52.5% Spider-Man WEB OF Multivesal Heroes:Persona Nexus / Chapter 19: Chapter 19 : Night of Havoc

章 19: Chapter 19 : Night of Havoc

Manhattan, New York.

Manhattan trembled under the assault of forty thugs, five mutants, and three notorious villains—Looter, Scourge, and Man Mountain Marko. The city was under siege, the streets a chaotic battlefield. Most people huddled inside their homes, while those caught outside scrambled to find shelter. The once-bustling city now echoed with fear and destruction.

"Man, this is amazing," Looter shouted, his voice brimming with exhilaration as he watched the chaos unfold.

Scourge, equally elated, replied, "Yeah, man, I am having so much fun right now. This is what I always wanted!"

Marko, towering and imposing, added with a sneer, "Well, since there's no spider to catch us in his web, we are free to do whatever we want."

Looter, riding the high of their rampage, laughed maniacally, "Screw that spider... fucker always came into our way. That sucker isn't here, that's why we are free to do whatever we want!"

But Scourge's tone shifted, a note of boredom creeping in. "Well, it's kind of boring without him here, you know."

Looter and Marko were taken aback by the admission.

"Yeah, man," Marko conceded. "That guy was something else. We were always trying to kill him, but he always joked around in the fight."

"Cheeky bastard always had his ways to get out of the most difficult situations," Looter reminisced.

Scourge nodded, "Yes, that little brat was always slimy. He wanted to change me, you know. Said I could be a better man or whatnot."

Marko chuckled, "He said I could help people. Like a kind big uncle next door. I mean, how old was he to give me, a middle-aged man, advice?"

Looter estimated, "With his way of speaking and voice, I think a teenager, approximately 17 years old, give or take."

Scourge sighed, "Man, I feel bad for the kid. Damn, shouldn't have mentioned him."

Their moment of reflection was interrupted by the sight of their goons beating and robbing people, mutants destroying stores and causing widespread damage.

Looter, as if waking from a dream, said, "We are villains."

Marko replied, "Yeah, that spider was too kind. He didn't even harm us much if we did these kinds of things."

Scourge said, "Yeah, screw his good talks. It's not like he could understand. Just a little kid, become a good man? Surrender? Start a new life? Screw his shit."

They rejoined their gang, causing more havoc.

High above the city, Roxanne Ritchie's helicopter hovered, capturing the destruction live on television. She reported with urgency, "As viewers can see, these three villains, along with a couple of mutants and many goons with their weaponry, are attacking Manhattan. The entire city is terrified. The police department is helpless, with eight officers critically injured and ten others with minor injuries. All they can do is watch and retreat."

Her voice grew more desperate, "I ask, where are our heroes right now? Is this not their duty to protect our city from such danger? Is it too low-profile for them to show up? What do they need—an alien invasion, an Earth takeover, or something else to show up? Is this the time we are living in, that such villains will freely wreak havoc? Where are you, our heroes? Where are you... where are you, Spider-Man? We need you. This city needs its hero to protect it!"

Suddenly, a blast echoed through the air, sending debris falling. Goons laughed at the destruction they caused, but one of them noticed a young boy holding a flute. The boy was terrified, tears streaming down his face as he cried, "My flute... my flute, that was the last thing my grandfather gifted to me."

An old man beside the boy grew sadder at the child's cry. "Aww, the little kid lost his old grandpa's flute... gonna cry? Do it, cry," a goon taunted.

From a dark alley, a melodious tone of a flute began to play. A figure clad in a black suit and mask stepped out, playing the flute—it was Peter.

He continued playing as he walked toward the boy, then stopped and handed the flute to him. "Can you continue playing this tune?" he asked. The boy nodded. Peter smiled, "Just repeat the tune when you have finished it until I say otherwise. And while you are at it," he handed the boy a disco cassette and a loudspeaker, "this will go along with the tune, so play it, okay?"

The boy, still confused but willing to comply, agreed. "Good boy," Peter said, patting his head. He turned to the old man, "Take care of him, alright?"

A goon who had been watching them pointed his gun at Peter, "Who are you, motherfucker?"

Peter kept his focus on the old man and the boy, "I will take care of them. No need to be worried, just do as I say."

Losing his patience, the goon shouted, "Look at me, fucker!" He fired at Peter, but the bullet rebounded off a force shield made of cursed energy and magic. The goon, the boy, and the old man were all shocked.

Peter quickly disarmed the goon, breaking the arm that held the gun. The sudden pain made the goon scream, attracting the attention of all the goons, mutants, and the three villains—Looter, Scourge, and Marko.

Peter walked towards the gang and said, "We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Which will you prefer?"

Looter sneered, "Look, fucker, this is our playground, not your shit."

Marko added, "Retreat before we make this ugly."

Scourge chimed in, "This is our turf. No dogs are allowed here. Go to your bitch mother, puppy."

One of the mutants with a big body said, "Nah, boss, let's beat the shit out of this fucker."

Another mutant with rocky hands said, "Let's play with the cub a little."

Two more mutants with animalistic powers taunted, "We can taste something new."

The fourth mutant, with gas leaking out of him, said lazily, "Let's just kill him and get it over with."

Peter grinned, "The hard way it is."

From the helicopter, Roxanne excitedly reported, "Looks like a hero has finally come to our aid, but he looks unfamiliar. His dark suit and mask... suddenly, as if remembering something, she exclaimed, "This... it isn't real." Calming down, she continued, "Let me introduce the viewers to this person. This man is 'Noir' or 'Night'. He has taken down the criminal underworld of many Asian countries and has also dismantled criminal hideouts across New York. This is the first time he has come to light, as we only knew his description from his victims. Yes, victims. He took down gangs in a ruthless manner, making most of the members crippled in one way or another. They call him the darkest memory of their lives. But what is he doing right now?"

Roxanne watched as Peter stretched a bit. Internally, he asked, "Regulus, are you ready?"

Regulus, the lion spirit/scared gear within him, replied, (Finally, it's my time to shine. Yes, Master Peter, I was waiting for you to say it.)

Peter chuckled, "Well, it is said that not letting a hunter hunt is crueler than the hunter not finding prey. So, I have started the hunting season for you."

He then called out, "Spirit of the Mighty Lion, Balance Breaker!"

People were shocked as they saw Peter transform into a suit of armor that made him look like a lion in flesh.

The boy, excited by the transformation, started playing the flute.

Peter, feeling the rhythm, moved to the beat, shaking his head and tapping his feet. He looked at the villains,

"Let's get this party started, baby!"

Peter dived into the goons, each punch and kick synchronized with the music. He disabled their weapons, broke their legs and arms, ensuring they couldn't fight back or disrupt the music. His movements were fluid, almost dance-like, as he took down one goon after another.

The mutants were next. Peter punched the animalistic mutants in their guts, grabbed their tails, and slammed them on the ground in sync with the drumrolls of the song. Approaching the gas-leaking mutant, he injected him with cursed energy, then slammed his head against a building wall, sliding his face along the windows as he moonwalked.

He faced the big mutant last. As the music stopped,

Peter shouted, "Come on, man!"

The boy apologized, "Sorry."

Peter said, "Roll it again."

The music resumed, and Peter counter-punched the big mutant, breaking his arms. He silenced the mutant's scream by covering his mouth, putting a finger to his lips as he continued to enjoy the music, then slammed the big guy down.

The three villains approached. Peter used apex predation on Marko, attacking with a flurry of punches and kicks, breaking nearly all his bones. For Looter and Scourge, he unleashed the spirit of the lion, ending the fight swiftly and brutally. As the song stopped again, Peter looked at the beaten villains and their gang.

"Your playground? Your turf? A dog, puppy? You will eat me? Play with me? Hahahaha,"

Peter laughed.

"Bitch, I am the fucking lion.

Wherever I go it's my fucking territory

My turf, My playground,

I am the apex predator,

play with me,

know your place,


He then tied them all up called the cop, he looked at the boy and old man he took the caset and speaker and said you play nice kid here take this as present, as he gave the caset and speaker as gift but also gave him more bundle of caset of songs.

Roxanne who had pulled down the helicopter and approached him but Peter teleported away, Roxanne looked at the place from where our hero teleported and sighed.

Part 2: The Night Unveiled

News of Peter's ruthless battle spread like wildfire, reaching the screens of heroes and villains alike. The footage was shocking. A masked vigilante in a dark suit, moving with deadly precision and cold efficiency, taking down villains with a brutality that sent shivers down the spines of even the most seasoned heroes.

In Avengers Tower

The Avengers gathered around a large screen, watching the live broadcast with a mix of horror and awe.

"Who is this guy?" Captain America asked, his eyes narrowing.

Iron Man shook his head. "I've been monitoring this 'Noir' for a while. We thought he might be Spider-Man, but Spidey isn't this...ruthless."

She-hulk crossed her arms. "Spider-Man never breaks bones like that. He's always been about giving people a second chance."

Captain marvel & Spider woman agreed"Yeah Peter isn't that violent he is sweet, caring and lovely "

Thor, leaning on his hammer, said, "This warrior fights with a ferocity I have seldom seen."

Hawkeye, still skeptical, turned to Jarvis. "You still think this guy is Spider-Man?"

Jarvis responded, "The probability based on combat patterns and physical attributes suggests a high likelihood, sir."

"Jarvis, you're over-calculating," Tony said dismissively. "Spider-Man has always been the friendly neighborhood hero. This guy...he's something else."

Black Widow than lightly said " I thinks it's Peter, Stark I don't know why feel this but this is peter call this a woman's intuition but I feel it"

The Avengers started contemplating at Black widows words.

Inside a dimly lit military cabin,

General Ross watched the footage with a satisfied smile. "Nicely done," he muttered, "as expected of my soon-to-be son-in-law."

Betty Ross, standing nearby, looked at her father incredulously. "Dad!"

Ross turned to her, his expression hardening. "What are you still thinking of that fool Banner for? He left you for some alien bitch. Heck, he even has a son now—two sons from what I hear. Leave it, Betty. That's the past."

Betty sighed. "I know, Dad. I left it long ago. Bruce and Hulk found someone they truly loved. I'm still searching for that. But him..."

Ross softened slightly. "Betty, Peter is a good kid. You and I both know that he has done more than you, Banner, or even I could do. He's kind, friendly, charming, smart, caring—everything you could ask for. I approve of him. Trust your father on this."

"But he has changed," Betty argued, "Did you see what he did to those people—"

"Criminals," Ross interrupted. "They were criminals and should be grateful Peter just broke their bones. I would have ripped them to shreds. They caused murder, destruction, child trafficking, rape, theft, and whatnot. Stop sympathizing with them. They would have killed that boy, the old man, and Peter if given a chance."

Betty bit her lip. "But he was Spider-Man. He was the brightest hero there was."

Ross sighed. "Maybe right now, we're seeing the darkness that light covered. It was them that dimmed that light. Do not be discontent with the darkness; embrace it. Maybe the light will come back."

Betty fell into deep thought.

In the X-Mansion,

the X-Men gathered around their own screen, watching the news in stunned silence.

"Professor, what do you think?" Cyclops asked.

Professor X nodded thoughtfully. "It certainly looks like him."

"So you're saying this guy is bub?" Wolverine asked, his eyes narrowing.

"But how did he...how did he—" Kitty Pryde began.

"Turn so violent," Storm finished.

"Yeah," Kitty said.

Just then, Amy, a young mutant girl, entered the room awkwardly. "Sorry, I got lost. Did I interrupt something?"

"No, dear," Jean Grey said gently.

Amy looked at the monitor and pointed. "It's him! He is the one that saved us from the labs."

Beast turned to her, surprised. "Are you telling the truth?"

"Yeah, but I still can't tell his identity," Amy said sadly.

"No worries, dear," Jean reassured her.

Another voice came from the doorway. "Amy...Amy, did you find Amy... There you are."

Charlotte, another mutant girl, entered and saw the screen. "Hey, that's the guy who saved us from the Brotherhood."

Amy's eyes widened. "What? He saved you too?"

Charlotte nodded. "Yeah, wait, 'you too'? Is he that awesome guy you were talking about? The one you argued with James over whose savior was cooler? Whoa, guess you both were rooting for the same guy."

"It's still annoying that I can't say his identity even if I want to," Charlotte pouted.

The X-Men looked at Professor X. "Looks like we have a troublesome savior," Cyclops said.

Professor X sighed heavily.

In the Brotherhood's lair,

The mutants watched the news with interest.

"Looks like the dude has a new suit," Blob commented.

"A lion this time," Psylocke noted. "I remember you said previously when he was here, he had a wolf suit and a white suit before. Does it mean his powers come from the suits?"

"No, the power comes from himself," Sabretooth and Juggernaut said simultaneously.

"How do you know?" Red Queen asked.

"Gut feeling," Sabretooth replied.

"I can see the energy comes from himself. The suits are just for protection or for him to use his powers more smoothly," Juggernaut explained.

"Fascinating," Mystique and Destiny said in unison.

"Interesting," Magneto said, watching the screen intently.

In the Baxter Building,

The Fantastic Four watched the footage in shock.

"What do you think, Johnny? He looks like him," Ben Grimm said.

"Yeah, quite a lot like him—just more bulked, taller, and stuff. What do you think, sis?" Johnny Storm asked.

Susan Storm's eyes were wide with recognition. "It is Peter. I feel it inside my heart. It's Peter, Johnny. It's Peter."

"Come on, sis. That guy may look like Peter, but he looks so violent. My buddy wouldn't do anything like this. He even helps his enemies," Johnny replied.

"No, Johnny, it's Peter. I swear my heart is saying it's our Peter—Franklin and Valeria's Peter. 'My' Peter. He may have changed, but the way he acted with the innocent is still the same. He gives off the same feeling of protection, albeit cold instead of warm like usual. But it's still there," Susan insisted.

"Whatever you say, sis. Whatever you say," Johnny said, worried that his sister might have lost it somehow but happy as long as she was happy.

Ben, looking at the monitor, said softly, "Just come back, buddy. We miss you."

In Latveria,

Dr. Doom watched the footage with keen interest.

"So he does have more powers," Doom mused. "Well, I did the right thing by not provoking him further."

Doom's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized the screen. "But how much more are you hiding, Spider?" he wondered aloud. He looked at the card Peter had given him after their fight. "Should I truly take your help?" he pondered.

### Kingpin's Hideout

In Kingpin's hideout, his assistant reported nervously, "He is the one, sir. He raided almost every hideout we had in New York—from small, minor ones to major ones."

Kingpin slammed his desk, his face red with anger. "Then why don't I have his head on my desk or him right in front of me on his fucking knees?"

"S-sir, he is very powerful. Not even 10-15 mutant members could take him on, let alone our ordinary members just armed with advanced weaponry," the assistant stammered.

Kingpin's eyes gleamed with malevolence. "Hmm, I guess it's time for you all to make your appearance again, huh? Sinister Six? No, Sinister Twelve."

Twelve individuals emerged from the shadows, each with a dangerous gleam in their eyes.

The Battle Continues,

Back in Manhattan,

The battle raged on. Peter, now in his lion armor, faced off against the remaining villains.

"Regulus, are you ready?" Peter asked internally.

(Always, Master Peter) Regulus responded, his voice filled with anticipation.

Peter's movements were a blur as he took down thug after thug. With each punch and kick, he disabled their weapons and broke their limbs. His actions were precise, almost mechanical, as if he were a machine designed for combat.

The mutants tried to surround him, but Peter was always one step ahead. He dodged their attacks with ease, countering with devastating blows that left them crumpled on the ground. His lion armor shimmered in the dim light, adding to his fearsome appearance.

As the fight reached its climax, Peter stood alone amidst a sea of unconscious and injured foes. He looked at the camera, his eyes cold and unyielding. "Let this be a warning to all who would harm the innocent. I will find you, and I will stop you."

With that, he turned and vanished into the shadows, leaving behind a city that would never forget the night they witnessed the dark side of their hero.


The news spread like wildfire, and the world reacted. Heroes and villains alike were left to ponder the true nature of the man they once knew as Spider-Man Or was He even spider man. As the city slowly recovered from the chaos, one thing was clear: a new force had emerged, one that was willing to do whatever it took to protect the innocent, no matter the cost.

DragonChaos_2000 DragonChaos_2000

Hey guys,

sorry for the late chapter I couldn't deliver

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