33.33% Shadow Slave: Defiance / Chapter 2: Washed

章 2: Washed

"What the fuck is happening!?" Lemon screamed ruffling his own hair as the ship rocked and the water pelted him.


"Wake up Sailor, don't lose your mind to the madness just yet I need you, go help the rest unless you want to die!" The Captain had smacked Lemon to his senses, but couldn't really alleviate his anxiety as Lemon could strangely feel the fear from the Captain. "Stop standing there Sailor move!" the Captain barked orders that Lemon decided I should follow since he of course didn't want to die just yet.

Running down the stairs of the Medieval cargo ship Lemon entered the storage room where Sailors were running around in a panic, crudely boarding up any holes.

'Fuck fuck fuck how the hell do I help here!? I don't know how to fix a sinking ship in a storm!' Lemon grabbed his hair in frustration, ruffling it and pacing back and forth for solutions. 'Runes! Those things Krystal had talked about.'

Lemon summoned his Runes and immediately looked for his attributes, the passive skills you gain once you've entered your first Nightmare, and then his Aspect, the 'topic' his attributes were based off.

[Name: Lucius Kallen

True Name: -

Rank: Aspirant

Soul Core: Dormant

Memories: -

Echoes: -

Attributes: [Wisdom Scholar], [Mark of Divinity], [Empath]

Aspect: [Heart Priest]

Aspect Description: [The one who preaches the teachings of the Heart and Desire however doesn't indulge himself]

'Is this good?'

The chaotic background had disappeared from Lemon's senses temporarily as he fully indulged in his Runes.

[Attribute: Wisdom Scholar]

[Description: All knowledge will be shown to you all you have to do is seek and retain it]

'That's promising.'

[Attribute: Spark of Divinity]

[Description: Every fire starts from a spark. Somewhere deep within your soul, a radiant spark shines with divine light]

'I have no idea what that is, can I shoot divine sparks? No attributes are passives so that's not it.'


[Attribute Description: You understand others as well as yourself allowing for a better reign over yourself]

'That's most likely what had happened before when I understood the Captain's fear.' Lemon's eyebrows settled noticeably before he started frowning again. 'I've already wasted too much time already for nothing, emotions won't do shit for me! I need to just help however I can!'

"Captain I see land!" Outside on the ship's lookout deck a Sailor had spotted land.

"Good, just hold on Sailors!" The captain gave hope to his crew as well as Lemon who decided to move faster.

'I just need to hold on, I don't need to fix it permanently just got to get this ship there!' Running over to one of the problems Lemon held onto the board that people were pressing onto the hole trying to keep the water from pouring inside.

However seven men trying to fight the night of the seas wasn't doing much as they were constantly pushed back, only allowing for more and more water to enter, at some point Lemon had enough.

'Fuck! This isn't gonna work! Why'd the Spell give me a quest like this I know nothing about boats and the ocean!' Lemon was completely panicking, although he had went to those survival classes it never told him how to transverse a storm in a sinking ship.

'Maybe there's something I can do up top.' He accepted the fact that the ship was a lost cause and decided that being down there was only a waste, he had to figure out a different way for the ship to make it to land.

Running up the stairs Lemon made it outside before immediately being forced to squint from the terrible winds and pouring rain.

'Shit it's horrible up here.' Lemon could barely get a good footing, the floor was slippery and it never stayed still for more than a second, at this point he might as well just be skating.

"Captain the-!" Lemon was tried to announce the situation downstairs to the Captain when everyone's attention who was on the deck was stolen, including Lemon.

'A tentacle?'

Out of the raging waves a giant tentacle that had the width of the ship pierced into the sky.

"The hell is that?!" The Sailor up in the Crow's Nest exclaimed.

'What kind of Nightmare is this? Didn't Krystal say that the Spell gave trials not executions!?' Lemon resigned to his fate there was quite literally nothing he could do except hope that he had a chance to survive.

Lemon was in a sinking ship in the middle of the worst storm he's ever scene, not like he's seen many, and now there's a giant monster under them who's tentacle is bigger than the ship itself! He can't even swim to escape this storm even if he wanted.

However it seems luck was sort of on his side because it seemed that the monster was only stretching it's tentacles as when it's tentacle came down it only smashed into the ocean behind them not the ship. Although that's where the sort of in this luck equation comes into play as the consequence of the tentacle was a giant wave that overtook the ship and brought it underwater…

''I hate this shit…' Lemon's thoughts drifted as his body flew around the ship, desperately he grabbed onto something and tied himself onto it. This ship was his only lifeline even if it was sinking there was always that little chance so he held onto the ship like his life depended on it, which it did, swimming was nowhere near an option.




Cough! Cough!

Lemon coughed out the sea water stuck in his throat onto the hot sand under him.

'I'm alive!?' Lemon continued coughing violently, constantly spitting out sea water and sand his mouth as dry as a desert. Flipping onto his back he saw the ship above him, it was still in piece, enough to be fixed if you knew what you were doing. 'Seems I fell off.' Lemon looked down at his broken shirt which he had used to tie himself to the ship.

"I'm alive bitch!" I got up and pumped my fist to the blue sky before pulling it back down quickly. "Shit that hurts like a motherfucker!" Lemon winced, his arm has been dislocated and the head injury he had from before had worsened.

'Wait, blue sky? It was night before during the storm, how long have I been out?'

Lemon took the remains of his shirt and wrapped it around his head trying to ears his dizziness at least partially before slowly getting up through the pain.

Looking around himself at his surroundings he saw a beach, rubble, blood and corpses.


Lemon immediately hunched over and threw up, sights like this wasn't his usual thing, and it was too much for his already weakened stomach.

Wiping the substances from his mouth, Lemon slowly recovered, his attribute slowly bringing him back involuntarily.

Looking around again he focused on the damage on the ship.

It was overturned, the mast was snapped and had fallen like a tree, the sails were torn and ripped, and there were giant holes in the ship, but other than that it was pretty fine, fixable like previously said, if you knew what you were doing and had the materials.

'Is the goal of this Nightmare to fix that boat and escape this island?'

Cough! Cough!

The sound of someone coughing caught the attention of Lemon as he quickly ran over to help.

"Hey you okay!?" Lemon called out and was met with no answer.

Throwing rubble out of the way Lemon found one of the Sailors.

He was a young guy, about 24, his soaked black hair covered his face so his face couldn't be see yet, but from his body he seemed pretty fit.

"Hey, you survived to?" Lemon asked a rhetorical question as he helped him up.

"Yeah." The man took his hand and got to his feet, coughing slightly. "That was terrifying Mate." The man pushed his hair back to reveal his handsome face, deep blue eyes and a mole under his left eye.

'Too much blue.' Lemon reeled back slightly, he felt as if his soul was being peered into with those eyes.

"Help me out, we gotta find anyone else that survived." He didn't want to be alone in this place especially since he was nowhere close to superhuman yet, and since the Nightmare hasn't ended means there's a monster on the island with them. 'I doubt my chances at surviving this with just the two of us.'

10 minutes later they had gathered 15 people out of the 50 they had on the ship, better than what was seen initially, at first it was like a graveyard. However the number of people they had also brought problems, they didn't have enough food or water, most of it was washed away and most of the stuff left wasn't water proof, all they had left on the boat was a few weapons, the Oil they were transporting, and necessities to last about a day. Scavenging was needed and materials for the boat was needed as well.

Nevertheless it wasn't possible, no one was in condition to go, maybe Jason the man that Lemon had saved first, but everyone else was either injured to where they needed some rest, or injured to the point they needed a doctor.

So exploration was delayed until the next the next day, and instead they scavenged a bit of wood, and whatever supplies that was still on the ship.

"Shit I'm tired." Lemon laid down ceiling of the Captain's office which was now technically the floor since the ship was upside down. 'The Captain's dead isn't he? He was never recovered at the beach so he's probably lost at sea, didn't even die with his ship, pitiful.'

"As well as me Mate." Jason agreed and sat down next to him.

"Save it for someone who cares, you're unscathed." Lemon clicked his tongue.

"Nuh uh, see." Jason pointed to his arm which had a scratch.

"Fuck you." Lemon tried to seem angry but it could be seen that he was holding back a laugh.

"I see all Mate." Jason ate his sandwich with a smile. Jason and Lemon plus 6 others were given some food so that they could recover faster as they were the ones with the least crisis worthy conditions.

"Oi, who could you boys take this spot and not share?" A woman with a strong accent barged into the room.

Lemon quickly locked onto her and analyzed her with the help of [Empath] and [Wisdom Scholar] which gave him enhanced comprehension and photographic memory.

The woman had wavy auburn red hair and green eyes, her height fro what Lemon could think of on just looks was 5'9 to 5'10, she wore red earrings that were obviously only supposed to look like rubies not be them. Her clothes were the usual medieval pirate uniform and boots nothing special in that regard.

'A tomboy who dresses like a man but still cares about her feminine appearance.' Is what Lemon gathered together based on his observations. 'She seems excited, she wants to play around I guess but not sexually from a lack of lust, she usually hangs around guys I guess.'

"Oh, Diana what are you barging in here for? We were just relaxing." Jason scolded lightly, but continue to keep his easygoing and light smile.

"The you wouldn't mind me relaxing with you all." Diana rolled in and laid down.

Behind her came another guy that was scammed as well by Lemon.

"This is not a slumber party David." Jason finally frowned, his emotions giving off slight annoyance at the fact that he knew more would come behind this new guy.

David was an average looking type of dude, messy short brown hair, brown eyes, fit but not much, 5'8 height and an aura that gave off inferiority complex.

His emotions gave that off as well as Lemon sensed his reproach and caution towards himself and Jason, while he shot many peaks at Diana, everytime his emotions peaked with affection.

'A one sided crush.' Lemon concluded.

Then just like Jason feared more people came in, and at the end it was 8 all of them included, and they all just so happened to be the ones that would be exploring.

Yone; A rash, but also intelligent man, he was quite fit and has black hair with brown eyes and 6'2 thought to be 28.

Macht; A quiet and reserved man who's skilled with the sword from what he has told, he looks 17 and has black hair as well with dark brown eyes, 5'10.

Tony; There's nothing crazy about Tony, he doesn't do much he's mostly just there, he's not even quiet just there, a different type of quiet. Tony as well has a normal appearance, but Lemon failed to really notice him enough to scan him and throughly see.

Art; The man known as Art, no one knows his real name, but they call him Art because of his perverted love for it, however it seems the wrong people get good things as Art is a handsome man with blonde hair and green eyes.

Ted; The grandpa of the group, he doesn't interact as much but he loves to give stories and listen, plus he's oldest of them all, being 48 and all. Grandpa Ted as they like to call him as grey hair and a grey beard.

'I see why I've been given these two attributes now, they're amazing and I feel I'll have a use for this information later.' Lemon thought as he interacted in the ice breaker everyone was playing.

For now they'd just be hanging around.






next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


