31.57% RWBY: Bad Time / Chapter 6: Chapter Six

章 6: Chapter Six

"Alright, kids, I hate to break it to you, but this is a school-"

I sent a look at Coco. who looked to the side.

"-The passing grade is 60%, which is a D, so if you don't keep your grades up, I'm afraid I can't train you four anymore, and I will have to cut off your access to the training rooms."

"But Professor!-"

Coco tried to speak but I raised a hand toward her, stopping her from complaining.

"Now, I'm not saying that I want to do it, it's just that I will have to do it, otherwise Glynda would haul my ass. So just try to study, even if minimally. However, if you have difficulty concentrating, just come to Dantte or me, we will help with anything you're struggling with."

This time, it wasn't Coco that wanted to speak but Fox. However, unlike Coco, he raised an arm, causing me to arch an eyebrow. This wasn't a lesson, but I motioned him to speak nonetheless. Since he could see the outline of my aura, he lowered his hand.

"Isn't Professor Dantte... kind of..."

Ah, yes. It was hard to describe him while being nice.

"Batshit crazy?"

I offered and he nodded in agreement, looking a little guilty. after all, he was helping him with his aura sight.

"Yes, he is, but somehow, someway, he is diligent. If you ask him for help, I'm sure that he won't stop until he makes you understand everything you want to understand."

I shrugged and looked at the paper in my hand which held the information about their grades. Coco had a C in multiple subjects but a high grade in Combat class. Yatsuhashi was holding up rather well, with a B average and Fox was having difficulty in math, chemistry, and Dust science.

Velvet was a good student, with Multiple A's and B's but there was a problem, she had a C in history.

Witch was weird, I have seen her studying in the library with multiple books about historic battles and events. if this didn't work out, she would be a good lecturer at a university.

I looked at the history teacher and narrowed my eyes. Gray Buralo. A weird ass name. But still, I didn't like that man.

"Velvet, you don't seem to be having much trouble, but do you want help with history?"

I asked and looked up at her, only to see her flinch minutely. So, something was indeed wrong.

The other three of team CFVY were scowling but avoiding eye contact, were they keeping it to themselves? What were they? Teens?... Wait, never mind.

"No, Professor, I'll study harder, we're already taking enough of your time."

She waved her hands from side to side, and I raised an eyebrow. Hmm... I needed to have a talk with Ozpin.

"Well alright! We're done with professionalism, Now tell me how your training is going."

I threw the paper holder over my shoulder and shoved my hands inside my pockets. Looking expectantly at the four of them.


"So you're saying that the Beowulf that is scouting doesn't call the pack, but the alpha?"

Port asked, looking interested as I was pointing out a few facts that Dantte and I noticed during our travels.

"You see, The alpha controls the Pack, so when it sends out scouts, it waits for the signal, and then the alpha leads the pack towards the signal. the aforementioned scouts come late to the fight, and wait for an opportunity to attack when the prey is distracted."

I shrugged and continued on the paperwork that Glynda oh so graciously discarded onto me.

Sometimes, I wonder why there is a "Good" in "Goodwitch".

"Interesting, very interesting indeed."

I hummed in agreement, Stamping the paper I put it to the side and went with the next one.

My scroll buzzed and I sent a glance its way... It was Dantte. Taking a deep breath in preparation, I picked up the call.

"I swear to god, Dantte, if-"

[Hey, dude! Want to go kill some goliaths?]

I paused, blinked, rubbed my eyes, and exhaled.


The question was simple, but it held all my resignation in it. I heard Port chuckle and glared at him resentfully.

[Because it was a mission and the pay depended on how many were killed. Wonder why they would pay so much for a few Grimm?]

I stood up and walked over to a window, opening it and taking out my cigarette. Lighting it up I inhaled, letting the calming feeling wash over me... Unfortunately, it did nothing to calm me down.

"Maybe because the Goliaths are the most destructive right below the Titans?"

I asked slowly, hopefully, he would get it through his thick skull that this would have ended in a disaster if it wasn't for us going there.

[They are?]

I sighed. This bitch.

"Meet me in the courtyard."

Hanging up, I turned to Port, exhaling more smoke from my mouth.

"Sorry, Mister Port. I have to go make sure my friend doesn't kill himself."

The man chuckled and stood up, rubbing his mustache. I looked at him for a second, then his mustache... Oh yeah, that thing is doomed when Dantte figures out how to shave it off without being noticed.

"It is fine, young man, it's good to see such a great friendship between two remarkable teachers!"

I blinked... "Great Friendship"? It was more like a cancer that was slowly killing me from the inside.


I nodded.

Without much fanfare, I walked over to the door and walked out of it, closing it behind me.

A shortcut later, I was sitting on a bench in the courtyard, waiting for my only friend to show up. This was my life now.

Sooner or later, he would be the death of me.

The sound of a guitar reached my ears and a second later...

"I am the storm that is aproaaaaachiiiing!"

Just kill me now.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


