28.57% Rubeus Hagrid: Grand Druid / Chapter 6: CHAPTER 6

章 6: CHAPTER 6

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2 September 1942


I woke up with the first light of the day hitting my eyelids. After enjoying the bed calmly for a while, I sat up. What an ordinary awakening, isn't it? Unfortunately, my awakening was not like this.


 I got back from the library last night just before curfew. At first, I was planning to study some druid magic and then sleep. As you can see, things didn't go so well. I quickly became immersed in the depths of druid magic. At one point, I even went into my pocket dimension and talked to Radagian. Unlike other subjects, portraiture was quite talkative when it came to druidism. It was already very late when I went to bed. This resulted in me being thrown out of bed because I couldn't be politely woken up by the alarm I set for the bed.on my face Feeling the cold stone floor was definitely not the most pleasant way to wake up.


Anyway, I changed immediately as if I would let these things stop me. I went down to the school garden to do my morning run and exercise. I set out towards the forbidden forest, running along the path between the strawberry fields and the big lake. After running for a while at the edge of the forbidden forest, my run for the day was over. I started walking towards school to return to Gryffindor Tower as quickly as possible. I passed by the strawberry gardens and saw the caretaker Oggs walking around the garden and picking some strawberries. After I waved hello to him, he offered me a few strawberries. He said he was sorry about my father's passing and that if I needed help at school I could always find him at his cottage. I thanked him and left. When I went to my room, after a quick shower, I went down to the large living room for breakfast.



I was quite excited today. I was going to take my first arithmancy lesson soon. Arithmancy forms the basis of modern magic. It started with predicting the future using numbers. But as time went on it turned out you could calculate more. This was just one example of developing modern wand magic through the effects of wand movements and words on magical energy. Naturally, every wizard who wanted to become a powerful wizard or who wanted to pursue an academic career had to study in the field of arithmancy and have a certain amount of knowledge.

After finishing my breakfast, I went to class. Frankly, I wasn't welcomed to sit in the front row of classes other than the history of magic, which no one cared about. There was something about my body blocking the board, blocking the view of those behind me. So I reluctantly moved to one of the rows at the back.


One of the reasons I'm so obsessed with Arithmancy is because of the chimney I want to specialize in.aric It was very important in alchemy. On another important note, nearly all the spells Radagian left me used older methods rather than modern wand magic. There were 7 spells in the diary left by Radagian, and it took exactly a month to cast them successfully. Merlin knows how long it will take to cast more advanced spells.


 So I had to learn arithmancy. When I saw that there was still half an hour before the class started, I took out my arithmancy book and started reading the introduction. As class time approached step by step, the classroom slowly began to fill up. When class time came, the professor entered through the door that probably led to his personal room.


 Professor Veronica Raskalov was a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Russian who looked like she was 25 years old. If he got his mastery in his twenties, he was truly extremely talented. And she had undoubtedly earned a place at the top of the list of the hottest women I've ever seen at Hogwarts. Long blonde hair, blue eyes and a perfect hourglass figure; While I was thinking how beautiful she was and I was pretty sure that every guy in the class thought the same as me. Something else caught my attention. Normally voxnaturae did not fully understand people's emotions. But there was something strange about Professor Raskalov. I could feel a wild instinct radiating from him. Before I could make sense of this feeling I felt from Professor Raskalov, the professor had finished the roll call and started speaking.


"Can anyone explain to me what arithmancy is?"


A Ravenclaw sitting in the front row, whose name I did not know, raised her hand and asked for a word. He started speaking when Professor Raskalov signaled that he could speak.


"Expressing magic with numbers and variables."


"True, but what exactly does that mean? What can we do with Arithmancy?" After letting us think for a while, he continued speaking. His eyes were wide with excitement as he spoke. "The simplest and most difficult application of arithmancy is predicting the future." With a wave of his hand, the curtain covering the classroom blackboard flew away, folded itself, and then went into the desk drawer. While the class had not fully recovered from the wandless magic display they had witnessed. The things written on the board shocked everyone once again. The seating arrangements of each student in the class were drawn on the blackboard, exactly the same. The professor continued without giving anyone a chance to speak. "So how could I do this? Everything is mathematical. When you understand and do this, you will be able to calculate everything. Predicting the future. Creating wand movements for new spells. "Calculating the results of the necessary experiments when creating potions before even doing the experiment are just a few of them. Arithmancy can theoretically calculate anything in the field of magic."


A hufflepuff from the front raised her hand. "Professor, isn't seeing the future the province of divination? "Also, if it is possible to calculate the future mathematically, why is it not used to cheat in areas such as betting?"


The professor frowned for a moment and then responded to the conversation.


"First of all, contrary to popular belief, prophecy is not just about seeing the future. It's more about gathering information. For example, it can range from basic issues such as finding out the location of a lost item to the speed bus detecting the location of its customers. Although it is possible to see the future using divination, this requires a very rare skill. Even then, what they usually see are just a few of many possible futures. Only prophecies are absolute, but even they can end in hundreds of different ways that lead to the same result. Anyway, enough about the prophecy. This is not the oracle tower. Those who want to learn more can take the divination class." Here he offered a small smile to the class. "Other than that, as for why they didn't try to place fraudulent bets using arithmancy? Well they tried in the past but for some reason they always failed. Is there anyone who can tell me this reason?


He sighed in disappointment when no one in the class spoke up to answer.


"Variables are the answer to the question. To calculate the outcome of an event, you must determine the variables necessary and make the calculation by assigning numerical values ​​to them. As the number of variables increases, it becomes more difficult to calculate. For example, in a controlled environment like this classroom, it is easy to determine where you will sit with a certain number of desks and students."


After pausing for a while and letting us understand what he was saying, he continued speaking.


"In a quidditch match or a duel, there are many more variables. In the past, there were people who tried to calculate the results of quidditch matches and duel matches. There is even a very popular story about this. One day, an arithmancy master made a bet with the owner of a quidditch team to see if he could calculate the outcome of a quidditch match. After receiving all the necessary information, the Arithmancy master made a magical oath that he would not communicate with the outside in any way. He entered the house, which was enchanted in a way that did not allow him to communicate with the outside, and started to make his calculations. A few weeks later, he finished the calculations and left the house with great pride. Without stopping anywhere else, he went to his friend and presented the results to him. The Arithmancy master calculated everything correctly. He correctly predicted every point, every foul, every pass, and the winning team. It was successful in theory. There was only one problem. "Is there anyone out there who can tell me the problem?"


A Slytherin from the middle rows raised his hand. I remembered him. He came from a smaller pureblood family. Their last name was Frey or something like that.

When the professor signaled that he could speak, he responded quickly.


"The match was over." Realizing that the class did not understand, he quickly explained. "By the time the Arithmancy master completed his calculations and left his house, the Quidditch match had already been concluded."


When the whole class started whispering among themselves, the professor cleared his throat. He drew the class's attention to himself.


"5 points to Slytherin. Yes, just as you heard, the calculations took so long that by the time the arithmancy master was done, the match was already over. This is the great flaw of arithmancy. When the variables are too many, the calculation time takes so long that the calculation becomes meaningless. Anyway, enough of this nonsense. Open your book to page 5 and start reading."


With a smile on my face, I opened the book and started the lesson. In my past life, I was good with numbers. There was no reason for this life of mine to be any different.



September 2, 1942



On this day, I stayed in the library until almost curfew. The good news is I completed the arithmancy assignment. The bad news was that I still had a long way to go before translating druid spells into modern magic. For this, I had to be at least newt level. Unfortunately, my mathematical knowledge from my past life is of little use in this regard. Magical mathematics was another matter entirely. Disappointed, I entered the pocket dimension. When I entered the library part of the mansion, I was immediately noticed by the portrait of Radagian that I left there yesterday. After watching me take out my books and notebooks from my bag for a while, my depressed mood must have caught his attention because he couldn't help but ask.


"Is there a problem?"


I shook off my thoughts about Arithmancy and answered.


"Yes, unfortunately, Arithmancy will apparently progress slower than I expected."


When he realized the reason for my boredom, he spoke with a careless attitude.


"Don't worry, things don't always go the way we want. Besides, it's good to take it a little slow."


Maybe Radagian was right. I have always lived at a fast pace since I was reborn. It might be good to slow down and take it easy. Then it occurred to me that I was currently in the same castle with a 1000-year-old basilisk, and how said basilisk would soon be unleashed on half-blood and muggle-born students by a racist psychopath.


I realized that I didn't have time to laze around yet. After thinking about it for a while, I decided to talk to Radagian about this.


"Can the future change?"


He suddenly replied, not understanding why I was asking such an irrelevant question.


"What does this have to do with our topic?"


"Last summer voxnaturae became supercharged overnight. I even had a dream that same night. "I suspect this dream is a vision of the future."


"All visions are subject to change unless there is prophecy. There were some druids in the past who had the gift of divination, but I've never heard of your situation before. Although the strengthening of voxnaturae at the same time as you dream may prove that this is a vision of the future. "Now tell me about the future, what makes you in such a hurry?"


So I told him about the future, everything I knew, my expulsion from school, Myrtle Warren's death, the first and second wizarding wars, even what I knew about Dumbledore and Grindelwald.


Radagian stood there for a moment, frowning and thinking silently. Just when you were thinking about whether to speak or not. He started talking.


"I have never heard such a long and determined vision before. Generally, visions consist of short-term images. Still, what you see is not unimportant. What are you planning to do now? "If you're not planning on getting expelled, you need to do something."


After organizing my thoughts for a while, I began to explain my plan.


"It depends a lot on when the attacks start, at least right now I can go straight to a professor and dream about Tom Riddle unleashing a basilisk at school. "I can't say he'll attack Muggleborns."


"Would no one believe you?"


I shook my head desperately.


"The number of true seers is now very small, I can never prove the truth of the visions. Riddle is also the school's golden boy, polite, gentle, handsome and successful. I was not such an exemplary student until this year. In the case of my word against Riddle's, they will believe him."


 After fidgeting uncomfortably, he continued.


"So what's the plan?"


"As far as I know, there will be no deaths at the school until the end of the year. My plan is to go to Dumbledore after a few people are petrified and tell him what I already know as if I had just learned it."


"Do you trust this Dumbledore man?

Also, how do you know that everything will be as in your visions? If something goes wrong

The basilisk's gaze can be deadly."


I couldn't help but frown. Radagian was right about this. The Dumbledore that Harry Potter encountered was an extremely manipulative person. This made it hard to trust him, but I couldn't think of anything else I could do. As for the Basilisk issue, I decided to talk to Radagian about my ideas on this subject.


"I also have some reservations about Dumbledore, but there is nothing else to do. Also, he hasn't experienced many of the things Dumbledore experienced in my visions. He may be a little manipulative and cunning, but there is still time for him to become the Dumbledore of the 1990s. As for the Basilisk, I think he might be opposing Riddle."


"I agree with you that there is nothing you can do about Dumbledore. "How did you come to the conclusion that the Basilisk resisted Riddle?"


"No one is dying! As you said, it is very easy for the basilisk to kill a student, but no one dies. If Riddle hadn't specifically ordered the basilisk not to kill anyone, the only outcome would have been for the basilisk to resist him. Other Gaunts have also come to the school in the past. They knew where the room was. In the 1700s, they volunteered to renovate the school's plumbing system, thus preventing the entrance of the room from being exposed. If Salazar Slytherin's true intention was to kill all half-bloods and muggleborns in the school. They could have released the basilisk a long time ago. This means that Salazar Slytherin's purpose was different in the first place." After taking a moment to catch my breath, I continued. "Do you have any other ideas?"


Radagian thought for a while.


"You have a chance to be right. In my time, Salazar Slytherin's teachings were not at the level of extreme racism you mention. Muggles killed Salazar Slytherin's family, his wife and children. Only his younger son survived. That's why he was known to hate muggles. It was said that he thought that caution should be taken regarding Muggleborns. He was not wrong in this regard either. With the rise of monotheistic religions, conflicts between muggles and magical species began to occur. "In my time, many wizards were burned at the stake because of muggleborns who joined the church for religious reasons and betrayed their magical friends."


I've never heard of Muggleborns betraying other wizards. In fact, it was said that trained wizards were almost never killed during the witch hunts. What Radagian was talking about revealed that there was more to it. I couldn't resist and explained to him how we are told about witch hunts in the history of magic. I've never seen him this angry before.


"How dare fraudulent scumbags distort our history like this. Let me tell you, kid, if muggles aren't a threat to magical species and they're so easy to fool, why was the so-called secrecy charter made? It was bad enough in my time. Apparently, it got worse over time instead of getting better. Otherwise, something like a confidentiality statute would never have been signed. How much money and manpower do you think it would take to hide everything magical from muggles? Altering and falsifying the entire history, as well as all this, simply requires an excessive amount of resources. If they weren't desperate, those noble bastards would never agree to spend so much money. As for Muggleborns not betraying magical kind, that's something only someone who's never met a fanatic believer before could say. Fanatics will not hesitate for a second to burn this world for the paradise promised by their gods."


Radagian looked as angry, full of hatred and disgust as possible, especially when he said his last sentences. Maybe he's had some unpleasant experiences with these fanatics before.

I decided to at least steer the conversation away from this topic for now. I wouldn't mind making Radagian angry.


"Going back to our topic, do you have any suggestions? Especially something that would be useful against a thousand-year-old basilisk."


My question seemed to catch his attention and calm him down a bit.


"There isn't much advice I can give when it comes to the Basilisk. My suggestion to you is not to approach her with a cock. Contrary to popular belief, rooster crowing is not that deadly for basilisks. It can kill young newly hatched basilisks, but its effectiveness diminishes as the basilisks grow older. "For a thousand-year-old one, it would do nothing but annoy him."


Okay, the plan to steal a rooster from guard Ogg's chicken coop has been cancelled.


"As for Dumbledore, if he is a leglimency user as we suspect, definitely look him in the eye and try to get his occlumency to level 4. Otherwise, occlumency has no chance of withstanding an archmage."


This was a bit troublesome. My Occlumency training was at the 3rd layer at most. Need more time to reach layer 4. It would take at least a few more months. Voxnaturae's benefits in this regard were gradually decreasing. It was very helpful in calming and clearing the mind, but the later stages of occlumency were much more complicated. There's nothing can be done. For now, I will try to increase my daily training. While I was in these thoughts, Radagian started speaking again.


"As for Tom Riddle, avoid approaching him as much as possible. "If, as you say, he has enough dark arts knowledge and magic power to create a horcrux at the end of this year and during the summer holidays, there is no way to fight against him right now."


I was already aware of this, but I still thought that my magic resistance would give me an advantage in combat. Radagian was aware that I was a half-giant. He still said that I had no chance against him. It might have been better to listen to him for now. The man was a great druid, the equivalent of an archmage in his day. He was undoubtedly more knowledgeable about magic and dueling than I was. I remembered there was a dueling club at school. I hope I can convince Professor Merrything to let me in. Radagian continued speaking with a gentle smile on his face, and frankly, that scared me more than his angry mood. In the few days I met him, I was so used to seeing him as a grumpy and grumpy person that the smile on his face frightened me more than his angry state.


"Do you have anything else to say about today?"


Actually, I wanted to talk to him about Professor Raskalov, but the smile on his face scared me a lot.


"Is there a problem, old man?"


"What kind of problem could there be?"


"I don't know, you're suddenly the nicest you've been since I've known you."


"Before, you were hasty and dissatisfied, as if a pack of three-headed dogs were chasing you. Which made you annoying. Now you have reason to be hasty."


So before, he saw me as an asshole. It wasn't wrong. I was so panicked about reincarnation and the future that I didn't even trust voxnaturae. I made him feel this yesterday. Well, I had to take advantage of his positive mood. That's why I had to ask for Professor Raskalov as quickly as possible.


"Actually, I encountered something strange today. Voxnaturae made me feel something for one of my professors that I had never felt before. "This worried me a little as I usually can't sense people's emotions and feelings."


Later, I explained to him in detail how I felt about Professor Raskalov, how he made me feel like a wild beast in front of me, but at the same time, he made me feel like a human. When I finished my speech, Radagian spoke with an evil smile on his face that every man could understand.


"Was this professor Raskalov you mentioned a beautiful woman?"


I understood that Radagian knew something about Professor Raskalov, but I couldn't figure out exactly what he knew. What could this have to do with Professor Raskalov being beautiful? I answered honestly.


"She is quite beautiful and hot."


He started talking again with that evil grin on his face.


"It's not hard to guess. As far as I know, there are only two explanations for the situation you mentioned. Werewolf and Maledictus or similar situation I don't think Hogwarts would hire a werewolf, although a Maledictus might be more dangerous depending on the situation. The professor is probably hiding his true identity. That wild, bloodthirsty presence you feel. The beast inside them."


 I feel sorry for the woman now. Maledictus was a terrible curse. Although there were some ways to slow down the process, the cursed person eventually slowly lost his humanity and turned into a wild monster. While I was feeling sorry for Professor Raskalov's situation, I remembered another Maledictus shown in the latest Fantastic Beasts movie. I wonder what Nagini is doing now. This world is darker than I imagined or remembered. The books and movies undoubtedly edited out some of the darker details. While I was lost in these thoughts, Radagian continued talking, a little disappointed, probably because he expected a different reaction from me.


"First of all, what do you know about maledictus and druid circles?"


"Nothing much, maledictus is a cursed woman. She is a cursed woman who will turn into a completely wild animal over time. There are ways to slow down the process, but none of them are a permanent solution. As for druid circles, I know that's what druids call their communities. "I guess it's an organization like the ministry of magic for druids."


Radagian let out an exasperated sigh.


"I guess I have to get used to it now, it makes me extremely uncomfortable knowing that so much of our heritage has been lost. Druid circles were more than a simple organization. They are formed as a result of an ancient ritual that binds druids together with magical bonds. Its effect was simply to accelerate the growth of voxnaturae. When a druid in the circle gained the appreciation of nature and performed an action that would strengthen the voxnaturae, this would also affect the other members of the circle and cause their voxnaturae to become stronger. Of course, the effect was not as big as the druid performing the action, but there was still a small effect there. "It also allowed druids to communicate and help each other from long distances." I nodded as if to indicate that I understood up to this point.

"The problem with this method arose when people with the voxnaturae ability stopped being born. Our numbers were decreasing day by day. Naturally, there were no druids to form a circle. Finally a genius druid found an alternative. This alternative was maledictus. The Maledictus curse also provides the person with a connection with nature. The new ritual uses this connection to create an effect similar to the druid circle and master servant bond. Maledictus will be loyal to you and serve you, and when he does things that are beneficial for nature, your voxnaturae will become stronger, and in return, you will suppress the curse and save Maledictus from turning into a wild animal. As long as the bond between you exists, the maledictus will automatically be protected from the negative aspects of the transformation."


Wow I really would never have thought of that. This could give me an incredible advantage. Professor Raskalov was a master of arithmancy. He could help me transform ancient druid spells into modern spells. He could also be adept in other areas, depending on the method he used to slow down the maledictus curse. I didn't like this master-servant bond thing though. I'd better ask Radagian.


"What is the master-servant bond thing? Is it something like slavery?"


"Not completely, I mean it guarantees maledictus' loyalty to you with certain limitations. He can never betray or harm you, he must take his secrets to the grave otherwise the curse will return so powerfully that he will instantly lose all humanity and turn into an animal. Apart from that, you cannot give orders that will harm him, however, if he resists you too much, the curse may recur. Anyway, since the alternative is for the person to completely transform into a wild animal, most maledictus accept the bond."


It was more reminiscent of slavery than I liked, but there's nothing you can do. As Radagian said, the alternative is worse. At this moment, Faye pulled my hair and my attention was drawn to her.

I couldn't pay attention to him today. I was so depressed after Arithmancy class that I even neglected Faye. I looked at Radagian to see if he had anything else to say to me, and he signaled that I could leave, so I went back to my room to play with Faye.


next chapter
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  • 世界の背景

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