6.94% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 18: Bodies on the Beach

章 18: Bodies on the Beach

I don't own Star wars

It's official, I have the best boss in the galaxy. What does he do after I come back from Hoth, sore, annoyed, frozen, and tired? He sends me to Spira. For those of you who don't get out much, let me break the resort planet down for you: Blue skies, clear ocean waters, sandy beaches, and Milky and Yura in bikinis… the galaxy is a wonderful place to live.

Adjusting my recently bought swim trunks I entered the cargo hold to Milky and Yura, and suddenly I regretted not wearing underwear as I hardened in my trunks.

Milky, originally, wanted to wear a white micro bikini that matched her fur. But Yura unsurprisingly vetoed that idea and I had to reluctantly agree with her, it wouldn't do to have the planet policing force arrest her for possible indecency. So now she wore a shiny golden bikini that covered much of her breasts and ass, but she still looked awesome…

Yura, along with a light head covering, wore an emerald green number that was almost a thong but not quite, it showed a great deal of her blue rear cheeks and her breasts seemed to want to pop out of her top. But regardless, as usual, she was a vision of exotic beauty.

They both wore sunglasses and upon seeing my still slightly scared-up chest from Hoth and my leg scar barely poking out of the bottom of my right leg Milky frowned at me.

"Didn't I buy you a speedo?" she asked, pouting cutely as she looked at my red trunks.

"Yeah…" I said slowly, and blushing slightly, "But it's a bit much even for me Milky."

She purred, approaching me and pressing her breasts up against my chest. "Aw… will you wear it for me?"

My eyebrow rose at that, "…In private." I replied shaking my head.

"Leave him be Milky." Yura replied, tossing us towels. "He's just not as confident in a banana hammock… Hey, where is Short-round?"

Speaking of, he walked into the hold with a metal detector slung over his shoulder and wearing a wide brim straw hat over his jawa robe. "Hey" he replied walking towards the ramp.

"Short-round, what are you even going to do like that?" Milky asked thoughtfully.

"Scavenginf." He said flatly, turning on the metal detector as he descended the ram and began waving it slowly across the sand.

"…Are either of you two surprised?" I asked, looking between them.

"No." the girls replied flatly.

The wind on my face was amazing as I took in the salty sea air. I smiled as I let the wind blast against me while Yura and Milky made themselves comfortable on lounge chairs. "Who wants to swim?" I asked, suddenly a child again. I haven't been to Spira since my sisters took me when I was seven, but I always knew I loved the ocean...

Listening to the gentle waves flow up the sand I took in all the memories. One of the happiest ones that my family had together, even with mother…

The last ones before my father died…

Yura chuckled as she lay down underneath the umbrella, "Knock yourself out Aiden. I'm going to soak up some rays…"

I looked at her curiously, "Do either of you even tan?"

"I don't." Milky yawned and stretched her wonderful body erotically in the sunlight, "But I'm a cathar… perfect place for a sunny nap."

"I do…" Yura noted and looking at me with a gentle smile she held up a bottle of suntan. "…Want to help me apply it?" I smiled smugly as I approached her. Milky suddenly looked very envious that Yura needed the oil and she didn't. Yura lay erotically on her belly while I applied the lotion to my hand.

Gently, I started on her back, rubbing and massaging every inch of it as she mumbled contentedly underneath me.

"Oh…" she groaned out quietly her mouth opening in a silent yell as I rubbed into her muscles, "Damn it Aiden… I should've remembered you are good with your hands." Her eyes opened blissfully as I stroked down her lekku, she shivered slightly at the stroking, and she stared at Milky who stared back still very envious. Milky turned over, belly down and slipped a hand under her bikini bottoms as she watched Yura practically be molested by me… laying her towel over her generous backside to hide herself, she rigorously fondled her pussy as I made my way to Yura's waist…

First one leg; slow, deliberate and firm I continued to rub and massage her as she whimpered satisfactorily underneath my work. "S-shit Aiden…" she whispered to me as I started on her other leg, "A-Aiden not in public…" she said as a pair of Imperials, a man and woman, and a very pretty Mirialan woman with them walked closely by us, heading for the beach restaurant.

"Hmm?" I said amusedly, acting blissfully ignorant of what she was asking me.

Milky sped up on herself, watching as my hands gently touched Yura's exposed skin on her ass.

"Aiden!" Yura hissed with a humored smile, "For force sakes!"

"You know…" I said with a playful smile, "…I think I need to be extra thorough."

"Oh don't you-" she began but stopped with a soft moan as I slipped my hand under her bikini and rubbed thoroughly. She apparently felt so good she had to cover her mouth to stop her from screaming her delight. "Asshole!" she mumbled behind her hand, turning to give me an agast smile and a cold look.

"If you insist…" I said teasingly.

"Oh you-FUCK-er!" she mumbled as I slipped a finger inside her hole, "S-shit!" she hissed softly, panting into the chair as I probed her now slippery rear.

"Don't you dare." I mocked into her *ear. (*again twi'leks don't have them it's just better than saying hearing organs) "That's disgusting."

"You are going to get IT…" she hissed through her teeth as she quivered around my hand, suddenly stiffening in pleasure as the orgasm hit her in full, "F-fucker…" she groaned with a soft laugh as her orgasm faded, her eyes looking around to see if anyone saw. Nobody had, it's one of the reasons I did it. But was so hot to see her looking embarrassed.

"…Um… Aiden?" I looked at Milky, she was still thoroughly rubbing her pussy as she gazed at me with love-filled eyes, "…Can you rub lotion on me too?"

"I thought you didn't need it." I teased, already approaching her and removing the towel from her butt.

"…Please?" she whimpered aroused as I stared into her now pleading eyes.

I kissed her gently and poured a significant amount of lotion onto her furred back.

"Hey don't use that all on her I still need to do my front." Yura said and I tossed her the bottle, of which she caught, and with me still watching her squirt a generous amount of her chest and began applying: slowly, as I watched her, occasionally giving me a soft moan as we caught eyes.

"Aiden…" Milky whimpered, trying to get back my attention. "Aiden please…" she shook her hips under my hand to get them moving again.

"Sorry sorry…" I replied as she thrust up against my hands, "Yura was being naughty…"

"I can be naughty too…" she whined. I smacked her rear gently and she moaned softly at my touch "Aiden…"

"Milky if you're not going to be a good kitty I'm putting you back on the ship." I said softly as my lotion-covered hand slipped under the generous cloth of her bikini bottoms and began 'petting' her hole."

"I'll be a good kitty…" she whimpered as I pet her rigorously. She moaned and squirmed as people approached, I stopped and pulled away gently caressing the small of her back as if rubbing lotion while they passed us unknowingly, "No, don't stop…" she whispered her arousal claiming her tightly, "Aiden, please I'll be a good kitty…"

I kissed her again as I went back to finger her, she moaned lovingly into my mouth as she quickly found herself reaching a climax. "Is Milky is a good kitty?"

"Milky is a good kitty." She moaned back, lovingly burying her rough tongue into my mouth thrusting her fleshy ass against my hand, "Milky loves being Aiden's kitty…"

"Then cum for me…" I whispered huskily as I held her head in place and thrust my fingers harder into her hole as she flowed against my hand. Then she came, and I gripped her face and ass tightly as her body shook quietly in orgasm, I moaned into her mouth before I pulled away…

"I love you…" she mumbled devotedly as I pulled my hand from her bikini and gave her still jiggling butt a light pat than a firm slap.

"I love you." I kissed her forehead, "And now that you both enjoyed yourselves, I'm going to have some me time."

"Have fun." Yura smiled happily, lying on her back and soaking in the sun, Milky blew me a kiss and pressed herself exhaustively against the beach chair.

"…I fucking love him…" I heard her moan sleepily before I dove into the waves.

My father taught me how to swim, but naturally, my sisters honed it over time. I imagined my mother was against the idea, hoping I would drown in a violent 'accident'. I might have only done it once or twice in my life… but I loved the feeling of being weightless in the water. Letting it caress and take me away deeper and further out as I just floated there aimlessly without a care in the world, the waters even seemed to soothe my aches and pains like kolto.

Spira was after all relatively safe, there were couple of deadly sea creatures but they were very very deep water and in the middle of nowhere so you could relax forever like this. Breathing in the calm air I let my arms spread in the water

"Ah! Hey!" I jumped and quickly looked around. A young dark green Nautolan girl stared at me rubbing her generous chest and bikini. She had a faint scar running down her left eye and her head had blue tattoos running down her head tails. "…Buddy watch out huh?" she asked slightly watching me.

She was kind of cute…

Suddenly she shook her head as if trying to ward something away and covered her nose and mouth, "Hey uh… you might want to get a handle on that okay guy?"

"What?" I asked but she shook her head and dove down into the water, her fit-toned legs rising above the water and diving down.

I briefly saw a long vibro-knife strapped to her thigh in a sheath. Aw well, maybe she was a local and out fishing. But strangely I didn't quite feel safe with a vibro-knife wielding aquatic in an oceanic environment, especially since I didn't even detect her coming. So I turned and swam slowly back to shore, enjoying every long stoke that I took in the waters.

…You know… I embraced and understood the fact that one of my girlfriends is an unbelievably popular former holo-girl. And I knew she loved meeting fans, and posing with them, laughing and talking. She was an approachable, wonderful woman and I loved everything about her. If she wasn't a holo-girl we never would have met.

But as I stumbled out of the waters to find her surrounded by three very young and handsome human men taking a picture with her while Yura held the holo camera I felt just a little jealous. And as I walked behind them towards the ship I saw one of them 'casually' slip a hand onto her ass, and suddenly I wanted to break his arm just as Yura took the picture. Okay, I was really fucking jealous.

She looked directly at me, worried. She saw the look of possessive anger and quickly gave Milky a knowing look of her own. Ignoring the men quickly, Milky smiled at me and shoved them away before jumping happily in my arms. "Hey." She whispered, "Let them cop a feel…" she lovingly told me, "That's as close as they're ever going to get… now grip my butt and show them whose kitty I am…"

I'm happy to admit seeing the look of dejection on their faces as I gripped her was absolutely satisfying. Yura handed them back their camera with a smile and shooed them off as I caressed Milky, kissing her possessively.

"Aiden you don't have to be jealous." She whispered cheerfully.

I blushed, "…I wasn't… but I was going to break that guy's hand." She chuckled and smiled knowingly at me.

"He wouldn't have been able to get anything from me, you know that…" she squirmed her ass in my hands, begging me to squeeze her more. "You sure you weren't just a little jealous?"

"Nope." I lied, giving her a faint smile.

"Oh, okay then… maybe I'll go give them a private performance…" she whispered about to pull away but I gripped her hand and dragged her happily off towards the changing rooms.

Yura laid back down and waved us casually off, "Try not to make too much noise!"

I shoved her into the changing box, roughly pressing her against the wall as I began kissing her neck. "Aiden…" she whimpered, my hands slipping under her top and squeezing her breasts passionately, "You're so rough today…"

"It's been a while since I took my kitty for a ride." I whispered in her ear, she moaned as I squeezed her hard, slipping my hand down her front and quickly slipping my hand inside.

"Aiden!" she breathed, desperately squirming for more but trying to make it last longer by pulling away at the same time. "Aiden, wait please slow down!"

"No." I told her firmly and she began laughing as I sped up.

"Aiden! What's the matter?" she looked at me as her hands raised above her head to grab the wall, "…I won't run away."

I kissed her possessively and she let me claim her mouth again, our tongues dancing together perfectly together like they were waltzing. "Cum for me again." I whispered in between breaths. "I want to watch you come again…"

"Aiden it's your turn…" she whimpered but I knew she was close I could tell with her breathing, and the way she looked at me.

"And yet I told you to cum… you're a good kitty aren't you?" I whispered huskily as I kissed her.

"I-I'm a good kitty…" she replied lovingly, but she looked at me a little hesitant and confused, "B-but Aiden…"

"Cum for me kitty…" I repeated firmly, drowning her out and speeding up to get her to cum. "Cum like a good girl…"

"I-I'm cuming…" she quivered on my hands, almost sounding afraid but determined, "I'm cuming for you!" her head tossed back and I buried my face into her neck, sucking and licking at her soft fur as her whole body shook while she tried to suppress a scream. Yeah, I was going to get some loose hair in my mouth but I didn't fucking care. She was so beautiful when she came… she glowed like a young star.

She twitched uncontrollably against the wall, her orgasm surging violently through her as her body jiggled erotically for me as if she was subconsciously dancing. "A-Aiden…" she whimpered, gazing at me longingly, begging me "Aiden, please…"

"Please what?" I asked coldly, "You already came like a good girl…"

"Aiden!" she mumbled sternly, biting her lip and watching me pleadingly, looking legitimately hurt, "Why do you want me to beg today?" she asked, a little sad.

"Because Milky…" I said softly, ignoring it and playing the game, "I like watching you squirm…"

She licked her lips, her hands clawing the wall above her as she watched me, "Aiden…" she said softly, her eyes practically crying and sniffing back tears. Immediately I stopped my game and she watched my face as I realized that she wasn't having fun. "Aiden please, I want you in me…"

"…Okay." I said finally, no longer teasing her as I pushed her bottoms aside and gently slid inside her. she breathed gently against me.

"See?" she said softly, calmly, as if trying to soothe me, "See, isn't that better? You don't have to be mad anymore…"

"I'm not mad." I replied stubbornly.

Her hands lowered and she made me look at her by gently caressing my face, "Yes Aiden, you are… you didn't like that guy touching me. It's sweet…"

"...Milky…" but I paused slightly, and tried again to and to make a point I said, "Calypso…" she went rigid and tightened around me as I whispered her real name she stared at me surprised, we only really used it in absolute privacy "…You are not my property. Regardless of what I make you say when we go at it, you can leave anytime you want, you can go back to Nar Shaddaa and easily start your old career back up like I was nothing and…"

She kissed me suddenly and passionately, and I stopped my thrusting as I stayed inside her completely surprised, I tried to pull away to speak but she grabbed my head and held me in place and jammed her tongue inside. For the first time, she was possessing me instead of the other way around. "Shut up!" she said firmly after finally pulling away, glaring at me angrily, "And keep fucking thrusting, you're going to listen."

You do not piss off an angry Milky even further, so I did as she said.

"Fuck those guys. Fuck my old career and don't you ever say you're fucking nothing do you understand?"

"Yes Ma'am." I said nervously, oddly becoming more aroused.

"I'm going to fucking say something to you and I want you to burn it in your gods damned idiot brain, are you ready?"

"Yes Ma'am…"

She kissed me once more and shook her hips on me, before pulling away and glaring at me. "I FUCKING love you. I am never leaving you. I will kill anyone who tries to take you away from me, and if you ever think I'm going to just up and abandon you for some asshole who thinks grabbing my ass is romantic I will drag your ass onto the ship, tie you down on our bed, and fuck you into next week is that understood?"

"Yes ma'am…" I said, unable to hide the smile on my face.

"Now fucking cum inside my tight, loving pussy. I want every drop of you inside. So that if those assholes come back they can see my seed-filled pussy and know who did it…" she kissed me again as I slammed her against the wall and tore away at her. "Fucking claim me. Fill me, fucking cum in me!"

I slammed my hips against her, and didn't pull away until I began to leak out of her. She moaned arousingly and shook her hips again, trying to get me deeper inside her.

"…I'm sorry, I was being stupid." I whispered, leaning against her chest.

"I love you." She simply replied, stroking me head calmly, and kissing my forehead before placing her forehead against mine. Our silent form of 'I love you' among the crew, which held an even deeper meaning to us than just saying the words.

Naturally, that made everything better.

I had another go inside her, no roleplay, no foreplay, just me and her together and lovemaking… I'd like to tell you the gritty details, but really it was just me thrusting into her until we came again.

Finally spent and tired we went back to Yura.

Milky kissed me and lay down on the chair again, gently adjusting herself (and her bikini) before soaking in the sun.

"I'm thristy." I mumbled suddenly and since most of my fluids were within Milky it was understandable. "I'm going to grab a drink from the shop."

"Get me something too?" Yura asked casually as I kissed her forehead.

"Sure. Milky?" but Milky was apparently already dozing. So I let her rest…

I entered the restaurant, and since there was a very long line for the counter I decided to use the bathroom first, as I entered I heard the distinct sound of a few people having fun in the stall.

"Askin be quiet!" hissed a young voice as a woman moaned very softly.

"I can't help it, she feels so good!" Askin replied.

"Shit just go slower! Her butt can take it."

I rolled my eyes and ignored the two young men enjoying themselves at first and taking a quick leak. Looking under the stall I saw a pair of green feet, human feet, and a blue azure skinned woman's legs, they were desperately struggling to have a DP. Once I finished, I flushed, and they suddenly stopped.

"Shhh!" hissed the first voice, and they froze.

"…You two should sync up." I replied washing my hands, "She'll enjoy it more…

"Holy Force she just got tighter!" Askin squealed as the blue woman's legs twitched violently from a surprise orgasm.

"Shit thrust! Thrust! Quick before she loosens up!" the first voice said and the woman began panting erotically as they quickly went to town on her.

"You're welcome." I replied simply as my com began to ring. I walked out of the bathroom and the restaurant as I held it to my ear.

"Aiden." Came a familiar stern and modulated voice.

It was Urai-ken the blue Mandalorian bodyguard for Torga.

"Urai what's up? How's the helmet?" I asked, I had borrowed it for Torga's republic shindig. I was really nervous so I had to sweat quite a lot.

"We have an emergency job for you. Tuuba has crossed the line…"

"What did he do?" this sounded serious, and if Torga was finally ready to sink to Tuuba's level it probably was.

"My sister Hira-ken has been injured… Tuuba sent a bomb after Torga."

"Oh shit man I'm sor- wait, that red Mandalorian's a girl?" I replied surprised, but quickly recovered myself "Fuck it, never mind not important, is she going to be okay?"

"She'll recover. But Torga has given me permission to hit Tuuba where it hurts. Are you in?"

Yeah, name it." I replied. I like Urai, he was a fun guy for a mandalorian, we went shooting together on tattooine when there was nothing to do, and he let me borrow one of his spare helmets. "Do you need me to come back now?"

"No I need time to gather the others. Plus your tickets are non-refundable and Torga would kill me." he replied and I could tell that he had a small smile, "Enjoy your vacation, just go to Nar Shaddaa when it's over, we'll meet in Grorgti's place, in the back."

"Got it. I know the place." I replied and just before I hung up.

"Thanks Aiden." He said sincerely before he disconnected. So I had a job once this was done and it sounded real serious. I went back into the restaurant and grabbed the drinks before returning to Milky and Yura. I sat in the sand for a moment and stared out to sea, finishing my drink. When a hand suddenly popped from the sand with a metal device clasped firmly between its fingers.

Recognizing the robed hand I grabbed Short-round and yanked him from the sand, "The hell are you doing buddy?" I was about to ask how he got under the sand, but then...

"I found an X05 droid compressor!" he laughed happily, "It's just what I was looking for!" he then shook himself from my arm and dashed up the ramp to the ship without another word.

…Questions for later I guess… and seeing Milky blissfully snoozing I decided I could use a nap too, before lying down and holding her tightly. She muttered lovingly and gently caressed my arm as she nuzzled against me. I quickly drifted off to sleep, she is an excellent body pillow.

When I woke up Yura and Milky tossed me gingerly into the kolto tank… I didn't put sunscreen on and cooked like a bantha leg.

End of Chapter

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C18
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


