Star Wars: Wrath of The Force Star Wars: Wrath of The Force original

Star Wars: Wrath of The Force

作者: Zevren

© WebNovel

Chapter 0.1: Ayillh and Alira

*Snap* *Hiss*

The sound of lightsabers igniting filled the quite room. A bed was sticking out of the wall, well-furnished and made. A top the bed sat a man. With a form fitting shirt showing off his well-defined muscles and toned body, he had short cut black hair.

On his face he had a scar that traveled over his left eye, but it wasn't too long only a glancing blow over the face. Both his eyes were closed as the man sat with his legs crossed. No emotion could be seen on his face as he breathed slowly. His skin was red denoting his heritage. He was a sith pure blood, the bright shade of red denoted that his ancestry was a very pure lineage.

While the man was sitting there the low hum on an engine sparked and the room shook for a second. The man, if he noticed, didn't move at all, he continued to focus.

Around him 3 ignited lightsabers glowed and flew about. Each swung slowly around his body, performing maneuvers and attacks. If any Jedi or Sith were to see such a display they would be impressed, such control of the force showed high skill and focus.


The entrance to the room beeped once as the man finally opened his eyes. They shone a dull red for a few seconds before calming down; they went through, orange, yellow and finally settled on a blue color. "Come in." The deep baritone voice of the man sounded out as the lightsabers lined up behind him.

*Hiss* The door opened shedding new light into the room. Just as it opened the lightsabers behind the man turned off and floated down behind him. Sitting behind him was a metal case engraved with markings. Slowly the 3 lightsabers floated into their places and the lid closed.

The person at the door waited before walking into the room. Black boots stepped over the thresh hold into the room. They didn't make a sound as they walked in; if a person wasn't looking they wouldn't notice the person entering.

A lithe figure walked in garbed in black and white armour. It was light weight armour and allowed for free movement. Covering almost their whole body, the figure had a utility belt strapped around their waste, a sash full of gear strapped over their chest and numerous piece of technology weaved over their body.

Wearing black gloves and a mask, the figure walked steadily towards the man. From the contours of the person's body it was easy to tell that the person was a female. Most noticeable on the figure was the large sniper rifle strapped to their back and held in place.

It wasn't the only weapon the woman had though, she had multiple knives sheaved at her side and a few grenades in the numerous pouches she had. The woman reached up and slowly took her mask off as the man moved to the end of the bed, letting his legs hang over.

The woman walked over to the bench opposite the bed and placed the mask down. Turning back to the sith pure blood her face blossomed a small smile. Her face was flawless, with not a single blemish on her purple skin. She was one of the rarest Mirialan species to exist. With dark purple skin and eyes she had two small inked triangles under her eyes as well as a pattern upon her forehead as was the custom of her species.

Her eyes were round and calculative as they stared at the man. Pushing her hood back she stood in front of him with her hand now resting behind her back. She straightened her spine as she gave her report. "Alliance Commander! Mission successful. All variables accounted for. Those traitors won't be bothering us ever again."

The now identified alliance command, Outlander, Former Emperor's wrath, Dark lord of the sith, Darth Revenant; a title he got after waking up from carbonite and then leading the alliance to victory, slowly stood up reaching his full height. Standing at 6ft3 he towered over the woman in front of him, but she didn't flinch or look away. Reaching up to place a hand on her shoulder, a smile came to his lips.

"I would expect nothing less from you Cipher Nine." The small smile on her face turned into a full blown smirk at the words before she relaxed her stance. "You know you could call me by my name, right?" He just nodded his head while sitting back down. "Oh…but you were just being so formal." He used a playful tone as his eyes did a once over of her body.

A playful sparkled flared in her eyes as her boots slid off without a noise. Climbing onto the bed with a smile she rotated her legs around his front so that she was straddling his. They were both smirking by this point as she moved in closer to kiss his neck.

Moving back she whispered in his ear. "We're not so formal now." He gave her another smirk. "Fine then…" Leaning in closer he whispered back. "Ayillh."Hearing those words Ayillh felt a small shiver go down her spine as she pulled back and gave him a proper kiss this time.

Moving back after a few seconds they talked as they continued. "Our course has been set back to Odessen. Vette is at the helm." He nodded as he started to kiss down her neck. "Well that gives us quite a bit of time before we reach our destination. She pressed her body closer as her heart rate went up. "Yes it does."


The alliance commander lay with his back against the cold metal wall, Ayillh snuggling up next to him. Mace thought to himself as he looked down at the woman cuddling up next to his body. He hadn't had a name for a long time after being a slave for the empire. Even after he clawed his way out of servitude and became a sith he didn't get a name, just a title, 'Apprentice'. Something to be thrown away by Baras when he was done with him.

But he had found his way out of that, climbed the ranks, became a lord of the sith, before finally becoming 'The Emperor's Wrath' A title that conferred upon him the utmost respect and fear, something that put him even above the dark council.

But even then he still didn't have a name for himself. It was only when he got married that he had to think up of a name, he couldn't keep using a title forever, something that was given to him, not something that he had given himself.

There were a lot of names that he thought of when he was looking for the right one. Some of the classic pure blood names came to mind as well as the names from species he had seen through his travels; Dosair, Zilait, Nislair, Zarish. All names that he could have taken, but he had settled with a human name in the end; Mace.

And seeing as his wife was also like him, someone who used to be a slave, before finally clawing her way to the top to stand on the council, they had both come up with their last name. 'Rook'. Their last name had a few meanings but ultimately it symbolized something to them.

The Rook; a piece in the antiquated game called chess, very basic, an old human game. Shaped like a castle and used as a defensive measure by the king. It symbolized their castle, their defense, their solidarity together.

Even when his title of, Emperor's wrath became redundant, even when he was trapped in carbonite for 5 years, even when his wife died, it was something to stabilize and strengthen him. So yes he held great importance to his name.

Mace Rook, starred down at the sleeping Mirialan in his arms before looking around his small room. Her clothes were off to the side on the floor along with her multitude of weapons, the gear was some of the best in the galaxy. His own war armour was inside the wardrobe off to the side.

The door to the room was closed and no one had disturbed him for the last hour. The others on board knew not to disturbed him when it was appropriate. Thought they might have come in if there was a situation, or if they wanted to join. That brought a small smirk to his face.

"Every time you do this I wish I still had my body." As he was thinking to himself the voice of a woman sounded out in the room. Ayillh stirred for a second before going back to sleep. The smirk on Mace's face faltered for a second as guilt and then anger spread across his visage.

Calming himself down, he slowly closed his eyes. Opening them again he appeared in a lavish bedroom in some type of luxury penthouse. The drapes on the bed were drawn open showing the huge king size bed with a lavish red quilt.

There were no windows showing outside the room, but Mace didn't think of any of that. Instead he looked across the room at the woman standing next to the bed. She had long black hair that stopped at her shoulders and a beautiful face. She wore a black sleeveless, backless dress showing off the allure of her body.

On her face was a small pout, but it was mixed with a knowing smirk. Mace gave a wiry smile as he moved closer and embraced the woman. "Alira, Honey, you know I will always love you." She gave a playful snort as she gave him a quick kiss, which was intermixed with an evil smile.

"Even when I was alive I let you have more than just me, as long as you remember who takes precedence. Now that I'm like this, it is fine that you find comfort in those other woman." She then gave him a chilling smile. "Because you know if I didn't approve you wouldn't have a chance." Mace raised an eye brow.

"Really? I remember a certain someone losing the duel we had a few years back and letting me do whatever I wanted." Alira backed off and a small spark of lightning came from her hands. "Keep talking and I'll show you how much I was holding back." Mace just gave a small chuckle as he pulled her close again.

Holding each other for a while, Mace finally pulled back as they sat down on the bed. "How have the others been behaving?" turning from him, Alira looked into the distance even though there wasn't a window to look out from. "They are behaving quite nicely, they have been happy with what we have been doing and know that if they disagree it won't matter."

A smile came to her lips as she looked back at him. "Actually they have been a bit excited, we are about to fully drain you know who of all their power. 50% has been flowing in and increasing your power, 45% has been going to me, while I gave the last 5% to them."

She shook her head with a bit of amusement. "Even that 5% has gotten them excited, Vitiate was a powerful kiriffing bastard I'll give him that." Saying that she wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled closer, a maniacal look appearing. "And now his Power is all ours." Mace just smiled back giving her a kiss. "All thanks to you Darling." "No." They fell onto the red sheets. "Thanks to us~"

Zevren Zevren


Speaking: "..."

Thoughts: '...'

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


