The trio hastily left the command tower, returning to the rooftop of the neighboring high-rise building.
"Brother Li, how is it going?"
Wu Bo eagerly approached and asked the approaching Li Fubai.
"Why ask so many questions? Just follow me!"
Li Fubai climbed straight onto his Iron Head mecha.
Lin Chuyu and Sun Yue also swiftly clambered into their mechs and soon restarted them.
At that moment, Lin Chuyu suddenly noticed in the distance two Iron Heads appearing in their field of view, one of which was equipped with a DS-01 electromagnetic mechanical gun and looked a lot like Su Ming.
What was worse, from her high vantage point, Chuyu saw a large number of Iron Knights forming a circle around Su Ming and Chen Tong, closing in on them.
"Chuyu, what's wrong, we need to go."
Li Fubai, seeing Chuyu had activated her mecha but kept looking into the distance, immediately asked.