18.51% Solo Arc / Chapter 5: Chapter 4 - Combat Class

章 5: Chapter 4 - Combat Class

Jaune Arc was sighing during Monday morning, not that anything was wrong yet, but Sunday evening for the movie hangout (Read: date) was an interesting experience.

First he showered and put on some slacks and a dress shirt that Ren recommended to him, then he stopped by a flower shop looking for some choice flowers for the girls, almost as if his senses were telling him to prepare for something special this time. He managed to pick out a red rose, a white rose, a yellow rose, and luckily a beautiful dark orange rose.

He came to the girls with flowers wrapped individually and saw that he made a good choice dressing up slightly.

Weiss was in a bright blue sundress with a small shawl around herself that was colored dark blue. She wore a bit of black eye shadow and some nice sandal heels that showed off her matching blue toenails with her blue finger nails. Jaune couldn't stop staring at Weiss for a minute before he whispered out, "A beautiful Angel of Frost." Weiss blushed hard at that compliment and filing it away for making sure he called her that over snow angel.

Yang was in a nice yellow blazer with rolled up sleeves to her elbows, and a pair of shades on her eyes with brown slacks, she wore a pair of her motorcycle boots and she had a brown leather jacket slung over her shoulder. She lowered her sunglasses and wolf whistled at Jaune making him blush. And he stared at her more and coughed out, "Love the look Yang brings out your wild beauty!" Yang almost dropped her jacket and sunglasses at that compliment and put her glasses back up with a hurried, "Thanks." But not without a bright red blush on her face.

Velvet was in a nice brown blouse with gold accents, and a nice chocolate skirt that reached to mid shin with some nice flats that had a carrot buckle on each of the white shoes. Jaune looks at her as Velvet is shying away and he goes, "You're looking cute Velvet!" This makes Velvets ears perk up straight and then droop down as her blush goes atomic red and she turns away with steam coming out of her ears while whispering a thanks to Jaune.

Pyrrha takes his breath away, showing up in a beautiful red Sundress that has a small red hip wrap with green short heels that had open toes showing her green nail polish on her toes and fingers. Her green eye shadow is still present but with a bit of blush and her hair is down and free. Jaune is star struck as he stutters out a bit before finding his brain again, "Wow Pyrrha you are looking so pretty and beautiful!" Pyrrha blushes with such a naturally friendly smile that all her photographers would want the picture for her next calendar release.

Jaune gives the girls the roses before he forgets with their combined beauty distracting him. He rubs his head after giving them to the stunned girls. And then heads to the ticket booth to cash in their voucher he got.

They all look at each other before smiling with happiness on their faces at their roses.

Weiss speaks up first while twirling her white rose in her fingers, "Huh Jaune is becoming quite the mature young man these days hmm? Why are we waiting for asking him for a relationship again?"

Yang smirks and tucks her yellow rose into her blouse pocket making it look like a nice decoration, "Well I believe we are waiting for him to feel strong enough to feel like he earned it right? After all P-money herself said Jaune has confidence issues right?"

Pyrrha snaps out of her happy stupor as she places the red rose at the hip wrap she has on her sundress, "Yes he was so scared and uncertain as he began his training, and he only started noticing our advances as he gained strength, so I believe we should wait for another month or two maybe, that way he has a chance to grow more and feel like he himself is ready for such a relationship. No rushing it and making him feel like we are pity dating him right?"

Velvet nods as she has tucked her dark Orange rose into her hair beside her left rabbit ear happily as her ears twitch with joy.

Jaune comes back with the tickets saying he got them a nice row of seats all together and they all go in to grab drinks and popcorn together.

The fun part was during the movie, Yang was having a blast and even held Jaune hand once during a romantic scene while blushing at him with side glances, that was weird enough.

But on the other side of him Weiss was holding his other hand during another romantic scene and even rested her head against his shoulder.

Then during a small intermission for the audience to grab a bathroom break, when they came back Jaune found Pyrrha on his left and Velvet on his right.

Both girls seemed to be content to hold his hand throughout the rest of the movie and feed him popcorn and his soda since he hands were… occupied.

In all honesty Jaune felt like it was a date, but since no one seemed to call it that he figured it was just his friends letting him know how comfortable they were with him. But he honestly didn't hate it. He can honestly say he has a crush on all 4 of them now. But he won't make a move until he is stronger! He will make a move once he can protect them all! At least… once he figures out how strong that will make him in the future thanks to his stats. So with a smile and a nice retelling of the 'not-date' to Ren and Nora who grilled him for details he went to bed happy.

– Today –

At least until today, after their morning training he looked up his combat class schedule and saw he was to be paired up with someone he knew at least, he saw he was to fight Yang in his opening return spar in the class. He slumped forward in despair knowing that her unarmed combat was at least 10 levels above his maybe even higher as he could hold his own against her in their spars, but that was when she was at maybe 30% strength and skill max. Now he will need to see if he can face her full might.

But after those last two dungeons, and his new gear, and not to mention his growth over the last two weeks, he felt that even if her can't beat Yang, he can at least show her he can bring her down to 50% aura. That way he knows he has at least been growing well.

But as the clock for combat class struck the bell, he sighed and entered the arena in his new armor, (Repaired at the schools blacksmith once he gave the excuse about a very energetic sparring session, Yang and Nora, enough said) He pats his sword and enters the arena.

Yang is there cracking her knuckles and grins at him with an excited grin on her face. Glynda Goodwitch is there looking glad to see Jaune is doing well but also worried that this might be too much for him so soon after his recent rehab order.

Glynda speaks out, "This will be a returning spar for Jaune arc to see how well his recovery has come and to see how his body and aura are after his incident during a mission where he almost died. Now Mr. Arc I must ask, are you ready? Cause if you want another week to rest and train I can sign that order."

Jaune looks at Ms. Goodwitch to see actual concern and not pity in her eyes as he glances up at his friends who are all looking happy at his return but also their concern. But as he scans the room he sees Cardin looking at him with a sleazy grin that just screams, 'go on and seem weak in front of me! Prove me right!'

Seeing that Jaune doubles down and looks to Yang and smirks, "I'm good Ms. Goodwitch. Thank you but I will fight this match! You ready Yang?"

Yang slams her gauntlets together with a burst of aura and fire from her body as she assumes her favorite kickboxing stance, "Born ready! Grit your teeth! And show me how much you've learned from our combined tutoring from these last 2 weeks!"

Glynda sighs and shakes her head while muttering something about stubborn students and begins the battle with a ring of the buzzer as Yang and Jaunes Aura gauges are shown on the battle screen both at 100%.

Yang Rushes forward as Jaune manages to draw his sword and shield in one smooth move ready for her opening blow. Yang rears her fist back ready for a haymaker to shoot Jaune out of the ring and avoid him getting too hurt in his first return match. Only to be shocked at Jaune doing something he didn't used to do.

He ducked and used her momentum to catch her body on top his shield and launch her over and behind him. He quickly turns and watches Yang carefully, hoping for a ring out but knowing she wouldn't be taken out that quickly or easily. Yang proves him right as she manages to shoot her gauntlets shot gun rounds out to reverse her trajectory and land just 5ft from the edge of the arena. The students are all shocked at this display of reflexes and skill from the originally weakest of the class.

Jaune wants to celebrate but refocuses his mind on the battle, remembering his lessons from the Beowulf and Ursa dungeons about losing focus during battle.

And he is proven right as Yang grins at him and rolls her shoulders before launching herself into the air with her shotgun blast again, she comes up and readies herself for a haymaker aiming for Jaunes body with her fall adding to her punch force.

Jaune sees this and remembers Yang pulling a similar move in their sparring, he waits… waits… then waits a bit… then jumps right as Yang hits the arena with a resulting wave of force that would have knocked him off his feet if he wasn't 15ft off the ground. This shocks the class once again as Jaune is showing feats of strength, agility, and reactions a 4th year junior academy student should be capable of, but that Jaune struggled with just a month ago.

With his leap Jaune finds himself over Yang and readies his blade to do a leaping stab down. Yang looks up in time to see Jaune coming down and readies her punch to hit his sword aside them punch him across the room.

Jaune seeing this comes up with a devious plan, he manages to angle his shield to catch the wind rushing by him and scoots to the right by a foot. Yang sees this and is confused as the sword she was ready to deflect misses her right before her face is wide with shock as Jaunes shield is smacking her right in her nose, hard, with an audible clang. Everyone gasps as the first blow to land wasn't Yang but instead Jaune. Everyone begins to clap and cheer for him except for CRDL (Because of course the bullies don't like to see their potential prey out do them).

Yang shakes it off and checks to see her aura at 99% now but suddenly a large painful cut comes across her torso as she looks back towards Jaune, who in her momentary stunned condition managed to land, pivot and land a horizontal slash at her, cutting off another 11% making Yang drop down to 88%. She smirks as he hair gains a few flames and Jaune gulps as he remembers yangs semblance giving her power as she loses health, in this case aura and physical pain. And that means he just charged her twice, a shield bash and a sword cut means more pain than usual. But he buckles down and readies himself for more.

Yang grins and charges in once more ready to continue the fight. Jaune grins as he glows with a more active aura. Getting his Warriors Aura boost to increase his abilities further and stand on more equal ground. He shocks Yang when they clash once more and has her exert more effort into her blow than before. She grins as she saw her Aura dip down a bit more from that clash and dives right back in to see how far he can go. Jaune sees his Aura gauge dropping again with his ability active but knows if he wants to prove himself better than his old self he needs this extra boost. He goes right back in to take on Yang head to head.

Meanwhile their friends were all taking notes of this glow around Jaune, Pyrrha discussing with Ren if this could be his semblance finally awakening, or if it is just a better boost than normal Aura boost. Weiss is talking with Blake and Ruby on what Jaune is using to equal the playing field. While Nora is, of course, cheering both her friends on and wanting them to put their all into the fight.

With another loud clash and a burst of White aura meeting a bright Gold aura tinted in flames the fight enters the next level.

– 5 minutes later –

Jaune has managed to survive the fight but with a few dents in his armor, a few new bruises on his body, and with a split lip that has stopped bleeding, his Aura is down to 35%, just 5 percent more and he loses the spar, but he grins at his progress, Yang is down to 63%, no where near his, but hey he managed to push her by just over a third of her strength, he will take what he can get.

Yang smirks at him as she launches another barrage of her shot gun gauntlets blasts at him making him try to duck under his shield as his fatigue was finally reaching past 50% now and he was feeling it. With a heavy grunt he deflects a blast with his shield and manages to hit Yang with it blinding her, she coughs from the smoke trying to wave it aside.

Jaune is seen charging right at her shield out for a bull rush, yang comes in with a grin and punches at him. His shield holds as the two fighters struggle against each other. Right before Jaune swings his sword up and over the locked weapons and lands a cut on Yangs chest. She backs up from the pain but not before a heavy snap kick from her lands right on Jaunes chin rattling his brain and making him fall to his hands and knees as the buzzer sounds.

Both fighters look up to see.

Jaune Arc: 27% Aura

Yang Xiao Long: 52% Aura

Glynda comes up while stating, "Very nice improvement on both of your parts! Jaune nice work! This is the farthest you have ever pushed a classmates aura! I'm looking forward to further improvements as you continue to recover and train! Keep up the good work."

She turns to Yang with a smile on her face for once, "While I was worried you would go too hard on him I am glad you went at just the right force Ms. Long. Also I see you have been reviewing the basics of your style as your movements seem sharper than before and more efficient."

Yang blushes at getting some rare praise out of Ms. Goodwitch, "Well I was actually going a bit harder than I thought I would, I would say close to 70 or 80% of my full abilities? Jaune was actually pushing me a bit there."

Jaune had gotten up to his knees and had put away his sword and shield while rotating his arms and back before hearing that piece of news from both Ms. Goodwitch and Yang. This makes him smile shyly and blush at the honest praise. This also makes him happy that he has grown more than he thought.

~Congratulations! Skills have leveled up!

Advanced sword arts lvl 1: 5 times dmg with swords

Unarmed Combat Intermediate lvl 9: times 3.8 dmg with unarmed blows

Level up X1!

Level 25

Exp: 5%

HP: 7,290/7,290

AP: 6,250/6,250

Fatigue: 58/100%

Class: none


STR: 54

AGI: 44


INT: 39


Points available: 15~

Jaune grins before heading back to the locker rooms to unequip his gear, Dang That spar felt so good! And I got both skill experience and regular experience from it? I can live with that, but I think I level up more efficiently in the dungeons compared to here. Plus I need to wait for a fight per day to grow, in the dungeon I usually gain 10 levels. And I gain credits for the shop. Speaking of which why are the only things I can access with my credits the rank E and D stuff?!

And it was true last night after the date Jaune was lying in his bed biting his pillow in frustration as he scrolled through the shop, the shop had stat boosting items, armors, weapons, and even potions. But the cheapest stuff from E rank was already between 300-500 points, while the lowest item for D rank was 1,000 points, the highest made his eyes bulge out at its price of 5,000. Making him sweat at what will be needed for C rank gear and for the stat point boosters.

He found the stat crystals that when bought and absorbed give him +1 to a chose stat, but each one took 10k points. And each additional stat crystal that gave him higher and higher stats at once seemed to grow by 10k per rank. He was sweating at how he was going to afford A rank equipment when he was high enough level to actually need it, but for now he would focus on unlocking C and B rank gear to help his growth journey.

He sighed as he put away the last of his gear and turned to see Cardin there. With his squad. They immediately had Jaune surrounded and put pressure on him. Dove and Russel both grabbed an arm each and trapped Jaune. Making their builds keep him trapped, only for Jaune to notice something, Hmmm? Were they always this week? It feels like I am out muscling them by 5-10 points individually. But together they are a bit much for me at the moment.

Cardin growls right in Jaunes face, "Listen here Jauney Boy! Today was a fluke! You won't last as long or deal as much damage to me or my squad when you get in the arena with us! Got it? So don't get false hopes, when you get any of us for a match be prepared for a painful beat down!"

Jaune simply nods with keeping an impassive face making Cardin grit his teeth in anger at his nonplussed attitude and march off with his squad following him. Jaune then realized something else from that interaction, not only did Cardins goon squad seem weaker, Cardin seemed shorter. Jaune went to the locker room mirror with the height tape on the side and noticed that his original 5'11" height had gotten up to 6'1" last time he checked, now he was a solid 6'3" nearing 6'4". He lifted his now tighter hoodie and saw his six pack was well defined, and that if he flexed it he would see it look like an anime characters six pack from his favorite fighting anime. He then looked at both arms and flexed them and he could almost see each individual muscle when he flexed. But as it were he was simply lean and somewhat toned. He was on his way to becoming much more defined and powerful. With a grin Jaune nods to himself at seeing the physical results of his progress and wonders how much more defined his physique would become.

Then the words of Cardin come back about how he will be weaker than him once he and Cardin fight in the ring once more.

Jaune simply scratches his cheek at that thought and goes to meet his friends making sure to hide what Cardin tried to do, after all it wouldn't prove anything to his former bully if he didn't show him and his gang up in the arena under his own power.

As it turned out the rest of the week was interesting for a strange reason, no matter what day came up Jaune was paired up against his friends.

Tuesday was Ruby's turn and while she was faster than him, Jaune actually managed a few hits thanks to his combined stats of Agi and Sense. Though in the end Ruby still beat him by a wide margin, their spar ending with Jaune in the 25% range, while Ruby was still going decently at 58% due to how few times she was hit. But she did have to use her Aura up a bit to keep her speed up and her bullets charged to actually deal a decent chunk of damage to Jaune.

Wednesday, was Ren and that helped push his unarmed combat skill to the advanced level as they went hand to hand martial arts combat for their entire sparring time. Thus ending in a draw thanks to Rens skill at avoiding hits and redirecting his opponents flow away from himself, and Jaunes reserves being a bit bigger than Rens allowing him to out last his friend in a sense. Both of them went down to 40% range but the timer was up for their spar ending in the technical draw, but their sparring/training battle did earn them praise from Goodwitch for using the time to train their skills properly instead of relying on weapons all the time like some students. (Ruby shrunk down behind Yang as Glynda glared at the weapons nut for not listening to that piece of advice the most out of the class).

Thursday was against Weiss and it was a stressful battle, but still a fun one. Weiss with her glyphs and elemental attacks was a challenge but Jaune with the dancing sword footwork he learned from her allowed him to dance around a lot of her attacks to land a few choice blows and even bring her down to 40% aura before she knocked him out of bounds with her repulsion glyph traps. Jaune was surprised that he had more Aura, being around 55% still, and if he hadn't fallen for the trap he would have out lasted Weiss in that match and won. But Weiss still gave him a smile at his growth and praise for how he pushed her to using the ring out to win the fight. Making Jaune blush and praise her right back with a slick mention of how she captured his attention the entire fight with her grace and beauty. Weiss blushed hard before he went further and said, "Just like an Angel of winter and frost." Weiss almost fainted from the new shade of red she became from that one. Jaune blushing right after her as he realized what he said and many students heard him too going, "Aww." at that comment. A now very embarrassed Jaune and Weiss make their way off the ring.

However as they disappear from view and into the hall for the locker rooms. Weiss turns to Jaune making him stop before entering the male locker room and says to him, "Jaune thanks for an amazing fight, you have gotten strong. And I appreciate how much you are honest to us all, for the praise, support, and care you give us. So the only way I know to show it back at this point is this." Jaune is confused before he has Weiss's arms wrapped around his neck and her lips kissing his lips. His brain takes all of two seconds to process this before he hugs her back, one hand across the lower back, and one hand around her shoulders to hold her close. They kissed for a good 20-30 seconds before pulling back. Weiss giving him an affectionate smile while Jaune is still processing that yes Weiss just kissed him. Weiss gives him a flutter of her eyes, one more peck on the lips then ducks into the female locker room.

Jaune is left there blinking for a moment before he feels his own lips and a smile goes across his face, only to come crashing down as the system has its two cents to add in.

~First the champ and now the princess! Nice work my young knight! Now all that's left to do is attract the fair maidens hearts of the sweet chocolate bunny, and the wild card. And you'll have a maiden on each arm and in front and behind you! Now shall I start a system update for your… Sexual skills? Or leave those out?~

Jaune immediately clamped his mind shut on the possibilities and yells out, "DON'T YOU DARE!!" He swears he hears the system chuckling at him without saying anything, making him grumble at its antics and its personality.

While Jaune is yelling at his system, friend, wing man, thing. Weiss was sitting against her locker after she had leaned against it and then slid down to the ground in happiness. Her fingers feeling across her lips with a large smile on her face and a deep blush on her cheeks, His lips were so soft, and nice. He has gotten taller too… Maybe that means something else has grown recent-

Her head meets her locker as she slams it back to avoid continuing that line of thought as she panics, What What what!? Where did that thought come from!? I blame Blake! Her and her smut being read all over the room! And just reading it out in public like that! IT will implant ideas at this rate! My sister Winter didn't raise me to be like this! Darn it Blake!

Unknown to Weiss and her panic, she was to blame for those thoughts, as since she has been talking with Velvet, Pyrrha, and now Yang, about sharing Jaune. She had been doing some personal research into the subject of a Polygamous relationship. And some sites had… graphic examples of how such a relationship would work out, and what the said couples can do together at home, in public, and especially… in the bedroom.

As she calmed down and finally opened up her locker to change her thoughts kept going back to the kiss making her reignite her blush. She closes the locker in front of her with a slam as she turns, only to leap back in shock with a squawk of surprise as she sees Yang, Pyrrha, and Velvet all around her to check on her given how long she had been changing. They all were grinning as Weiss was caught smiling to herself with a red face and Weiss realized what is about to happen.

Weiss tries to find an escape route as she yells out, "Back! Back you vultures! I won't tell you a thing!"

She soon finds her hand in the grip of Yang who sagely nods and smiles at her, before wrapping an arm around Weiss's neck and choulders, effectively trapping her, "Now Weiss, we all agreed when we started this group, no secrets, and tell us the progress of making Jaune see our feelings… Right? So keep being sisterly with the sisterhood, and we won't have to get… creative in our methods to drag the information out of you."

Weiss simply nods in defeat as she is almost dragged off by a smiling Yang while Pyrrha rolls her eyes at Yangs antics and Velvet shyly smiles in apology to Weiss for Yangs blunt methods.

Friday he wanted to forfeit right away as he had to fight Nora. But thankfully he took it all in stride and did his best in the match. Managing to last long enough for the 10 minute spar to run out of time. But with only 36% left for himself while Nora was still at 68%. Jaune wouldn't complain, he was able to survive the battle without going to the nurse for broken bones. However Glynda had to give Nora a stern lecture about not to get too excited in a battle due to collateral damage. As a detention punishment Nora was assigned to assist Goodwitch in repairing the arena that now sported many new holes, craters, and blast marks from her fight (read: one sided slaughter) against Jaune. Jaune apologized to Glynda but she waved him off knowing it was out of both their hands thanks to how they knew Nora well enough to expect this kind of damage in the first place.

Saturday was their first rest day to he decided to take stock of the level 2 gift box rewards he had gotten from the week and check his stats from his level up over the week. Along with the one he got for todays training.

Level 29

Exp: 56%

HP: 9,150/9,150

AP: 7,250/7,250

Fatigue: 0/100%

Class: none


STR: 58

AGI: 48


INT: 43


Points available: 35


-???- : ?????

Inheritor: Access to system, over level 20 access to shop

Arc Bloodline: +150 to AP

Advanced sword arts lvl 3: 5.6 times dmg with swords

Unarmed Combat advanced lvl 2: times 5.3 dmg with unarmed blows

Warriors Aura lvl 2: +15 to Str, Agi, and Vit for however long this aura is active, cost: 100 for activation, additional 10 per minute used.

Warriors Healing lvl 2: Recover 150 HP per 80 Aura used.

Rallying call lvl 1: +2 to all stats of every person you recognize as an ally within 50ft of user

After taking stock Jaune noticed he was getting pouches that were worth between 400-500 credits for the store. So his current credit was 3,930 total so far. He was almost at the point where he could check on the prices of the C rank gear. Taking that into account he was happy he was able to get C rank armor and sword for his level grinding at this point. He was still shocked how much exp he got in spars against his friends and that allowed him to level up so much in just one week. However he knew he had a lot of work still to do for his growth and abilities.

He stretched as he took stock of where everyone was on the break day.

Yang was in the gym apparently still thinking of how quickly Jaune had grown as she was busy fighting against more agile opponents like Blake, Ren, and Weiss. It was three on one to really push her further, while the three friends got training against tougher opponents who were more tanky to help them hit harder while keeping their light weight style combat strategies. And of course with Ren being there, Nora needed to be with her boyfriend and decided it would help train her further as well. So now Yang wold go 10 minutes against the trio of quick fighters then tag out with Nora and give her training of the same kind.

While that was happening Ruby was with Coco going over leader strategy notes and their weapons, trying to give Crescent rose a new gear mode using Cocos weapon as a base design and inspiration.

Jaune shudders imagining Ruby's weapon suddenly shooting out sniper rounds at a rapid pace absolutely shredding the Grimm target and the building/terrain behind it.

Shaking his mind away from the terrifying thought he went to where Velvet was training with Pyrrha in an arena where Velvet was getting practice with the weapons and styles she has copied so far so she can become more proficient in them, while Pyrrha was training against the varying styles to become an even more adaptable fighter. And this way both had good opponents to grow from.

For Yatsu and Fox they went to train more under Professor Port as he was both skilled and strong to push both boys to new heights.

Jaune wasn't sure what to do today as he wanted to wait the full week for getting tomorrows stats totaled up for spending and preparing for the Deathstalker Dungeon. At least based on the name he assumed it was a Deathstalker Dungeon, it could also be a Manticore dungeon but that remains to be seen.

But then Jaune shot up as he remembered how his keys weren't the only gates around. He geared up and shot a group text to his friends telling them, "Hi gang, Jaune here, went to Vale to check out possible improvements for my armor! Might be gone most of the day! Wish me luck! See you all at dinner."

With that and a smiley face emoji sent he grabbed his sword and the last of his armor and charged towards the bullhead pad to head into Vale.

He began to look all over Vale scanning every alleyway, every street, and even down by the docks. He found a total of 5 gates all of them being around rank E to D dungeons thanks to the system scanning them. He thought to himself, According to their timers they are all near the end before they burst out Grimm into the streets and cause chaos. Hmmm I gotta do something. If I don't then why am I even in this lifestyle?

He made a map on his scroll with timers set up at each location with countdowns to try and avoid any dungeon breaks. He nods as he heads to the first one. A Rank E dungeon. He dives right in sword at the ready and looks around to find 20 Beowulves waiting.

He looks for a quest reward alert but none comes. With a shrug he focuses on his foes while thinking, Even if I don't get a quest reward I will simply grow from the Exp and Skill growth I'll endure. So let's go!

With a yell he charges forward into the prowling wolves. A flurry of slashes with his new speed and reflexes helping him he wipes out the pack and the alpha falls after only two slashes across its chest making it fall into 4 pieces.

Jaune looks at his handy work and sighs as he gets a level up notification and another surprise one.

~Level up X1! Cleared a Grimm Gate +1 stat point~

Jaune grins as he goes, "Oh now that is great motivation! Level ups, Skill growth, stats for clearing them, and more credits for wiping out the Grimm as well? I'm all for it!"

With a smile of excitement he runs to the next portal and does a diving kick right into the center of it like a Saturday morning cartoon super hero. Landing he notices he made it inside a creep dungeon this time. With a flourish of his blade the Creeps all squealed in terror as he became a glowing white and gold blur to them.

In the end all five gates fell to Jaune and his sword of white death.

Taking count of everything Jaune gained 5 stat points, he gained 12 levels, and also gained a level or two to almost all his skills.

Level 41

Exp: 78%

HP: 15,570/15,570

AP: 10,250/10,250

Fatigue: 82/100%

Class: none


STR: 70

AGI: 60


INT: 55


Points available: 40


-???- : ?????

Inheritor: Access to system, over level 20 access to shop

Arc Bloodline: +150 to AP

Advanced sword arts lvl 5: 6.5 times dmg with swords

Unarmed Combat advanced lvl 3: times 5.6 dmg with unarmed blows

Warriors Aura lvl 3: +20 to Str, Agi, and Vit for however long this aura is active, cost: 200 for activation, additional 20 per minute used.

Warriors Healing lvl 3: Recover 200 HP per 120 Aura used.

Rallying call lvl 1: +2 to all stats of every person you recognize as an ally within 50ft of user

Jaune gives a sigh of satisfaction before he notices an alert show up after he was done analyzing his stats and abilities.

~Player has gotten past level 40, new quest Class acquisition Dungeon gained! You have one week to access the Dungeon before it is lost for another 40 levels. Good luck player!

Timer to accept the quest: 6 days, 23 hours, 25 minutes [yes] [no]~

Jaune has his eyes go wide before storing the quest alert into his read later swipe as he considers what he has the option of doing. He knows that if he needs to he can go for the quest right now. But something stops him, a sixth sense, a small whisper in his mind, or just caution, he knows he could take the quest now. But what about his friends? He already spent the day grinding levels and stats, and he is now on a time crunch before heading to school to spend dinner with his friends.

"Shoot what to do? I can always do it later, but what can I do for next week that would be a believable excuse for me to be possibly gone for half a day or more? I can always… Wait!" Jaune calculates and then remembers the rewards for every new dungeon he got with the key, he always has a full recovery as a reward! That means, "I can level up in that new dungeon key tomorrow, and accept the class quest while using the credits I earn in that dungeon and the stats from both the reward and levels to boost myself for the class quest! I can tell the others that I am meeting one of my sisters to see our uncle in the nearby town of Clandale! That should work after all a family meeting usually takes most if not all day right? Right!"

With his plan in motion Jaune runs off back to the school so he isn't late to his dinner with friends.

As he ran he checked his credits in the store and was pleasantly surprised to see his credits totaled up to a nice amount.

Original Total: 3,930

100 Beowulves: 500 points

80 Creeps: 400 points

70 Ursas: 700 points

New total points: 5,530

With a smile Jaune promised himself to check the store tomorrow before his class quest to see if there was anything he could afford to help him survive that upcoming challenge. After all you always expect the unexpected in this system and new lifestyle he found himself in.

He ran faster as he noticed he slowed down to check his shop and saw the time was only 40 minutes to dinner, he didn't want to be late as he wasn't sure how fast he could get back, drop off his gear, shower, and meet his friends for the cafeteria dinner special tonight. He picks up speed while whooping about how he is getting stronger and faster as he continues his journey to become the best huntsman ever.

~Hehe he is doing so well. And showing so much more caution than my last user. He was so hotheaded that he mashed the button right after he got it. Oif my last user was so reckless… But I do miss my last idiot. And don't worry my Monarch your inheritor will be getting the use of his full abilities soon! Once he grows into them that is… Ugh he has so much work left to do But I know he can do it! Especially with how far he has come in only three weeks! Let's hope he continues to show this caution in the future as he continues his path to being the greatest warrior we've ever known.~

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


