"I'm sorry that she betrayed you, but it only happened that one time. I know there's no justification for sleeping with Ryan, but they love each other. They–" Mrs. Qin immediately beat Lisa to it.
Mr. Qin finally shifted his gaze to his wife. Without uttering a word, or anything, he looked away.
"Hahahahaha… Are you for real? You think I'd want to kill that bitch because she whored herself away? Listen Karen, I don't give a fuck what those two does. That prostitute you gave birth to, used my room!! Do you know how important that room is? My mother singlehandedly decorated that room. She hand-stitched by sheets and duvet. Why do you think I refused to get new duvet for ten years? That room had my mother's memories in it. That bed, had my mother's image! And you stand here to give me that crap?
What do you think about all of this? Was Lisa right? Was her father wrong? And Karen, is it ok as a mother to not choose a side?