33.33% So What If It Is A Marvelous World! / Chapter 1: On A Night battle with high stakes; they did a morph scenario on me!
So What If It Is A Marvelous World! So What If It Is A Marvelous World! original

So What If It Is A Marvelous World!

作者: aloudtntcode

© WebNovel

章 1: On A Night battle with high stakes; they did a morph scenario on me!

 In the dead of night in a secluded location...

Loud Exclamations, & outcries for help can be Heard beneath the sounds of flaring detonations, & the launching of twisted metal debris that just swallowed a group of fleeing white-coated individuals.

 Overlooking their demise with no emotional fluctuations is a man with arms crossed & a medieval-style helmet, with a fluttering cape adorned on his back to match!

Four Strange costumes youths run towards the Magenta color-dressed man, looking exhausted, hurt & mentally defeated.

Sweat drips heavily as they just ran away from their pursuers; dropping debris to obstruct whoever is following behind their path!

Breathing heavily the smallest among the four says:

"We delayed as best we could, but those dweebs are still coming master." Said a short in height late teen, early twenties male with messy brown hair, with slight pale yellowish tinted skin, shallow eyes covered with goggles & a long tongue hanging from his mouth's side.

Not even looking in his direction, the leader said in a gruff voice:

"You have done well enough, giving us time to advocate for our cause with the sufferers of humanity's Everlong brutality & deep hubris against us!

Waving to one side in a gesture he said:

"BEHOLD, we now have new brothers & sisters who understand the truth of the world!"

Behind him is a group of youngsters of different sizes & ages some with noticeable unique appearances, like spikes, gills, green/pink skin or furs, feathered or butterfly wings, sharp teeth, nails, claws, long or short tails, hoofs, all types of unnatural looking purple, blue & Rainbow colored hair to list a few of their clear to see quirks...

But what was the same for all who stood behind their new leader, was the fierce gazes of hatred at their former tormenters!

As well as the delight of some at the sounds of screaming of terror heard in the background.

Some even broke into tears or small smiles at the swift justice for cruel and unjustified treatment they survived!

They now, just like most in this organization, are bonded by a traumatic experience & its aftereffect on them!

Not at all bothered by these homosapiens crises of existence or extinction in the massacre transpiring in the background.

Nodding his head slightly in approval at the accepting adaptability of some of the new members.

 The magenta helmet headed leader says to his flock:

"We will return for today, I'm in a good mood, I have no wish to have it spoiled by a clash with the misguided 'Dreamers' today!" Says the Magenta helmet figure who stood with hands across his chest majestically.

To his followers, he was leaking out the power & charismatic aura of a war general in ancient times.

Retreating with the willingly following former victims & old members they enter into metal bubble pods that bunch over the field.

"What about Victor?" Asked an attractive blue-skinned, yellow-eyed, red-haired woman.

 She was dressed in a white revealing evening gown dress with a gothic metallic skull belt around her waist.

They Both turned about looking at the feral beast of a man quickly killing scientist & guard alike, equally & efficiently!

Scoffing the leader says back:

"Leave him be, he lost himself to his animal urges that are sometimes brought on by his X Gene mutation again!"

"Rather than the great mission, he is more concerned with Mindless self-indulgence again! 

What churlish & uncouth behavior of a Homo-superior!"

The blue-skinned woman wanted to advocate on his behalf for past feelings, so she quickly says: 

"But he-"

The leader is Interrupting her objection with a raised hand before she could even start-

"He will keep them occupied, thus securing our retreat!"

She stopped walking, & Frowns at leaving one of her own kind behind, especially one so multi-talented, despite his numerous personality flaws.

Then she glimpses back once more at the scene of carnage, she hesitates again, not out of sympathy for the demonic oppressors screaming as they flee in futility from the laughing animalistic & raucous man with a smile on his face, but at the choice of having to abandon him here!

But then she looks towards the newly rescued of her kind, who are downtrodden & in needing of guidance or a purpose!

They are the point of their mission tonight! They are what she worked so hard to protect & give a safe future too!

Watching how everyone had already entered into the metal bubble pods, the Magenta helmet leader says to her, his second in command, in a form of consultation to her, he said:

"Once we know where he is captured, if he's even captured at all...after some time, we will locate, & go retrieve him!"

"It's not like with our respective gifts, any place can keep either of us out, if we truly wanted to get in! 

"Let's go, he won't die easily!" He says matter-of-factly with unhindered arrogance.

The blue skin woman nods her head slowly with both resolve & regret as she walks away towards the nearest & last metal bubble ball pod, which closed after her entrance into it, never glancing back again!

The caped figure with a magenta-colored armor & helmet slowly uncrossed his arms placing them to his sides.

After a second, he slowly raise both his arms outstretched wide to his sides,

- then he gradually moves his outstretched arms upwards to the upper atmosphere direction!

As he does the upwards motion, the battalion of metal bubble ball pods fluctuates & tremble, before soaring to the sky at his grand gestured command!

He also floats off the ground until he is far above all the metal bubble pods below him.

He then proceeds in leaving the destroyed secret compound area in a dramatic fashion way, similar to the marvelous manner he had arrived here in!


A minute or two later-


A Red energy beam pushed away large debris from one side into another in the distance!

With time, the dust & smoke fog cleared, on the cleared-up path, a group of black & dark blue-dressed pursuers arrived at the scene after clearing structural obstacles left behind by the fleeing defeated 4 opponents from before!

 With all but a few not having face-covering masks with their suits, they all are jointly sporting a yellow X insignia mark somewhere on their matching battle armor & apparel.

However, discovering it to be too late in catching up to their rivals, they can't help but feel frustrated, & awed at the fleeing spectacle in the night sky!

The group stands briefly stunned to silence with heads towards the night sky.

 "Well, Do we also still pursue Magneto professor?." Asked a partly masked face youth in his early 20s with a large eye visor with ruby color tinted lenses, not the least amused or awed by the grand escape scene!

It was he who blasted away the obstructions previously with his red-colored, concussive energy blast streaming from his eyes!

 His eyes happen to be as powerful, as it was unruly/turbulent to control, and it needs to be regulated by the special visor eye gear with a ruby quartz lens.

He asked with discernable reluctance In his tone of voice to let the rival leader Magneto escape!

While modifying his eye visor settings to blast in a wide lens shot to bring them all to the ground 'Relatively Safely' as they were currently above a body of water & they would 'probably' survive the fall, so he eagerly awaits the order to do so!

The man he was talking to is a bald-headed middle-aged man in a yellow automatic wheelchair hovering above the ground!

 The man was also wearing tactical black clothing with a yellow X just like the rest of the group.

Sighing the 'Professor' says to his restless pupil:

 " No need cyclops, Magneto won't hurt the children, maybe discipline them harshly, but not injure or kill his fellow kind without a vary valid reason!"

The youth Cyclops adjust the visor scope, winding down the accumulating optic blast, then returning its settings to normal & then he gives a weak sigh of frustration as his hand is taken off his visors!

"Though this group of younger generation mutants made their choice under severe trauma & extreme stress;

-they made their choice all the same, at least for now!"

" In the future, we can only try to help them to see things our way, by dialogue & leading by example.

 So calm your anger, it's clouding your judgment to make a rash & needlessly ruthless decision!"

Cyclops nods realizing he was to callus in his suggestion just now.

The professor smiles then said:

 "But for now..."

They both, as well as the team, we're now confronted with seeing two pressing scenarios at present...

 The first is the newly released huddled together facilities victims rescued by the Magnetos team earlier, but they were left behind!

Just like the others who left, they had also heard the Magenta man's (Magneto) Grand speech & offer, but had chosen not to join at the Magenta helmet person's request!

Not that they didn't have doubts for the world after this horrendous experience, 

 But they just naively we're wishing to return home with their own families & live a 'normal' life again...

The guards & other reinforcement backup support had arrived & the recently freed mutants are now being corralled at gunpoint!

They are threateningly being told to return to the confinement cells in a semi-trailer vehicle for new transportation!

The yellow X-wearing latecomers are also looking towards the next scene.

A figure with messy long blonde-hair, about 6'6 foot tall in height, a lean physical body, but tightly compressed muscular body are clearly exploding from within a skin-tight suit he adorned with a lion's mane-like fur around the collar's brim, now covered in 'others' wet or dry blood!

In the darkness, the bright whites of his eyes are glowing in the night, just like a big cat predator on the Serengeti!

As he was swiftly dashing on all fours, he had been slashing with uniquely designed sharp claws at all his preys vital spots, all at unrealistic speeds!

 One person after the next, he's slaughtering or injuring fatally everyone in his path despite being vastly outnumbered, & unarmed with nothing but pointed retractable metal augmented claws, flexibility, & raw unhinged power!

A spree of havoc, sprawled incomplete bodies belonging to the dead facility workers or security cover the immediate vicinity floors!

Scanning the field watching the feral man dodge or walk-off gunfire of the reinforcements & experimenting on children being herded to return to the life made of nightmares, the professor sternly sends a mental message to his team:

"My X-Men, The Operation tonight was initially a recon, search & possible rescue...

& now, it's also a preserving life assignment."

 "Though they are our enemies, they must live to face the law of the justice system!

...thus, we are saving them before they are all killed by that executioner!"

Some of the X-team members made a noticeable frown briefly at the assignment of playing savior to their mutant community's oppressors! 

As a premium psychic, noticing surface emotional fluctuations is pediatric to the professor over the years, so he says:

"I know it's hard, but when they go low, we must go high, or how else could this circle of hatred that must be broken wilt away someday!

The cracks in the foundation begin through our deeds today, to shatter their ignorant bred hate completely..."

 They reluctantly agreed to his explanation.

Nodding at their understanding, he thought they need experience of this kind of battle, his mind power could end this skirmish, but there will be no growth for the team!

 & even with his expertise, mind invading can leave unexpected side-effects to weaker-minded people, especially normal humans!

The mind is a mysterious thing, that even he will not claim to understand 100%.

So the professor wants these criminals to have all their faculties when they face justice, without any mental problems.

So the professor says:

 "Secure the kidnapped children & immobilize the aggressors armed with weapons!"

The professor is then frowning in the wheelchair, as he is peering at the mindless violence caused by the beastly man, he says sternly: 

"As for those guards...Save their lives, but be sure to use non-lethal means to neutralize these guards, reduce their threat level to zero!"

"Engage my X-Men!"

The team members with the Codenames: 

Beast, Rogue, Nightcrawler, Marvel Girl, & Cyclops, 5 people in total respond to the leader, dashing into action!


aloudtntcode aloudtntcode

I messed up the chapter order, it's fixed now.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


