88.88% Starks of Winterfell / Chapter 30: Chapter 30

章 30: Chapter 30

Lord Yohn Royce,

Greeting! My father, Lord Eddard Stark, says you are the finest Knight in the Vale. Your house words are 'We Remember', your house is also the leader of the First Men in Vale.

I, Robert Stark, King of Winter, Heir to Winterfell, High Magnar of the First Men, the Children, and the Giants. Do you remember why 'The Stark' was chosen as High Magnar, I ask Do you remember why your seat is called Runestone, or do you remember where your loyalties lie?

Ancient enemies have woken up again, and Death is marching towards the Wall. The North is preparing but Southern Westeros will not understand. I know it would be difficult, however, I must command you to gather First Men of Vale, leave your homeland, and move to the Kingdom of Winter. Permanently.

Skagos has mountainous regions as well as plains, land teeming with plants and wildlife. The North will help your house in taming the barbarians. The 3 Nobel Lords of Skagos have rejected to accept House Stark as their sovereign and thus, have forfeited their rights.

I have instructed House Manderly to provide support to help move your house faster.

Let's see Lord Royce, if you remember your true sovereign.

Robert Stark.

King of Winter, Heir to Winterfell, High Magnar of the First Men, the Children, and the Giants.

X ----- X ---- X

Lord Tytos Blackwood,

Greeting! My father, Lord Eddard Stark, says you are one of the finest commanders in the Riverlands. Your House was once, one of the Kings of Riverlands and Wargmaster's, the House whose members have Thousand Eyes and One.

I, Robert Stark, King of Winter, Heir to Winterfell, High Magnar of the First Men, the Children, and the Giants. Do you wish to let your blood lay dormant, or will you make your Ancestors proud?

Ancient enemies have woken up again, and Death is marching towards the Wall. The North is preparing but Southern Westeros will not understand. I know it would be difficult, however, I must command you to gather First Men of Riverlands, leave your homeland, and move to the Kingdom of Winter. Permanently.

Sea Dragon Point will become your new family seat—a seat with an alive Weirwood Heart Tree. Elder Leaf, the leader of the Children of the Forest has been highly impressed with your family's dedication to reviving the Weirwood Tree of Raventree Hall but she has informed me that it has been dead for a long time.

You are at this moment instructed to harvest the deadwood.

Let's see Lord Blackwood if the Ravens fly to the North.

Robert Stark.

King of Winter, Heir to Winterfell, High Magnar of the First Men, the Children, and the Giants.

X ----- X ---- X

Lord Ulric Dayne,

Greeting! My father, Lord Eddard Stark, tells me House Dayne is one of the noblest houses in the Seven Kingdoms. After seeing Dusk I am eager to see Dawn.

I, Robert Stark, King of Winter, Heir to Winterfell, High Magnar of the First Men, the Children, and the Giants. I ask do you wish to let your House fall, the legacy of your Ancestor fallen to the hands of someone like Gerold Dayne? I don't wish to see the maternal House of my stillborn elder sister fall to ruin like that.

Ancient enemies have woken up again, and Death is marching towards the Wall. The North is preparing but Southern Westeros will not understand. I know it would be difficult, however, I must command you to gather the First Men of Dorne, leave your homeland, and move to the Kingdom of Winter. Permanently.

Stoney Shore will become your new family seat. I know you are in the process of arranging a marriage between your sister, Allyria Dayne, and Lord Beric Dondarrion. However, if you choose to come North, House Stark will be happy to help find a good match for Lady Allyria.

My Spymaster has been instructed to mask your movements from Prince Doran Martell.

Let's see Lord Dayne, if you are as fearless as your Founder who traveled from Dorne to the North to fight for his true king and friend.

Robert Stark.

King of Winter, Heir to Winterfell, High Magnar of the First Men, the Children, and the Giants.

X ----- X ---- X

Small Council Meeting Room, 296 AC Moon 08

'Things aren't moving according to my plan.' Varys thought.

As King Robert Baratheon strolled into the room reeking of wine. "Let's start this shit. I have to go back to my whores." Robert said. Everyone except Jon Arryn could see in Cersei Lannister's eyes that she would kill the King one day.

"Robert, Calm down." Jon Arryn said. 'I am getting old and my grip on the King is becoming weak, after me, Robert only trusts Ned, but I don't Ned won't be able to navigate these games.' Jon Arryn thought.

"Let's start this meeting, Varys what is happening in the Kingdom." Lord Hand continued.

"We have a petition from Prince Doran Martell, asking the King to command Lord Ned Dayne to move back to Dorne from the North and rebuild Starfall which was destroyed by fire, or if he wishes to relinquish his lordly duties then atleast give Dawn back to Ser Gerold Dayne. Otherwise, Dorne has been silent."

"Bah. Those Dornish cunts will never have any grants from me." King Robert said.

"We have to bring Dorne back into the fold, As every Stormlander knows 'A silent Dornish is a scheming Dornish." Stannis Baratheon said while grinding his teeth.

"If it was my father he would have marched South and invaded Dorne. He would have shown them what he did to Reyne's and Tarbeck's." Cersei Lannister screeched.

"My Queen, let this old man remind you and I am sure Lord Lannister will agree with me, throughout Westeros every heir is taught one thing, that is, to never try invading Dorne and North." Lord Jon Arryn explained and Cersei clenched her hand but said nothing further.

"From Stormlands, Lord Renly with his squire Lord Loras Tyrell is traveling to Bitterbridge for tourney. It is speculated that the young Tyrell will be Knighted during this event." Varys continued to move the topic along.

"The Reachlords have been selling more food than ever these past 3 years, as House Stark has continued to put a large order." As soon as Varys finished his report on Reach, Master of Coin Petyr Baelish decided to intervene.

"The North large food orders have generated the Crown much much-needed taxes but it is not enough to reduce the debt. Maybe if we taxed the North more the Crown debt could be alleviated?" Petyr Baelish finished.

"We should give this due consideration." Jon Arryn agreed.

"Are you listening to yourself Jon, the North is finally making some money thanks to Ned's son. And you want to tax them more so they can't even buy more food now. I won't allow that." King Robert roared and Jon Arryn sighed.

"My King, my sources at the Iron Bank told me that Robb Stark had opened an account with them and he has more than 30 million GD in it.

"Westerlands and Iron Island are silent.

After the increasing unexplained disappearance of First Men villages in Dorne, Riverlands, and Vale which mainly surrounded House Royse, House Dayne, House Blackwood, and Bracken. After an attack on Starfall, House Dayne abandoned Dorne leaving for the North and requesting asylum from House Stark.

His Grace received a letter from Lord Stark, that he had granted House Dayne's request and gave Stoney Shore to them. Also, the extinction of House Bolton whose lands were given to House Cassel raised from a knightly house to a masterly house.

While I have been unable to find the source of the disappearance, I have found out that Lord Tytos Blackwood feared for his family and even Lord Jonos Bracken marshaled his army to help Raventree Hall but after much deliberation between the two lords, both surrendered their castles to House Tully and left for North.

Since Lord Hoster has been ill for some time, Lord Edmure is finally catching up to his lordly studies. A raven with more information will be arriving soon. Vale has also been quiet but I believe Grand Maester has a message from Lord Royce for Lord Hand."

As Varys finished his report on Southern Westeros, everyone sat in silence contemplating the shift in politics associated with these events.

'Chaos is a ladder. This could be used to ignite the war between the First Men and Andals which will drag House Stark in the middle of war. That will provide me with the opportunity to kill them off and then Catelyn will be mine.' Petyr Baelish thought.

"Grandmaester, please do tell us what message Lord Royce has sent?" Jon Arryn said breaking the silence.

"Cough. Cough. Yes. Yes, Lord Hand. At once.

To Jon Arryn, Hand to King Robert, Lord of Eyrie, Lord Paramount of the Mountain & the Vale, Warden of the East.

My Lord, My friend, Jon Arryn. We live in uncertain times where I can't even see the enemy before me. Lord Robb Stark, in his ravens, pointed out that these disappearances can be the work of Faith Militant. My Oaths bind me to you, but I must look for the safety of my family.

I have decided to relinquish the Vale Lordship and travel North to serve the Starks. Please, my friends, find and suppress those who are causing these disturbances or this could mean war between the Andals and the First Men.

We Remember. House Royce will remember our friendship with House Arryn.

Your Friend,

Lord Yohn Royce, Head of House Royce, Lord of Runestone." Grandmaester Pycelle finished reading the letter.

"Good riddance, I say. Those barbarians First Men have gone back to their wasteland." the Queen screeched and everyone suppressed their annoyance.

"And what of North, any news from North?" the King asked eagerly.

"Lord Jorah Mormont has joined the Night's Watch. Maege Mormont will become Lady of the Bear Island with Dacey Mormont as her heir.

House Dayne is granted lands on Stoney Shores and House Blackwood and Bracken have decided to join their houses.

Lord Jonos has 3 daughters and 1 nephew while Lord Tytos have 3 Sons and 1 daughter. The newly formed House Blackwood-Bracken has been granted the lands of Sea Dragon Point. The daughters from the resulting unions will be named Bracken and the sons will be Blackwood.

Lord Robb Stark has departed for White Harbor. It is being said that some Northern heirs will join him in touring Essos. Lady Sansa & Arya have begun their fostering with House Dustin & House Mormont respectively. Also Lord Brandon Stark is to start his fostering next year with House Reed." As Varys finished Robert Baratheon started laughing.

"Good for Ned. With Children gone from Winterfell, he will have a chance to keep Catelyn busy again and increase Stark numbers for the next generation." As the king kept laughing everyone missed the hatred-filled eyes of Master of Coins.

"Varys, please more effort into searching the party responsible for targeting First Men of the South. We can't have the realm divided." Lord Hand commanded to which Varys nodded.

"Eunuch, Any news of dragonspawns?" The King asked with anger flashing on his face.

"No, Your Grace. They were last seen near Volantis but are proving difficult to keep track of." The spider tittered.

"Well put more men to it. I want them dead. I want all dragonspawns dead." Robert said angrily. "Anything else Jon."

"No, Your Grace." Jon Arryn sighed. As everyone made to stand up, Stannis Baratheon's voice rang in the room, "I have some matter to disclose to the Small Council, Your Grace." Along with his voice came the sound of teeth grinding.

"What is it, Stannis? say, quickly you are keeping me away from whores and wine." Robert roared.

"I believe Robb Stark has found a new project to focus on. I think he is in the process of building the Northern Fleet." Stannis said while grinding his teeth at Robert's insult.

"6 moons back, one of my most trusted retainers Ser Davos Seaworth received a letter from Lord Wyman Manderly. It was an invitation to House Seaworth as Robb Stark wanted to discuss some business with him and also hinted at House Seaworth becoming landed knights.

While Ser Davos was undecided and was going to refuse. I released him from his Oaths to me and told him to go North as Robb Stark could increase his family's station. I received a raven from the boy himself telling me that House Seaworth has been granted lands on the tributary split of White Knife River.

Ser Davos Seaworth was the best ship captain and an excellent naval commander in my service. I now have reasons to believe that due to the threat of First Men's disappearance, Robb Stark has a new project in his mind. He will be securing the North from any invasion.

North already is a hard land, impossible to conquer by a conventional army but with Robb Stark securing it further it would become unthinkable. Since the North already had a Wall securing them from the Northern Front and his grace permission to rebuild Moat Cailin and further secure it from the South. It leaves the Eastern and Western Front with Pirates/ Slaver in the East and Ironborn in the West.

To secure Northern Shores it would require Fleet to protect it." As soon as Stannis finished his report he walked out. "Robert, we have to stop Robb Stark from making a new fleet." Jon Arryn said.

"Bah. Let the boy do whatever he wishes to, Jon. And we can't tell someone to stop securing his borders. I don't want to hear any more of this. And Spider, fucking find out who has been targeting the First Men in Dorne, Riverlands, and Vale." King Robert said and walked out of the room.

Daenerys POV (Age 15), 296 AC Moon 10

'I wish I could go back to my home. The house with the red door and lemon tree outside.' I thought. However, Viserys said we could never go back because the usurper's assassins were after them.

They had fled from a place called Braavos after Ser Willem Darry passed away 6 years ago, I don't remember the city but her elder brother had said that's where the house with the red door was located. After Braavos, they moved from city to city every year, sometimes even 2 cities within a year if Viserys didn't like something about the host city.

First, they went to Lorath, then came Norvos, Qohor, Volantis, Lys, Mys, & Tyrosh. At Tyrosh, a servant of Magister Illyrio Motapatis came to her brother and promised his master help in raising the Targaryen Dynasty back to power. That's how they had come to the Free City of Pentos.

I was a naturally curious person but Viserys kept tight control on things I did. He always talked about Westeros, that the people of Westeros were crying for them to come back and save them from the usurper's tyranny. He had told her that House Targaryen was betrayed by House Baratheon, Stark, Arryn, Tully, & Lannister.

In this past month, Visrys had started saying that he would give her away as a bride if someone gave him an army to conquer Westeros.

Bringing my thoughts away from Westeros and marriage, I started to explore the market with 2 servants and 4 soldiers, all escorted me to the rare outing to the market. As we were moving from stall to stall about halfway through a large man came and stood beside me at the stall I was at.

"You Know, Princess, I am not trying to deny the man the right to earn some coin but he is overpricing you on that necklace." The man had said.

I immediately stepped back and looked at the man, he had long black-brown hair tied in a ponytail, he had a long face, and bluish-grey eyes.

"Any who are you?" I asked the man as he had referred to her as the princess.

"Who I am is not important at this moment. Just know that there are 2 people alive in Westeros with Targaryen blood in them and they requested me to save your life." The man said.

"Some of my families alive besides Visrys? Who are they? Are they going to my brother in gaining back the Iron Throne?" I asked hoping that they could finally leave a life of running behind.

Before the man could answer her I felt a sharp pain in my head and everything became black.

- Several hours later -

I woke with a massive pain in my head, as I looked around and noticed that they were in a ship.

"I am sorry about knocking you out, in my defense it was the only way to wrap up our business in Pentos and move as quickly as possible." The man who she had previously met said from the other side of the room and she turned and saw him sitting.

"There's water and wine, drink, relax." He continued.

"If you hurt me, my brother would hunt you down and kill you.", I said bluffingly. Viserys would probably not even notice her gone. For the last few years, he had only talked to her when necessary and if she tried talking to him he would hit her and say, 'Don't wake up the dragon'.

As she finished saying her threat, the man started laughing. "Your brother could do nothing to me, even if he somehow surpassed Aemon the Dragonkight. Let's start with introductions shall we then I will tell you what you are doing at my ship and our destination. Okay?" The man asked and I nodded.

"Well, this makes it easier. Would you like to go first?" The man was strange he already knew her but wanted me to introduce myself regardless.

"I am Daenerys Stormborn, of House Targaryen. My family has been in exile since the Userper took our throne and tried to kill my family." I said.

"Your education is lacking about what truly happened in Robert's Rebellion but that will correct itself in due time.

I am Robb Stark, Son of Eddard Stark. The man who dismantled the Targaryen dynasty." As soon as the man, Robb Stark finished talking I had fear gripping my heart.

"Are you going to kill me? That's why you took away from my brother?" She asked.

"As I said princess, I will not harm you. My spies have reported that your brother likes to hit you and call himself the last dragon. He is wrong you know, he is not the last dragon. You are. Your Grand-Uncle, Aemon Targaryen, and Bryden Bloodraven have asked me to save you from a life of suffering.

Bloodraven also said some other things but I am still undecided on that. And I have not separated you from your brother. He is here on this ship, kept in chains. I intend to bargain for your life by giving Viserys to King Robert Baratheon." Robb sighed.

"Remember the boy Viserys was. The boy that tried to protect you but the man he has become has to die. A mad Targaryen should be put down quickly, lest they somehow start a war.

Since by rescuing you, I have foiled the plans of your enemies and they are somewhat blind to my movements for a short time. We will journey to Valyria and from there depart for Westeros." Robb finished speaking.

"Can you not spare my brother too? You say you have rescued me can you not just send me and my brother to somewhere remote? We will live there for the rest of our days.

Valyria is a wasteland now, What do you hope to achieve by going there?" I asked hysterically.

"I'm sorry, princess but I can't do that. Your brother needs to die for you to live peacefully. As for journeying to Valyria, the Old Gods told me to take you there." Robb finished talking and went to the door.

"Rest, Princess. From tomorrow your education starts Grandscholar Marwyn will start educating you in your histories among other things. You have open access to the ship except on the lowest floor.

I found 3 dragon eggs with Magister Illyrio Mopatis. After dinner, I will tell someone to bring them to you. We reach Valyria in 2-3 weeks." After saying that Robb exited my room.

And which I belated realized was on a ship. I had complicated thoughts about everything Robb had told me. And what did he mean by the old gods telling him to take her to Valyria?

- 3 weeks later -

We reached the Valyrian peninsula a week ago and boarded a ship called Carrack leaving the massive ship, Man o' War behind as it couldn't maneuver the smoking sea.

The Smoking Sea was still boiling and smoking even 4 centuries after the Doom. Filled with volcanoes and smoking stacks of rock, the steam started to make them sweat even at the height they were flying. The Smoking Sea was supposed to be just a strait. But after the Doom, the sea waters claimed the Valyrian Peninsula and the strait widened to become what was now called the Smoking Sea.

On my insistence, Marywn started to tell her about Valyria. "The Valyrian Freehold was a great territory that spanned much of the continent of Essos. At its prime, the Valyrian Freehold encompassed most of the eastern continent and reached as far as the current Free Cities and the island of Dragonstone off the coast of Westeros. The Freehold was an advanced civilization and the dominant military and cultural power of the known world. Its capital was the city of Valyria. The Freehold was ruled by the lords freeholder, powerful noble families. The most powerful of these were the dragonlords.

Valyria was once a minor civilization of peaceful sheep-herding folk dwelling on the Valyrian peninsula until the Valyrians discovered dragons lairing in the Fourteen Flames, a ring of volcanoes on the peninsula. The Valyrians tamed the dragons with magic and mastered the technique of raising and training the dragons into devastating weapons of war. They began expanding their influence, establishing the Freehold with Valyria as its capital. Magic flowered, topless towers rose toward the heavens where dragons soared, stone Valyrian sphinxes gazed down through the eyes of garnet and smiths used spells to forge Valyrian steel weapons of legendary strength and sharpness.

Some five thousand years ago, in the early days of Valyria, the Old Empire of Ghis dominated and controlled much of Essos. The Ghiscari attempted to stop Valyria's expansion and the burgeoning freehold was involved in a series of great wars against the Old Empire. The Ghiscari lockstep legions attacked Valyria five times, but they could never defeat them - with the help of dragons, Valyria was able to defend and emerge victorious each time.

Finally, in the last of the Ghiscari wars, the Valyrians marched on their capital, Old Ghis, razed it to the ground, and sowed its fields with salt, sulfur, and skulls, obliterating it and thereby destroying the Old Empire of Ghis. Adopting slavery from Ghis, Valyria expanded its influence over the surviving Ghiscari colonies of Slaver's Bay and continued to conquer and colonize further.

The Valyrian Freehold continued to expand and conquer further west, capturing many slaves from conquered lands and using them to mine great wealth from the Fourteen Flames, as well as build great cities and roadways that led to Valyria.

For many years the Valyrians were at peace with the Rhoynar civilization of the Rhoyne, west of the Valyrian peninsula. From the colonial freehold of Volantis, the Valyrians instead crossed the Rhoyne and marched west to wage war on the Andals of Andalos. Rather than be enslaved by Valyria, the Andals crossed the narrow sea and invaded Westeros. The Valyrians overwhelmed the remaining Andals of Western Essos and established colonies west of their peninsula." 


"Then why did the Rhoynish flee to Dorne?" I asked. 


"Due to the Rhoynish Wars. The Rhoynish Wars were a series of wars fought between the city-states of the Rhoynar and colonies of the Valyrian Freehold.

The wars were concluded in the Second Spice War when the Valyrian colony Volantis turned its eyes to the ancient and high civilization of the Rhoynar. Prince Garin of Chroyane led an army of 250,000 men and defeated the Valyrian armies at Selhorys, Valysar, and Volon Therys, where they won their greatest victory by defeating an army of a hundred thousand men and killing two dragons in the process. However, the Valyrians responded with an overwhelming force of three hundred dragons, capturing Garin the Great and burning the Rhoynish armies. Princess Nymeria of Ny Sar led the exodus of the remaining Rhoynar out of Essos, eventually arriving in Dorne. The singers say her ten thousand ships were filled with women and children, suggesting most of the men of fighting age had died in the conflict with the Freehold. 


At the height of its power, the Freehold stretched over most of Essos west of the Bone Mountains. Many of the numerous cities were connected by dragon roads. The Free Cities, the self-ruling daughters of Valyria, are spread throughout western Essos. Volantis and Tyrosh began as military outposts, while Myr and Pentos were founded by merchants in Andal territory. Dragonlords established Lys as a pleasure retreat. Religious refugees founded Lorath, Norvos, and Qohor. Braavos was founded by slaves who rebelled against a Valyrian slave fleet, and this Secret City did not accept the rule of Valyria. 


The greatest remnants of the Old Empire of Ghis were Astapor, Meereen, and Yunkai as you know. They still like to refer to themselves as Ghiscari. Some two centuries before the Doom, the Valyrian Freehold colonized the island of Dragonstone in the narrow sea and established a citadel there, with ineffective resistance from the local lords of Blackwater Bay. The island was the westernmost outpost of the Freehold"

I said, "Hard to believe it. The Valyrians had a hand in the shaping of Essos directly or indirectly. And yet their great civilization came to an end."

"The Doom was sudden. In just a day everything the Valyrians achieved in thousands of years was gone. On the day of the Doom, every hill for five hundred miles exploded, filling the air with ash and smoke and fire, which killed even dragons. Earthquakes destroyed palaces, temples, and towns, while lakes boiled or turned to acid. The Fourteen Flames, the fiery mountains of Valyria, sent molten rock a thousand feet into the air, and red clouds rained down dragonglass. The cataclysm fragmented the Valyrian peninsula surrounding Valyria into numerous smaller islands creating the Smoking Sea between them. East of Valyria, Velos, and Ghozai on the Isle of Cedars were destroyed by a tsunami.

Much of Essos fell into chaos after the Doom. During the Century of Blood, the Volantenes unsuccessfully considered themselves the heirs to Valyria, often waging war against other Free Cities. Some dragonlords in Lys and Tyrosh survived the Doom, but they were soon killed along with their dragons."

"And pity the Targaryens brought their doom due to their madness.", I said bitterly.

"Now that is what surprises me. The Valyrian nobility valued purity of blood. Therefore, the practice of incest was common in old Valyria as the Valyrians would customarily wed brother to sister. These practices were not limited to the Freehold; on Dragonstone the Targaryens continued to practice incestuous marriage and polygamy to keep the dragon bloodline pure. But I have checked all the accounts that we have on the Valyrians. While the Targaryens suffered from madness when they ruled Westeros which was said to be due to their practice of incest, there were no such problems before that."

"Huh? I don't get it. What do you mean?" I asked giving Marwyn his full attention.

"I mean that neither the Valyrians of the Freehold nor the Targaryens before conquest suffered from madness even when they practiced incest. I had thoroughly checked the accounts at the Citadel and at Knowledge Hall. It was only after the conquest that the madness started to show." Marwyn said.

"Maybe the old dragonlords had discovered the madness early on and learned to curb it. Perhaps that knowledge was lost after the doom." I suggested.

"Another mystery to which I hope to find an answer in Valyria", Marwyn said.

next chapter
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