47.82% Spear Boy Gets Creative (Cao Cao SI) DXD Multicross Story / Chapter 27: An Act Of A Spear Boy Stops The World

章 27: An Act Of A Spear Boy Stops The World

(Ares POV)

-Outside The Gates Of The Land Of Shadow-

"Twelve weeks. He has been in there for twelve weeks! When will he be coming out?!" I heard one of the Lamia ask, to which I simply ignored them as I could sense future conflict within my vicinity. My sense is almost never wrong, and it was pinging like a damn broken metronome.

Yet as the snake friend stared at me, I simply stared in his general direction, and he was burned away in a purple fire. His second in-command simply bowed to me and left the tent. 

These monsters are pathetic. I remember when a single Minotaur could overturn an entire battle and a lamia could take down entire squadrons of men with ease, but now they have become arrogant by the fact that they could never truly die.

Similarly to gods that gain power and continued existence of the worship of Mortals or at least a knowing existence, monsters exist because of their stories. As long as the stories that bred these monsters exist, so will the monsters, but they shall never be strong enough to deal with us gods. 

However, one weakness of being a God is that it is more difficult to gain strength after a certain amount of time, and after the gods became less focused on worship, we were shuffled out by the Hindus and the biblical factions.

The reason Mount Olympus was moved to America was due to the fact that even in our own country of Greece, there remain few who truly believe in us. Yet in America, due to the large variety of content they absorb, many believe in the existence of gods, even if it is not us specifically, but it is enough for us to continue to exist.

It is rather depressing as I can recall the days when I could stand with the men and women of nations like Sparta, Great Britain, America, and others, yet now I lack the motivation to act. 

The Cold War was a joke as it was simply posturing to see who had the biggest bomb and who would strike first, yet in the end, no one did.

 And even the war on terror was a joke as it was mostly just America going into places in the Middle East and having skirmishes and using drones. Athena enjoyed such warfare, but I was bored out of my immortal mind. But at least I have this chance.

No sooner had I thought that than a large set of gates appeared before me, and I immediately grabbed my spear and shed my normal clothes for my armor as a frantic smile formed on my face. But the gates did not open but started to crumble and turn into something entirely new.

The once rusted and old gates became something equivalent to a pristine set of white gates made from a material I could not recognize, and then the gates opened revealing a child, no a warrior, sitting atop a throne made purely of white with multiple sets of stairs leading up to a throne that seemed to have wings flowing behind it.

And unlike what I had heard of The Land of Shadows, all I saw was a giant circle in the sky with a sun shining in the background with the blue skies being parted by floating rocks. 

The warrior seemed to be asleep, but I knew better as that blindfold he was wearing was only decoration. As quickly as my men saw him on the throne, the entire area was surrounded by some type of barrier as the world seemed to become like living glass.

The monsters, noticing this, began to panic, but I shouted, "Hold! Stay Your Ground, You Fiends! This Is No Attack, But The Opponent Setting The Battlefield." This seemed to convince them as they began to form ranks with my archers and men in the back and the monsters being the shock troops and cannon fodder.

So as they finished, I looked up at the man sitting on the throne. As he seemed utterly and completely blank, but his mouth opened and said, "Kneel."

Then a wave of what seemed like pure will tore through the battlefield, and all the monsters were taken to their knees, with some even turning to dust by the pure weight of the will being thrust upon them. 

Even though I was somewhat struggling to move, I stood my ground and flared my divine energy, thus dispelling the strange will. Instead of appearing annoyed, he smiled as if I was playing into his hands.

He then lifted his right hand from the throne, and the Spear Of Longinus formed in his hand, yet it looked nothing like what many spoke of as it arced in electricity and fire as if the master bolt and Heaphetsus hammer were combined into one and made into a spear. 

And unlike the Helix pattern I was told about, it seemed to look more like a bident than a spear, but the length and way it is being held showed it to be a spear.

As he stood up and took a step, he seemingly disappeared from view and appeared in front of my army with the gates still open, showing that throne. 

After noticing him, a wide smile never left my face as I yelled out, "It seems you have been training hard, young warrior! I am excited to see how you have improved after your time in there. So before we fight, you are going to have to make it to me first. Show me your skills Spear User."

To my proclamation, he simply snaps his finger, and a large rune appears on the ground beneath the minotaurs, then a large plume of blue fire disintegrated them on the spot, with the Lamia moving out of the way and wild centaurs backing away in fear due to the heat. 

After the fire disappeared, I saw the warrior disappear as he stood in the sky above us and snapped his fingers again. He said, "I will not be fighting your disposable pawns, Ares. They will." 

He then pointed to the gates, and from them came hundreds if not thousands of beasts led by a knight wreathed in flame and what looked like a giant misshapen horseman wielding a glowing green greatsword.

The screams from the large werewolf-esque beats spread fear amongst the troops as the wendigos began to tear my front lines to shreds, and as they fought, I noticed something amazing. With every beast his army killed, a copy was created in its place and turned against the enemy, which made his army nearly infinite with enough time.

And after a few minutes of the army exiting the gates, the monsters that once numbered in the tens of thousands were being dwindled down into hundreds as their brothers and sisters fought against them. 

I expected this to be some form of necromancy, but it's different. It's as if with every beast he kills, the land behind him forms a copy for him to use. It was my direct counter or at least a mirror match.

But unlike my own troops, he seemed to lack fear and hesitation, not through loyalty but through what seemed like pure visualization, and then it hit me: he was flying in the sky to control his troops like homunculae. Yes, it has to be that.

"Archers fire upon the spear user!" I yelled out, to which my spartans fired their arrows along with my Persians, and the pure number of arrows blotted out the sun with sheer numbers. as they fell towards the child, he simply scoffed and opened a hole in front of him, to which the arrows then began to strike my men from behind.

The action left me shocked as no human magic I had seen was able to do this, as teleportation circles were only wired to travel and not for combat, and he had no magic circles or crests in his spells. He just seemingly thought it into existence. 

The look on my face seemed to amuse him as he said, "If this is what the god of war is able to muster, I am disappointed. Now, let us deal with the rest of your men."

He then gestured to his monsters and charged my men, which formed shield walls at my command, but as his monsters approached the lines, he summoned multiple portals, and his monsters ran through them and ended up behind my men and at their sides. And so I watched as the dark shades enveloped my spartans, but they weren't able to be turned against me as they were mine.

But it did not matter as after he shattered my skeletons and the ghostly spartan warriors, he snapped his finger for a third time, and the monsters stopped and returned to the gates and disappeared as they entered. 

He then slowly landed on the ground and walked forward towards me, and I walked towards him.

(Cao Cao POV)

As I walked toward the god of war, I saw through my eyes his aura, and it was a mixed bag of screams and prayers for victory and for courage. It reminds me that the being in front of me is not only the God of War but the god of courage, as he gave courage to the people who prayed to him. Even if they fought to their deaths, they would be honored by joining his Legion.

I could physically feel his divinity attempting to affect my rational thought process, yet my resistance simply slapped the attempts away, and we stood in front of each other with only a few meters between us. 

I asked him, "Why are you here? I expected to fight monsters, not you. So why risk yourself, Ares?" The god simply chuckled at this question, and he pulled out his spear and shield.

"Why does anyone do anything, Young Warrior? To avoid the hell of pure and absolute boredom that is the modern era. Zeus wanted me to stay behind and plan for you, but I knew better as I knew you would not stop. So why should I wait on Olympus and quake and fear like the others when I can meet you up on this field of battle? although I have to admit that army of yours definitely did surprise me as I was expecting you to leave alone." As he says this, I can feel his aura growing due to the carnage and death.

"So that is what this is, a suicide by Longinus? I thought gods did not suffer from things like boredom and ennui?" My response makes him sigh while he heathers himself.

"That is a very common misconception about gods, and since we are formed from their beliefs and from their worship, we gain the best and worst traits, and one of them is boredom, as while our minds and bodies are immortal, our spirits are not as you have probably learned gods can be slain. "

Ares then looked off into the distance as if remembering something painful but continued as he hefted his spear.

"But to slay a God is not to slay their body nor just their mind but their spirit as well. You have to leave them so fundamentally broken that they simply refuse to keep existing. It's what happened to my sons Phobos and Deimos."

Upon learning of this, I said to the god, "You know I'm going to have to fight you, right? what if your other children, the demigods that exist in this world, do you not think that they shall be happy if their father passes?" The god only removes his sunglasses, revealing empty eye sockets that only burn in red and purple fire.

"My children do not need me. They never did. When I had a child, I knew that if I stayed, I would become weak and soft as my children would present a threat. What is a warrior that is soft on the battlefield? A failure is what they are. And I refuse to be weak! But enough talking! I came here for a fight, not a sermon! Show me what you are! Disciple of the witch!"

He then blitzes towards me, and as I began to use my eyes and observational haki to dodge and as his hits did not land over and over again, I grasped his spear and slammed my fist into his face and grabbed the spear that I had impaled on the ground.

As he staggered backward, I took my spear and attempted to slash him on his stomach, but he managed to block the strike with the impact, leaving shockwaves through the mirror dimension as cracks and fractures began to show. 

Yet it did not matter as my strike to his face merely caused his mouth to somewhat bleed, and he wiped it away, looked at the blood, and smiled.

He then began to laugh as he rushed me again with his divinity shining forth like an endless blaze. He then thrust his spear but simultaneously took out a gun and shot me, to which I used flowing rock to swipe them from the air and disintegrate them in my hands. 

But that was just a distraction as he slammed his arms down on the ground, which I dodged, but the fractures began to grow more prominent.

As Ares summoned another spear, he rushed me again, and using his spear, he slammed it onto the ground in front of me, which erupted in flames around me, but as he smiled, I appeared behind him and, using armament and my whirlwind-cutting fist, I twisted my fingers in a motion then proceeded to slice him into multiple pieces.

But those pieces then immediately reformed as he was launched backward and used his spear and slammed it to the ground to stabilize himself. 

As he looked at me the fires in his eyes never wavered as he yelled out in rage as he somehow split his spear thrusts into multiple to which I used my eyes and instinct to dodge them as while they were deadly they simply lacked the precision of Scathach.

And finding an opening in his flank, I parried a strike and slammed my spear through his side, grabbed him by the head, tossed him into the air, and summoned a clone above him. He slammed his spear into his abc as I simply held up my spear behind me and he slammed his head through it.

The ichor flowed like water. I summoned the clone and removed my own, and as his body fell, I noticed the spear wounds healed a lot more slowly, and as he got up with his face bleeding and his back pierced, he got back up. I almost felt bad for him as this was all he knew, but I understood that he wouldn't stop.

So gathering my stance, he uttered with a garbled voice, "Yes! This is what I wanted! I will not die forgotten! Give me more!" He then swung his spear with strength that would shatter an ultimate class and hurt a satan class badly. I then stopped it with the butt of my spear and slammed said flat end into his stomach, then his chin, and slashed him across the eyes.

As he screamed out in pain, he kept fighting as he said, "Every damage and every wound I suffer is but a flesh wound. I know you have more power now. Show me!" 

Desummoning the spear, I summoned a clone, and we both gathered our focus. While I slammed into him using flowing rock, he precisely combined it with whirlwind jist to create an explosion of force that shattered his lower body and left him half the god he used to be.

As he tried to crawl towards us, I deactivated the mirror dimension, and as we returned to the sight where the gates should be, I noticed many spies watching the area. 

As I summoned my spear, I held it over his heart, to which he was able to utter, "Finish it. Honor me with a warrior's death. I can tell these wounds will not heal so end it."

"It didn't have to be this way, you know. You could have left me alone and stayed away." My response causes him to laugh.

"Don't hesitate now, Young Warrior. I am going to meet my sons among the blind eternities. I have seen all there is to see and do all that I could wish to do. I lay with the most beautiful women and goddesses and fought in wars and battles that shall never be forgotten. I know my children will follow in my example, and I am at peace. Now, before you end this, will you honor me with a name?"

Closing my eyes, I placed a silencing barrier and visual disruption barrier and said, "I am Cao Cao, a disciple of Scathach and Lord Of The Grand Temple and The Lands Of Shadow. And I enjoyed my fight with you, Ares." 

He then nodded and closed his eyes as I stabbed him through the heart, and he breathed his last breath as his fiery eyes went out.

His body then began to turn to golden particles and form a ball of golden energy, which entered my chest. I felt a new power surge within me.

Dispelling the barrier, all that was left on that battlefield was silence and scars that shall never heal in remembrance of the last battle of the god of war.

And in the distance, I saw thunder begin to boom, the Earth beginning to shake, and the very world took notice. As a new being has been created, and I have evolved.

So, taking it in, I opened a portal and disappeared from sight as the world stood still that day. A god had been slain permanently after hundreds of years.

(I hope you all have a happy holiday to all of you, and thank you all for nearly one million views, as each comment and view of my subpar writing fills me with fire. Have a good day.)

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C27
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


