46.66% Scar | Teen Wolf / Chapter 21: Venomous

章 21: Venomous

Scarlett sits in Coach's class beside Lydia in the back of the room. In front of them is Jackson, Scott, and Stiles, who all seem to be having a heated discussion. "Listen up," Coach says as he walks in, "Quick warning before we begin our review. Some of you - like McCall - might want to form study groups since tomorrow's midterm is so profoundly difficult I'm not even sure I could pass it. All right, I need a volunteer at the board to answer the first question."
Scarlett pays little attention to the midterm review but rather squints her eyes trying to read the boys lips. The only thing she can make out is Stiles saying Lydia's name. "Jackson, you have something you want to share with the class?" Coach asks seeing the boy's conversation.
"Just an undying admiration for my Coach." Scarlett rolls her eyes at Jackson's statement.
"That's very kind of you. Now shut the hell up."
Lydia is now at the front of the room, writing the answer to the question. Or at least, that's what she should be doing. Instead of writing an answer she has unknowingly written 'EMPLEHENOEMOS' over and over again.
Coach starts calling her name, "Lydia?" He pauses when he finally gets her attention, "Okay then. Anyone else want to try answering? In English?"
The class starts laughing at Coach's comment. All Lydia can do is stare wide eyed at the class with tears in her eyes. Scarlett quickly stands up grabbing both Lydia and her bags and gently pulls her out of the room.
Scarlett leads her best friend into the closest bathroom and places their bags on the sink. She then checks under the stalls looking for feet. She notices that someone is in the last stall and quickly knocks on the door. "Someone's in here." The girl answers.
"I know. Hurry the hell up and get out." Scarlett replies.
Not even a minute later the girl steps out of the stall and glares at Scarlett. "Who do you think you are? I'll take however long that I want." She slowly walks to the sink to wash her hands.
Lydia is biting her lip, refusing to cry until it's just the two best friends. "You're going to wash your hands and leave quickly before I throw you out myself." Scarlett snaps.
The girl scoffs, "You wouldn't dare."
Scar takes a step closer, her eyes narrowing into a cold glare, "Do you really want to take that chance?" The girl looks at her then turns on her heel, moving out the door. Scarlett locks the door behind the girl then turns towards Lydia, "Okay, it's just us. You can cry or talk to me freely now."
On cue Lydia starts sobbing. She falls into Scarlett, wrapping her arms tightly around her waist. Scarlett quickly returns the embrace and gently runs her fingers through Lydia's hair, knowing it calms her down.
"Everything is going to be alright Lyds. I got you. I won't let you go. I promise." Scarlett whispers to her, placing a kiss on her head. Once the strawberry blonde starts to quiet down Scarlett whispers to her once more, "You know you can tell me if something is wrong? Even if it sounds crazy, I'll never judge you."
Lydia finally backs slightly away from Scar to look her in the eye, "I know. I just - I don't know what's going on." Scarlett nods in understanding and gently runs her thumbs under Lydia's eyes to wipe away any remaining tears. Lydia bites her lip, pulling Scarlett into another hug, "I love you so much Scar."
"I love you too Lyds."
Scarlett calmly sits down near Lydia in chemistry, not fully paying any mind to those around her. As more students pile into the class, Scott and Stiles grab chairs to sit on either side of the two girls. The girls both throw the boys curious glances wondering why they rushed over to them and sat down despite the desk being for two people.
Scarlett leans over to whisper to Scott, who was sitting closer to her, "What's going on?"
"Isaac and Erica are going to try and test the Kanima venom on Lydia." He replies.
Scarlett's eyes immediately harden into a glare as she subtly looks over her shoulder, eyeing the two werewolves. Erica was too focused on watching Lydia, but Isaac catches her eye and winks at her like he wasn't planning on harming her best friend.
Scarlett scrunches her face up looking at Isaac, slightly shocked by his new found confidence. She never really noticed him much before since he was always so quiet, but she figured turning into a werewolf has a weird way of changing you.
Scar finally turns back to the front of the room as Harris starts speaking, "Einstein once said 'Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; And I'm not sure about the universe.' I myself have encountered infinite stupidity."
Harris pauses as he looks right at Stiles. "So to combat the plague of ignorance in my class, you're going to combine efforts through a round of group experiments. Let's see if two heads are better than one. Or in Mr. Stilinski's case, less than one. Erica, take the first station. You'll start with -"
Before he can finish his sentence every male hand minus Isaac, Scott, and Stiles, shoots up. "I didn't ask for volunteers. Put your hormonal little hands down." The hands all reluctantly drift down. "Start with Mr. McCall."
"All right. Next two, Scarlett you take the second table-"
"With Lydia?" Scar asks hopefully, an innocent smile on her face.
"No. You two will do well away from each other for once."
"I beg to differ, we work exceptionally well together." Lydia turns to the brunette, an amused smile on her lips.
"Miss McCall take the second station and Isaac you can join her." Harris replies, leaving no room for argument. Scarlett grumbles under her breath, but moves her things to the second table, Isaac joining her not even a minute later. Finally, all the pairs are together and the sound of glass vials clinking can be heard throughout the room.
"Scott caught me up with what you're planning. Derek's wrong. It's not Lydia." 
"Yeah? How would you know that?" Isaac smirks.
"She's my best friend. I know." Scarlett pauses, reading over the directions for the experiment. She can feel Isaac's eyes on her, "If you do anything to her, I swear to God you'll be sorry."
She finally looks back up to meet Isaac's eye, "You know I'm a werewolf. You're not very intimidating to me."
Scarlett leans closer to him, "I don't need to be supernatural to be persuasive or intimidating. It will do you well to remember that."
The stupid smirk doesn't leave his face, "You're really hot when you're angry."
Scarlett scoffs, opening her mouth to reply but before she gets the chance, Harris announces that it's time to rotate partners. Isaac stands up, almost lazily, winking one more time at Scarlett before making his way to Stiles.
This time Scar was partnered with Allison, "How's Lydia?" Scarlett asks.
"Clueless about what's going on." Allison answers.
Scarlett nods, "Isaac didn't tell me anything. But if it is Lydia, though I highly doubt it, they plan on killing her."
"We won't let that happen." Allison reassures.
"I know."
"Switch," Harris calls from the front of the room.
Allison stands up, making her way towards Erica, Scarlett bites her lip watching Isaac sit beside Lydia. "What's wrong?" Scar quickly looks to her right, forgetting that she still needs to complete the experiment.
She instinctively rolls her eyes at the sound of his voice, "Nothings wrong, Nate."
"Please, we may not have talked in weeks but I know you. And I know that look. You're worried about something." Nate says.
"Yeah well it's none of your business. You lost your privilege to be concerned about me when you decided to cheat."
Scarlett cuts him off, turning to look him right in the eye, "Scarlett. Only my friends can call me Scar."
Before he has the chance to reply Harris addresses the class, "Time. If you catalyzed the reaction correctly you should now be looking at a crystal." Scarlett gently pulls the crystal out from the vial and slowly turns it. "Now, this part of the experiment I'm sure you'll all enjoy. You can eat it."
"You can have it," Scar mumbles as she hands Nate the crystal. She turns her attention instead to Isaac and Lydia just a few seats away.
Lydia holds the crystal between her fingers. Just as she's bringing it to her mouth Scott stands up, knocking his chair to the floor, "Lydia..."
He was too late though, Lydia turns to Scott, "What?"
Scarlett gulps, the venom didn't affect her. But there has to be another reason. Scarlett knows for a fact Lydia is not the Kanima. She can't be.
Stiles, Allison, Scott, and Scarlett quietly slip into Coach's dimly lit office. Scott locks the door then turns to the three standing in front of him. "Derek's outside. Waiting for her."
"You mean waiting to kill her?" Allison questions, glancing at Scar.
"If he thinks she's the Kanima? Then yeah. Especially after what happened in the pool."
"It's not her." Stiles and Scarlett say at the same time.
"She didn't pass the test. Nothing happened." Scott replies.
"It can't be her." Stiles says.
"It's not. She's my best friend, there is no way it's her. I wouldn't be surprised if she's something because of the bite, but she's not the Kanima. She's probably just immune to the venom." Scarlett argues.
"It doesn't matter. Derek thinks it's her. So either we convince him he's wrong or we figure out how to protect her." Allison says, stopping any arguing.
"I don't think he'd do anything here. Not during school." Scott says.
"What about after school?" Scott just nods so Allison continues, "What if we can prove Derek's wrong?"
"By three o'clock?" Stiles asks.
"There could be something in the Bestiary."
"You mean the nine hundred page book written in Archaic Latin that none of us can read? Good luck with that."
"Lydia can read it." All three heads turn to look at Scarlett in shock. "That's how I recognized that it was Archaic Latin. We just have to tell her that it's some weird new hobby. I just hate lying to her."
"I think I know someone else who might be able to read it, so we don't have to bring Lydia into it unless absolutely necessary." Allison states.
Scott nods then speaks once more, "I could talk to Derek. Maybe convince him to give us a chance to prove it's not her." The three other teenagers share a look but reluctantly nod, "All right. But if anything happens you guys let me handle it."
"What does that mean?"
"It means you can't heal like I do. I don't want you getting hurt."
Allison puts her bag on Coach's desk and pulls out a crossbow, "I can protect myself." She puts it down but Scott still doesn't look convinced, "What? Did something else happen?"
"I just don't want anyone getting hurt. If something goes wrong, you call me, okay? I don't care if your dad finds out. Call, text, yell, scream, whatever. I'll hear you and I'll find you. As fast as I can."
Allison nods. Scott continues, "We've got until three."
He turns for the door, but pauses when he hears a snapping sound. He spins back, hand whipping in the air just in time to catch the crossbow dart from landing right in the middle of his face. Stiles lowers the crossbow with a guilty smile, "Sensitive trigger on this thing-"
As school ends, Stiles, Allison, Jackson, and Scarlett rush Lydia down the nearly empty corridors. "If we're doing a study group, why didn't we just stay in the library?" Lydia asks.
"Because we're meeting up with someone else." Stiles says, constantly looking over his shoulder, clearly worried about any of the newly formed werewolves following them.
"Why didn't they just meet us in the library?"
"That would've been a great idea. Too late."
"Okay, hold on-" Lydia tries to stop but Jackson grabs her arm.
"Lydia, shut up and walk." Scar glares at the back of his head, hating how he treats her. About a minute later they were finally in Stiles' jeep. Scarlett was sitting shotgun while Jackson, Allison and a confused Lydia were in the back seat.
Finally pulling up to the McCall's house, Scarlett rushes out to open the door and usher everyone inside as quickly as possible. Once everyone is inside Stiles slams the door shut and locks it. He then proceeds to flip the dead bolt.
Scarlett goes to the back door to make sure that's locked, missing the conversation between the four still by the front entrance. She makes it back just in time to see Jackson and Lydia walking up the stairs.
A minute passes before they see Derek and his pack standing in the street, watching the house. Scarlett now has a metal baseball bat gripped tightly in her right hand as she peers out the window, keeping an eye on the Alpha and his Beta's. Allison calls Scott to update him and get him to the house as soon as possible.
As the sun almost sets, Allison starts pulling out her phone. "What are you doing?" Stiles questions her.
"I think... I think I have to call my dad."
"They'll probably kill her too." Scarlett snaps. Allison looks at Scar wide eyed but before she can reply Scar continues, "Whoever the Kanima is, has killed people. You're dad - Gerard - will not allow them to live. You can't call them. Scott will be here."
Stiles looks down at the crossbow in Allison's hand. "I got an idea. Just shoot one of them."
"Are you serious?" Allison looks shocked.
"We told Scott we could protect ourselves. So let's do it. Or at least give it a shot, right?" Allison nods, a bit hesitant. "They don't think we're going to fight. If one of them gets hit, I guarantee they'll back off. So shoot one of them." Stiles finishes.
"Which one?"
"Derek. Shoot him. Preferably in the head."
Scarlett turns to look at Stiles with her best are you dumb look. "If Scott was able to catch an arrow, Derek definitely can. And I seriously don't understand why you want him dead so bad."
Stiles sighs, "Fine. Shoot one of the other three."
Allison looks out the window, "You mean two."
Scarlett's eyebrows shoot up as Stiles says, "I mean three."
Stiles and Scarlett turn to look out the window again, "Where the hell is Isaac?" Scarlett asks. Just as the words leave her mouth Isaac grabs Stiles, lifting him off his feet and tossing him across the room.
Scarlett instinctively raises the bat up getting ready to swing, but Allison beats her to it raising the crossbow. Isaac is too fast thought, he knocks the weapon to the side, making the arrow hit the ceiling. He then throws Allison across the room. Before he gets the chance to turn back around fully, Scarlett uses all her strength to hit him hard with the metal bat. Unfortunately it has little effect on him.
Scar raises the bat once more but begins to speak, "If you leave Lydia alone I'll make out with you."
He tilts his head and allows a sly grin to appear on his face, "That's tempting, but Derek gave me orders."
"What are you his lap dog?"
Before he can reply Stiles and Allison are back up and attacking. Scarlett hears Lydia call from upstairs, "Scar? Allison? Stiles? What's happening?"
Allison runs to the base of the stairs to answer, "Get back! Someone's trying to break in. Go!" Not even a minute later, Allison runs upstairs to try and protect Lydia. Scarlett can just make out her voice yelling, "It's here... Stiles, Scar, It's here!"
That's the last thing Scarlett hears before she catches a glimpse of Erica heading up the stairs and shortly after Scott entering the house. There is a powerful roar, Scarlett opens the front door. Scott tosses Erica and Isaac out towards Derek and Boyd. Scott steps out onto the front porch. closely followed by Stiles, Allison, and Scarlett.
"I think I'm finally getting why you keep refusing me, Scott. You're not an Omega. You're already an Alpha. Of your own pack." Allison, Stiles, and Scar share a look. "But you know you can't beat me."
"I can hold you off until the police get here." Derek cocks his head, listening to the distant sirens. He must hear something else, something that Scott picks up on too. They're eyes move up, the rest of them following their lead.
On top of the roof, the Kanima looks down at the group, it's lips peeling back to reveal rows of sharp teeth. It opens its jaw and unleashes an inhuman shriek, causing Scarlett's hands to block her ears.
Derek turns to Boyd, "Get them out of here."
Lydia then steps out of the front door, "Would someone please tell me... what, the hell, is going on?"
The majority of the group looks surprised that Lydia is still, well Lydia. Not Scarlett though, her lips tug into a smug smile, all she can think is 'I knew she wasn't the Kanima.'
After this thought passes through Scarlett's head, she can hear Scott whisper under his breath, "Jackson." 

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C21
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


