I was asleep dreaming about my first day at school. I woke up late and was almost late for class if it wasn't for Knuckles my best friend its his first day at school too. "If any one bullies you you tell me and I'll teach em not to mess with you" he said punching his fist together. I smiled slightly. I was nervous going to school I was afraid I was gonna get bullied or beaten up or something like that but Knuckles made me less nervous for some reason. "Wake up man" Knuckles said loudly. I woke up with a start. "Oh hey knuxs" I said smiling. "We're gonna be late if you don't get up now" he said. "Im up" I said rubbing my eyes and getting up out of bed. I got my backpack full of my school supplies and rushed downstairs where Tails and Amy were waiting Knuckles came right behind me. "Alright lets go" he said. We ran as fast as we could I could have been running at my top speed but I didn't wanna leave them behind in the dust so I ran slowly. We made it to school almost on time if it wasn't for Amy getting side tract by roses. I mean really roses i know their pretty but why. I had a class with Knuckles and Amy so we parted ways with Tails. "Your late" the teacher said. "Sorry" we all said. "Go take your seats" he said pointing to the back of the class. I sat next to Knuckles. Amy sat next to me and she got the window seat lucky. Shes always been lucky like that. I wasn't really paying attention to the teacher I was just daydreaming about something couldn't really remember what I was daydreaming about probally chili dogs. "Sonic" Amy whispered. "What Amy" I said. She pointed to the teacher. "Do you wanna quit daydreaming and answer my question" he said annoyed. Everybody laughed. I was embarassed my ears went down. "Whachu laughing about" Knuckles yelled. "No yelling" the teacher said. "Hmph" he said sitting down crossing his arms. He mumbled something before looking out the window. He got a window seat as well. Im the only one without a window seat. Sad me 😢.... Anyways. "Ok lets get back to class" the teacher said doing his back towards us. "Hey new kid" someone said. I looked over to my left to see a orange tiger with yellow eyes and an eye patch on his left eye. Its Tiger Claw yes hes from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles but I like him and hes perfect for this kinda stuff so yeah. "Yeah what" I said/asked. He punched his fist together. I gulped. 'Great now I got a bully' I thought rolling my eyes. The bell rang for class to end everyone ran out of there before the teacher could say "your dismissed". "Oh Sonic Knuckles" the teacher said. "Yes teach" we both said. "Ima go on ahead" Amy said. "Ok bye" I said. He gave me a slip of paper that said "you got detention". Knuckles got one too. " I guess we got detention on our first day of school"I said to Knuckles. He mumbled something. "Yeah I guess" he said.
Skip to end of day.
"I cant beleive we got detention on our first day of school" Knuckles said sitting on the front row. I sat beside him. "Hey you got detention too" Tiger Claw said from beside me. "Who are you" Knuckles asked. "Tiger Claw" he said. "Nice eye patch" he said. "Thanks" he said. "Ok no chit-chat" the teacher said coming in the room. "Awe man" we said. Then we could here music coming from somewhere. "Shut that off" the teacher yelled. 'Ah ah no yelling' I thought. "Awe come on dude" the guy with the music said. He was a turtle with a orange mask. "Mikey" another turtle said glaring at him. "Raph" mikey said. "Leo"another turtle said. " what I didn't say anything donnie"Leo said. "Ok this is weird" I whispered to Knuckles. "Yes yes it is" he said his head on the desk ready to pass out. I fell asleep i don't know when I fell asleep but I did I was now dreaming about Knuckles?...
Why would I be dreaming about him?
He was saving me from Tiger Claw and someone else a human girl with black hair and yellow eyes. Who is this girl?....
I was pretty beaten up and had all kinds of scratches and cuts and I was bleeding a lot. He picked me up and ran me to the hospital where the doctors quickly worked to save me. I quickly woke up from my dream and looked at Tiger Claw then to Knuckles then to myself. Bad dream.....
Or will it happen.....
"Whats wrong" Knuckles asked. "N-nothing" i said I was now hyperventalating. "Somethings wrong with Sonic" he said to the teacher. "Get him to the nurse" he said quickly. He nodded and picked me up. He brought me to the nurses office. "Oh my whats wrong" Nurse Joy asked worriedly. "I.don't know he just started hyperventalating" Knuckles said. She gave me a breathing treatment. I was still a little out of breath but I'm OK now that was scary. "Im alright now" I said. "Phew I was so scared" Knuckles said hugging me. I blushed a little.....
"Thanks for bringing me here" I said. "No prob what are friends for" he said smiling. "Are you crying" I asked. "No I'm not" he said wiping a tear. I smiled and laughed. "I'm just happy that your okay" he said his face redder than usual. "Its okay to cry" I said. He started crying. The teacher came in a few minutes later. "Is he OK" he asked. "Yes hes just fine just a little panic attack" Nurse Joy said smiling. "Thats great" he said. "We should get you home" he said. "I'll do it" Knuckles said. "Ok be safe" he said. I started thinking about the dream I had I hope it was just a bad dream.....
I was escorting Sonic home after his panic attack when I saw Tiger Claw talking to a human girl. Sonic hid behind me I wonder what he was scared of. I continued walking even though Sonic didn't want me to. "Its just Tiger Claw" I said trying to reassure him. He shook his head. We were drawing near to them. I waved at him walking past him "see nothing happened" I said looking at him. He looked back. "Its okay nothing will happen to you as long as I'm here" I said. He was still scared once we got home. "Want me to stay in case something happens" I asked as he sat on the couch. He nodded. I sat beside him. "You okay" I asked looking at him. "Y-yeah" he said. "Hey its okay" I said hugging him to comfort him.... I blushed a little....
"You okay now" I asked. He nodded and hugged back tightly. He hugged me until he fell asleep i picked him up and brought him to his room and set him on his bed. "Good night" I said laying beside him. I started having these dreams a few weeks ago that I saved Sonic from Tiger claw and a human girl but I don't know if its gonna happen or what....
'Hey get away from him"I said clenching my fist ready to punch him. "And what if I don't" he said laughing. I growled and charged at him he shot this gun at me i dodged and punched him. "Or that" I said. "I'm not scared of you" he said. He snapped his fingers and there came the girl she was like a ninja. I almost lost against her if it wasn't for my strength. "Now leave" I said angrily. "Reatreat" Tiger Claw said to the girl. I finally got a good look at Sonic he had scratches and cuts and he was bleeding a lot. I quickly picked him up and brought him to the hospital where the doctors could save him thats when I would wake up I didn't know if he made it or not. I woke up crying. "You okay" sonic asked. "Y-yeah just fine" I said still crying...
He hugged me.....
I blushed.....
He pulled out of the hug....
I really liked it it was the best hug I ever had. "Come on lets go back to sleep" he said putting his hand on my shoulder. I smiled and lyed down.
Next day
I woke up holding Sonic in a gentle hug. "Hey wake up" I said/whispered in his ear. "Hmm" he stired. "Wake up" I said a little louder. "Huh I'm up" he said sitting up. I smiled. "Are you okay" I asked. "Yeah I just i just keep having the same dream over and over again" he said sighing. "Oh whats it about" i asked. "Its its ugh I cant tell you" he said. "Why" I asked. "I just can't" he said. "Alright I get it" I said. "So you feel like going to school today" i asked. "Sonic" Amy said from downstairs. "Looks like Amys here" I said. "Lets at least go say hi" I said. He nodded getting up. I followed him downstairs to see Amy at the door. "Hey Amy" he said sadly. "Oh you don't look to good" she said worriedly. "I do" he said. "He probally didn't get enough sleep" I said. "You might be right" she said. "You ready to go to school" Amy asked. He shook his head. "Why not" she asked. "He had a rough day yesterday" I said. "Did somebody bully you why I" she started to say. "No I just had a little panic attack" he said. "Oh that's too bad" she said comforting him. "Yeah" he said sadly. "Well I'm gonna be late hope you get better soon" she said. "Yeah see ya" I said as she walked out the door. "Wanna eat" I asked. He shook his head. "Oh ok" I said sadly. "Oh fine" he said sighing. "Yay" I said happily."Come on how about i fix you some chili dogs" I said. "Yes" he said. "Ok" I said getting the stuff out to fix it. After a few minutes they were done. "Thanks for making this for me" he said his mouth full of food. "Your welcome i know you like your chili dogs" I said smiling. "Hehe yeah i do" he said holding up one of his chili dogs smiling. "Now you smile" I said."huh"he said tilting his head to the left. "You havent smiled all day" I said. "Oh I havent" he said/asked. I nodded. "Youve been moping all day" I said giving him another chili dog. "I have" he said tilting his head. I nodded again. "Hmm" he hummed.
I made it to school on time.... 'Hey wheres Tails' I thought looking around. Just then I got a text from Tails. Tails:sorry gonna be late have to deal with something...
'Ok' I thought....
I walked through the school gate and to my class....
"Amy" the teacher said taking roll call....
"Here" I said raising my hand. "Knuckles" the teacher said. "Knuckles" he said again...
"Ok hes absent then" he said checking off the paper he had.
"Sonic" he said looking up. "Ok not here" he said.
"Tiger Claw" he said.
"Here" he said.
"Ok class we have a new student come on introduce yourself" he said as the new student came in. "Karai" she said before sitting next to Tiger Claw..
"Ok good" the teacher said
'Ok so we got a new student' I thought looking at her she had black hair with a little bit of yellow in it and yellow eyes just like Tiger claws...
'Shes kinda intimidating' I thought. She looked at me. I gulped. "Hi I'm Amy" I said introducing myself.
"Karai" she said.
"Japenese" I asked.
She nodded
"I've always wanted to go to Japan" I said daydreaming what it would be like if I went there with Sonic. I have a little crush on him...
"No chit-chat" the teacher said looking at me...
"Yes sir" I said looking at him...
"Good wouldn't want you to have detention on your second day" he said looking back at the black board...
I stayed quiet...
I could feel her staring at me...
I looked at her then quickly looked back...
Lunch time
We were deciding on what for lunch...
"How about we go out to eat" Knuckles said/suggested. "Mm I don't know" I said.
"Oh come on it'll be fun" he said.
"Ok fine as long as its chili dogs" I said..
"You already had chili dogs oh fine" he said. "Yeah lets go now" I said jumping up and down. "Ok" he said laughing. We made it to the reasturant and took our seats...
"May i take your order" the waitress said...
"Yes 10 chili dogs please" I said...
"10 chili dogs" she said suprised...
"Uh-huh" I nodded...
"I'll just have one chili dog please" Knuckles said...
"Ok your order will be out shortly" she said before walking to the back...
After a few extra long minutes the food came...
"Thanks um" I said not knowing her name...
"April" she said..
"Oh thanks April" I said..
"Its no prob its my job" she said...
"Hehe rhymes" she said laughing walking away...
"Ok lets dig in" I said rubbing my hands together...
"Yeah" Knuckles said before taking a bite...
I took a bite as well...
"Mm I love chili dogs" I said happily...
"Me too" he said...
I smiled and took a bite of my chili dog...
"Need anything else" April asked...
"No thank you" I said...
"Oh ok" she said before walking away...
"Whoa your already done" Knuckles said suprised...
I nodded...
I was pretty proud of myself for eating ten chili dogs in that small amount of time...
If you had a chili dog eating contest I might come in first...
"So you feel better" he asked...
"A little" I said looking at him...
"Thats good" he said smiling...
I like it when he smiles...
Wait what..
I did not just think that...
Apparantly I did...
Do I like Knuckles?
Or am I just crazy?
"Hello earth to Sonic" Knuckles said waving his hand in front of my face...
"Huh" i said snapping out of my thoughts..
"You spaced out" he said...
"I did oh I did" I said...
"Are you okay" he asked getting close...
I blushed a little...
"See your red" he said
"N-no I'm fine" I said studdering...
"Hmm" he hummed looking at me very closely...
"I told you I'm fine" I said pushing him away gently...
"Ok I'm just worried about you" he said...
Awe hes worried about me so sweet...
"Did you say something" he asked...
"Nope" I said looking away whistling...
"Ok" he said...
"Do you want your check" April asked...
Thank god she came it was getting awkward in here...
"Yes yes we do" I said quickly...
"Ok here ya go" she said handing it to me...
"Thanks" I said... She left...
"Alright lets go" I said...
Knuckles paid for the meal then we left...
We were walking home when we past an alley where I saw Tiger Claw and a human girl...
Ok just walk past don't stop...
"Hey sonic" Tiger Claw said... I stopped dead in my tracks...
"Hehe hey Tiger Claw whos that" I asked...
"Oh her shes Karai karai meet sonic" he said...
"Nice to meet you" she said...
"Yeah it was nice meeting you" I said about to walk away...
"Yeah hey where do you think your going" he said...
"Nowhere" I said about to run...
I didn't run because i would be leaving Knuckles behind and i didn't want that...
He pulled me into the alley...
"Hey what are you doing" knuckles said...
"Oh nothing" he said grinning...
He then took out a knife and cut me until i blead...
"Get away from him" he said walking towards Tiger Claw but was blocked by Karai... He growled... "Out of my way sister or else you wanna get hurt" he said in an angry tone...
She laughed...
"You hurt me I would like to see you try" she said getting her sword out...
"Ok you asked for it" he said cracking his knuckles...
He charged at her but she dodged it by doing a backflip...
He charged again...
Tiger Claw cut me again i screamed out in pain...
"Sonic" Knuckles yelled before punching her in the face...
"I-im ok" I said the taste of blood in my mouth...
"Your bleeding" he said as karai struck him...
"I'm gonna kill you" he said angrily...
"I'd like to see you try" Karai said teasing him...
I heard somebody gasp it was Amy...
"H-hey Amy" I said my eyes felt heavy...
"Sonic Tiger Claw Karai and knuckles whats going on" she asked suprised... "Retreat" Tiger Claw said to karai...
They smoked bombed out of here...
I passed out last thing I remember is knuckles picking me up and Amy freaking out...
I picked him up and ran as fast as I could to the hospital... I nearly busted the door down if it wasn't automatic...
"Its an emergency" I said to the receptionist still holding him...
She paged the doctor and told me to sit down until he got there... It took four agonizing minutes later until the doctor got there...
He brought him to the ICU unit I followed after Amy followed me too...
"Is he gonna be ok" I asked worried...
He nodded...
"Yes he just needs stitches" he said...
"Phew I was so scared" I said...
"Knuckles you got some splainin to do" Amy said she was scared too she didn't know what happened...
"I'll tell you later ok" I said...
"Ok fine" she said...
After a few hours he woke up...
"Oh thank goodness" I said hugging him...
"Ouch" he said...
"Woops sorry" I said letting go...
"Oh sonic your ok" Amy said hugging him as well...
I glared at her
I don't know maybe I'm jealous or just mad...
"Ok thats enough hugging" I said pulling her away...
"What you jealous" she said...
Sonics ears went up..
"N-no" I said...
"Uh-huh" she said putting her hand on her hip...
"I'm not" I said angrily running out of the room...
"Knuckles wait" I heard Amy say I was already in the waiting room by then...
She followed after me...
"I was just joking" she said putting her hand on my shoulder...
I sighed...
"I forgive you" I said looking at her...
"Now lets go see Sonic" she said before walking off toward his room... I followed after...
"You guys alright" he asked once we walked in the room...
"Yeah we're fine" I said...
"We just got off on the wrong foot" Amy said...
"Oh ok" he said...
"So when are you gonna get disharged" I asked...
"Tommorow" he said...
"Ok I'll come and get you" I said quickly before Amy did...
"Yeah ok" he said...
"Great" I said...
So knuckles what the heck is going on" Amy asked loudly...
"Ok shh I'll tell you" I said quietly to try and not disturb the other paitents...
"Tiger Claw attacked Sonic on our way back home" I said/explained...
"I thought I saw karai there too" she said...
"Yes she was there too" I said...
"She seemed so nice" she said...
"What do you mean" I asked...
"Well in class I mean" she said...
"What shes in our class oh great" I said putting my hand on my face...
She nodded...
I sighed...
"You okay" Sonic asked...
"Yes just tired" I said...
"Why don't you get some rest" Amy suggested...
"Yeah why don't we" I said glaring at her...
"Its been a long day" I said...
"Ima go home and rest why don't you do the same Amy" I said standing up from my seat that was next to Sonics bed...
"Alright" she said also standing up...
"I'll come and get you tommorow k" I said looking back at Sonic...
"K" he said giving me a thumbs up...
I smiled and walked out of the room and out the hospital and walked to my house to jump on my bed and rest...
I fell asleep...
I had a dream where me and Sonic loved each other i don't know where that came from...
Hehe(nervous laughter)...
Its not like i like him ok...
(Just ignore that please)...
(No i mean it please ignore it)...
Next day
I woke up to my alarm clock i don't remember setting it?
No seriously i don't remember setting it...
I woke up to my alarm clock and slammed it to shut it off...
"You awake" Amy asked leaning over my bed...
"Huh why are you here am i still dreaming" I said/asked...
"No well maybe" she said thinking...
I sat up with a groan...
"Am i dreaming or not" I said angrily...
"no your not" she said...
"Ok why are you here and did you set my alarm clock cuz i sure didn't" I said/asked putting my shoes on...
"I'm here to remind you to go get sonic and yes i did ☺...
" i knew it"I said...
"Yeah you did" she said...
I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on deoderent...
I opened the door and she was gone...
Turns out it was part of my dream who would have guessed...
I woke up this time for real and sat up with a groan...
I put my shoes on and went to brush my teeth and put on deoderent...
And went to get Sonic from the hospital i walked there when i got there I told the receptionist that i was here to get Sonic she told me to wait...
I hate waiting...
After a few minutes later he came out with his doctor...
"Let me formally introduce myself I'm Doc. Shaw." The doctor said holding out his hand...
I shook it..
"Knuckles" I said...
"Nice to meet you knuckles" he said smiling i did not like his smile it was weird and creepy...
"Yeah nice meeting you lets go Sonic" I said before grabbing his hand and walking out the automatic doors(stupid automatic doors) and to my house...
"Thanks for coming and getting me" he said sitting on my couch...
"Nice crib" he said looking around...
"Thanks decorated it myself" I said...
'I could tell"he said still looking around...
I smiled slightly...
"Oh and thanks for saving me" he said before smiling.
There was a knock on my door...
I opened it and it was Amy, tails, rouge, and shadow...
"Hey guys" he said waving...
"Hey sonic" they said...
"Hey what are you guys doing here" I asked...
"To see how sonic's doin" Amy said...
"I'm fine now" he said...
"Good we were worried about you" Rouge said bumping shadows shoulder...
"Yeah we were so worried Rouge didn't even sleep" he said...
"You didn't" he said...
She nodded and then glared at shadow..
"I thought i told you not to tell anyone" she whispered angrily...
"Hehe sorry" he said rubbing his neck...
She sighed...
"Its okay" she said smiling...
Ok enough of that...
"You guys hungry" I asked...
"Yeah, yes" they said...
"Ok how about pizza" I said...
"Chili dog pizza" sonic said...
"Eww" they all said...
"What it could be good you don't know" he said...
"Ok pizza it is" I said going to the kitchen and getting the stuff to make pizza out...
"Awe" sonic said...
"Fine I'll make you a chili dog pizza" I said rolling my eyes...
"Yay" he said his hands in the air...
I smiled and made two pizzas a regular pepperoni pizza for the guys and a chili dog pizza for Sonic...
I put them on the table and called them in here...
"Thanks knuxs i love you" Sonic said which made me blush a little im not saying i blushed beat red only a slight pink...
No in fact i didn't blush at all...
"Hehe your welcome" i said...
The others were laughing their butts off...
"Whats so funny" I asked angrily...
"Oh nothing" Shadow said giggling...
I growled...
"Hey its okay knuxs" Sonic said holding me back...
I growled again trying to break free of his grasp...
I got away and punched shadow...
"Hehe shouldnt have done that" he said...
"Oh yeah" I said cracking my knuckles...
"Oh yeah" he said...
"Shadow" Rouge said...
"Knuckles" Sonic said...
We ignored them and stared at each other ready to strike at any moment...
"Shadow" rouge said again...
"Knuckles" sonic said again...
"Were in the middle of something" we said...
Sonic got in between me and rouge got in bettween shadow...
"Stop it" they both said...
I sighed...
"Now apologize" they said...
"I'm sorry" I said even though it was hard to say to him of all people...
"Now you go on" Rouge said to shadow...
He rolled his eyes...
"I'm sorry that you so obviously lost" he said...
"Shadow" Rouge said glaring at him...
"Alright I'm sorry ya happy" he said...
"Yes I'm happy" she said...
I ran to my room and closed the door...
"Knuxs you okay" Sonic asked thru the door...
"Yes im ok" I said sitting on my bed...
"Can I come in" he asked...
"Sure doors open" I said...
He opened the door and walked in closing the door behind him...
"You sure your okay" he asked sitting beside me...
"Yes I'm fine" I said looking at him...
"Ok" he said...
We stared at each other for a while before kissing each other on the lips...
I closed my eyes and kissed back...
"You guys-Rouge said opening the door...
" um we can explain"we said...
"Yeah how you two were kissing" she said her hand on her hip...
"Yes i tripped" Sonic said...
"You tripped" she said raising an eyebrow...
"Uh-huh" he said nodding...
"Ok" she said walking away...
"That was easy" I said looking at him...
"Yeah it was" he said...
"Whyd you kiss me by the way" I asked...
I don't know it just happened" he said...
"Oh ok" I said sadly...
I was hoping he did it because he loved me...
"Why are you sad" he asked...
"Well" I said...
"Well what" he said...
"I was hoping you did it because you loved me" I said not looking at him...
"But i do" he said making me look at him...
"Y-you do" I said...
He nodded...
"Wow hehe im speechless" I said rubbing my neck...
"Since when" I asked...
"Huh" he said...
"Since when did you like me" i asked...
"Oh um since yesterday" he said...
"Oh that long" I said jokingly...
He smiled...
"Hey guys we're leaving" Rouge yelled through the door...
"Ok" I said before standing up...
Sonic following after me...
I opened the door...
"Might as well see them out" I said before walking downstairs where they were waiting...
"See ya tommorow at school" Rouge said/asked...
"Yeah" I said before she walked out the door...
"See ya Sonic" Amy said...
"Yeah see ya" he said...
"So you were jealous" he said...
"Huh no i don't get jealous i don't know what your talking about" I said looking away from him...
"Uh-huh yeah" he said...
"So anyway do you want to stay the night" I asked...
"Yes that'd be great" he said...
"I uh sorta don't have a guest bedroom so would you like to sleep with me or on the couch" I said rubbing my neck...
"I'll sleep with you i guess" he said...
"Great" I said...
"I mean uh good" I said...
"Its okay i get it" he said putting a hand on my shoulder...
I smiled...
"Come on lets go to sleep we got school tommorow" I said...
"What about Tiger Claw" he said nervously...
"Don't worry I'll protect you" I said before kissing his cheek...
He then kissed me on the lips...
I kissed back...
We went to bed...
Next day
We made it to school "on time"
"Look theres Tiger Claw" sonic said hiding behind me...
"Don't worry I'll protect you" I said holding his hand...
He smiled...
"If you say so" he said unhiding...
We were about to pass him when he stopped us...
"Hey Sonic Knuckles" he said...
We ignored him and walked past him...
"Didn't you hear him" karai said in front of me...
I growled...
She didn't budge...
"Im not scared of you" she said standing her ground...
"Well I'm not either" I said...
We stared at each other...
Well glared...
"Karai back down" tiger claw said...
"But" she said...
"No buts" he said...
She mumbled something under her breathe before letting us pass...
I looked back before walking away and into the school...
"See what did i say" I said looking at him...
"That you would protect me" he said...
"Thats correct" i said...
We were walking to class when we saw Amy at the door looking nervous...
When she spotted us she ran to sonic and hugged him tight...
"You came" she said...
"Yeah i did" he said being crushed...
"Woops sorry" she said letting go...
He breathed...
"Its okay" he said...
"Now come on or we'll be-Amy started to say before the bell rang...
"Late" she said...
"Come here kids" the teacher said motioning us to him...
"Yes sir" we said going into the classroom...
We sat at our normal spots...
"Mornin class" the teacher said at his desk...
"Mornin" we all said...
"Just do what you like" he said before getting a book out...
"Yes" I said...
"Im glad your back" Amy said...
"Yeah me too" he said...
I smiled and put a hand on his shoulder...
He looked at me...
And smiled...
"I love you" he whispered...
"Love ya too" I whispered...
The end
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