78.94% Spider-Man in RL / Chapter 15: Responsibilites

章 15: Responsibilites

3 days had passed since Erica had revealed the goal of the higher authorities, but what hurt him was the 'Anti-Spider' group or squad being created to stop him. During his swing back home after being given the knowledge, he cried. Even when inside his home he cried. 

And currently outside of his room Jessica was outside her son's room. She held a hamburger patty, mashed potato, and gravy with a cup of water, Jessica had made this meal to help show her son she cared. 

"Honey, can you open the door?" She knocked with her foot, but all she got was a sudden pause in the boy's cries. She saw the door open slowly and saw a web, connected to the door hand, she continued into the room placed his dinner onto his desk, and then crouched to face the back of her son.

"Hey, Lucas. What's wrong? Please tell me." He didn't answer and so she guessed that he wouldn't answer again, however, he spoke.

"I'm Spider-Man? Right?" His question confused her.

<Jessica pov>

Why is he asking such an obvious question?

"Of course. Why?"

His cries continued again, I walked up to him and touched his shoulder.

"T-they hate me."

"What? Who?" This shocked me, he talked about people hating him but never reacted like this.

"Erica, the detective. She told me. That. The government plans to hunt me, they are even making a group. Called Anti-Spider." My face dropped, what? Why would anyone do that? Especially the government. Looking at Lucas my heart sank, what was eating him was the horror of being hunted like a criminal.

I lay on the bed and wrapped my arms around him,

"Oh, Lucas don't worry your not a criminal. If they try we can fight back." I spoke while stroking his hair from behind.

"No! That's not it." Hearing this I raised an eyebrow.

"Then what?" I asked.

"I-I can see all around me. I can see all around me, I can even see your face." He said surprising me.

"It's that when I was on the scene, and Erica told me what happened I saw a couple of officers about to point their weapons at me."

He turned to look at me.

"The people I helped hate me." I looked into his eyes, eyes that were so tearful that they were mostly red. I couldn't hold my tears before hugging him and only thinking, how could I let my child experience such torment?

And as I held my crying baby, I too cried.

<Lucas pov>

After I told my mother what happened, she called Michael and Melissa to help comfort me on the weekend. I had stopped being Spider-Man and returned to being Lucas the single child of an abandoned woman, the person with no knowledge besides some basics maths, no high school experience, no influence, and hell I had no idea how to use a fucking phone.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in!" I yelled, Michael then walked in.

"Yo." He said a bit uncomfortably.

"Yo." I replied, we spent a minute just in silence. Then Michael talked again.

"Your mom explained everything. To me and Melissa. And I just want to say, I get it. Well maybe not exactly, but I understand where you come from but think about it-!" I cut him off.

"Think about what? Helping the people who want to hunt me down like an animal!" I yelled standing in front of him.

"Look not everyone hates you, man!"

"How so! The moment the government points the finger at me, calling me a terrorist, criminal, or villain! BANG! They all will turn against me!" 

Michael seemed physically uncomfortable and stepped back.

"Why should I help the people who hate me!?" But before he could reply a small voice was heard.

"I don't!" This voice was high-pitched and girly, both looked at the entrance to see a 9-year-old child with a blue and red Chinese fan clutched into her grip.

She had black straight hair to her waist, blue eyes, and white skin, and only stood barely higher than half my height. It was Ellie, and almost immediately I wore my Spider Suit as she hadn't seen my face luckily.

"Ellie, what are you doing here?" I asked kneeling before her, but she slapped my left hand when I tried to pat her head.

"NO! Don't pretend everything is ok! Why do you hide?!" She screamed, her closed eyes dropped tears.

I hated this.

Why was she crying?

"Ellie don't cry." I said pulling her into a hug. But then she struggled in my hold.

"NO! Let go! You are not Papa! Papa is a great man! You are a coward!" Hearing these words made my heart stop, Papa?

"What?" I spoke quietly, but she seemed to have heard.

"You're not my Papa! If you were Papa, you would be fighting that big man stopping him!" I turn to look at Michael, not until I see Melissa in front of me.

"What she means is that, while you were here. Rhino escaped and began a rampage yesterday. And has destroyed a fifth of Lambeth, more than a hundred people have died and more than a thousand are injured."

Melissa's words struck like a hammer, so much death!

"And a source had told the news anchors about what the government wanted to do to you." But she didn't continue and only pulled out her phone, on it was a video.

"Hello all, today we are here to talk about a serious topic. Just yesterday the 'Rhino' had broken out of prison at Lambeth, and had not only destroyed 1/5th of Lambeth. But had also taken the lives of 124 people, while 1092 people suffered injuries 1/4th of them were not in life-threatening situations due to their wounds." Spoke the Prime Minister Rishi.

"We have begun a search for this man, and have studied, even though weirdly but was necessary, the Spider-Man comics to understand him. What we have found out is that he is called Alexei Sytsevich, a Russian man. He is around 710lbs, 7ft tall, can run at a max of 80mph, can lift 100 tons, and can only begin to be damaged by 1 ton of TNT." Hearing this the crowd gasped in shock and began to murmur. Until someone raised their hand and was called to speak.

"Prime Minister, how do you suggest to stop if not kill this man?" The silence was loud and the Prime Minster's face looked contorted.

"Sadly, our current police equipment can not harm the Rhino but the military will begin searching for him in the air and ground." Another news anchor asked.

"What can the military do against a man who can squash tanks and take tank shots?" The crowd was deathly silent, waiting for an answer.

"The military predicted something like this would happen so they did two things first, was to create a weapon that is being classified to not reveal information to help counter the Rhino's armor. And second, they have begun a squad."

"Isn't it the Anti-Spider you're talking about?" Asked another news anchor.

"Yes, you would be correct. However, due to recent observations and interventions, they have been renamed the 'Spider-Squardrent'. Their purpose now is to be a backup and to help on a scene most needed to help Spider-Man. And I would like to say something as well, not to the public. But to Spider-Man." Everyone made sure to record what Rishi was about to say as ever since the reveal of Anti-Spider and Spider-Man going to hiding, crime went through the roof and people begged online for Spider-Man's return.

"Spider-Man, I know what happened was horrible and I don't expect forgiveness. But." As he said that, a group of 5 men and 2 women walked onto the stage with their faces covered.

"These are the people I hope you can trust the most in your work when you are back. Because like most civilians they believe in you and want to be someone who can fight by your side if not for you so that your message of heroism is implored. And I beg you, please protect London again, thank you."

The video then ended, and unknowingly his tears leaked through the suit.

"Will you continue being Spider-Man?" Melissa asked, he looked downward to see Ellie's face. He removed his mask kissed Ellie's forehead and spoke.

"As your Papa, how can I stop?" And as he said that he walked out of the room, and the others followed.

"How can I as a protector of the people quit?" He uttered wearing his mask, and walking past his mother.

"How can I not care for the people?" He walked to the living room window and opened it.

"How can I as a friend, son, and father not do my best to make sure the world is a safe place?" He turned to look at them. In their hearts, they felt happy and excited. And behind them, Michael was doing something on his phone.

"Because, with great power. Comes, great responsibility." He spoke before leaping out the window and swinging away.

Michael ran to the window and snapped a picture, before using his hacking skills to hack media networks and phones to send a simple message and picture.

"Fear villains and Hope civilians, because with great power and great responsibility. Spider-Man is back!"


Hey everyone, would you like for me to continue this story?

If so I shall do so, however, I have a question.

Would you like another story to read as well?

If so my plan would like to make more for you, as I do like stories with Systems and maybe you too. But I would like to try making a story without a System, original world, people, plot, and more. But with one key element that hopefully everyone would like.

Here's a hint--> Dragon Slayer.

What do you think?

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C15
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


