of a choice left do we?)

Idea in mind, I start running towards the large group while pointing at the door.

"Door, get to the door next to the large group, now!"

"That's not going to help, idiot! We'll just be trapped in there!" Saya shouts while following me.

"I got a plan." I say as I go to the class door, swing it open and look inside.

(Good, it's empty.)

"Inside, now." I turn to the two.

Saya lets out an annoyed sigh and runs inside, Kohta following behind her shortly after.

"Great, now what genius?" Saya then turns to me, her arms folded.

"...Now you stay quiet." I say as I slam the door shut before they can speak back.

With me still outside.

I looked to my right seeing the large group of shambling corpses was only a couple of meters away from me. The group on my left had fewer corpses and was still further away, but still too many to take head-on in such a closed off space.

They had also shambled past the door of the classroom that was next to the one I just left the other two in, so no dodging them that way. The only thing left between me and them was a corridor of concrete wall and some lockers on one side, and a windowed wall on the other.

(You had to try and act like a badass didn't you? Now, you'll die for it.)

I moved away from the door, where the two were hiding in, backing away from the large group until I was standing in the middle of the two groups.

(Too high to jump out of the window, too many to fight, and one of them will surely get me if I just stand still. I can't use the phone as a distraction either, that would pretty much kill Kohta and Saya by attracting everything here. Not that it matters, no matter where I'll throw the damn thing I'll still have corpses 'behind' me.)

Turning my head I saw that some corpses from the larger group are starting to bang on the door of the classroom that Saya and Kohta were in. The sound of their banging also caused the other corpses to start flocking outside the door.

"Oh for fuck sake!"

I shout as I run to the nearby set of lockers.

And kick them.

"Stay away from that fucking door shit for brains, I'm not fucking dead yet!" I scream as loud as I can while kicking the while I was pretty much committing suicide, I noticed that the lockers kept making small movements after each kick.

(They're not bolted down?)

I ran to the side of the lockers that were closer to the smaller group, grab the edge and put my foot in front of them so it can act as the fulcrum for the lockers, then push them to the right.

It felt like I was watching the lockers topple in slow motion...until. A loud crash.

Loud enough for the corpses that were banging at the door to stop, and turn towards me once again. But, the now toppled lockers gave me an idea.

I look behind me and see the small group that was still closing in on me. I then went behind the next set of lockers while still facing the smaller group, and gave them a strong push, then kept on pushing until they were near the smaller group.

The screeching was actually loud enough to also make some of the corpses that were shambling next to the windows change their direction slightly towards the lockers.

I get in position to topple them over as well.

(I could just go to the other side of the wall and wait until most of them moved towards the lockers...but.)

I stared intensely as the corpses got closer.

(I got a better idea)

Once some of them have gotten close enough, I push the lockers to the left, making them fall over. Crushing a couple of corpses underneath them.

With the bodies under it, the lockers were now about shin-high on my side, and knee/thigh height on the other. After getting on the wobbling lockers, I look at what remained of the small group that was now slowly trying to get on the lockers.

(This could work.)

Bat in hand, I walk forward and take a swing with both hands at the first, and only corpse that managed to get on the lockers.

The corpse takes a spin and falls back, causing two other corpses to get struck under its falling body. Seeing the opening I grab the bat in a reverse grip and start running towards the small opening. Jumping off the lockers and over the corpses that were on the ground. The moment I landed, I eyed the last nearby corpses of the group to my right.

Not wasting time, I took a quick jump forward ,rolling away from its extended hands. Turning back to look at all the chaos after I got back on my feet.

(Ok, let's make sure they leave that door alone.)

Not wanting to take any chances, I head to a distant locker and topple it over as well, making sure that the two groups would wander away from the classroom and the staircase.

After watching them for some seconds and making sure that they had lost interest in the door, I turned around and ran. My face was sporting a shit-eating grin and I was feeling like a total badass, even if I didn't actually smash any heads in.

(My food better still be in one piece after that roll.)

After packing some distance from the group of corpses I spent some time checking the classrooms until I found an empty one, then headed inside so I could get my bearings…

I find a nearby chair, grab it and turn it towards the door before finally sitting on it. Then, I let out a huge sigh.

(Holy crap… I need to stop trying to act cool in front of pretty girls, lest I join the dead before my time.)

After taking a break for a couple of minutes, I start thinking about my current situation.

(So much for teaming up, now I'm by myself again. Still, Kohta and Saya should be fine, and since I gave them the idea about using tools to make or reinforce stuff, I can at least have high hopes that they will go to that classroom and Kohta can go commando mode.)

I then look outside the window.

(The sun is starting to set too. If I remember correctly, in the second episode where the sun was starting to set, the inside of the school's hallways were starting to get flooded with corpses. Meaning it will be much harder for me to move around as time goes by. Now the group stays in the faculty room between episode two and three. But, I don't know for how long they really stay there, as both episodes are during sunset. I could try to go there and meet the whole group along the way.

Also, out of the two, I think at least Kohta will probably be worried about whether I survived or not. So he should at least mention me. Hmm Ok, for now, I should aim for the faculty room. Judging by the color of the sky, the rest of the group should be heading there soon too...)

After taking a needed break, I get up and head to the door, opening it slowly. Looking outside, I could see a couple more corpses shambling about, but nothing I couldn't sidestep over. So, Bat in hand, I exit the class and start heading towards the staircase in order to go on the second floor.

(I should check the class where Saya and Kohta were, doubt they are still there though. But I have to make sure.)

Setting my route so I end up by the staircase near the toppled lockers I start walking down the hallways. Going over the same path I used when I was searching for an empty classroom, I noticed that the corpses around here have increased in number as well.

(I was right about one thing it seems, as time passed, more and more corpses seem to be roaming the hallways. I want to get out of this fricking school… fast.)

Thankfully, I made it to the toppled lockers without finding the hallway clogged with brain munching corpses. The place was empty, with only a couple roaming corpses that seemed to be going off in their own direction. And the ones that ended up under the lockers, as I could see moving feet extending from under it.

I slowly walk past the downed lockers without touching them, not wanting to attract any attention, and make my way to the classroom door, to find it open.

(It has been opened, not broken, that's a good sign.)

Walking inside, I find it empty.

(No bodies, at least they didn't get killed here, meaning my diversion worked at least.)

I then looked outside, to see that the sky had started to take a heavy shade of yellow.

(Alright, let's head to the faculty room.)

I exit the class and head down the stairs to the second floor, heading towards my next destination.

The hallways of the second floor were in worse condition than the third, more guts, more blood, more corpses, more of everything really.

I move away from the staircase looking at the hallway in both directions.

(Not good… too many of them, I will have to go up and...)

I was about to move, when I heard a female scream coming out from the left hallway.

(That was Saya?...)

Reacting to the sound, a bunch of the corpses on the right hallway started going towards the left. In other words, towards me.

(Crap, I'm getting surrounded here, as much as I want to help, I got to head back up.)

I turn around and start running up the stairs. And almost ran into another student who was running down the stairs.

"WHOA! Too many of them!" The student exclamate with a loud voice.

"Yes and now you just attracted their attention, back up the stairs. Now." I say, as I run past the frozen student, a pair of running footsteps following behind me soon after...

I was wondering who the kid was as I ran up the stairs, I didn't seem to recall seeing him in the anime or manga. And, I found out the reason why once I reached the third floor once more.

A tall man was standing there. Striped suit, glasses and a face I instantly wanted to cave in.


The sudden urge to just lunge at the guy right now, was pretty high. Knowing that he'll be responsible for a bunch of avoidable deaths , possibly including Saya's parents...It honestly made the prospect of destroying his knees, really tempting.

"Sir, there are too many of them downstairs, we can't go that way." The student who was running behind me finally climbed up the stairs and spoke up.

"I see. And, who might you be?" Shido turns his oily stare to me.

"Naier Sepfier." I was trying my best to not let my voice give away what I really wanted to do right now. Even if Shido is a bastard, which he undoubtedly is. If I attack him here, there will be multiple problems for me.

First being that all the students here will probably come after me. To them, Shido is helping them stay alive.

The second, and most important one, is that if Shido doesn't make it to the bus, then the main cast will not leave the bus later. Meaning they won't get to Rika's house, so they won't get the guns and Humvee. And let me tell you, finding guns with actual stomping power in Japan, is like looking for Mew in Pokemon Yellow. Jokes aside, worst of all is that they might end up getting stuck in that giant traffic jam that will attract a whole battalion of corpses during the night.

"I see. You're the transfer student, I am Koichi Shido homeroom teacher of 3-A. You were quite fortunate to run into us, seeing as you are all by yourself" Shido smiles at me with his usual shit-eating grin plastered on his face.

(Fortunate, my ass.)

"Yes, surviving alone in a situation like this was not easy. Also, we should leave soon, the ones from the floor below us are climbing up the stairs as well." I answer as I walk away from the teacher, checking the two hallways to our left and right.

The right one was pretty much clogged, no way to go over there, so the only way to go was left.

"With the lower floor blocked we will have to find some other way. Come on everybody we will have to find another way out of the school." All the students gave a unified 'Yes sir' and followed Shido, who started going towards the left hallway.

Having no other options, I follow behind the group.

(God, I can't believe I'm stuck with this lunatic while The Group gets together right under me.)

"Hey, did you really survive all this time by yourself?" I turn my head to the voice to see the student I bumped into some minutes ago downstairs talking to me.

"Yes, and no. I was with two other people, Kohta Hirano and Saya Takagi, but we got separated." I answered back at the student who was walking next to me.

And then, I heard a snicker from the front part of the group.

"That fat ass? Ha, I'm surprised he's still alive, figured he would be the first one to die since he's like a patty with legs. But hey, he can probably become one hell of a bait, these things will be eating, for days" It was none other than Tsunoda who had opened his mouth. Several other male students next to him started snickering to his statement, his 'bros' if I had to guess.

Shido was doing nothing to stop him, obviously.

"Maybe you all should shut it for a bit, noise attracts them and right now you're all sounding like screaming donkeys"

In retrospect, that was a bad idea. I knew it was a bad idea. The whole planet knew it was a bad idea. But, I just couldn't resist...

My comment was followed by a sudden silence, the blond-haired guy turned to me, veins popping on his forehead.

"The fuck did you call me!?" He shouted, slamming his feet to the ground as he stomped towards me. Tsunoda got close enough to be in strike range, and apparently prepared to throw a punch towards my face.

(I should have said gorillas...)

I was about to take a stance so I could bring his face into a nearby wall the moment he tried to punch me. Yet instead of punching me, he punched the guy that was walking right next to me...

"Take this as a warning, funny guy. Next time, it will be you." Tsunoda glances at me, his scowl turning into a shit-eating grin as he turns around. Walking back to 'his' group like he just did the deed of the century.

(The hell?)

I turned to the guy that met the wrong end of Tsunoda's hand, his own hand now over his bleeding nose.

"Oi, Are you ok?" I ask as I extend my arm.

"No" Barks the student as he gets back up, slapping my arm away before walking away.

(Shitface is trying to make me an outcast? Good going Tsunoda, you just got a vip spot in my shit list, right next to your teacher)

"Now let's not start infighting everybody, we need to stay together" Was all Shido said for the whole situation...

And after the little 'show', I was left walking by myself.

"There should be a second staircase here." After a couple of minutes, Shido spoke up.

Reaching the stairs he mentioned, I could see Shido turning to talk with Tsunoda.

"I will go check the stairs, can't let a wimp do a man's job" Tsunoda speaks up with a nod, and moves towards the stairs. His face turning into a grin as he gave me a quick glance.

Ignoring the provocation, I looked behind us to see the corpses that were slowly closing in on us, attracted by the group's idle chatter.

Tsunoda comes back after a bit, giving the all-clear, and the students start going down the stairs one by one.

While that was happening, I turned towards the guy who took the punch for me.

(I suppose he's not thinking straight after getting punched out of the blue, but is that guy crazy? Leaning against a closed door like that?)

"Hey man, you better get away from that door, you don't know what's on the other side."

"Piss off." The student hisses in a low voice.

"Look, just get away from the door." I responded to the guy who was now glaring at me.

"I said. Piss Off!" The guy now started shouting.

"I got punched in the face because of you! Why don't you mess up somebody else's life!" And He keeps on shouting.

"Just get away from that door, I think I see a shadow looming behind the glass." I answer to the guy in a cautious tone, trying to calm him down.

Yet...it did the complete opposite.

"Will you shut it! Door this, Door that! There is nothing behind this fucking door!" The student keeps shouting as he flings the door open in a blind rage.

Before I was even able to react, the shadow I mentioned lunged out. It grabbed the student and forced him on the ground. The guy's screams of anger quickly turned into screams of panic.

I acted as fast as I could, dropping my bat and taking out the screwdriver, stabbing the side of the corpse's head. But, I was too late.

I could see blood flowing under the student… and it was not from the corpse. He was bit.

I just stayed there on one knee, over the student while he was looking at me, tears appearing in his eyes...

I should have realized what was going to happen next. With Tsunoda making me look like an apparent passive wimp and Shido probably thinking I was not worth being in his little herd because of that.

But, being focused on the dying student in front of me, I didn't even notice that my bat was not where I dropped it. I only realized something was terribly wrong as I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head, my whole body falling forward on top of the bleeding student.

My vision went blurry for a few seconds.

Shaking my head and opening my eyes to look straight ahead, I see a pair of bloody shoeless feet closing in on me, and the fallen student who was now just whimpering under me.

Turning my head around, my vision still slightly blurry, I see Shido dropping my bat and casually walking away.

(Shido...Shido you fucking good for nothing!...I'm going to fucking KILL YOU!)

Rage starts to heat up my head, I quickly pull myself on my knees and try to get up. Only to feel something holding my sleeve, looking down, I see the dying student looking at me.

"Man please, I didn't mean it, please. Don't leave me here, I don't want to die like this, don't want to. Please." He was stumbling on his words, blood was starting to come out from his mouth mixing with the tears that were running down his cheeks.

Seeing the student like that, made me snap out of my rage. I couldn't bring myself to leave him alone while he was looking like that. With the screwdriver still in hand, I grab the student by the collar, then take his arm and then yank him up.

"Thank…" His bloody smile after I helped him up, was short-lived however. As that pair of feet that I saw some moments ago were now beyond close. Before he could even manage to thank me, another corpse grabbed him from behind, biting him on the back of his neck while pushing him forward on to me. And, he started to scream again.

Being in an awkward position after lifting the student up, I didn't manage to dodge the now falling student as the weight of two bodies fell on me. And I ended up on the ground with two bodies on top of me, only managing to put an arm between me and the student.

After hitting the floor, I heard the student's neck bones snap. I used my screwdriver to stab the head that had embedded it's teeth at the back of the student's neck. Looking at the student, I saw that he was no longer moving, screaming, or crying. Only his blood was now dripping on my face. He was dead.

I started panicking, realizing that he would soon be 'waking' up with me right under him. Add along the corpses that were still closing in.

I grabbed the head of the second corpse that had its teeth still embedded on the late student's neck and pulled the screwdriver from its head, right as the student started to twitch.

Among the twitching student on top of me, the approaching corpses, and my own mental state...

"Aaaarrrhh! I am NOT dying here! NOT like this!"

I started screaming while stabbing the students head, pushing the two bodies away from me until I could put my foot between the bodies. Getting them off me with a kick while taking the screwdriver out of the dead students head in the process of freeing my trapped body.

I quickly roll away from the oncoming corpses using the momentum of my kick. I finish the backwards roll on my feet, stand up and run to my bat, grabbing it with my free hand. Then with a glance at the window, I see Takashi and the rest of his team getting on the bus.

The mere idea that I was going to be left behind because I was done in by Shido made my blood boil even more. I quickly put the screwdriver back in the side pocket of my bag and started jumping down the stairs until I was on the first floor.

Ignoring the corpses that infested the hallways, I just bolted through them. Whatever arm reached for me either found air, or didn't manage to get a grip on me.

While on the first floor, running through the hallway that linked to the exit, I looked through the windows and saw Shido casually walking towards the bus.

As I was nearing the exit, I was still going at full speed. Not having time to stop I used a corpse that had its back turned to me as a break. Smashing into it so that I could come to a stop, and allow me to change the direction of my sprint towards the exit.

The moment I saw the bus, the world around me blurred, the only thing I could see was the bus with Shido still a couple of meters away from the door.

I bend my body, grab my bat in reverse grip and break into a dead run, my feet stomping on the ground. The sound of moaning did not even reach my ears as I passed the corpses that turned their attention to me.

As I kept sprinting across the field I saw Shido slowly extending his arm towards the bus.

Realizing that he was about to get on the bus, and that they were going to leave without me...

(No, Not gonna happen. I will not be left behind because of that fucking bastard!)

Still sprinting, I take a deep breath and bellow out.


My shout made the people in the bus turn their heads towards me. I would really like to see the expressions on certain people right now, but I was focused on my main target right now, Shido.

In all honesty, what I actually hoped for was for Shido to actually not 'move it' at all. What I hoped for, is that my shout would distract everybody in the bus so I could close in.

And well… I long since decided that I would not be stopping normally.

Shido, hearing my shout turned his face with a smirk, that quickly disappeared once he saw me, his face turning pale.

I could see the uproar on the bus. But the important part was, the plan worked. Shido was just standing there like an idiot. And the few seconds he failed to react was enough for me to reach the bus.

I jumped in, crashing right into Shidos lower abdomen, making him plummet backwards on the metal stairs and falling unconscious.

While that was definitely not enough to kill him, it did feel great to get back at the bastard.

Shaking my head, I look around me before getting up. I then toss my bat on an empty seat next to me before closing the bus door.

In the meantime, I heard Takashi shout.

"Miss Shizuka, Drive!"

Shizuka, who was just staring along with everybody else, snaps out of it and stomps on the pedal. I could hear her mumbling to herself as she went ham on the corpses in the school field, until she finally busted through the front door.

I was still standing on top of Shido while the bus was shaking, thinking of what to do.

(I could just start swinging at his face, bastard deserves it. But that would probably make the rest of the bus freak out on me, Rei excluded. They're probably already on edge with me after my entrance, so I shouldn't go all Hanibal on Shido...yet.)

While I was deep in thought I saw Shido waking up, his eyes slowly focusing on me as I was standing over him.

"My apologies Sir Shido, did not see you there. My vision was kinda blurry as something hit me on the back of my head some time ago" I say with a deadpan look on my face.

"I...it's alright, what is important is that you are safe. It is a teacher's job to keep you students safe after all." His face was still pale as he said that, rolls of sweat rolling down his forehead. He knew that I saw him.

He slowly got up. Straightening his suit before limping to the back of the school bus. And, he immediately started whispering to his little flock.

(The guy is already scheming? Damn, he bounces back fast. Whatever, I regret nothing and I'm feeling much better now.)

I walk towards the chair with my bat and leave my bag on it.

"Naier?" Hearing my name, I turn my head around. Following the direction of the sound I see Kohta, who was sitting on an outside seat, with Saya sitting next to him, staring outside.

"Hey. Told you I had a plan."

Saya turns her head to my statement shifting her eyes towards me as she opens her mouth.

(Oh god, even after I saved her ass she is going to dish me out?)

Yet, she said nothing. She just stared at me for a couple of seconds, before quickly turning her head back towards the window.

(That, was weird. )

I shrug and turn my attention back to Kohta.

"You're...ok?" He asks me with a worried expression.

"Uhh, I'm fine. Is there something on my face?" I start lightly patting my face before turning my head towards the rest of the group. Yet, everybody was just staring at me. Rei, Takashi, Saeko and even the students that were with Shido, although their expressions looked a bit more...fearful.

Standing there for a few seconds, and seeing that the expressions did not change, I pulled my phone out of my pocket. Opened it and used the front facing camera to look at my face on the screen.

Seeing my reflection, I realize why Shido's groupies looked like they're about to piss their pants.

All of my face is covered in blood and my clothes look like I just had a wrestling match with a bear, and lost.

(Well, I look like total shit.)

"Well, uhh."

I turn my head away from the phone and look around at the group.

"Is there a chance any of you got a wet handkerchief? I think I might have some blood on my face."

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


