/ Urban / Story of a Big Player from Gangnam

Story of a Big Player from Gangnam

Story of a Big Player from Gangnam

Urban -- 章/週 これは過去30日間の平均実現リリース率です。 翻訳者のスケジュールは--章/週です。 933 章 1.1M ビュー

作者: 악중선


4.26 (263 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


This is the story of a poor young man whose poverty even shreds apart their family willing to climb his way through society and into the top. A very realistic novel that moves away from fantasy and sci-fi and focuses solely on the issues of society and life.

  1. John_Thomson
    John_Thomson 貢献した 9352
  2. SUNNY
    SUNNY 貢献した 6670
    NECKSLICE 貢献した 6274


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • 翻訳品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    Interesting so far 🧐. If you like business building books it will be a good read. Kind of reminds me of God of money. Hhhhhhhhhbbbbbbbbbb

    5 の返信を表示する

    Story of a man going to work....incredibly boring. No real hook to get you into it, bland characters, cliched "lucky" breaks. Read God of Money or 12 hours after instead

    5 の返信を表示する

    Oct23-2020. Story is relatable to people like you and I. I myself am a manual laborer in my late 20s. College drop out and living paycheck to paycheck. It's never to late to become better. You have to take the initiative. Lose some sleep, be more tired, and struggle now so that you may prosper later. With COVID wrecking the employment market. Many states including mine, Indiana, is offering FREE job certificate programs through local institutions. Personally I suggest IT Support. Entry level starts 30-35K a year (About same as a Toyota factory worker) in an office enviroment. Comptia A+. Don't wait! Take the steps

    0 の返信を表示する

    This isnt a story for Kids coz this shows real life, real jobs, real struggle, real problems, real hopes and dreams, and a real dream that came true... a Kid would never understand and relate to this Story I dont recommend this story to anyone, unless you are one to those who work their butt day and night, those guys who are fighting against poverty. This story may give you Hope and Inspiration,

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    LV 13 Badge

    A lot of people claim this novel is too slow. I think that this novel is well thought out and takes the time to build a complex world. Definitely worth a read.

    0 の返信を表示する

    I was excited at first when I read the fact that this novel would be realistic and not fantasy/reincarnation type of novel. However, reading the novel was very bland tbh. Usually it is the character that makes the story boring for me but this time the pace, story building and the structure language of the novel was disappointing to say the least. There isn't much description, there is a lot of conversations but it doesn't fit with the surroundings. The character building was unsuccessful. Even if the protagonist was a loser, at least the author was making enough effort to make the readers have that impression. In this case the character is just there. He just exists. I have nothing else to add.

    1 の返信を表示する

    This tells the story of a guy working his way up from poverty with incredible luck and perseverance (mostly luck). There's no cheats or skills as he just tries his best. The prologue kinda spoils his ending and this novel is more of a slow burn. TBH there's little to interest anyone and I personally could get past the 4th chapter.

    1 の返信を表示する

    At first the stroy line is a bit uninterested but as long as you keep read the chapter, it getting interesting story. The story seems like real life and easy to read. The character development is also good. If you want to read about romantic story, then this book is far from that. However, this book more like telling about how you make money and it so interesting because it feels real and related to real life.

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    It's One of my Favorite Novel. The Quality, It also show the hardness of life. Mostly for those undergraduate. This is a Gem. A Diamond. HIGHLY RECOMMEND.

    0 の返信を表示する

    What a incredible story, It show the real struggle of people. Not like those got lucky get rich thing, But a real struggle to rich.

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    This is the story of a poor young man whose poverty even shreds apart their family willing to climb his way through society and into the top.

    1 の返信を表示する

    It's really good so far I love how the characters are explored I can't wait for more.............................................................

    0 の返信を表示する

    The one who kills u in the one who kills u in the one who kills u in the one who kills u in the one who kills u in the one who kills u in the one who kills u in in

    3 の返信を表示する

    This is an acquired taste. Definitely not something easy to chew and younger people may hate it. Personally I am not a fan. A bit too realistic for me and a bit crooked. Reading for me is a form of escape and this is not it. Also I don't see anything likable with the MC. What is even worse, he got his capital by ill means. I have no problem with the pacing, i just need to like the character.

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    This is the story of a poor young man whose poverty even shreds apart their family willing to climb his way through society and into the top.

    0 の返信を表示する

    This is the story of a poor young man whose poverty even shreds apart their family willing to climb his way through society and into the top.

    0 の返信を表示する

    This is the story of a poor young man whose poverty even shreds apart their family willing to climb his way through society and into the top.

    0 の返信を表示する

    This is the story of a poor young man whose poverty even shreds apart their family willing to climb his way through society and into the top.

    0 の返信を表示する

    This is the story of a poor young man whose poverty even shreds apart their family willing to climb his way through society and into the top.

    0 の返信を表示する

    This is the story of a poor young man whose poverty even shreds apart their family willing to climb his way through society and into the top.

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    作者 악중선