75.67% Spirit memories / Chapter 28: Crazy

章 28: Crazy

In the morning Kite go to the city to deliver the supply;" Hum maybe i will have to extand the shop the next time "taking out the item:


Wind Glyph:

35 swords ,35 greatswords,35 spears,35 Katanas,35 Daggers,35 Heavyaxes.

Fire Glyph:

35 swords ,35 greatswords,35 spears,35 Katanas,35 Daggers,35 Heavyaxes.

Light Glyph:

35 swords ,35 greatswords,35 spears,35 Katanas,35 Daggers,35 Heavyaxes.

Dark Glyph:

35 swords ,35 greatswords,35 spears,35 Katanas,35 Daggers,35 Heavyaxes.

Water Glyph:

35 swords ,35 greatswords,35 spears,35 Katanas,35 Daggers,35 Heavyaxes.

100 low health potion, 45 mid health potion,100 antidote potion, 80 poison potion,15 of each stats potion.

100 wood plank,200 stone brick.


Gaspard:" Did you sleep????"

Kite laughing: " Idiot that's the job of our craftmen, i have only do 5% of this"

Gaspard:"They seems to be very talented so many work in this small time."

Kite:"Be ready they work on armor now, other merchand have start come to open stall?"

Gaspard:" Not yet i think they wait to see what this world have to offer, and they know Spirit Gate has a shop already here. Maybe they are affraid of you haha"

Kite:" Not funny ,i am only dangerous with the one who respect nothing, i will take the windows and go resume the construction."

Gaspard:" Ok see you later i will keep an eye around"

I can hear the shout from the five men , a luck no one sleep here actually. lot of house are nearly complete missing only their roofs.

Crossing a patrol:" Hi everything is fine?"

Guard:"Greeting servant's master all are fine."

Kite:"Good to hear, pass the message to the other when the house are finish, before the night fall use some clothes to block the mouth of the five,don't want them to disturb the sleep of the others."

Guard : "Hu...,at your orders"

When kite resume his travel to his house.

Guard:"He is merciless but think of the other,thinking of their sleep trully a great man."

Kite:"Like i will let this five break the sleep of the inhabitant,if they leave how will i win money."

After reaching his house he shout:" I know that lot of you wish too explore this world, i can guarantee you that before the end of the month, you will do what you want and for all your hardwork each members will receive 50 gold at the end of the month.

This is the begin we will become the most famous and powerful faction from the 2 worlds"

Shouts of joy can be hear all around ,yeah i know that's more the money than my speech who make them shout like that.



Leadership event activated

A true leader know how to motivate his faction:

Buff to all members for 2 weeks:

+15 % speed in skill level up.

+50% speed will crafting and construct.

-25 % stamina consume when using skill and working.

you have receive 15 Charisma stats points.


"HOLY S*** +50% speed, thanx you who you are in the sky. With this we will definitivly increase our money and finish all the building before the world open to all.

I can even do project now instead of do it later like i wanted to do before"

Will i work drawing the fortress plan on paper, one of the builder come to seeme.

Builder:" Hum Kite with the other we have a question, you want to build a base here but what will happend if "THIS" reach our base glancing at the giant tree;"

Kite:"F*** i have miss him, he don't have growth a lot recently but what will happend later.

'Sigh' i will have to do this, all the mage come here please" 10 min laters i have the 8 caster and 4 healer near me.

"Does anyone of you know of a skill to transfer mana to others?"

Healers:" Don't know if a skill like that exist but i am sure a magical formation can do that"

Kite:" Magical formation? Orca!! i have to go,i will be back soon. Ask the alchemist if one of them know the high mana regen potion, if he need ingredient he can take if from my garden"

Kite go see Orca:"Hi Orca sorry to bother you, i need your help"

Orca:" I you don't bother me that's quiet here without master to play chest,what do you want?"

Kite:"I need a magical formation who can transfer mana from some people to another one"

Orca:" Only that it's not a problem wait a moment" he go inside the Adventurer Guild and come with a man i recognise.

That's the one who have set up the conceal formation on my Door.

??:"Hello Kite i am Azure, Orca told me you need a mana converging formation, Will this need a lot of mana?"

Kite:"Hello nice to meet you, yes my alchemist already work on making some mana potion"

Orca:" I will come too, we need six more caster;"

Kite: "I have them no problem, let's go"

Then they reach the middle of the base Azure start drawn the formation , kite take the 6 more high level caster and shout:" Everyone evacuate the base and go 1 km away from here."

Orca:" Can you told us what you want to do?"

Kite:" You don't want to know have already done it but not this amount at the same time."

Azure:" Hu have a bad felling Orca take one with you in case we need it."sending a pill toward Orca.

Kite:" that's??"

Azure:" Pure mana condensation pill, if one of you eat it,with your level you corpse will implose from the amount of mana it gave."

The six of us can't block the GULP we have when hear that.

Azure:" Alright take your position and sit."

Kite goes to the center of the formation then start to delimite the base in a cube, then do the same five kilometers in the opposite direction of the tree.

"Be ready i start " the earth start shaking , a stone and dirt cube can be see elevating in the sky stopping twenty meters away from the floor. He have a size of 300*300*300 meters

The mana consumption increase when five kilometers away another cube emerge .

"I start move this will take a fuc***** amount " drinking a mana potion the other do the same.

The two cube start move to exchange their place,after two kilometers they have exhaust all their mana potions.

"My head a goblin horde play the samba inside that's hurt !!!" all of them have their cloth wet with sweat.

After their reach the 3rd kilometers the five mage collapse.

Azure:"Sh*** Orca take it." putting the pills in his mouth.

They finally reach the hole, slowly the cube take position and goes down . Then concentrating he made the other goes down to to replace the previous.

Kite: "PANT,PANT never ask me to do it another time, i have not a Head anymore that's some jam."

Orca:"Hahaha you are really crazy, if the inhabitant have see this, at this hours they will have wet theirs pants."

Azure:"Yeah trully crazy the last time i have exhaust my mana that's one million years ago when we have fight this Titan"

Orca:"Ho the level 15000 with 9 stars?"

Azure: "Yeah don't want to recall him"

Kite:" Time to stop listen them or i will lost my mental sanity..."

Fifteen min laters the members join us:

Builders:" The tree problem has been resolve, but you are totally insane haha"

The others aquiesce with fear in the eyes.

Kite:"Sorry Azure will have to borrow you a bit more, need to move the Door it and have a new conceal formation."

Azure:" If it's not to move the chain mountain then that's ok."

Orca:" Kite you have achieve a great things, infuse fear into Azure hahaha"

Kite:" At last i know now my limit, how many size i can modify this world if i have some help.

Time to resume the work all, we have this buff exploit him like hell !!!"

Orca:"I will let you work ask me if you need something,that's boring without Master to play chest."

Kite:" When we have finish here i will come play, in two weeks probably."

Azure left fifteen min later after concealing the door.

I extand the young training in the wild for 2 weekS.

We work all the night with the light from some camp fire.

In the morning the Headquarters are finish.



A Headquarters have been finish in the new world

World system in update.

Update finish.

Faction Managment unlocked


Faction: Spirit Gate lv 1

Leaders: Kite

Members: 154

Gold: 0


Faction Buff

Chat : Allow the members to communicate by telepathy.

Range:50 kilometers. Cost:500 gold


Experience : +25% experience by kill.

Cost : 1500 gold


Gold bonus : When a members kill a monsters the system will genere 15% of the amount obtain and add it to the faction treasure.

Cost: 1000 gold


Merchand selling : When a faction merchand sell an item 20 % of the amount will be generate and add to the faction treasure

Cost: 1000 gold


Vitality: add +100 to all stats.



Craftmanship :+ 10% speed in crafting and craft skill learning



More buff available at lv 5


Kite:" WTF are this" the others ask me what's the problem. I told them to try open a faction windows ,they nearly drop theirs jaws.

Kuhn:" This things don't exist in the other world ,can you buy the chat buff?"

Kite:" Yes not a problem with the money we have" Adding 500 gold to the faction treasure i buy it.

" Hi all, did you hear me?"

Gaspard:" HOLY S*** what are this? where are you?"

Kite:"That's work all who are outside, try open a faction windows"

Countless voice start to talk in my head. "Quiet please not all in the same time, 1rst don't need to recall all of you this information are now classified."

Gaspard:" We are f****** rich if the other don't build an headquarter here, we will obtain a incredible advantage.

Quickly buy the buff i sense the money calling me"

Kite:"HAHA wait Gaspard this money was win by all work, have to ask if someone are opposite before using it. " minute of silence

"Well no objection add all the shop money inside the treasure faction."


8000 gold have been add


Gaspard:"Thanx to the golem rent we win a lot from them"

Kite opening his screen choose the experience,gold and merchand bonus -5500 gold.


Faction: Spirit Gate lv 1

Leaders: Kite

Members: 154

Gold: 2500


Faction Buff

Chat lv1: Allow the members to communicate by telepathy.

Range:50 kilometers. lv2 Cost:1000 gold


Experience lv1: +25% experience by kill.

lv 2 Cost : 3000 gold


Gold bonus lv1 : When a members kill a monsters the system will genere 15% of the amount obtain and add it to the faction treasure.

lv 2 Cost: 2000 gold


Merchand selling lv1: When a faction merchand sell an item 20 % of the amount will be generate and add to the faction treasure

lv2 Cost: 2000 gold


Vitality: add +100 to all stats.



Craftmanship lv1:+ 10% speed in crafting and craft skill learning

lv 2Cost:2000


More buff available at lv 5


Kite:"The buff can be upgraded!!!" Without loosing time i try upgrade merchand lv 2.


Need Faction lv 2 to upgrade


Kite:"The buff can be upgraded when the faction reach lv 2.

How we win faction exp we will try it now. Gaspard any client near?"

Gaspard:" Wait 5 sec","done"

Kite:"We have win 10 exp nice, the young did you have some monster near?"

Atoli:"Yes wait a minute please." one min later."He is died"

Kite:" +16 exp so each action add different amount" Taking a mythril lingot i use Wild skill to make a sword.

"+40 exp it seems the grade of item influence the exp win too.

Gaspard prepare some carts and come with them to the base in four days."

Gaspard:"Okay but why? "

Kite:"You have not see the buff we have receive yesterday? All of you be ready for a hellish guild lv grinding . It start now and stop in thyrteen day !!! For each lv the guild pass i add 30 gold to the pay !!!"

"HOURRRA for the leaders!!!" My head that's hurt shout can be done too by telepathy another discovery.

Immediatly the builders start the fortress, taking out all my stock of iron ore the blacksmith rush on it, opening my garden the botanist let only enought inside for don't deplete the specie.

Then i take out all the stone i have for the miner who start make stone block.

Aura can be see flying in the horizon to gather ressource, even the beast start become crazy.

The unicorn all gathering near the botanist allowing them to mount them.

One minute later only theirs shadows can be see in the horizon.

Silversun and Silvermoon too act strangely they rush to the forest taking fur monster back to the tailoring then returning to the forest.

The farmer well, taking their spade they start cultivate the dirt at a incredible speed even an industrial cultivating machin from the earth are nothing without them.



Crazy spirit detected: All the members are in the same spirit state buff updated

13 days remaining:

+15 % speed in skill level up.

+50% speed will crafting and construct.

-25 % stamina consume when using skill and working.

Crazy farm: +100% stamina regen members don't need to sleep.

At the end of the buff all members who have use the buff will have to sleep 72 hours.


Kite:"Gaspard you will have to come in 2 days not three and with very high cart capacity."

Gaspard:"Hu? what happend in the base?"

Kite:"Better you don't know haha." with that i go help.

I make a schedule for myself 4 hours brewing potion,4 hours crafting with Wild skill ,4hours working on the stone block, 4 hours to Glyph the armor and weapon and 8 hours working on the building wich will take us the most time.

2 days later a man can be see coming with twelve carts and a escort of 30 city guards that's Gaspard:

The foundation of the fortress can already be seen between the wall and the headquarter one kilometers separate the two.

They can see the people working with a red glow inside theirs eyes.

Gaspard:" HOLY S*** what happend here this fortress construction only start 2 days ago.

And all this crop fields."

Guards:"See here even the unicorn have red eyes and run like they have the hell who pursue them."

Gaspard:" Better we collect the item and leave fast."

All the guard agree to his advice.

When they enter they hear Kite shout:" All the item are at the headquarter entry take them."

Gaspard reaching the Headquarter:"OMG, bad news we will have to come a second time the cart will don't have enought place." Under his eyes a mountain of item stay.

Blacksmith:" Kite we will run out of iron in 2 days"

Kite:" I need five miner to go to the iron vein, borrow the unicorn for the travel i will come in 2 days to collect the iron"

3 days later:

Hades: "This dungeon was really fun, a lot of time since i die so many time."

Helba:"Huhu of course acting like a wargod at the lv 15 bad idea let's go thanx Kite.

Hey where are Kite house and what are this wall in the horizon."

When they arrive to the wall:

Apollo"Why did they all have red eyes, they have been cursed?"

Helba seeing Kite:" Kite how your house has move? and why you all have this red eyes?"

Kite:" For the 1rst question ask Orca and Azure, and the 2nd join my faction temporary, but you have to promise to reveal what you see, only to the others admins and no one else.

I can told you, you will not regret it."

Helba seeing the other nod:"Alright send the invitation."

Kite:"Now try open a faction windows"

Artemis :"For God Sake what the fuck are this."

Kite:"Have received a world system update when we have finish the headquarters."

Hades:"This Buff and this eyes don't tell me...."

Kite:" Right we have not sleep after the beginning of the buff 5 days ago"

Zeus:"Totally crazy why i have the impression "THEY" have create a monster"

The 4 others immediatly agree to his sentence theirs eyes poping out theirs orbit.

Kite:" Well about that can i rent some Npc guards in 7 days for a duration of 3 days.

We will all sleep the fortress will have no defense."

Helba:"After the fun we have in your dungeon how we can refuse, we will send fifty guards with a discount total cost 3000 golds"

Kite:"Alright no problem i pay in advance" sending the money to Helba.

Zeus:" This money? how? "

Kite:" You have not see the headquarters entry? "leading them toward it.

Apollo:" I abandon ,this man are broken and it seems his faction take this road too."

From the entry to each of the side of the headquarter armor,weapon,chest full of potion can be see.

Kite:" Thanx for the guard,helba will have a question for you if you can come after my 3 days sleep, i return work see you later" He start run toward the wall.

Hades:" Wait a moment i make a video with a cristal record, the others will be crazy too when they see this faction windows, the buff, this mountain of stuff and how they work."

Helba:"That's true, we leave the faction when you have finish and go see Orca and Azure, we have to know what he have done with them."

Ten min later they leave, after they hear about Kite flying base and Azure exhausting his mana .

They nearly faint from the shock.

Apollo:" WTF are this world and who manage and monitor the system."

Helba:" I start have my idea but can't speak about my suspicion, i think "They" will be angry toward me."

A voice reply in the head of all the admins:

??: that's true Helba keep it for you and all the admin respect the promise to keep the new system to yourself or don't blame us if we act.

7 days later

Kite:"Alright all of you go to your home, in one hour the debuff will put you in deep sleep great job all !!!"

From the exterior a gigantic fortress can be see with some towers each 100 meters, the wall height at 120 meters and 20 meters in thikness.

The gate have a shining mythril door.

Inside the fortress 2 others buildings has been add. A Warehouse wich have a 100*100*300 in size with 3 floor, and a Armoury wich have a 100*100*80 size with 2 floor.

one hour later all the crazy member fall asleep.


Faction: Spirit Gate lv 4

Leaders: Kite

Members: 154

Gold: 300


Faction Buff


Chat lv1: Allow the members to communicate by telepathy.

Range:50 kilometers. lv2 Cost:1000 gold


Experience lv2: +30% experience by kill.

lv 3 Cost : 6000 gold


Gold bonus lv3 : When a members kill a monsters the system will genere 25% of the amount obtain and add it to the faction treasure.

lv 4 Cost: 8000 gold


Merchand selling lv3: When a faction merchand sell an item 30 % of the amount will be generate and add to the faction treasure

lv4 Cost: 8000 gold


Vitality lv1: add +100 to all stats.

lv 2Cost:30000


Craftmanship lv3:+ 20% speed in crafting and craft skill learning

lv 4Cost:8000


More buff available at lv 5



Name Kite Alignment Neutral

Class Spirit discover Title King Slayer

Species Human Gender Male

Level 90 Fame 500


Endurance <3120(30)>

Strenght <3850 (20)>

Stamina <3051(30)>

Agility <3086 (146)>

Charisma <225>

Intelligence <4120(120)>

Luck <225>

Wisdom <4080(95)>

available point: 0

Max stats With training: 4500





Increase the read speed and time to memorize it.

Wisdom +1 by character level.

Medium: Level 5



Wandering around the world and explore dungeon improve your body.

stamina +1 , strenght +1, agility +1 by character level.

Apprentice:Level 2



The desir to discover mysterie and artefact help them.

Increase luck to discover secret room and dungeon.

Increase langage knowledge

Intelligence +1, wisdom +1 by character level.

Apprentice:Level 1



Knowledge about the tree and flower.

intelligence +1 by character level.

Apprentice:Level 4



Ability to cultivate and raise wild monster.

Reduce stamina cost when farming and gathering ressource.

<Apprentice:Level 7



Ability to combine and refining resosurce be careful with experiment.

<Medium:Level 1>


Wild crafter

Use the element and world ressource to craft what they need.

<Medium:Level 6>


Spirit World.Unique

the ability to create your own world.

<Beginner:Level 4>


Mana gathering.

Increase passive mana regen, +1 by character level.

<Beginner:Level 6>



Identify the object, dependant from skill level

Apprentice:Level 2



Reduce the stamina cost.

Increase mineral knowledge

<Beginner:Level 4>



Ability to work and craft with wyre.

Apprentice:Level 2


Leather amour.

Ability for tane and work with the leather

Apprentice:Level 3


Pain resistance

Grant the user a resistance to the pain.

Reduce the chance to spell being interrupt.

+1 % spell and physical damage reduce by level

Apprentice:Level 9


Iron skin

Natural armor to the body + 25 armor by level

Apprentice:Level 7


Thirst for blood

Emmit a baleful aura

(Passive)Greatly reduce the aggressivity for people who have a level below yours.

Active: Reduce ennemy damage and speed by 5%, reduce your armor by 10%

Duration: 2 min cooldown: 10 min




Can sense the movement around: range 50 meters +10 meters by Level.

Apprentice lv 7



Reduce the stamina cost when cut tree

<Apprentice lv 8>



Ability to smelt and forge

<Medium: lv 5>



Help in the build of complex construction

Reduce the stamina cost when building.

<Medium: lv 8>


Dungeon Creation.

Allow the owner to create and manage dungeon.

Apprentice lv1



each level increase the precision and damage of your arrow.

+ 1 agility by character level.

Apprentice lv 1



Ability to create magical formation.

Apprentice lv 1





Recover the target health +10 health by level.5sec cooldown

Cost: 10.

Apprentice:Level 9


Freeze bolt

Reduce the target speed by 15%(max 40%) for 10 sec +1% by level.20 sec cooldown

cost: 10.

Apprentice:Level 5



Burnt the target and deal 10 damage +1 damage each second for 10 sec.

+5 damage , +1 dot damage , +1 sec by level. 30 sec cooldown

cost: 10.

Apprentice:Level 5



Cover a 10*10 meter zone in flame. Deal 20 damage by sec inside. 1 min cooldown

+3 meter,+20 damage by level.

cost: 300

Apprentice: lv 1


Earth Spike

Impale the target dealing 10 damage and a bleeding effect.

+10 damage and increase the bleeding effect by level. 1 min cooldown

cost: 15.

Apprentice:Level 5


Arrow Rain

Divide the arrow fired in countless arrow.cover a 5*5 meters zone.Deal 10 damage by sec inside.

Duration:10 sec. 1 min cooldown

+1 meters,+5 damage,+5 sec duration by level.


Apprentice: lv 1


Wind Shoes

Increase the target speed by 10% for 20 sec +1% by level(max 50%). 1 min cooldown

cost: 10.

Apprentice:Level 5



Allow the caster and his party to teleport to a previous location. 1 day cooldown

cost: 100.

Apprentice:Level 1



put the target in a deep sleep high luck for this spell to fail.5 min cooldown.

cost: 50.

Apprentice:Level 1


<Elemental golem>

Allow the caster to call elemental golem

Each skill lv reduce the mana consumption.(-2 by lv max:-60)

cost: 100 each min by golem

<Beginner: Level 8 >


next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C28
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


