15.78% Sauron in game of thrones / Chapter 3: back to middle earth

章 3: back to middle earth

"Well let's see what is on the other side "

Stepping trough the portal Sauron felt great a change in air again.

Sniiif "haaaa... The smell of Mordor."

Sauron Stepped fully out of the portal, that afterwards flew back into his chest.

"I see that father has not fully cut me of from my homeland."

Sauron who has fully inhabited his newly formed body, making him able to impart his magic and energy in the things around him.

He starts with connecting to Arda.

Something he was unable to do before in planetos, because he had not saturated his body and because he had no part in creating that world.

Looking out over Mordor, Sauron started to slowly walk foreward.

Amidst his crumbled tower.

This was his seat of power his grab on the world of Arda.

Now nothing but volcanic rubble.

His bare feet crushing the volcanic stone beneath him.

He felt a sense of peace something he lost for a long time.

"From the ashes of the old something new rises."

"I have returned Mordor."

"But my place is not among the beings of middle earth anymore."

Sauron could feel it the fourth coupled had started, the fourth age.

The age of man, the age of mortals.

Immortal being were not welcome here anymore.

The elves had left for Aman to the city of Vallinor.

He could now feel the rithm of the song.

The Balrogs left in middle earth have gone into slumbler.

The balrogs sleeping deep in the earth's crust will slumber, until the time of the last battle would be upon them.

Most immortal beings left middle earth.

The elves left for the west leaving but a small number to survive on middle earth.

The blue wizards keep on traveling in the east and radagast remains among the plants and animals.

Saruman only remains as spirit.

And Olorin has left for the land of the gods.

Sauron was silent for a moment just thinking and feeling his surroundings.

He had lost his hate, the hate he held for the free folk of middle earth.

The hate he felt for his master for holding him chained, and the hate against the Valar that plotted against him.

He would still have his revenge against the Valar, but not because he hated them.

No because it was his obligation, because they were a threat to what he was going to build.

The hate was taken from him by Ero lluvatar when Sauron got a second change.

Sauron sat down just taking everything in.

He would not change his vices but he would build something new in a new world.

He would use middle earth, explore it sometimes, but his ambitions lay elsewhere.

He now knew there was more beyond Arda and he would not let himself be hold down to such a small place.

Looking down, Sauron saw that he was cloth by the wind and his shame shielded by sunlight.

"I should forge a armour for myself."

Feeling Arda for what he required, Sauron unfolded his wings to travel.

Taking off Sauron flew over Mordor now lacking the feeling of great dread it used to expel.

Flying north west to the bellows of Moria.

7 days went by while Sauron flew above the clouds.

There were suprisingly little interruptions.

Apparently manwë's eyes didn't recognise him as a enemy anymore.

His eagle's never interrupted his flight.

If they didn't see him, or could feel his new aspirations and didn't recognise him as a threat anymore, he did not know.

But the fact remains that his flight was unhindered.

Sauron flew until he reached the gate of Moria.

There he landed at the broken gate.

Looking at the entrance of the once great Dwarven kingdom Sauron was impressed.

While he may have hated the free folk for possessing what he didn't.

He never let himself be blinded by pride or arrogance.

The mortal races were capable of great wonder, especially because their lives were so short.

So anything they wanted to build, or any legacy they wanted to leave behind.

Had to be done with great passion and great perseverance.

Otherwise it would never be finished within their lifetimes.

But that was the beauty of it, they could leave their buildings their kingdoms and their legacy to their children.

For them to build upon it, for them to expand that legacy, and for their children's children to do the same.

That was how kingdoms were build, and that is how these great structures were created.

Sauron shapeshifted to take his wings back.

So that he may move smoother trough Moria's mines.

Sauron stretched out his hand, and the crumbled gate started to reconstruct itself.

Using his telekinesis to move and mend the stones.

Before long the original appearance of the gate was restored.

Walking up to the gate it read:

"Ennyn Durin Aran Moria. Pedo Mellon a Minno. Im Narvi hain echant. Celebrimbor o Eregion teithant i thiw hin."

What translated to:

"The Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter. I, Narvi, made them. Celebrimbor of Hollin drew these signs."

So Sauron did just that.


And the doors slowly opend.

Looking at the last part of the inscription Sauron scoffed.

"Pesky elf."

Celebrimbor used to be the one who Sauron hated the most after Gandalf the hobbits and Isildur.

But after washing away his anger and hate Sauron did not care for him anymore.

He would leave the legacy of the elf alone.

For if Sauron did perish once and for all, he hoped others would leave proof of his existence behind.

Because while he is immortal, he did not naïefly belief nothing could hurt him or kill him.

Especially now that he knew creation was a lot greater than Arda alone.

They might not be able to destroy his immortal spirit, but they certainly can damage him and weaken any power he may build.

And maybe someday Sauron would not be able to get back on his feet.

Sauron moved into the mountains, and trough the gate.

Walking in the acient Dwarven structure he felt awe, for he had never build underground castle's like this.

The great halls echoed with his steps.

Announcing his presence, Sauron was moving with purpose towards the depts of the mine.

Before all the mithril still stored by the defeated dwarves had been transported to Mordor for him.

The Orcs of Moria were all to eager to please their dark lord.

But this made it a lot harder for Sauron now.

All the mithril in Mordor has been taken by the army of men after his fall.

So new mithril has to be unearthed.

Sauron moved towards the middle of one of the halls, looking at the dim light surrounding him.

The only light in the whole hall came from his red burning eyes.

Spreading a dim light to wherever he looked.

"I should take some dwarves with me when I go back."

"But that comes when I have a base to operate from in that new song."

"And it will be hard to find female dwarves, heard you can't even see the difference with the males."

"Well let's get started."

(Dark tongue)


Sauron shouted out with a voice twisted by darkness.

But the only awnser he received was...

Swish.. pang!.

Swish swish swish....

Pang! pang! pang!

Sauron looked down at the four orcish arrows dripped in poisen, broken after hitting his skin.

He didn't even feel like evading it.

"Why must we do it this way."

The awnser was simple.

Swish ×200

(Dark tongue)



Sauron unfolded his wings with a sonic boom.

All arrows were sent back with a speed twice as fast as they arrived.

Aaahhgg orcs fell one after the other, some arrows going through 2 or 3 orcs straight.

He started jogging towards the pathetic army assembled.

They were incapable of even harming him there was no magic weapon on their body's at all.

Sauron went from a jog to a sprint reaching speeds of 160 kmp/h.

The giant maiar reached the ranks of orcs their ugly faces showing pure fear for the unstoppable behemoth.

Sauron shapeshifted his fingers in long sharp claws, capable of cutting trough the crude metal weapons these orcs held.

The impact was enormous crushing their ranks, throwing even more trough the air.

It was like a army of hobbits trying taking down a well prepared armoured knight.

Yes it was a masacre.

Sauron brought down his claws on he orc in front cutting right trough his pig iron armour.

Black blood flowed from his mouth and he fell to the ground darkness greeting him with open arms.

Sauron cut and crushed all before him, not long into the fight the orcs started to lose courage most fleeing into the dark depts of Moria.

Sauron was quick to grab one before he fled like the others.

"You are lucky orc for you may just live."

"Take me to your leader."

" Yes o dark one."

"You don't recognise your lord Sauron?"

"Sauron is no mores he fell with the ringed."

" I see now lead me"

(Orc pov)

It waset another shiftes another darknesss but I liked it like that.

The sun was never meantes for us.

But todayed was different we found fresh meat!!!

It was a giant pale beast of a man but nothing to fear we haved slayed trolls with our great number and our poison.

He would be the same, giving us flesh to feast on.

He walked around in the darkness giving light wherever his eyes fell.

It was unsettlinged but it would not stop us.

But he was a weird one swinging around his flaccid member for all to see.

I mean even trolles have the decency to wear a loincloth.

Then he started screaming in black tongue about being our lord.

That is boguses, Abadun is our lord.

He be the greatest orc of Moria.

Son of Azog the deviler.

So I knocked my bow and firered at the pales man.

Swish and my'ed arrow hittes the pales man.

Bang crack.

My'ed arrow hittes the pales man but breaks upon his tasty skin.

Seeing that my'ed trusty arrow and bow didn't work on the pale meatbag, I moved back towards the back of the army.

Smartestest thing I hevet done in my orcist life.

(End orc pov)

(Sauron pov)

We made our way trough the darkness deeper into the underbelly of Moria.

The grand and oppressive atmosphere grew.

Leading me in the front was the orc I captured from the fleeing army.

Moving trough a last corridor I find myself in a makeshift throne room.

Well let's see what they have to offer here.

jonas_karel jonas_karel

the celebrimbor in this story is the original one not the one from shadow of Mordor.

I would find it hard to include him too while trying to adhere to the books.

also the speech impairment of the orc is intentionally done.

can't have everybody with normal thought processes and intelligence.

next chapter
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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