47.49% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 123: Interval Thirty: Dolly's First Shoot

章 123: Interval Thirty: Dolly's First Shoot

I don't own star wars

"Alright you're all done." The Zeltron make-up artist told her as she pulled away and smiled at the bubbly platinum blonde. "Get that pretty tush out onto the set." Dolly finally got her big break, Torga let her go up to Nar Shadaa for a three-vid shoot and then depending on how she sold they'd increase the contract. She adjusted her platinum blonde hair, tied up in two thick schoolgirl pigtails jutting out from both sides of her head. Then as she waved to the Zeltron she strutted sexily towards the door, because in six-inch heels that's really all you can do.

Her first-ever scene was for Academy Girls 3: Earn the Grade, so she looked like a schoolgirl, or at least the wet dream of a schoolgirl. The plaid skirt, so short that it might as well have been non-existent, bounced on her wide hips as her thong rode up between her jiggling bubble butt. Her breasts, big, bouncy, and fake, were held tightly together by an unbuttoned shirt tied together with a knot and showing off a slim, almost miraculous hourglass bimbo waist. Finally, the icing on the cake, was a pair of fake glasses that couldn't hide the excited sparkle in her blue eyes.

She entered the set completely silent as the sounds of grunting and groaning reached her ears. They were finishing up Usila's scene. Usila was one of Torga's top girls and an on again off again professional holo-girl, he essentially sent her up this time to guide Dolly through it, he was since like that. Mal'Kiss; a 'punk' chiss girl another friend and coworker, was supposed to have participated in the shoot, but apparently, she caught the eye of a republic general who promptly 'rented' her for the week. And since Torga got a percentage of all earnings he was more than happy to let Mal'Kiss have a vacation. Of course, considering Mal'Kiss frequently sent pictures of her holes being rigorously worked out it was really more of a working vacation. Besides, now Dolly could get her shot.

"Ah! Fuck meee…" Usila squeaked on the long wooden bench of what was essentially a locker room as a husky Gamorrean pounded a thick meaty cock deep into her purple ass as she thrust it up to met him. Grunting and drooling over her he slammed down deep into her, stretching her experienced ass wide as she clung tightly to his length. Usila was dressed like a cheerleader, and she was still wearing the skirt, and with each thrust, it bounced tantalizingly on her slicked-up ass.

Standing around her were a pair of human males wearing shoulder pads, both of them stroking off but one of them was using her uniform top, humorously the word F.U University was emboldened in gold and blue. The Gamorrean continued to pound away into Usila squeezing her purple ass with both hands as his cock dove in and out of her.

"Okay." Hissed the director, "Adan get it ready." She said as the human without Usila's shirt kneeled next to Usila's gasping mouth, taking a lekku in hand he lifted her and shoved his cock between her lips, she moaned and sucked as she rapidly stroked. "Not yet. Not yet." The director said as he began to strain himself, incoherently roaring for release. "Go." Thick white cream oozed from Usila's mouth as she let it drip down her chin. Adan panted in relief as he pulled away from her, letting the rest splash on her lips as she let the rest flow onto the bench. Pushing herself up so her large natural breasts could swing and rub against the wood. "Tadzok your turn."

The other human tossed the shirt onto the ground and gripped Usila's lekku as Adan stepped away and walked off the set, handed a towel and water as he relaxed, smirking and whispering with a few of the crew and off work actresses. Tadzok stroked his cock just out of Usila's lips as she opened them expectantly moaning as the Gamorrean sped up, "Okay. Paint her." the director said as Tadzok shot a few quick spirts of cum across Usila's purple face, she closed her eyes as it splashed across the left one. "Damn it Tadzok that wasn't enough!" hissed the director as Tadzok went soft and dejectedly walked off the set as well. "Zugs finish up, how do you want it Usila?" Usila stuck her ass up in the air and pressed her face to the bench, moaning more audibly as Zugs squealed louder, the director nodded. "You fill her Zugs." Usila and Zugs screamed as he pressed his hips to her, resting his belly on her ass and grunted, thick warm cum leaked onto the bench as it overflowed and he pulled out. "Zoom in." the camera closed up on Usila's hole as it gasped, vomiting seed as it gaped. "And... good."

The crew clapped as Usila let out a breath, her ass sealing up as she sat up and was handed a towel. Usila smiled sweetly at Dolly as she walked off the set, already the crew was setting it up for the next scene. Dolly's.

"So. You ready?" Usila asked, unashamedly standing nude before Dolly as she fidgeted with nerves.

"Yeah. Yeah! I'm ready I'm good!"

"Relax Dolly." Usila noted, "Bella'Dune is the best in the business… well except for Flebbin, but he's gone a little downhill since marring that gold digger Twi'Light Moons." She rolled her eyes and smiled, "And! You're working with Roddon, so you're going to have fun."

Roddon was an echani with a very, very gifted length between his legs. He started young and has worked with the best, Uyu Heavenly, Cladia Downer, Deline D, Sierra. He's in dozens of best of holo-girl vids.

"This the new girl?" came the voice of the director as she approached. She was a red twi'lek covered in black tribal lines, very beautiful and all natural; with melon sized breasts and wide hips. She had some age on her for sure but there was no doubt that if she put a little make-up work into her appearance she could still turn heads. Bella'Dune; a former worker herself she got into directing years ago and has made Torga a ton of credits. Her blood-colored eyes looked Dolly up and down and nodded slowly with approval. "I've been looking for a bimbo type." She approached and unapologetically gripped Dolly's right breast. Dolly let her, it wasn't the first time she had been inspected this way.

"I like the feel. How are your titfucks?"

"No complaints so far!" Dolly smiled cheerily at her, she nodded thoughtfully and walked around her completely, then again standing behind her. Smack! Dolly's ass jiggled, and instinctively Dolly wagged her rear as if asking for another. "Good. FIRM. Whoever did it does good work. Basla? Falamic?"

"Basla!" Dolly smiled, naming her doctor.

"Spread it." Bella'Dune said and Dolly's hands smacked onto her ass and spread her cheeks. Bella'Dune pulled the thong aside. "…Hmmm… I think we'll lay off anal for today."

"Is something wrong?" Dolly asked nervously as Bella'Dune walked around to her front again and gripped her face in both hands expecting it.

"No. I want to focus on the rest of you for now." She glared into Dolly's blue eyes behind the glasses and gently prodded Dolly's lips with her thumb, frowning as the bright red lipstick brushed on her fingers, but Dolly instantly opened her mouth and gently took it in, licking and sucking it lovingly as Bella'Dune smirked. "…I'm thinking a darker shade of red." She noted, "…And a bit more blush. Get Fortuuna in here for the touch up will you Usila?"

"Sure." Usila replied, winking good-naturedly at Dolly as Bella'Dune pressed her hand on Dolly's ass and led her toward the set, which now looked like a teacher's office. A desk, two chairs; one in front the other behind. And a window that led to nowhere.

"Okay. Here's your motivation." Bella'Dune began, setting Dolly down in the chair in front of the desk. "You need a passing grade. And Rod is the most stubborn teacher you've ever met, work for your grade." She said firmly. "So I want you to really bring out your best seduction techniques. Can you do that?"

Dolly nodded nervously and fidgeted in the chair, "…Then what?"

"Then you show me what you can do." Bella'Dune smiled kindly at her, "I like to let my first timers play by ear, so I'm not going to direct you much. I like to see your strengths and weaknesses. Then when I got a good idea about you, I'll strike." She thrust a fist in the air to make a point.

"…That sounds… really aggressive." Dolly said nervously as Fortuuna, the zeltron make-up artist entered and began to touch her up.

"I learned it from an Imperial Colonel" Bella'Dune smiled blissfully in thought, before grunting satisfactory, apparently it was a very good memory. "He really liked twi'leks. Anyway. Relax. Have fun. It's just another job with some roleplaying."

"So… should I do anal?" Dolly asked.

"Try not to but if you really want to that's fine. Just don't pop Rod too quickly we need a few minutes of footage." She smirked, "Where is he anyway?" she looked at Fortuuna who nodded her head towards the door.

"He's coming, I just finished him up, he's adjusting his tie."

"Sorry Sorry…" Roddon charged in, adjusting a blue tie around his neck. He was always a bit boyish when he first showed up on the scene years ago but now he was a youthful-looking older man. Still damn handsome though. "I'm better at taking off my clothes than putting them on." He smiled at the joke and blinked at Dolly who grinned nervously back. "Hey. You're new." He said smiling politely, "I'm Roddon, everyone calls me Rod."

"For good reason." Bella'Dune noted, squeezing his recognizably large, thick cock through his pants as he grunted, "This is Dolly, now get in there we need to get started."

"Alright. Play by ear?" he asked, dropping into the chair behind the desk.

"Let's see what she's got." Bella'Dune added, winking at Dolly as she sat up a little straighter and stuck her large buoyant chest out further. "Alright! Quiet on the set! Tueesa start with a closeup on her girls!" she noted as a Rodian camera woman saluted and focused appropriately.

Knowing the camera was on her girls Dolly pushed them together and upwards with her arms, her hands held tightly together as Rod's eyebrow rose casually, "Well Miss Dolly." He began, "It says here that your grades are down in several subjects. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Honestly nothing, she was drawing blank and that wasn't an airheaded blonde joke. But suddenly and instinctively she spoke. "I'm so sorry Mr. Rod." She said sweetly, sounding exactly like a nervous student being reprimanded by a teacher. "I don't want to fail. Please, is there anything I can do?" she leaned forward, lips pouting, eyes wide behind the fake glasses and full of 'hope' as he stared directly down her massive cleavage. Rod held back a smirk, she was a natural.

"I don't know Ms. Dolly. You're very behind. You'll have to put in some serious effort to catch up…" he said lazily, leaning back in the chair and sliding away from the desk. A subtle invite to Dolly to get the scene really going, and wondering if she'd catch it.

She did. She scrambled around the desk and dropped to her knees pleading, in character Rod jumped, sitting up straighter as her big heavy breasts pressed against his lap and she grabbed his shirt, "Please Mr Rod!" she whimpered adorably, "I'll do anything!"

Ah… the magic word in Holo-vids.

"Well…" Rod said carefully, gently rubbing the bare skin of her breasts as he stood up from his chair, her talented hands rubbing his quickly approving erection as he stared down at her. "I do have an… extra credit course for female students…" Dolly smiled up at him as she undid his zipper, releasing his foot long hardon for the camera as Bella-Dune silently gestured with her hands. It was go time.

Rod had been in the business for a long time, 20 plus years, and he only had met a handful of actresses who could go the full foot of his uniquely sized cock… Uyu Heavenly was one such woman, and apparently, Dolly was another.

She started slowly, gently suckling his cock head, and before he knew it she was bobbing her head down his length, a fourth of the way, a third. She struggled at half, as all women do he wasn't going to force the matter… then two-thirds of the way and then… He threw his head back as she fully took him in her skilled mouth, her thick dark red lips straining his pale flesh as she kissed the very root of his cock in his pants. He felt his cock throb in her throat as she hummed, gagged and slurped around him.

"Holy Fuck…" he heard Bella'Dune whisper impressed at the act. Then Dolly pushed it further, she pulled out slowly, looking up at him wide-eyed with the 'am I a good girl' stare. Before immediately pushing back down completely as easily as breathing. He couldn't help himself now, he grabbed her blonde pigtails, 'hair handlebars' in these scenes, and guided her on… she let him.

"Fuck don't pop Rod!" hissed Bella'Dune as he became lost in pleasure and the sheer toylike obedience Dolly provided as her hands rested on her lap and he rode her mouth, drool and slobber dripping onto the fleshy shelf that was her breasts. After a few more blissful strokes he controlled himself, slowly easing her head off his cock as she moaned lovingly, then with an audibly pop he pulled out of her smeared mouth, resting his thick cock on her breasts as she lovingly caressed it with her hands.

"…Shit Ms. Dolly." He began, "That was worth an A on its own." Smiling kindly up at him she carefully kissed and licked his length, worshiping it like some debiased idol. Carefully guiding her he sat on the chair again, lifting her up and slipping his cock between her breasts from beneath until it poked adorably between her tits. She squeezed and tugged the knot that held them tightly together, releasing her nipples for the camera.

"Halt!" Bella'Dune shouted and the camera's stopped, briefly Dolly wondered if she did something wrong only for a youthful-looking zeltron male to come onto the set, smiling at her, and squirting a bottle of lube onto her chest. "We're not savages." Bella'Dune added as he scrambled off and she signaled to keep rolling.

Her girls thoroughly lathered she gave Rod's cock head a lick, "Mmnn. Strawberry!" she whispered happily, tasting the lube as she began to lift and drop her breasts on his cock, his head disappearing in her massive globes of flesh as he slid easily in and out. She certainly didn't lie. She gave really good titfucks. Rod pinched her erect nipples as she moaned, slapping his lap noisily with the heavy orbs as she grinned at him, and embraced his cock with her lips again moaning as she kept her chest moving.

"Shit Bella…" Rod sneered through his teeth, his cock eager to shot its load onto the talented, natural Dolly.

"If you cum she better swallow." Bella noted, "We haven't even gotten you into her yet Rod."

But as if encouraged Dolly actually sped and tightened up her breasts work, slurping noisily on Rod's head as she sealed her lips tightly around his length… then with a pleading look, her eyes trembled, begging him to shoot…

"Greeah…" he grunted, and she hummed delightedly as her mouth filled with seed, not a drop escaping as he pumped thick shot after shot into her vacuum tight lips. She released her breasts and stroked his cock with her hands, pulling every drop out. Then… POP went her lips as she pulled away, and tilting her head back for the camera she gulped loudly…

She opened her mouth for him, "Ah…" she said, sticking out her tongue to show her empty mouth before licking her lips and asking shyly. "…Was… that enough to pass Mr Rod?" she asked hopefully.

Rod quickly caught his breath and smiled, pulling her up and turning her around, "Not quite Ms. Dolly." He teased, groping her tits from behind as he pulled her onto his lap, and sliding a hand under her 'skirt' and slipping onto her pussy beneath her thong.

Dolly danced for the camera as he groped her tits and played with her pussy, her ass gently stroking his cock back to life as it rested between her thick bouncy cheeks. He helped slid her skirt to the floor, it came off easily enough, and her soaking panties hung kinkily off her ankle as he lifted her legs and spread her pussy for the camera, lifting her up with surprising strength for a guy his size and aiming his cock at her wet, hungry pussy.

"Ooh… Mr Rod your so big…" she whimpered as he began to pierce her, pulling her down the entirety of his length as her mouth opened and she squealed delightedly at being stretched so big. Her pussy visibly twitching around his length as he rooted himself completely inside her. He pulled her back to lie on top of him, and began to work.

Her arms lashed onto the chair as he began to thrust, grunting up into her body as he slammed against her womb, "A-ah!! Oh yes! Yes Mr Rod!" she squealed and pleaded delightedly as she shook her skillful hips, her pussy slathering arousal and juice everywhere as she leaked onto the floor. Her pigtails flopping as her head shook from the forceful blows.

"This is grade A pussy…" Rod growled in satisfaction as she squeezed and caressed his entire length, "I'm going to enjoy your private lessons!" he declared, bouncing her breasts in his hands as he stood up and slapped her down onto the desk, her large breasts now pressing beautifully beneath her as he fucked her hard from behind.

Dolly screamed as she came, gazing dreamily into the camera as her eyes rolled and her tongue lolled from her mouth, the sounds of Rod's hips slapping sexily against her ass as it bounce and molded to cushion his thrusts. Moaning and laughing happily Dolly grinned blissfully as Rod seemed to go deeper, forcing open her womb as he gripped her hips and leaned over her, making sure he went as hard as he could as he growled his imminent release. Resting on top of her he shoved his fingers into her mouth, the desk shaking beneath them.

"Pull my hair…" whispered Dolly, desperately, "Pull me up by my hair and cum…" she pleaded.

Seeing no harm in it, he gripped her pigtails with both hands and pulled, she shrieked and tightened unexpectedly around him as her breasts were put on display and she arched her back… he couldn't hold it. Roaring like a beast he thrust completely into her pussy and fired, filling her womb instantly before bursting out around his length and pooling on the floor. Dolly's fingers scraped the desk as she panted, moaning and being filled with cum.

Rod moaned as he groped her ass, pulling out of her and turning her over onto the desk and spreading her legs as her pussy continued to leak his seed. "…Well now. Thank you for showing your work Ms. Dolly." He spread her pussy with her fingers, and it drooled more cum and arousal in gratitude. "I expect to see you after class from now until graduation… we'll see if we can get those grades up."

"Yes Mr. Rod…" she hummed cheerfully, moaning as she scraped her pussy with her fingers and began absently licking the cum off as Bella'Dune yelled.

"Cut!" the crew and Usila clapped as Dolly seemed still a little lost in her work, still absently cleaning her fingers as Bella'Dune approached. "Well Dolly…" she began smiling, "You're a natural."

Dolly smiled happily up at her before skipping off the desk, grinning at Rod as well. "Okay!... What's next?"

"Well… a shower for one." Bella'Dune smiled as she helped 'adjust' Rod's cock back into his pants. "And then we'll see. I'm thinking a threesome with Usila and an old man…" she said thoughtfully, resting her hand on Dolly's ass and leading her from the set as they began to clean up. "But don't worry. I think you're going to have a long lucrative career in Holo-vids." She smiled at Dolly, who cheerfully returned it before jumping onto Usila and squeezing her tightly in a hug.

Just wait until she told Nike!

End of Chapter.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C123
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


