7.69% Song of a lioness / Chapter 1: Kitten days
Song of a lioness Song of a lioness original

Song of a lioness

作者: Elizabeth_dreamer

© WebNovel

章 1: Kitten days

At Casterly rock's castle where the Lannister's live, a lion cub was dancing around through the garden with his beloved sword; his sister liked to watch him during his trains, even sometimes when their father was out of the castle, Jaime gave one of the blades to his sister.

However, it's forbidden for a Lannister girl to fight. Cersei loved spending time with her golden brother; she never cared about people's whisper.

Jaime enjoyed her company so much that he could play with her all day. Still, sometimes Cersei was too busy with her stupid lessons, a bunch of classes, and girly tasks.

Like now that Cersei had one of those dance lessons, which made her sleepy out of boredom.

She was standing in the dance hall when the boys were picking girls for a dance. Cersei frowned; she didn't want to dance with any boys, especially the short one with black hair; he was not her type at all.

Finally, a tall, slim boy took her hand with his shaky one; he had stress because he had to dance with the daughter of Tywin Lannister! The scariest man in the world, he Bowed in front of her; Cersei gave him an innocent smile to let him lead the dance.

Jaime heard the music from the garden looked up at the window with a slight smile on his face. He liked to imagine his beautiful sister dancing around like some free bird. He imagined her long hair flying around her embracing her shoulders from time to time.

In her dance lesson, suddenly, her father stormed in. The music stopped. Cersei turned to face her father.

"Father?" Gasped innocently

Although Tywin slapped her, as Cersei fall on the ground and hissed in pain, Tywin pulled her up, beat her again. She cried out of fear, her septa ran to help her, took her arm, pulled her up to stand on her feet, and blocked Twin's another slap. He was mad at her too much that he couldn't control himself.

Her septa beg Tywin to calm down, and let's talk outside of the class, so He burst out and slammed the door. Cerise was crying; tears were running down her cheeks. She lost her dignity in front of everyone is not fair! Her septa took her out of the class, led her into her chamber "what did you do? "Cersei wipes her tears, looked up at her innocently.

"Nothing, I swear!"

Septa sat beside the poor child, held her hands. "What is it then?' Cersei looked up at her in fear and sadness.

"I took my brother's clothes and sword and went to the training hall so that the master train me as well. But my hat felt, and my hair came out. He noticed it's me. I ran out of the training hall and hoped he wouldn't tell my father, but he did."

She looks down. Her father gave her a dangerous glare,

"How many times I have to tell you that you are a girl! You shouldn't go to the training hall?" Cersei stood up from the chair, stepped onto her septa in fear.

Before she could reach her, Tywin grabbed her arm, dragged her to himself. You are a girl, then be one! Stop acting like your brother, or I kick you out of the rock! You won't be queen or anything,

Do you want that?" He said with a firm voice. Cersei shook her head without thinking and promised him to stay away from the training hall.

She couldn't understand why Jaime can go there and she can't. Twin sighed

"There is no supper for you tonight, "he turned around and walked out, left her alone in her chamber to cry.

As he left, Jaime went in. A worried brother wanted to see what happened. He commanded septa to leave and led Cersei onto the bed; they sat together for a while, then he started to stroke her hair. "You know you have soft fur like a kitten?" Jaime said, half-joking and half teasing her. Cersei frowns looked up at him.

"I'm a lioness," she said with a firm tone. Jaime nodded, kissed her cheek softly, made her smile,

"Still, I see you as a cute kitten."

Cersei frowned, pulled out of his arms.

"Why can you train with a sword, and I can't?" Asks gazed into his eyes.

Jaime smiled at her lovingly,

"Because Father is stupid, I train you whenever I have time! You need to know how to defend yourself. Also, all girls from other houses can fight."

When Jaime said that, Cersei frowned more, squeezed bedsheets in her fist

"I'm not less of them!" Lets out a soft sigh, laid on the bed.

"You can leave to eat supper. I can't eat tonight," Cersei said. Knowing Jaime loves food, he shook his head.

"I don't eat without you," he kissed her on the lips without thinking. Cersei widens her eyes but smiled, then Jaime continued,

"Come, let's went to the city and eat there. Father won't notice," said kindly Cersei, sat on the chair, "I can't ride a horse, remember? A Lannister girl has to travel in the carriage.

"She looked down sadly, although Jaime never lets her go, so he opened the door.

"Come, I ride," he said sternly, made Cersei smile.

After a few moments, they went to the stable with ordinary clothes which Jaime bought secretly earlier. He jumped on the horse, took Cersei's hand pulled her up onto himself.

Finally, Cersei was on the back of the horse. She sat in front of Jaime, leaned against him. Jaime started to ride slowly to feel her more in his arms; he pulled her against himself, even more, squeezing her breasts,

Cersei giggles, but didn't say anything. Till today, Jaime is the one who liked to touch her secretly or when she doesn't notice, but today his attraction to her is more prominent, and it gave Cersei goosebumps.

She fixes herself in his arms. "Teach me how to ride," she said innocently.

"I will," he whispered in her ear as he kissed her ear.

When they get to the restaurant and sat in Cersei's favorite place, which is always empty,

Cause the bar attendant knew that they are the Lord's children, also he was Jaime's friend so that he wouldn't tell anyone about their little secret. Cersei ordered soup, and Jaime ordered his especial food as always.

"You want to learn how to ride?" Cersei nodded innocently, but Jaime replied with kissing her hand softly and teasingly.sat beside her. Laid his hand on her lap,

"I always wanted to teach you that. "

"Jaime? Father said I have to marry Prince Rhaegar," she pouted innocently, but Jaime shook his head.

"You won't marry any one just yet "

After their meal, Jaime offered to stay in a room above the restaurant, and Bar attendant let them stay, so they went in. Cersei sat on the bed. Jaime smirked,

"What is it?" Asked, raised an eyebrow.

Cersei smirks, "well, I'm happy to stay with you tonight! "

She giggled, laid her head on the pillow.

"That's my side," Jaime frowned, started tickling her. She laughed hard but said on the side of the bed. Jaime kept stroking her. His hands rubbed and squeezed everything. Cersei tried to catch his hands, begged him to stop,

"Jaime! I can't breathe!".

Jaime stopped tickling her, lifted her, thrower her on the other side of the bed as he was kissing her hungrily.

"Be polite to your master," he said, leaned in for another long and deep kiss.

Cersei let him kiss her, but didn't kiss back.

"Isn't it wrong?" She gasped innocently, but Jaime started to open her dress only to invade her chest. The next morning Jaime opened his eyes and saw his half-naked sister lying beside him; this scene made him smile went up to get ready to go last night was the first time he dared to get this much close to her.

Cersei yawned open her eyes saw him blurry, rubbed her eyes, took a deep breath,

"Jaime," she called him.

Her brother turned to face her sat on the bed.

"Get up, sweetie, we have to get back," Cersei frowned.

"I hate there; let's just stay here," she suggested. However, she gets up to fix her dress, still a bit embarrassed about what happened earlier in their dingy room. Jaime wrapped his arms around her, kissed her firmly to claim her lips.

"You don't want to kiss your knight yet?" Pouts innocently kissed her lips, Cersei blushed, caused Jaime to invade her soft neck.

"Jaime! Let's went," she said, embarrassed. Jaime nodded, and they get back to the castle.

When Cersei went into her chamber, her septa was already there, and she looked not happy at all.

"Where you have been, little girl? Asked angrily, Cersei looked down.

"I was with Jaime," said innocently, looked down at her feet. Her septa chuckled

, "don't lie! He was out all night with his friends, and you are not allowed to do that!" She glared into Cersei's eyes," are you?" Asked seriously made Cersei feel uncomfortable

"I wasn't out," she said, trying not to look too scared.

"I'm telling your father," septa said, stormed out. Cersei started to cry, ran into Jaime's chamber. Gets in without knocking on the door.

"Septa left to tell father. I wasn't in my room last night! Jaime does something." Jaime gets out of the bathtub to dry himself.

"She won't; otherwise, she would get fired," said surly Cersei gets a little bit calmer. At the same time, she heard her father's voice, who was yelling her name. She started to cry in fear. Jaime hid her in the closet quickly before his father stormed into his chamber, angrily,

"Where is your sister?" Asked sternly. Glares in Jaime's eyes; he shrugged as an answer,

"I don't know; last night, she fell asleep in the library; she was studying something," he lied.

"Her septa said she wasn't in her chamber all night! Where is Jaime Lannister?" Twain Said, looking under the bed, in the bathroom, and under Jaime's desk.

"I'll find her a. Then I'll lock her in the tower for a week,"

He turned toward the door, glared at the septa.,

"And you get out of my castle," he said it heard a gasp from the closet, stepped onto it, opened it, pushed some robes away, and found his daughter behind clothes, grabbed her by her hair, pulled her out.

"I punish you as well for the lie Jaime Lannister, "he shouted as he was dragging Cersei out.

"I hate you,"

Jaime told septa and ran after his father to beg him to let her go. But when Tywin was angry, no one can do anything to calm him down; he pushed Cersei into his chamber, and as soon as Jaime reached the door, his father closed it and locked the door so that no one can interrupt him.

Cersei was crying and begging for mercy, but the more she prayed, the more punishment she gets.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" He yelled at her throwing her on the ground.

"I was with Jaime," she said innocently, tears running down her eyes.

"Father, please let me go," Tywin slapped her.

"We are Lannister's; Lannister's don't act like fools," he said, beating his daughter. Jaime was banging on the door, begged him to stop. Finally, the twin opened the door and told the guards to take Cersei to the tower of the castle for a week.

"Father, I'm scared of that tower. Please,"

Cersei kept crying,

"It's dark there. Father, please forgive me, I was just with Jaime. I don't lie! "She said innocently.

"Father, can I go with her?" Jaime asked helplessly. Twain doesn't reply, dragged Cersei up the stairs, thrower her in the dungeon up there, and told the guards not to let Jaime in it at all, then walked out.

Cersei sat on the cold and hard floor, crossing her arms around her knees, laid her forehead on them, and let out a loud cry middle of the night. She felt someone is getting close; she frowned the tears from her cheekbones door gets open with a loud sound.

"Cersei," Jaime whispered in the darkness he can't see his sister.

"Say something I can't find you!" Jaime Said hopelessly.

"I'm here," Cersei called him in a low tone.

"How did you get here?" Asked innocently

"I never let you go, I bribed the guards," he found her, sat beside her, took her hand, "I stay with you, I belong to you," said kindly.

"I don't want you to get in trouble," she pouted.

"I won't; I'm not a normal boy. I'm Jaime Lannister," winked at her knowing she couldn't see him in the darkness.

"I was scared. "Jaime rubbed her hand with a stroke of his thumb.

"I get you out, just give me time," he assured her.

Tywin's guard opened the dungeon's door.

"Who is here?" the guard asked seriously.

"You locked me yourself, dummy," Cersei sighed; the guard said something under his lips walked out.

"You are brave," he chuckled, kissed her cheek.

"Don't let me go, please, "Cersei sighed, fit into his arms. The twins stay together that day. Jaime didn't move at all for her sister's sake. Cersei felt safe with him by her side, gazed into his eyes, although she couldn't see them in the darkness.

After a few days, Tywin decided to let Cersei out. He didn't know Jaime was with her most of the time; he lived in his strict world, without caring about people's feelings even if those people would be his children!

Cersei and Jaime went to the dining room when Cersei gets out of the tower, their father didn't like them to be late, so they sat there quietly, waiting for their father all the castle inclination all the Lannister family, who Cersei hated, were present at meals.

. Cersei frowned when her uncle asked her if she was well and didn't say a word. She knew all of them are her father's puppet. They do as they've told to, and Cersei hated them for that. So finally, Tywin gets in, and everyone started to eat. A supper with her beloved disgusting family who always told her father everything they found out about Cersei.

Tywin broke the silence, "I need to talk to Ned stark about some issues so that I leave tomorrow to the north "

Kevin nodded, "I can keep Cersei if you have to leave with your sons. "

Cersei always left out of everything because she was a girl, and whenever she wants to defend herself, she faced her father's anger. This time she opened her mouth to reply harshly as always she does, but Jaime gave her hand a warm squeeze under the table, so Cersei gets silent, and she obeyed him.

"I take her as well," Tywin Said coldly and continues,

"I can't let her be alone, not after she was one night out! No one can control her. I have to take her with me until I get a new servant for her"

This last word slapped onto her face so hard, she reminded her septa got fired, she hoped his father would forgive her and keep her.! Her heart doesn't beat for a second of despair and sadness.

Her septa had been with her for a long time since she lost her mother! It's not fair! Tears fight her eyes to come down, but Cersei was more proud than cry in front of people. She will cry and mourn for her when she would be alone in her chamber. No one ever could see Cersei's tears, but her brother Jaime. She looked at Jaime, he smiled at her, Cersei looked down, and it was the only reaction for her septa in public.

Elizabeth_dreamer Elizabeth_dreamer

I'm editing chapter 2

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


