50.26% Spider-Man Mayhem / Chapter 93: Chapter 93

章 93: Chapter 93

[Third Person's PoV]

Peter swung and ran towards Harry's mansion with maximum efficiency. While invisible, he swung across the city before landing on a lamp post a few feet away.

"Has anyone entered or exited before I arrived?" Peter asked in a serious tone.

"Negative, Father. The premises have remained empty," Aria replied in an equal tone.

Peter nodded before jumping down from the lamppost and leaping over the gate. Having been here before, he roughly knew the layout and snuck to the back of the house where a pool resides.

Peter let out a sigh of relief upon realizing the door to the inside was open. "Aria, check if there are any detection systems around, like invisible lasers or something similar," Peter whispered.

After a few seconds of scanning the surroundings, Aria gave Peter the thumbs up. "It's all clear, father. You are good to go."

Peter nodded and walked inside, making sure Aria kept constant surveillance.

"Father, although there aren't detectors, there are surveillance cameras inside the house. I'm unable to access them due to the way they're set up," Aria warned.

'Harry could get in trouble if Norman looked back at the footage,' Peter thought, pondering. 'I have to find a way into his office, but how?'

Peter sighed as a thought came to mind. 'This has to be the most idiotic thing I've ever done,' Peter thought as he stood in front of Norman's office.

Next to his office door, a few feet away, was a table with a flower vase with an intricate design. Peter pushed the vase off the table, causing it to crash onto the ground, creating a loud noise.

"What's going on!?" Norman asked from his office.

Not hearing a reply, he clicked his tongue and stood up from his desk, opening the door to take a look.

As he opened the door, Peter snuck in and almost cheered loudly. On Norman's desk, there was a yellow envelope and a USB right next to it.

'PRAISE THE PARKER LUCK,' Peter inwardly cheered as he swapped the USB and positioned it exactly how the other one was.

"You better clean this up, Samuel. I don't pay you for nothing!" Norman yelled before shutting the door, causing Peter to be stuck inside with him.

'What have I done? I just had to jinx it. At least it will take a while to assess the situation,' Peter inwardly cried.

'All I have to do is wait for Norman to leave or for him to call someone to send the package. In the meantime...'

Peter started to slowly climb the wall and reach the ceiling away, so he could secretly talk with Aria without being caught.

"Aria, activate the suit's X-ray vision," Peter whispered, inwardly noting to add the neuron link to his mask so his suit could act on his thoughts without having to command or rely on Aria.

The X-ray vision was a function Peter created with the help of Peni when building his new suit. Although it wasn't strong enough to view all the way to human bone, it was strong enough to view the inside of walls and the like.

Everything took on a blue tint as Peter looked around before he started noticing wiring around the room. Some of the wires went to places where they belonged, like the lights or switches, but some didn't. One such wire went to a bookcase Norman had in his office, more particularly to a book.

'I see a secret compartment... sigh, I really don't want to look inside. I already know that once I open that can of worms, there's no going back,' Peter inwardly groaned in annoyance.

Peter watched as Norman stuffed the USB into the envelope before standing up and walking away. 'Well, that was quick...' Peter thought, noticing how swiftly he left his office.

'I see, so he doesn't trust anyone and plans on sending it himself. He seems pretty paranoid, but I guess in his line of work, that's understandable.'

Norman closed the door behind him, Peter then waited for a minute in case Norman forgot something.

Seeing that he's not returning, Peter jumped down from the ceiling and pulled on the green book which had the wiring connected to it. As he pulled on the book, the shelf slid to the side, revealing an iron door with a number panel next to it and a fingerprint scanner just below it.

"Fuck," Peter muttered before sighing. "Aria, scan the panel numbers, check which one is the dirtiest, and arrange them in slowly decreasing order."

Once Aria finished scanning, Peter went towards Norman's desk and started looking for tape. He clicked his tongue when he realized there wasn't any on his desk but let out a sigh of relief upon realizing he did have some while searching through the cabinets.

He got a piece of tape before heading towards the fingerprint scanner, pressing the tape tightly on it, which slowly started to form Norman's thumbprint.

"Aria, what's the number arrangement?"

"It is believed that some of the numbers are pressed more than once, thus making it harder to guess the order," Aria said.

"Show me the number that's been pressed the most." Aria showed Peter the panel with the number 1 and how much dirtier it was compared to the others.

"Show me all the numbers," Peter said, causing Aria to list them out. As he studied them for a few seconds, he let out a long sigh and dropped his head slightly. He slowly walked towards the number panel and entered '12131991.'

The screen then flashes green, surprising Gwen, Harry, and even Aria, but all for different reasons.

"I'm curious, how did you know that was the number? There are multiple other combinations that are more likely," Aria asked.

Meanwhile, Harry, who was watching everything, was in shock.

"Well, that's because it's Harry's..."

"It's your..."

"It's my..."

"Date of birth," Peter, Gwen, and Harry said at the same time.

Peter then used the taped fingerprint, causing it to turn green as well, and the door opened for him to head inside.

Meanwhile, Harry was reeling from the fact that his cold, uncaring father was using his date of birth as a password for his secrets, causing him to start questioning everything he had ever known.

The door closed behind Peter, and everything went back into place. Peter was surprised to see what appeared to be a typical scientist's laboratory. 'I have to remember, even though Norman's a businessman, he's also a scientist, so I shouldn't take him lightly...' Peter thought with a serious expression as he observed the flasks containing multiple liquids.

Peter also noticed a wall filled with multiple monitors and a desk below it holding the keyboard and mouse. He grew confused upon noticing something peculiar.

There was a red singular vial by the desk of the monitors, which piqued Peter's interest compared to all the others.

As Peter approached it and picked it up, he read the label out loud, "Incomplete SSS."

Gwen and Harry were confused until they heard Peter's shocked voice, "Incomplete Super Soldier Serum,"

Which caused their eyes to widen as they looked at the vial in astonishment.


A/N: I know the fingerprint thing didn't make sense... please just leave it be .

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C93
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


