I thought routine was the hardest part in life. You know, the usual stuffs any adult does. Wake up, bath, eat, go to work, come back home, eat, repeat. Maybe buy some groceries on weekends or went to church with your family. I thought I was bored at doing that on a daily basis. But when you finally have a job, a routine is a must. Now that I look back at it though, my routine wasn't really that bad, unlike now. It's time to go home after a heavy work loads. I went to my motorcycle doing my usual routine. But this time, I changed route. The road here is a bit rocky but you can barely see any other vehicle so I got to go full speed. I didn't notice the steep in the road right away and ended up forgetting to brake. My motorcycle went straight to the bridge's fences making me tumble around the slope. The police came, pronouncing ne dead. Wait dead? But I'm here! I went to one of them trying to know if they can see me but it seems like they couldn't. I tried to go home but it seems like I don't know the way home. There was a sudden darkness. I woke up, it was night time. Time to go home after a heavy work loads. I went to my motorcycle doing my usual routine. But this time, I changed route.