/ Movies / Star Wars: The Outlander's Return.

Star Wars: The Outlander's Return. オリジナル

Star Wars: The Outlander's Return.

Movies 5 章 74.7K ビュー
作者: Arthur_Dumas


詳細 目次


A disturbance in the force has awoken the long sleeping Barsen'thor, also known as the Outlander, the Former Jedi Master awakes to find his connection to the force gone and the Jedi order dead, his awakening only means one thing, that he is returning.

The man Barsen'thor swore to protect the galaxy from, long thought dead, it is a hidden fact that his soul survived and with the triumph of the dark side he is reborn.

The galaxy is reeling from the rise of the Empire, little did it know a threat much greater than it was now alive and plotting for its own ascension...

  1. Brezer
    Brezer 貢献した 5
  2. McCallam
    McCallam 貢献した 2
  3. Ivax_deTodo
    Ivax_deTodo 貢献した 1


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット



  • 翻訳品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



Enjoy the set up so far for the novel, I hope that the MC isn't instantly able to gain his full power back. If he does I hope there is a significant reason as to why. Glad to see another star wars novel.🎉🎉

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作者 Arthur_Dumas