34.92% Strongest multiverse system / Chapter 22: reborn again

章 22: reborn again

The next moment after David jumped through the black hole he found himself in the familiar or not so familiar space.

'sigh, here we go again, system what happened to Dracula and how long would it be till I am born' said David.


[ Host familiar is currently residing in host pocket dimension outside of the multiverse, Frozen in time waiting to be summoned, right now host still have 5 months before being born ]

' that is really a long time to just stay like this doing nothing, system as I understand, anything of origin grade encompasses every single thing, so does that mean that the origin energy manual have a way to train the energy in this world as Well?' asked David, he really didn't want to spend the next 5 months slumbering doing nothing, he can at least be productive.


[ Host is correct, the origin energy training manual have ways to gather and cultivate each and every single type of energy ].

[System recommend host to start the integration of the origin bloodline that host got through the hidden quest, origin bloodline is the accumulation of each and every bloodline in existence, but it will be sealed at the beginning due to host not being strong enough to handle it, host will get more access to it the more powerful he becomes]

'alright integrate that bloodline with me, for now I will start practising chakra I don't wanna be defenseless when I am born, especially in the time period that I am going to be born in, and I am sure as hell that I won't be wasting my limited supply of mana' said David.

That's right the world that David chose as his next destination is Naruto world, but he chose to be reborn before the plot by a very long time, to be more exact he decided to be born at the same time as Madara and hashirama.

There were many reasons for this, the first one is, with all honesty he thinks that Naruto generation is a bunch of weaklings, be it the highest kages or the lowest genins, compared to the shinobi of the Warring States Period they are nothing.

the most average amongst the shinobi of the Warring States Period can easily dispatch of high kage level ninja of Naruto generation easily, and he knew that if he was reborn in that timeline he will be hard pressed to find a match, and his progress speed will slow dramatically.

The second reason was that he really wanted to fight Madara and hashirama, it is as simple as that, he wanted to see how strong they really are, and how can he compare to them.

As for the last but not least Which is the most important reason, he wanted to collect system points and what better place is there than an all-out war were he can just kill people left and right, and best of all after the Warring States Period there would be the first, second and third great Ninja war, and hopefully if nothing changed the fourth great Ninja war, it is like they are begging for him to come and kill them.

David was going through the origin energy manual when he felt great amount of pain all over his body, if this were him of the past or any other person, in fact, they would already be asking for death, but now he just endured and asked the system, 'system with all this pain I won't be able to concentrate to do something'


[Acknowledged, activating pain immunization]

'haaaahh, that is better, I guess that was due to the integration of the bloodline??'


[Host is correct]

[Due to host unique bloodline host will have the highest affinity with all elements plus q lot of other benefits]

' well isn't that something, I guess that it is a bonus for possessing the most powerful bloodline ever ' said David extremely elated.

' alright I went through the origin energy manual and I memorized the part about chakra training I guess it is about time to start practising, but first system show me my status' said David.


[name: ???.

Age: 558Y.

Power level: Rank 1 stage 2.

Race: origin race.

Bloodline: origin bloodline 0.1%.

soul grade: half step E.

Health: 400

STR: 360

AGL: 340

END: 520

DEX: 170

INT: 3940

WIS: 3940

Element comprehension: water: 23%, lightning:11%, fire: 25%, metal: 3%, wood: 1%, earth: 4%:, space: 19%, wind: 12%, time: 7%, illusions: 10%, light:1%, dark: 60% formation: 1%, destruction: 1%, creation: 1%

Mana: 3950/3950.

Chakra: 10/10 {normal civilian}.

Chakra control: 40%.

System points: 0.]

[Reminding host that the system can use Mana as a replacement for system points]

'not in a million years' said David.

After that David started practising chakra, it took him 10 minutes to start feeling it.

after that he tried manipulating it and moving it throughout his body like it is described in the manual, after 12 hour's of doing that he heard a slight "tick" sound, and felt a very warm sensation throughout all of his body, he felt his senses heightened and his body straighten even though the increase was almost non existence it was still there.


[Congratulations to host for starting his chakra practice ]

[reward: 10 system points, 10 kunais]

' sigh, can't wait to start earning more system points' David said lamenting.

Like that David spent the rest of his time practising his chakra

he would circular all his chakra around his body until he runs out, after that he would gather more chakra and repeat the process all over again, he would rest for a while before continuing.

And like that he spent the next five months until today when saw the familiar light at the end of the tunnel.

' hahaha finally' laughed David elated and asked the system ' system show me my status'


[name : ???.

Age: 559Y.

Power level: Rank 1 stage 2.

Race: origin race.

Bloodline: origin bloodline 0.1%.

soul grade: half step E.

Health: 450

STR: 390

AGL: 370

END: 530

DEX: 170

INT: 3940

WIS: 3940

Element comprehension: water: 23%, lightning:11%, fire: 25%, metal: 3%, wood: 1%, earth: 4%:, space: 19%, time: 7%, wind: 12%, illusions: 10%, light:1%, dark: 60% formation: 1%, destruction: 1%, creation: 1%

Mana: 3950/3950.

Chakra: 100/100 {low genin}.

Chakra control: 40%.

System points: 10.]


Shioya clan was one of the middle tier clan's of the shinobi world, it wasn't one of the strongest like the Uchiha or Senju but it was not weak either, Wich is why it is still standing till this day.

Like any other clan in the Warring Period, the shioya clan was always at war, but despite the always gloomy atmosphere around the clan like most days today was a cheerful day.

The reason for this is that today the clan head is having his first son.

In one of the corridors, you could see a middle-aged man with short black hair wearing a red plate armour (Madara hashirama armour), passing back and forth, this was the clan head Ryushi shioya and also David soon to be father.

Standing at the side were a bunch of elders they were all looking at him and smiling wearily.

One of the elders spoke up and said, " relax ryushi it is going to be okay, you're just overreacting", the moment he finished his words Ryushi snapped his neck and looked at him, he immediately regretted what he said.

"OVERREACTING, I AM OVERREACTING, didn't you just hear her screaming, even when her leg got impaled by steel at war she didn't scream like that and you are saying I am overreacting??..." Ryushi went on and on pouring all his frustration on the elder, the other elders looked at him and felt pity and happy at the same time that they didn't speak or they would be the ones at the reserving end Right now.

"AND ALSO I...", Before Ryushi could continue a very small and sweet baby cry came in interrupting him.

"Wahhhhaaaaa, whaaaaaaa"

after a minute a woman opened the door and said, "you may come in clan master, elders" after that, she moved to the side giving them space to go in.

"HAHAHA, I AM A FATHER MOVE OUT OF THE WAY," said Ryushi as he rushed in with the elders behind him.

Inside there was a black haired beautiful woman drenched in sweat laying on the bed while holding a young infant wrapped in clothes in her arms, with an old woman next to her, this was Miyako, Ryushi wife and David soon to be mother.

The old woman moved out of the way and said, "congratulations clan master it is a healthy boy".

Ryushi moved in next to his wife and asked, " are you okay honey??"

The woman looked at him smiled and said, " I am alright dear, actually I have never been better " she said the last part while looking at her son.

Ryushi looked at his son and said: " can I hold him?" Miyako nodded and handed him the baby gently.

Ryushi took a closer look at his son's face and he was shocked, the elders Miyako and the old woman noticed that and got worried.

" Honey is everything alright?" Asked Miyako.

" It's, it's..." Said Ryushi.

" What is it Ryushi what is wrong," asked one of the elders.

"My son he's he's..."

" WHAT " Screamed the old woman.

" He is ugly, "said Ryushi plainly.




"Why are you all not saying anything???" Asked Ryushi confused.

"Honey please don't do that again you scared the hell out of me," said Miyako, "all newborns are ugly at first".

" Ohh so that's how it is," said Ryushi.

" Sigh, anyway what should we name him, I was thinking about Rei," said Miyako.

"Yeah I think that is a great name," said Ryushi, the elders behind him nodded agreeing with the name.

" Than it is Seattle, Rei shioya it is," said Miyako beaming with smiles


sometimes earlier.

' hahaha finally, after five long months I am free' said David exiting the womb.


[While the host was in the womb his mother chakra covered his preventing any and all detection, but now that he is born there will no longer be anything covering his chakra, due to it being unnatural for a newborn to have a genin level chakra system has taken the initiative to concealed host chakra].

' oh yeah, I forgot about that, good job' thought David.

After a while When he opened his eyes he saw an old woman picking him up and black haired beautiful women still on the bad, he instantly knew that that was his mother.

' at least, she is alive this time' though David.

Suddenly he felt a slap on his ass, unlike the first time he was born it didn't hurt at all, either he was too strong to get hurt by a simple slap to the ass or it just that the old lady is kind, but David knew that it is the former, even though the slap didn't hurt he decided to at least cry, he doesn't want them to think that something is wrong with him.

"Wahhhhaaaaa, whaaaaaaa" cried David.

" Congratulations miss Miyako it is a healthy baby boy," said the old women as she handed him to his mother.

The moment he was in his mother's arms he heard a loud shout and he instantly knew who it was from the content of the shout.

The man came close to him and his mother and asked if she was okay

" I am alright dear, actually I have never been better," she said while looking at David.

His dad asked if he could hold him and his mother handed him over immediately.

When he looked at his father he saw that he was a middle-aged man with black hair and he was wearing the same armour as Madara and hashirama.

His father looked at him for a second but shock enveloped his face right after, when David saw this he panicked, 'hey system did he discover my chakra level??, I thought you sealed it away'


[Host chakra level is indeed sealed away, and there is no way for the current host father to see past that]

' well no matter what you say he found out something, SHIT SHIT SHIT, I need to prepare, if he tries anything he will be dead before he knows it'

'god I didn't think I will need to use my Mana this soon, system the moment I make my move summon Dracula to stall for time while I escape, WHY did I leave my Shadow Puppets to momonga, even if they are weak they could have moved me through the shadows and got me out of here immediately, damn it'

the moment that David saw the shocked look on his father face he immediately thought of dozens of plans and strategies to get out of this situation but the next words left him completely dumbfounded.

" He is ugly "

'I, me, you, ugly ???, system cool me down immediately' said David.



Instantly David felt a warm sensation flood his head an cool him down immensely, ' this fu***ng idiot he almost caused me to lose my Mana reserves for absolutely no reason at all' though David.

The Mana in David body calmed down and went to its normal state, it was fortunate that the people around couldn't feel Mana or they would have shit their pants, because even though David is only a rank 1 stage 2, but his Mana reserves say otherwise, that was mostly because of the origin grade Mana meditation Technique.

' sigh, forgot it at least we are in the safe zone now, and plus I think I was overreacting quite a bit, I mean If they found out that I have genin level chakra they would be proud at the most, but that shocked look is what caused all of this, he looked at me like he just saw the most inconvenience thing in the world' thought David shrugging it off.

Next, his parents proceeded to name him, not even realizing that all of them were seconds away from meeting their maker.

even if it were Madara Uchiha himself he won't have his guard up against a baby and he will be taken by surprise.

Apparently, his name now is "rei shioya", which is not bad if he were, to be honest with himself.

(A/N: got the name from name generator)

After that Dav..., Rei was taken to a separate room to sleep and let his mother rest for a bit.

But contrary to everyone's expectations rei didn't sleep he didn't even need to, he just continued to practice but this time he didn't just practice the origin grade energy manual, he also practised his soul straightening manual, he figured it is about time he starts working on his soul which was than basis of his power.


(A/N: if you are wondering what chakra control is, I will put it like this.

someone with only 100 points of chakra but 70% chakra control can crush someone with 1000 points of chakra but 10 % chakra control.

With better chakra control you will also use less chakra for the same jutsu and it will be much stronger.

Finally, if you are wondering why David has high chakra control, it is because he spent more than 400 year's practising magic with Mana Which is another type of energy, so it wouldn't make sense to give him Little chakra control.

One last thing, give me a bloodline limit for his clan if you can't come with anything good it's okay I can just say they don't have a bloodline limit)

(One more thing I was planning on separating this chapter into three but I decided against that so if I didn't release tomorrow I hope you understand)

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C22
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


