42.1% SSS Class Aspect Reaver / Chapter 8: S.M.A.R.T

章 8: S.M.A.R.T

The first rays of dawn crept through the dusty windows of the abandoned warehouse Akira had called home since the divine trials. He sat cross-legged on a worn yoga mat, eyes closed, focusing on the swirling energy within him. The Spirit Fusion ability that had saved him during the battle with Ryota still felt like a wild animal barely contained beneath his skin.

Akira took a deep breath, reaching out with his senses as he'd been practicing. The spirits of the deceased were always there, just at the edge of his perception. Some were calm, others restless, but all served as a reminder of the tremendous responsibility that came with his newfound powers.

A sudden surge of spiritual energy caused Akira to gasp, his eyes flying open. For a moment, his body shimmered with a faint blue aura, and he felt the hunger of the spirits he'd absorbed threatening to overwhelm him.

"Control," Akira muttered through gritted teeth. "I control the power, it doesn't control me."

Slowly, painfully, he reined in the chaotic energy. As the aura faded, Akira slumped forward, exhausted. These daily training sessions were getting more intense, but he knew he needed to master his abilities if he wanted to avoid another incident like the one with Ryota.

As he caught his breath, Akira's mind wandered to the chaos that had erupted after the divine trials. The panicked evacuations, the military cordons around areas of supernatural activity. He'd seen it all from the shadows, always on the move, always looking over his shoulder.

The sound of his burner phone buzzing broke through Akira's post-training haze. He picked it up, seeing a message from his father:


Son, I hope you're safe. The government people came by again. They say there's a new program for people like you. An academy. Maybe it's time to come in? I miss you. Love, Dad.


Akira's heart clenched. He missed his father terribly, but the fear of putting him in danger had kept Akira away.

As he contemplated a response, a breaking news alert flashed across the phone's screen. Turning on the small portable TV he'd salvaged, Akira watched as a somber-faced newscaster appeared.

"In response to the recent 'Beginning of the Divine Trials,' the government has announced the formation of a specialized academy for individuals with newfound divine powers. The Spiritual and Metaphysical Abilities Research and Training Institute, or SMART, will provide a controlled environment for these 'godlings' to learn about their abilities and how to use them responsibly."

The screen changed to show a distinguished-looking woman in a crisp suit. "I'm Dr. Yumiko, head of SMART. Our goal is to help these young people understand and control their powers, while also studying the phenomenon to better protect our nation. We urge all individuals who have undergone a divine trial to come forward. We can help you."

Akira turned off the TV, his mind racing. An academy for people like him? It could be a trap, but it could also be an opportunity to learn more about his powers and perhaps find others like him. Including...

"Hikari," Akira whispered. He hadn't seen her since they'd parted ways after the battle with Ryota. Was she okay? Had she been caught? Or would she be at this academy too?

After a moment of hesitation, Akira made his decision. He couldn't keep running forever, and he needed help to control his powers. With trembling hands, he typed out a reply to his father:


Dad, I'm okay. I've seen the news about SMART. I think... I think it's time. I'll turn myself in. I love you too.


Over the next few days, Akira surrendered himself to the authorities, bracing for the worst. To his surprise, he was treated with cautious respect. The officials who processed him seemed more afraid of him than he was of them.

He underwent a battery of tests - physical examinations, psychological evaluations, and power assessments. During this time, Akira caught glimpses of other "godlings," each displaying abilities that defied conventional understanding. A girl who could manipulate plants, causing them to grow at impossible speeds. A boy who seemed to flicker in and out of existence, teleporting short distances at will.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of prodding and questioning, Akira was cleared to join SMART's first class of students. The morning of his departure, Akira was surprised to find his father waiting for him. They embraced, the unspoken fears and worries of the past weeks conveyed in the tightness of their hug.

"I'm proud of you, son," his father said, his voice thick with emotion. "You're facing this head-on. Your mother would be proud too."

Akira nodded, not trusting himself to speak. As they parted, his father pressed something into his hand - a small, worn omamori charm.

"For protection," he explained. "And to remind you that you always have a home to come back to."

Clutching the charm, Akira boarded the secure transport that would take him to SMART. As the cityscape of Tokyo gave way to more rural surroundings, he found himself wondering about the other students he would meet. Would they be allies? Rivals? Could any of them understand the burden he carried?

The journey ended at the gates of SMART, a modern complex of buildings on the outskirts of Tokyo. The academy was an impressive sight - sleek architecture blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings. Force fields shimmered faintly around the perimeter, a reminder that this was no ordinary school.

As Akira walked through the gates, he couldn't help but feel a mix of anxiety and excitement. Other teenagers milled about, some looking just as nervous as he felt, others exuding confidence bordering on arrogance.

"Hey, new guy!" a cheerful voice called out. Akira turned to see a lanky boy with spiky green hair grinning at him. "I'm Kaito Isagi. Let me guess, Izanagi aspect, right? I can sense the whole life-and-death vibe from here."

Akira nodded, a bit taken aback by Kaito's forwardness. "Uh, yeah. I'm Akira. How did you...?"

Kaito tapped his temple. "Aspect of Omoikane, god of wisdom and intelligence. I've got a knack for figuring things out. Come on, I'll introduce you to some of the others."

As Kaito led him towards a group of students, Akira scanned the crowd, hoping to catch a glimpse of Hikari. Instead, his eyes locked with those of a stern-looking girl with short black hair and intense, dark eyes.

"That's Mei," Kaito whispered. "Aspect of Hachiman, god of war and archery. Bit intense, if you ask me. I'd steer clear if I were you."

Mei's eyes narrowed as if she'd heard Kaito's comment, and Akira quickly looked away. As he did, he noticed other students with unique features that hinted at their divine aspects. A boy with swirling tattoos that seemed to move on their own. A girl whose hair shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow.

"It's like a mythological menagerie," Akira murmured.

Kaito laughed. "You don't know the half of it. See that guy over there? Aspect of Fujin, god of wind. Nearly blew away half the orientation group when he sneezed yesterday."

As Kaito continued to point out various students and their abilities, a commotion near the main building caught everyone's attention. A group of students had gathered, whispering excitedly. As Akira and Kaito drew closer, they saw what all the fuss was about.

A young man stood at the center of the group, his presence commanding attention. He radiated an aura of confidence and power that made even the most boisterous students fall silent. His eyes, a striking electric blue, scanned the crowd with an intensity that made Akira feel like he was being X-rayed.

"That's Ren," Kaito whispered, a note of awe in his voice. "Aspect of Raijin, god of thunder. They say he's the most powerful student here."

Ren's gaze fell on Akira, and for a moment, the air seemed to crackle with unseen energy. Akira felt a chill run down his spine, a primal part of him recognizing a potential threat. Then Ren smiled, the tension broken, and moved on.

"Wow," Akira breathed. "Is everyone here that intense?"

Kaito chuckled. "Nah, Ren's in a league of his own. But speaking of intense, you might want to watch out for-"

"Well, well, what do we have here? Another little godling come to play?"

Akira turned to see a girl with long, silvery hair and eyes that seemed to swirl with mist. She wore a smirk that didn't quite reach her eyes, which were cold and calculating.

"Yuki, aspect of Yuki-onna," Kaito muttered. "Snow woman. Cute, but frostbite's warmer."

Yuki circled Akira, her gaze appraising. "Hmm, Izanagi aspect, is it? Interesting. I wonder if you'll live up to the hype. We've all heard about your little... performance in Tokyo."

Akira tensed, memories of his battle with Ryota flashing through his mind. "That was different. I didn't have control then."

"And you think you do now?" Yuki laughed, a sound like icicles breaking. "Oh, this should be fun to watch."

Before Akira could respond, a wave of warmth washed over him, dispelling the chill of Yuki's presence. He turned to see a familiar face, and his heart soared.

"Hikari!" he called out, unable to contain his relief and joy.

Hikari turned, her eyes widening in recognition. She rushed over, enveloping Akira in a tight hug. "You're okay! I was so worried when we got separated. Have you been here long? How are your powers? Did they treat you alright during processing?"

Akira laughed, the tension of the past melting away in Hikari's presence. "Whoa, one question at a time! I just got here, actually. It's... it's really good to see you."

As they embraced, Akira felt a surge of spiritual energy. For a moment, his aura flared, responding to Hikari's presence. But instead of the usual struggle for control, he felt a sense of balance, as if Hikari's light was tempering the chaotic energies within him.

Yuki watched this interaction with narrowed eyes, her smirk fading. Without another word, she turned and walked away, leaving a trail of frost in her wake.

"Looks like you've made an impression," Kaito said, clapping Akira on the shoulder. "On more than one person."

Akira looked around, noticing that many of the other students were watching him and Hikari with undisguised interest. He had a feeling that life at SMART was going to be anything but simple.

Their reunion was interrupted by the sound of a bell ringing across the campus. Dr. Yumiko's voice came over a loudspeaker: "All new students, please report to the main auditorium for orientation. Your journey at SMART begins now."

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


