100% So What If I'm In A Hentai? / Chapter 4: A Relaxing Morning (R18+)

章 4: A Relaxing Morning (R18+)

The harsh rays of sunlight that woke me, didn't seem so harsh at all as I opened my eyes.

"Huh," I muttered, realizing where I was. A nude amazonian wrapped around my frame like a koala, a peaceful look on her face. The way the sunlight hit her athletic yet curvaceous figure seemed almost...mystical. Like spotting a Unicorn grazing in some random field somewhere in Scotland. Despite the numerous less than pure positions I'd had her in last night, I didn't think of her any less or any such thing. If anything, the fact she bared so much so freely only made me admire her a little more.

It takes a strong person to know who they are and bare themselves shamelessly to those they choose to. It doesn't hurt that she's an adorable tomboy either, so I'm probably really biased. But right now, I took the time to focus in on things I wasn't too interested in last night. You know, with me fucking her within an inch of her life and all.

Her short hair was a dark blue. So dark, in fact, it almost looked like a shade of black. Yet with the way the sun hit it right now, it was clear to my eyes it was just a very, very deep blue. My gaze moved downward and regarded her facial features a little more.

She was definitely gorgeous. I'd never refute that even with a gun pointed at my head. Her face was definitely made of sharper features than most women, lending her a more 'cool older sister' type look. Like the type of person you could rely on. Her lashes were thick and a similar coloring to her hair, but not so thick they'd look unsightly or comical. Nagiko was definitely a top-class woman but I could see how lesser men might be intimidated by her.

Not to mention her height which is solidly above average even for Japanese men, her athletic figure would scare the average hentai protagonist for sure. Too much woman for them to handle, I suppose, but the perfect amount for me. Let me tell you, the woman has a ton of stamina as you'd expect from an athlete and no position was too intense for her.

Honestly, if I weren't what I was, I'd have been tapping out halfway through the night. As it stands, though? She was the one who had to tap out in the end. I was more than satisfied by that point anyway, I'd only gone so far because of a morbid curiosity about her limits.

I did think something about this being for 'science' right? Well, I definitely did a lot of 'scientific' experiments last night.

I was brought out of my thinking (and admiring of her giant rack) by her eyes fluttering for a moment before groggily opening. Smiling down at her, I tightened my arm around her waist and pulled her against me, "Morning, Nagiko," I intoned with a bit too much cheer for the morning. But hey, even if I wasn't a virgin mentally I did technically lose my virginity physically with this body. So that's a cause for celebration.

Nagiko, oblivious to my internal monologuing, almost looked like she was about to get embarrassed but seemingly threw that idea in the trash as she snuggled up against me. Her chin propped up against my chest, she gave a contented smile like a cat who'd got all the cream - and boy had she -, giving an adorable little smile, "Good morning, Derek," she said and my name sounded oddly sexy coming from her mouth. Was it the accent? Was it the way she practically purred the name? Was it both? Probably. It was probably both.

"I bet after last night," I paused before a full blown shit-eating grin spread across my face, "And most of the early morning hours, you're famished. Want some breakfast in bed?" I asked and her eyes blinked owlishly for a few seconds before she chuckled and gave me a fond smile. Leaning her face down a little, she planted a kiss on my pec before slowly making her way upwards, trailing feather light kisses up my neck and ending at my jawline.

"Making me breakfast in bed?" she wondered aloud, her tone of voice throaty and undeniably happy sounding as she stopped her kisses and just looked down at me from up top, held aloft by her elbows either side of my chest, "You shouldn't spoil a woman so much, you know? She'll get the wrong message."

I chuckled, it sounding deeper than usual due to having just woken up, and slipped both arms around her slim waist. Pulling her close and smushing her well-endowed assets against my chest, I kept my face just a few inches away from her own, "Or she'll get the right message," I replied with a smile before crossing the last bit of distance between us and kissing those oh so kissable lips of hers. She gave a soft sighed contently at the contact, closing her eyes and leaning into the kiss, one of her hands coming up and trailing up and down the side of my face.

Now, don't get me wrong, I had a helluva time last night. But am I in love with her? No. Am I fond of her? Kinda, yeah. Would I like to see her again for something other than just sex? Well, absolutely. Look, I know she's a teacher at my school and I don't really know her...but damn do I wanna keep sleeping with her and her absolutely bonkers body. And if something more comes out of that? I'm completely fine with that. She doesn't have any baggage as she's here without any plot shenanigans, she doesn't have a boyfriend so I ain't committing a grave sin by stealing her or whatever and she's a complete babe.

Sure, she's a teacher at my school but I'm 100% fucking certain stranger shit has happened and will continue to happen in this world. A student becoming fuck buddies or more with a teacher is basically the status quo here.

I've already died once. I've experienced the regrets brought on by 'what if's before. What if I could have something pretty good with Nagiko but I talked myself out of it like a bitch? I refuse to be filled with regrets a second time around. Better yet, I adamantly refuse.

As the two of us separated, I came to a decision. I was gonna see where this whole thing went. I wouldn't push it unless I needed to but I wouldn't stop it either.

Rolling over, I held Nagiko to the bed and gave her a smiling look, "Got one more round in you, Nagiko?" I asked. I got my answer in the form of Nagiko's legs wrapping around my waist and a look on her face which practically said 'What do you think?'. Huffing in amusement, I leaned back a bit and grabbed one of her arms, holding it above her head and then repeated the same action with her other arm. When I saw the confusion on her face, I held both arms down with a single hand and trailed my now free hand down her chest, drawing lazy shapes around the tremendous orbs of fun and the rapidly hardening pink nubs capping each one, "You like a man who can overpower you, don't you, Nagiko?" I asked.

All through last night she loved it when I took charge and absolutely fucking lost it when I displayed any kind of bodily superiority over her. She loved the man she was laying with displaying strength by basically manhandling her and she loved it when a man took charge. Put those two things together and her being a massive submissive should be obvious.

Nagiko blushed and looked to the side, soft whimpers leaving her full lips whenever I strayed too close to her nipples, but she still gave a nod in reply. Without me prompting her any further, she even spoke up in answer as well.

"I've...well I've always been pretty tall. Ever since I was young I've been taller than most of my peers," she explained and I slowed my hand movements to a stop as I listened to her. "Always loved sports and been athletic too. Funny thing, put those two things together and you get...this," she motioned to her body with her chin, almost seeming ashamed of her body as she did so, "Most guys don't like it and those who do, well, they want me on top. That sort of sex really never did it for me. I guess somewhere along the line I just developed a kink around men who can keep up with me physically, prove superior even," her face turned back toward me with a flushing blush but her eyes looked onto mine and didn't look elsewhere, "You're practically the first guy I've met who fulfills all the boxes, Derek, so I don't care if this is just a fling for you but for me it'll be a fond memory for the rest of my life."

...Jesus, way to play on my heart strings, you dastardly hentai woman. And what's it with me that makes women raise romance flags? This is like the second time.

Then again, as hentai logic riddled as this rushed thing is, it does feel nice to be appreciated. Especially by a beauty like Nagiko.

Huffing in amusement, I leaned down and put my forehead against Nagiko's and kept looking her dead in the eye, "Every man who's ever turned his nose up at you wouldn't know a great thing if it jumped up and bit them on the ass," I joked and she gave an absentminded giggle, her eyes somewhat dazed before I put on a more serious expression, "You're a gorgeous woman, Nagiko. Never forget that or I might just have come and remind you," my serious expression broke as I teased her.

Her face split in a radiant smile which soon took on a more seductive quality, "Hmmm, I don't know, I'm pretty forgetful, you know?" she said in a low voice, "I'm already forgetting what you said and everything~" she said in a mock ditzy tone that dragged a genuine chuckle from my throat.

Lining myself up with her pussy, I slowly entered her. She might be up for a bit of fun in the sack but her body is no doubt sore/sensitive from last night. A classic case of 'the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak'. Still, I'd go gentle until she got a little warmed up. When I bottomed out, she let out a long and low moan of pure delight and I planted a kiss on her lips before pulling back, "Committed it to memory yet, Nagiko?" I teased.

"I don't knoooow!" she drawled out in a purr, bucking her hips up into mine, her eyes suddenly dark with desire, "I'll guess you'll have to keep going and carve it into my memo--OoooOOH!" her words were cut off as I pulled back and thrust it right back in, deep. Her lips pursed, they smacked open into an 'O' shape as I began rocking back and forth.

Her erect clit was crushed underneath my pelvic bone whenever I bottomed out, so I added a little grinding motion to my slow thrusts, killing two birds with one stone as I stimulated her clit and womb at the same time.

She loved it so much her lips began needily seeking out my own for some semblance of solace. I, as the understanding gentleman I am, obliged and met her lips with my own. These kisses were much like my current thrusts; languid and lingering. Her arms tried to struggle free from my grasp but it was a token resistance and mainly to play into her kink as my hand didn't budge a centimeter even as she tried to overpower it with both her arms.

This basically confirmed the inevitable and she lost control over her orgasm as it began wrecking through her body. It wasn't as intense as some of the ones I gave her last night but it was definitely much longer.

"F-fuck," she gasped, her pussy contracting around my cock nonstop, "My wo--Oooh," she cooed as an orgasmic aftershock had her stomach flexing rapidly, "My womb is going fffucking crazy right n-now!"

"Mhm," I hummed with a nod in response, "I think it wants to be stuffed full again, don't you?" I asked enticingly and her pussy instantly got tighter, her cervix practically glued to the tip of my member, "Do you want me to fill you to the brim, sweetheart?" I said this all while continuing to rock back and forth but keeping at least half my dick buried in her cunt as I did so, grinding away hard at her insides. Her answer came first as rapid nods, her body shivering in the telltale signs of another impending orgasm.

"Yesss!" she wantonly moaned out, throwing her head back but never breaking eye contact with me, "Cum inside me! Fill my--Oh god--fill my fucking womb up, Derek! Please!" she begged desperately, obviously so close to another, much bigger release.

Well, when she asks so nicely how am I supposed to refuse?

It didn't take me a few more deep thrusts before she began coming loose at the seams and I allowed my control over my own release to lessen. Seriously, hentai women have crazy pussies, man. That shit grips in such a perfect way.

Nagiko howled with release as my own flooded her insides, her legs locked around my waist as she bucked herself silly up against me as if to shove me even deeper into her. Heh. If I didn't know better, I'd think she had a breeding kink...I hope this is actually a safe day for her. I'm way too young to be a dad and I'd rather not see so soon if my future kids can inherit my new powers. Distracting myself from the dire thoughts, I locked lips with Nagiko and muffled her moans with a particularly deep kiss which she seemed more than thrilled to return with equal vigor.

When I was done unloading my...well, load into her and her legs hung limp at my sides, I gently rolled the both of us over again with her back on top of me. I held her as she shivered from the aftereffects of her orgasm, gentling suckling at her neck and trailing equally gentle lines up and down her spine.

She gave appreciative moans and purrs at my motions, rubbing the side of her face up against my hair, "You know," she gasped as I flicked my tongue across a sensitive patch of skin, "Y-you really shouldn't spoil a woman so much."

"Bah," I scoffed in refusal, "It's a man's duty to pamper a beautiful woman in situations like these. If I failed at this, I might as well just give up on living a respectable life. Either that or become a woman--do you want that?" I teasingly challenged her, biting down lightly on that same sensitive area of her neck I'd licked just moments before.

Nagiko gave a gruff laugh at that before pulling back so she could look me in the eyes once more, "Don't even joke about that, Derek," she chided me jokingly before a soft look appeared on her face and in her eyes, "A world without a man like you...Who'd remind me that I'm a gorgeous woman?"

Chuckling, I suddenly clapped both of her ass cheeks and she let out a mixed sound made of a yelp and a moan, "Some poor sod who'd probably see the pearly gates after you killed him with how insatiable you are," I teasingly answered before sitting the both of us up. Looking from her and to the clear blue skies outside and then back to her, I gave her a charming grin, "So, about breakfast...how do you like your eggs? Sunny side up or--" I flexed my still erect cock inside her and she jolted, "--scrambled?"

Panting and getting that look in her eye that I knew meant her engine was beginning to rev back up, Nagiko gave a breathy answer, "Scrambled. Definitely, uh--" she gulped and must've thought she was being sneaky when she began to manually flex her pussy muscles around my cock, "--scrambled."

Smirking at her with a knowing look, I felt like teasing the cute tomboy all of a sudden, "Well," I said before rotating so that my legs were off the bed and my feet were touching the floor, then stood up, "We better get washed up, right?"

Biting her lip between her almost impossibly white teeth to stop a throaty moan from really bursting forth, all Nagiko could do for an answer was give a nod as our current position forced her down on my cock properly deep and no doubt had her womb feeling rather crushed. And knowing Nagiko's preferences as I do after a night of raunchy sex, she was no doubt loving every second of it.

...Gravity, you may annoy me when you bring me down my my leaps but after this? You're alright in my books, ya big bitch.

Every step toward the bathroom had Nagiko mewling and clinging to me for dear life. Just like every position I'd tried last night, it felt amazing because why would it? This is a hentai world. Gotta accept that this is just how sex is gonna feel from now on. Oh, I know, woe is me and all that. I'm sure I'll survive. When we finally arrived in the bathroom, I began filling the tub and had to do it one handed because at some point, Nagiko had had a few too many light orgasms and her grip on me was getting a little loose and I'd rather not have her fall off me and get hurt.

After that, we showered off the sweat and grime from last night and bathed for a little while.

Ah, who am I kidding, we fucked a little more. A few more morning rounds was waaay better than coffee, let me tell you.

What a wonderful way to wake up~

- - - R18 Lemon Ends Here - - -

. . .

Setting the plate down for my breakfast companion, I turned back to the counter top and picked up my own and sat opposite her. Looking over at Nagiko, I couldn't help the amused grin that spread across my face when I saw the somewhat nervous energy with which she fidgeted with.

Fully clothed and not being fucked like a bitch in heat from behind, and now was the time she decided to start acting bashful? A tomboy literally shouldn't be this cute. It's almost a criminal offence. Almost. Deciding not to call her out on it, I picked up a fork before shoveling a mouthful of scrambled eggs into my waiting mouth, chasing it down with a few bites of toast and a gulp of orange juice.

Did I mention even the food here tasted better than my past life? Not by foodgasm-levels or anything (which I wouldn't say is out of the cards with the right chef, honestly) but definitely noticeable. I guess in the same way the skies are unnaturally clear at night with no light pollution in sight (heh), the animals that produce and are produced into food don't have as many contaminants as well leading to just all around better tasting food. Maybe genetic engineering has produced super-variants of livestock? Food for thought (heh, I'm really on a roll), I guess.

Just as I was about to send a piece of bacon to it's second demise inside my stomach, a thought struck me and knowing I had to settle Nagiko a little before her nervousness gave her an anxiety attack or something, I voiced it with a boyish grin, "We had a pretty long shower and bath last night and a second equally long one this morning. Damn, Nagiko, I dread to think about your water bill." I paused before bringing a free hand up to my chin, "Though I guess if we did this again at my place, that'd make it fair right?"

...I was partially successful. Nagiko stopped fidgeting and playing with her food, and instead just looked up at me with surprise in her eyes. How was I partially successful? Because instead of fidgeting she'd now gone as still as a fucking statue.

When I was about to start waving my hand in her face, she seemed to go through a reboot and blinked her eyes slowly before looking at me like I was some sort of mythical animal, "You...wanna do this again?"

Now it was my turn to be stumped. What the hell is there to be surprised about? The hell happened to her self esteem to have her be so sure I'd not want to do this with her again, or were the dozen or so loads I'd dropped in her not enough of an assurance? You keep this up, Nagiko, and I'll have to withdraw my earlier thought about you not having any baggage!

...Though I won't deny that seeing her like this, while sad, is kinda adorable. A gorgeous woman not really realizing how beautiful she was will always lead to them looking cute.

Cute and sexy? A terribly effective combination...even more so when used by a tomboy.

"Well duh," I ever so eloquently replied before pointing my fork at her lazily, "I said it before, Nagiko, I've never been with a woman and had it feel so great before. So of course I wanna keep this up...you know, unless you don't want to. In which case, I completely understand--" I was stopped by the amazonian suddenly standing up and waving her arms back and forth.

"No!" she quickly said, "I mean, yes--urgh!" she groaned, palming her face before collapsing back down on her seat. After a few second, she dropped her hands and looked bashfully over at me, "I, uh, haven't really done this much and the last time I got laid was years ago and...and I was a little caught off guard you wanted to keep this, whatever this is, going. Most of the guys before you just up and left after a night with me," she explained with a little shame to her voice before it disappeared as she shot me an adorable smile that paired oh so well with the faint blush spread across her cheeks, "I'd really like to keep seeing you, Derek."

Giving her a grin in return, I reached out with one of my long legs and ran my bare foot up against her calf, "Haven't done this much? You could've fooled me. You practically threw yourself at me last night in that alleyway," I teased and she flushed bright red before giving me a glare without any real heat behind it.

"I haven't!" she denied with a huff, "I'd just had a tiny bit to drink last night and after your display beating up those goons, well, who can blame me, huh!?" she said strongly before picking up a pierce of toast and biting into it viciously, "It's a woman's natural instinct to feel attracted to strong men!" she basically shouted for all to hear. I just chuckled and just ate some of my bacon with a shake of my head, causing her to take offense, "It is, Derek!" she continued making her argument.

I continued rubbing my foot up and down her calf in a calming gesture, "I ain't saying otherwise, sweetheart," I replied after swallowing some more of my breakfast. "Besides," I continued, my voice suddenly taking on a husky quality, "There's nothing more attractive to me than a woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to reach out and grab it with both hands. It seems I like a strong woman too," I mentioned lightly but with the heat of arousal heavy in my tone.

Under the heat in my gaze, Nagiko flushed for an entirely different reason and practically melted against her chair, "Oh," was all she could say before a goofy smile made it's way across her face.

Finishing up with my breakfast, I dapped at my mouth with a napkin to soak up all the grease on my lips, and looked over at Nagiko, "So, you got a phone number I could possibly have?" I asked with an amused voice.

Now, if I were a normal man, Nagiko would've been a blur to my eyes as she got up and raced back to her bedroom. As it was, however, I got a picture perfect look at her superb ass in those pajama shorts that were much too short and tight to really be comfortable. She's trying to seduce me, isn't she? That dastardly, sexy, adorable tomboy. Watching that firm bubble butt jiggle and move as she ran would have any straight man's blood pressure rising and more than a few gay men questioning their sexuality.

Thoughts on her ass and it's catastrophic effects on closeted lesbians and me aside, she quickly returned with her phone in hand. We exchanged numbers and Nagiko sat back down, smilingly eating what remained of her breakfast and humming a joyful little tune as she was nearly jigging on her chair. It did marvelous things to her tits, marvelous things I tell you! Anyway, needing to distract myself and picking the worst course of action to do so, I held up my phone, "Mind if I get a picture for your contact profile?"

"Eh?" Nagiko stopped before realizing what I'd asked, "You really want a picture as I am right now? I bet I look horrible--"

"You look stunning right now, Nagiko," I cut her off with a serious look which softened into a smile as I continued, "You look happy." Pausing for a moment, I motioned to her phone and then to myself, "You can take one of me if you want? Unless you think I look atrocious in the morning or something~?"

As usual, it seems, she got a tiny bit embarrassed by my teasing and twisting of her words, "N-no, I'm not saying now--Stop putting words in my mouth, Derek!" she pouted and crossed her arms underneath her prodigious chest. All the scene in front of me was missing was a 'Hmph' and her turning to look off somewhere else and I'd have the holy trinity of a cuteness...I will endeavor to make it a reality, just you watch!

As if remembering what we were talking about, Nagiko lost her embarrassed look and quickly tried to fix her appearance. Seriously, she didn't need to. The freshly fucked and just out of the shower look she was rocking, well, it was only my supernatural body control that stopped me from pitching a tent in my shorts.

When she was done, she blasted me with an energetic smile and a peace sign. Taking my phone, I snapped a picture before for whatever reason she decided to go back on the endearing pose.

Just as my phone let out a sound of a camera shutter, Nagiko had her phone held up and was clearly waiting for me to strike my own pose. Haah~ Who knew such a slutty adult woman could act so childishly? Showing my amusement with a lazy grin and propping my elbow on the table to lean my cheek against the palm of my hand. She seemed somewhat let down and I rolled my eyes in response, throwing up a peace sign of my own. That got a charming little smile out of her and she tapped at her phone a few more times than necessary.

"Got enough photos to remember me by? I know they say pictures last longer than stares but I think they usually just mean the one picture, Nagiko..." I intoned with mirth very clear in my eyes, ribbing her over the near double digit taps she'd done while taking the photo.

"I'm just getting the best one, alright?!" she snapped back and all I did was laugh as I stood up and took my plate to the sink, washing it up before putting it on the drying rack. Looking down at my phone, I saw it was creeping up to noon and while it was a Saturday, I did wanna spend some time during some research on the internet while I waited for it to reach night time and allowed me to go out and do more testing around my new abilities.

Turning to Nagiko who was sulkily eating her breakfast after I pulled her leg a little, I coughed lightly to get her attention and when I had her brown eyes looking at me I decided to say my piece, "It's nearly noon, Nagiko, so I should probably get out of your hair. I've got--" I paused for a fraction of a second before deciding a small lie now wouldn't hurt too much later, "--work, later today. So I need to head back and prepare for it."

...I'll be 'work'ing out. That counts, right? Right?

"O-oh," was all she started with, deflating somewhat before she propped herself up with curiosity instead, "Work? You never mentioned what you did for a living," she hummed.

Welp. More lies it is then. This is gonna make her finding out I'm a student even worse, isn't it? Fuck me and my big, stupid mouth. "Security," I replied seeing as if I made it too elaborate, any questions she'd have would either have to be brusquely brushed off or I'd show just how little I knew about the subject, "I work the night shifts in a Junkyard on the outskirts of the city. Not much but it is what it is." I'm not sure how I feel about my ability to lie so easily. Relieved? Kinda annoyed at myself? Both? Both, yeah, it's both.

Nagiko looked me up and down with a hand holding her chin and the other arm crossed over her stomach and supporting the chin-holding arm's elbow, no doubt focusing on my musculature with her borderline lewd gaze, before she nodded, "You'd certainly do great in security work and it makes sense why you could handle those chumps last night...besides," her voice got a little breathy with desire, "It's a manly job for a manly man." When her eyes dipped back down to my body this time, there was nothing borderline about the lewdness I saw in those chocolate brown eyes.

Stepping to her, I bent down and held her chin before planting a lingering kiss on her lips. When I pulled back, her bottom lip held loosely between my teeth before it came free once I'd pulled back enough, I spoke to her, "Are you free tomorrow, Nagiko?"

"Yes!" she automatically responded before coughing and averting her gaze a little, "Y-yeah, I'm free. Why?" she asked but I could already see the hope in her eyes.

"Wanna meet up for some coffee? Maybe a bite to eat as well? My treat," I said and Nagiko looked pretty damn close to jumping me and dragging me into a few more rounds of raunchy sex. But alas, even with her absurd libido, those last few rounds in the bathtub had probably rubbed her insides raw and she obviously knew better than to push her luck with another round. Instead she just wrapped her arms around my neck and drew me in for another kiss.

Behind the curtain of raw desire and need I felt in it, this one felt almost...thankful, in a way. What the hell is wrong with the men in this world? A woman like Nagiko back on normal Earth would've been beating men off with a stick. Goddamn hentai logic...Oh well. Not gonna complain too much as their stupidity is my opportunity, after all.

When she pulled back and opened her eyes, it was no doubt to my stupid-looking grin, "So, I take it that that's a yes?" I asked, full well knowing it was in fact a yes.

Nagiko rolled her eyes at me and playfully pushed me away, "Of course it is. God, are you always this much of a handful?" she complained but from the smile she had on her face, she didn't mind it one bit.

"Only around beautiful women I'm comfortable with," I shot back at her before standing up to my full height and stretching out a little. Cracking my neck, I continued, "Well, I should be off, so I'll message you later about the details for tomorrow, alright?" She gave me a happy nod in reply and I chuckled, bending over to kiss her again - I mean, her lips were just so kissable, what else am I supposed to do? I'm only (half) human, you know?!

Nagiko got up and escorted me to the door, throwing herself at me for another deep kiss before opening the door and saying goodbye to me.

With a little pep in my step, I walked my way back home. I'd do my best to make sure Nagiko wouldn't be able to stay too angry at me after she found out I'm a student at her place of work. Best ways to do that? A great date and even better sex after it. It's a fool-proof plan by hentai standards, if we're being honest here.

Either way, seeing as it was day I had to take the long way back home. No super-speed or running across rooftops for me.

Still, after last night and this morning, I didn't mind it all too much.

A_Pretty_Calm_Guts A_Pretty_Calm_Guts

Right, I'm 50/50 on getting rid of the multiversal chat group aspect of the story. Instead, I'd just add a few anime to the MC's current world. You know, Highschool DxD and other such anime like it. I feel like it'd make the writing process a little easier for me without having me come up with missions for the MC to do or whatever. But, like I said, I'm pretty on the fence about it. I've got a pretty decent way of having it happen but who knows. I'll have to see how I feel after a few more chapters.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter!

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


