/ Urban / Shadow Archipelago
The story follows Darius "Ryo" Santillan, a young Filipino with the unique ability to mimic any skill, ability, or trait of hunters and monsters he observes. In addition to this rare talent, Ryo possesses a secret bloodline trait tied to shadows, granting him the ability to manipulate darkness in powerful and mysterious ways. Unbeknownst to him, his family's legacy is deeply entwined with an ancient shadow organization known as the Obsidian Order, which aims to dominate the world from behind the scenes. As Ryo embarks on a quest to uncover the truth about his family's past, he finds himself caught between rival factions, monstrous adversaries, and his own inner demons. Along the way, he encounters allies and foes, some of whom hide deadly secrets of their own.
レビューを書く作者 AzadeDragon