(General POV)
Mercenary Day had come and gone, it being a huge success in Kane's mind. Angel got to spend almost 2 months with Monty and Wainwright before Kane decided they had had enough of Eden-6, much to everyone's relief.
As much as she loved her grandfather and uncle, even Angel couldn't handle the backwoods swamp of a planet for too long. Granted, Pandora wasn't much better in terms of safety or comfort, but it was a great deal better than Eden-6.
The day before they were to leave Eden-6, the topic of where the baby should be born was brought up, which was a discussion all on its own.
Monty wanted Eden-6, Kane wanted Pandora, and Angel didn't care where she had the baby so long as it was some place protected and equipped with everything she would need.
It wasn't until it looked like Kane was going to kill Monty to end the topic that Maya asked, "Why not have the baby on Athenas?"
Kane wanted to laugh at the idea, Athenas being the running joke of the planets, but before he could say anything Brick of all people spoke, "That's not a bad idea! You could make Athenas into a home for Sirens!"
Of course Maya jumped at the idea, stating how it was a perfect idea before moving quickly to discuss the details with Angel, completely leaving out Kane's and Monty's opinions.
"Thanks a lot, Brick!" Kane said sarcastically to the demonic human as the 2 Sirens headed for the ship.
"No problem." Brick replied, looking rather happy with himself as he too began moving towards the ship.
"There's no one to kill on Athenas!!" Kane shouted to no one in particular as he too moved to board the ship, leaving a perplexed Monty to stand there in confusion as the ship took flight.
When the ship finally could no longer be seen anymore, Monty turned to Wainwright before asking, "Where the hell is Athenas?!"
Despite his objections and reasons, Kane eventually had to concede the point that he wasn't going to get his way on where they would have the baby.
Angel's safety was paramount, and he didn't necessarily need to kill people. Besides, with how much of a trouble magnet Kane was, things were bound to be somewhat exciting.
With only about 2 months until the baby was due, Kane set the course for Athenas.
He wanted to at least get somewhat of a base built up before too long so he wasn't working last minute, which seemed to be the running theme for most people in this universe.
The trip took a few days, which everyone used to be a bit more productive. Brick and Kane actually practiced martial arts, something which Kane thought would help Brick immensely. He was right. Well, half right.
With actual fighting styles, Brick was something else to behold, however Kane had intended Brick to use it in his berserk state, only when they tried it out, Brick lost all reasoning, which honestly should have been expected, rendering the training mostly useless, at least in Berserk.
Mordy drank himself into unconsciousness almost every night, though he did try to help Tina and Luna with learning how to shoot during the day.
Maya and Angel just relaxed for the trip, while Tannis of course was being Tannis, using the time to do tests on a very unwilling Angel.
When they finally got to Athenas, Kane had to pull up a virtual image of the planet to decide on where the hell would be the best place to build a base.
Had the order not built their tourist attraction where they did, Kane would have built there, given how it was ideal.
Sadly, given how everyone throughout the entire galaxy liked to come to the planet to see these mountains in particular, Kane opted to built somewhere else, though it was decided that it would be close enough to where the town was so Maya could still come whenever she liked.
You'd think being trapped in the Monastery for 27 years would make her loathe the place, but that didn't seem to be the case. Anyway, the construction of a new base was like clockwork at this point.
They had built enough bases already that the pieces just seemed to fall into place, though there were a few hold ups. With the restructure of Paradise, Kane had used up the bulk of Tritanium he had stored up, so he had to make a quick stop to a few Malliwan run planets.
Kane swept over the Malliwan forces like they had been hit with a plague that devoured everything in sight and brutally murdered anything with a pulse.
He did it in such a way that no one could prove it was him, but they all pretty much knew it was, which only seemed to build up his fame even more.
With a week left before the due date of the baby, Kane had the majority of the Athenas base completed, though Maya had already dubbed it as, The Sanctum.
There were a few little rooms to complete, but they were mostly fun rooms, and nothing that was really needed.
With the due date so close, Kane was doing his best to stay near Angel so he could be there should anything happen, but given how Tannis was practically glued to the woman, he doubted anything truly bad would happen, unless the mad scientist was the cause.
Given her past and personality, Kane wasn't completely comforted knowing she was around the woman carrying his child.
Looking at a monitor, Kane was observing Brick, Mordy, Luna, and Tina flying around on Tericon's. Currently they were playing a game where you had to shoot everyone else with paintballs.
One would thing Mordy would have the advantage in this sort of game, but that wasn't really the case at all.
Luna used her powers to cheat her ass off, blocking incoming shots and using constructs to throw paint at everyone else from a distance.
There had been some complaints at first, but everyone let it go after Kane turned them all rainbow for wasting his time on something so trivial. They concluded that he was just jealous that he had to stick around Angel and couldn't come play.
Anyway, Tina, not wanting to be outdone, created small explosives, that when detonated, would shoot paint for 20 feet in every direction.
She had them on timers and detonators, even going so far as to make a few remote control so she could move them around in the air into set locations. She actually won the game more often than she lost.
Brick didn't have any special way to win the game, choosing many times to just throw hardened balls of paint at everyone, which worked out just fine for him. It helped everyone to better dodge incoming projectiles, and he got to use them for target practice.
After watching Tina detonate a new explosive that covered everyone, including herself in a pink mist of paint, Kane shut the monitor off before sliding over to Angel, who was seated only a few feet away.
She looked like she was ready to pop with how big she was, but despite her size, she didn't seem angry or moody like Kane had expected.
Granted, she did have people who waited on her hand and foot, and was pampered like a queen, so there wasn't really all that much to complain about, other than the fact that she was growing another person inside of her and that she would soon have to push said person out of her vagina.
Kane was there to give her anything she might be craving, and Tannis and Radar had acquired some devices to help with the cramping and sore feet.
Any swelling and sore joints were taken care of each day after her morning exercises, so Angel didn't really have too much to complain about other than, well, you know.
"Hey baby! It's your daddy! Feel like coming out today?!" Kane said to Angel's bulging stomach with a little hope in voice.
"You've asked that everyday for last week! I bet it's gonna stay in there longer just to annoy you!" Angel said with a smile as she caressed her tummy.
"Given how half of it is me, I'm gonna say that's exactly what's happening!" Kane laughed, figuring he'd have done the same thing just to spite whoever was talking to him.
"You know, you two wouldn't have to call the baby an 'IT' if you just let me run a test to see what the gender is!" Tannis chimed in from a few feet away with her back to them as she fiddled with a few small gizmos on the table.
"I already told you I wanted it to be a surprise." Angel stated, not wanting to hear anymore of finding out the gender. She had already come this far, and she wasn't about to give in to her or Kane when the finish line was right around the corner.
"I don't see what the big deal is! If we knew, we could finally paint the nursery, and get the correct clothes!" Kane said, bringing up the topic again for what seemed like the hundredth time or so.
"Oh please! You made so we could change the colors of the walls in the nursery with a push of a button! And don't even try and tell me that you don't have every color and size of baby clothes known to man!" Angel argued, knowing Kane quite well at this point.
She still wasn't sure how the hell he got everything he did, but whenever she asked for something, he had it without fail, and she knew the baby clothes would be no different.
Having lost the argument, Kane went back to talking to the unborn baby. He did this for about an hour every morning and an hour before bed.
Tannis had told him the fetus could hear the voices, and speaking to it would help get it accustomed to him. At least that's what he got from all her rambling.
She had been lecturing him for hours already by that point, so he kind of spaced out a bit, but didn't dare ask her about it in fear of her going over everything again.
Three weeks passed in what seemed like an eternity, and Angel was still very much pregnant. Given how big she was, she looked like she had gotten pregnant a second time, not that that was even possible.
"Why is it taking so long?!" Angel cried out, quite annoyed that she was already two weeks over-due, when by all accounts, she should have had the baby already.
She probably wouldn't even be so upset about it if Tannis and Radar hadn't been telling her that 'today is the day!' for the last 2 weeks, which only got her hopes up.
"Maybe you just created such a nice home for it that it doesn't want to come out?" Kane said, hoping to lighten the mood a little bit.
Really, he wanted the baby born more than anyone, if only so Angel stopped waking up at odd hours throughout the night, and she stopped being so emotional at random times. No one had the heart to tell him that it was going to get worse with a baby, given his temper.
"You know, I read that sex can help induce labor!" Maya said, getting Angel's and Kane's attention.
"Really?!" Angel asked hopefully.
"She is correct." Tannis confirmed, her eyes still glued to a screen showing some bloodwork she was observing.
"Bedroom! Now!!" Angel ordered Kane, for once being assertive.
Kane usually wouldn't let people tell him what to do, but given who it was, and what she wanted him to do, and why she wanted him to do it, he could agree to it.
Touching Angel, both her and Kane disappeared from the room, reappearing on the bed in Kane's room.
No longer did he need to see where he was teleporting, so long as he had been there before and knew the general idea of where it was. The range on it wasn't bad, but he still couldn't go from planet to planet. Yet.
Anyway, Kane didn't waste anytime as he removed Angel's clothes, then began to kiss her while his hands began to explore her body.
As they glided around, he used his power to move the energy in her body around to amplify her pleasure, something he had experimented a few times with Maya and once her twice before with Angel.
He could only do this if they didn't fight him on it, so it had to be consensual, but given how they described it as a mini-orgasms', he doubted they would try to stop him unless they were in a critical situation.
"OH MY GOD!!" Angel cried out, making Kane smirk to himself. Maya had shouted the same thing last night.
"NO, STOP! MY WATER BROKE!" Angel cried out when Kane kept doing what he was doing.
"Fuck I'm good!!" Kane stated proudly, even as he made his clothes appear, while at the same time making a gown appear on Angel before they appeared in the medical bay.
Once Angel was in a bed, Kane teleported back to where the others were, finding them all exactly where he had left them.
"Her water broke!" Kane stated quickly as he moved to grab Tannis, whose eyes grew wide at his words.
"That was fast!" Maya shouted in disbelief at the statement.
"I'm that good!!" Kane stated, then disappeared with Tannis a second later.
Four hours later, Kane was holding the tiny form of his daughter, Alaina. She was currently sleeping just like her mother, who had been exhausted after the birth.
Angel had remained awake long enough to hold her child, say her name, then fell asleep, leaving her with Kane.
Tannis had wanted to run a few tests on the baby, but Kane was having none of it even though by all accounts he should have let her do the tests.
The little blue tattoos that wrapped her torso and left arm were reason enough, but Kane wouldn't let her first hours into the world be her getting tested.
As far as the baby accidentally using her powers, Kane could stop anything she might do by feeling the flow of power around her, though he was debating on letting her use her powers for the sole purpose to see what they were.
Still, he would make sure nothing happened to her, and that everything was okay while Angel slept next to him. Brick and everyone else got to come in and see her, but the visit was short lived before Kane sent them all out.
He wasn't sure why, but he didn't want any of them near Alaina at the moment, almost as if it was instinctual for him.
Looking down at her sleeping form, he admired every detail about her. She had the same black hair as Angel, but she had Kane's dark blue eyes instead of her mother's light blue ones.
She had a little button nose and two cute little ears that stuck out a little more than they should have, but it just made her more adorable in Kane's eyes.
Doing his best to not move her too much, Kane pulled the blanket she was wrapped in slightly away from her chest so he could get a better look at her tattoos.
On her chest she had tattoos similar to Angel, only there were a few additions to her's that Angel's didn't have. The patterns on her arms were also a bit similar to Angel, though he noticed a few similarities to his own tattoos as well.
She even had the tattoos that went up the left side of her neck, only instead of branching off with one going above the eye and one below, the tattoo simply went up and stopped beneath her eye in a tear shape.
There were more than a few similarities between his and Angel's tattoos that could be seen, but there were also more than a few differences as well. He wasn't sure what it meant, but he figured he would find out in due time.
The following days were quite peaceful for Kane, other than the few odd times a night where he had to wake up due to baby crying, but it wasn't all that bad.
Either it was a stinky diaper or Alaina was hungry, which wasn't all that hard to take care of.
Maya thought differently, and it was because of that she had moved back into her own room, though that didn't stop Angel or Kane from spending time with her, nor did it stop Maya from making nightly visits into Angel's room either.
Kane of course still had a personal room to himself in every base he had, but it was rare if ever that he actually slept in them. There was usually some other room that he could sleep in, one that he could have a lot more fun in.
Eventually Angel and Kane had given Tannis the go-ahead to do a few tests, under constant supervision of course, the results of which told them what they had already suspected from the moment she was born.
Alaina was a Siren, and one that had never been documented before, if her tattoos were anything to go by, so that was something.
As for what the powers were, there was no way to tell until Alaina actually used them, but no one knew when that would be, though Angel had made it known that she hoped it wouldn't be until she was much older, and under the care of someone who could help her.
It was obvious she was still haunted by what happened when she had first become a Siren, but Kane wouldn't let that happen with Alaina.
Anyway, for almost 4 months they stayed on Athenas, mostly just hanging out and relaxing. The Sanctum had long since been completed, with just as much security measures as Paradise, if not more.
It wasn't just the base they fortified, but the planet itself, something that Maya had been all too happy to suggest.
Hidden underground all across the planet were massive weapons that once activated, could shoot spaceships out of orbit. It didn't have to be spaceships though, as it could shoot asteroids, shuttles, rockets, incoming projectiles, you name it.
There were even sensors that would let them know of anything entering within the space around Athenas, letting them know ahead of time of incoming threats.
The planet was literally a safehaven for them, while it could be the end for anyone else, though the defenses were more for defending against large scaled attacks rather than your average tourist or traveler.
Maya wanted Athenas to be a safehaven for all Siren's, and it wouldn't do to make so a Siren would be killed before they even got here.
More on that route, Maya had turned the Order of the Impending Storm's monastery into what she called, The Hall of Sirens. Basically she had the mountain beneath the monastery hollowed out to a certain degree, then created a room for each known Siren power, with a few additional rooms for any new Siren they happened to come across in the future.
In each room it showed the history of each power as far back as Maya could trace it to, there only being a few powers that could actually be traced back to other people.
Maya's could be traced back to Queen Dido, and Luna's to Commandant Steele. Nyriad's power was mentioned in one of the rooms, along with it supposedly being in someone else's hands, but no one was sure it had actually been unsealed, save for Kane, who knew that Tyreen and Troy had her powers.
Maya also had drawings of the Siren tattoos in each room, so future Sirens could compare them if they wanted to, not that she thought there was any sort of connection and the like, though based on a few drawings of Queen Dido, they shared the exact same tattoos, so that was something to think on.
(A.N Before you read this next part, just know that lots of what you read is either my own creation, so I can call it whatever I want, or they are my own guesses from what I know of that universe from either the game or books. Enjoy!)
Power: Phasewalk
Known Sirens: Lilith
The ability to bridge the gap between dimensions, allowing the Siren to teleport both herself and others across space-time. The ability can also inflict damage upon structures caused by small explosions when the Siren enters or exits Phasewalk. It has a heavy connection to the fire element, allowing for flame-throwing and flaming wings to fly.
Power: Phaselock
Known Sirens: Queen Dido, Maya
The ability to lock an object or person in place inside a blue bubble of force. It can also control the mind of Phaselocked creature, making them turn on their allies temporarily.
Power: Phaseshift
Known Sirens: Angel
Technopathy, or the ability to intuitively manipulate technology or anything with an electric current and have said technology obey the Phaseshifter's commands and desires.
Power: Phasetrance
Known Sirens: Amara
The ability to manifest transparent parts of the human form which the Siren can use to affect the world around her. Known manifestations include six arms emanating from the Siren herself to defend, or a large fist, or series of fists, erupting from the ground or astral projection, being cast towards specific targets. These effects can cause damage in various ways, and in certain cases are also used to restrain targeted enemies.
Power: Phaseleech
Known Sirens: Nyriad (Tyreen and Troy to be named soon)
The ability to absorb the life energy of all living beings to increase their own power as well as any unique abilities her target possessed. Phaseleech is unique in a way that a Siren with this power cannot charge a Vault Key as it only draws power out of it. A Phaseleech user can also consume large amounts of Eridium continuously without dealing with withdrawal syndrome
Power: Art is an Explosion (Name created by Tina)
Known Sirens: Commandant Steele of the Atlas Corporation, Luna
The ability to create physical manifestations of one's self that can affect a wider area or release power in an explosion.
Power: Voidshift (It's a cool name!!)
Known Sirens: Kane
The ability to manipulate the very fabric of space and time itself.
Power: Room (You should have an understanding of what I'm getting at)
Known Sirens: Alaina
The ability to create a domain that is completely under the Sirens control. Outside of the domain, the Siren can use telekinesis to a certain degree, but inside their domain is where they have the most control, and where a secondary power comes in. (A.N. Hint... Not to screw around with people.)
Power: Controlshift
Known Sirens: Asha (This is actually a thing, no joke!! I only created the name!)
The ability to control animals
Power: Futuresight
Known Siren: Unnamed Siren (The one that was there when Lilith got her powers in the book)
The Ability to glimpse into the future
So far Maya had recorded down 10 powers, all of which everyone had gone over together and discussed in great detail.
There was still so much they didn't know about the powers that they actually hadn't interacted with yet, but they could all theorize based off of what information they could find in books or on the ECHO.net.
With the number of different powers, it kind of put the whole, 'There can only be 6 Sirens at any point in time) thing into perspective, and after thinking it over, they surmised that it was a load of crap.
Funny enough, and quite brilliant in Kane's opinion, Maya had created a skill tree for each power, showing routes where the Sirens could take their powers. She even made so people could add to the books for whoever got the power next.
Kane had helped all of them look at their powers in a new light, so it was certainly possible that others could help each other improve where they might have missed out before.
Finally to top off the Hall of Sirens, Maya had figured out how Queen Dido had locked the chest that had contained the key fragment using her powers, and had sealed off the place so that only another Siren could get in.
Given how Brick couldn't for the life of him get inside after a month, Kane figured the place should be pretty secure.
Anyway, four months after Alaina was born, Kane and everyone else decided to head back to Pandora, though they had to stop off back on Eden-6 so Monty could see Angel as per their agreement, even though Kane hadn't been too good at keeping to said agreement due to the pregnancy and all, but it was also so he could meet his great-granddaughter.
The old geezer had cried tears of joy when he had seen the little girl, and even more so when he had heard her name. He even went so far as to give the little girl the Jakobs family name, not that Kane cared.
Archeros was technically his family name, but considering he wanted nothing to do with that name, he would rather she not have a family name than give her that one.
They stayed on Eden-6 for about 2 weeks before they departed back to Pandora, much to Brick's great joy. The behemoth loved travelling around the galaxy and all that, but you just couldn't beat home.
First thing he did when he got back was jump in a ship with Mordy and Tina and shoot off towards Sanctuary to see how things had been since they had been gone.
They had kept in touch with Lilith over the ECHO.net, so they knew nothing terrible had happened yet, so they weren't too worried, but it would still be nice to confirm everything with their own eyes.
"Breakfast in bed for a month says Brick kills someone the first hour after he walks through the gates!" Maya said to Kane as soon as Brick's ship departed Paradise.
"Diaper duty for a week says he kills someone in the first ten minutes!" Angel added, also looking at Kane. Honestly if he didn't know better, he would think they had it out for him or something.
"Breakfast in bed for a month, with happy endings!" Kane stated to Maya, then turned to Angel before saying "Make it diaper duty for two weeks!"
Both women agreed before they left to go make sure their rooms were just as they had left them, leaving Kane with Alaina.
"Baby, its not cheating to manipulate the game to your advantage!" Kane told the infant who looked at him like he was an idiot for thinking she understood whatever the fuck he just said to her.
Pulling out his ECHO device, Kane dialed up Brick, but after a few seconds got no response from him. Wondering what was up, Kane dialed up Mordy, only this time he got an answer after a few seconds.
"What's up?" Mordy's holographic projection asked, sounding quite bored. "Hey, why isn't Brick answering his ECHO?" Kane asked, his curiosity piqued.
"Tina turned it into a bomb a dropped it on a some guy that was chasing a skag." Mordy answered plainly. Kane wasn't all that surprised at the revelation, knowing Tina was weirder than anyone he had ever met.
Brushing off the news, Kane said, "When you guys get to Sanctuary, make sure Brick doesn't kill anyone for at least an hour! He can torture them to his hearts content, but no killing! Got it?!"
Mordy gave a bored salute in response before the two cut communications with each other.
"You see, baby! It's so much better this way." Kane said to the little girl, who began to squirm around in his arms. About 3 seconds later, a foul odor reached his nose, causing Kane to hold her out at arms length.
"Lets go get you changed!" He said, moving quickly to do just that.
(Mordy POV)
After ending the call with Kane, Mordy grabbed the ECHO device that was on the chair beside him, then attached a piece of dynamite to it before dropping out of a hatch in the floor.
He waited a few seconds until he heard the explosion, then closed the hatch before he left the rear of the ship to head up to the cockpit where Brick and Tina were. Once he entered the small room, he sat down in the seat behind Tina with an audible sigh.
"Where's my ECHO device, Mordy?" Brick asked, already holding his hand out expectantly.
"Sorry, man. I accidentally dropped it through the drop-hatch when I was letting Bloodwing out. I'll get you a new one as soon as we get to Sanctuary." Mordy said, trying to sound a little bit apologetic.
"Damn it, Mordy! All of my games were on that thing!!" Brick barked out, going from pissed to sad and back to pissed.
"I'll reimburse you for any game you had." Mordy said, appeasing the overgrown demon. "Fine!" Brick agreed, not sounding all that happy.
Mordy watched as Brick cracked his neck before he let out a low grumble, then mumbled something that sort of sounded like, "I need to pound somethin!"
Smirking to himself, Mordy figured he had done enough to help Maya out with the bet she had made with Kane. She had told him before they even left that she was going to make a bet with Kane, and how she needed his help to win.
All he had to do was take Brick's ECHO device and make so Kane didn't talk to him. Simple enough.
At first he was hesitant to try and mess with Kane, but after she had reminded him of all the times Kane had cheated them over the last few months in the games they played, Mordy was convinced that some payback was due.
It wouldn't be until later, but Brick would remind him of this moment, stating how the saying was there for a reason. 'Bros before Hoes, even if the hoe in question was their friend and was dating their other friend. That's besides the point!
(Zane POV)
"Shite! That was... *breathing heavily* at least top five!" Zane stated breathlessly to the woman laying in the bed next to him.
"That was rather fun, wasn't it?" A dark-skinned woman with short hair that had streaks of white in it spoke in a British accent.
"It was great! I was great! That thing you did with the ice was great!" Zane stated proudly, all the while wondering if he had enough time to go for round 2.
"It was so great in fact, I'm almost tempted to not kill you!" Zane added, the statement freezing the woman next to him.
"Kill me? Why?" Aurelia asked, not sure as to why someone would be trying to kill her.
"Cash. Anyway, wanna go for another round?!" Zane asked excitedly, knowing that if he really put in some effort, he could make top 3 easy.
"Now see here, you vagabond! I demand you tell me who is trying to kill me! Furthermore, I wo-!!" *SHLINK!* Whatever Aurelia wanted to say would forever remain a mystery, unless someone figured out how to reattach a head and make it still work.
"Thank ya, gorgeous! Her voice was far too grating to hear anymore of that shite!" Zane said to a nanotech clone that looked exactly like him, minus the color. Swinging his legs out of bed, Zane walked over to where a cart was, then grabbed the bottle of champagne that was stored in the ice bucket.
Popping the cork, he downed half the bottle before he turned back to the headless corpse on the bed.
"Shame. What waste of such a fine ass!" He said, taking one last look at a particularly nice figure.
'Whatever! Its definitely not worth making another enemy, especially out of him!' Zane thought, thinking about a particular monster that he had no intention of messing with anytime soon.
(General POV)
Kane had been back on Pandora for just over a week and a half, and aside from visiting Rufus and his other pets, he hadn't strayed too far from Paradise.
Sure he did go to the town of Oasis and annihilated a few hundred people who were trying to take over, but that didn't really count.
With his absence from Pandora, people had thought they had free rain to do as they pleased. They didn't.
By now the whole planet knew of his return, which was sort of good for everyone who wasn't trying to be a bandit lord.
Like this one lady for instance. Her name was Vallory, and she had been calling herself the Queen Pin or something. Anyway, she ran a gang that pretty much did whatever the fuck they wanted without any pushback from anyone else. At least not until Kane found her.
Even after she had screamed her lungs out, she had still tried to beg him to let her go, but he was having none of it. She was trying to destabilize the transport shuttles to make so she had a monopoly on trade to and from Pandora, which ruined the greatness that was Pandora that Kane loved so much.
It had only taken a day after killing her for the ports to be designated off limits to bandit clans, something which would actually further civilize the chaotic planet, but in his defense, Kane hadn't thought about that.
He was just trying to spread the love, but somehow ended up making things better in the process.
"DON'T STOP! RIGHT THERE! YES! YES! YESSSS!" Maya cried out in ecstasy as she held Kane's head between her legs as he fulfilled his end of their bet.
Yes, Brick had killed some poor fool within 2 minutes of entering Sanctuary, though it wasn't entirely his fault.
Brick had a reputation for being a complete badass, but with having been gone so long, people seemed to forget about him, or at least how big of a monster he actually was.
Some big roided out fuck had noticed him right away when he entered the city, and like a fool had blocked Brick's path. Something to say about Brick, he wasn't one for asking you to politely get out of his way when you were just trying to be a dick.
Anyway, all of the drugs must have been for show because it had only taken one vicious right hook to snap the guy's neck, killing him right there on the spot.
The fact that the guy's head hadn't turned into mist might show that he was somewhat strong, just not a monster like Brick.
Like the cunt he was, Mordy had sent a picture to Maya almost immediately with the timestamp on the picture, making so Kane couldn't really say anything about it, though he did make sure that Mordy didn't get a drop of alcohol for the remainder of the time that he was serving out his bets, which would still be going on for a little over two weeks for Maya's side of the bet, and two more days for Angel's side.
Finally done with his morning duties, Kane climbed forward and dropped onto the pillow beside Maya, his face and chest completely soaked in bodily fluids.
"My tongue is going to be sandpaper by the end of this." He stated while smacking his lips.
"Poor baby..." Angel cooed from the doorway, holding little Alaina in her arms as she walked towards him.
"She cannot possibly need changed already!" Kane stated quickly, having changed her only an hour previously.
"No, its not that. Luna wants to go to Sanctuary to see Marcus, and I was thinking we could make a day of it. We don't want to be cooped up in this place for the rest of our lives." Angel said calmly, her words letting Kane relax back down onto the bed.
"Sure. It'd be nice to see the merchant of death!" Kane said, using one of Marcus' many nicknames. He had no problem with going to town, it was the people in the town that he had a problem with. Well, some of the people anyway.
"Cool!! We'll be ready to go in 20 minutes." Angel said happily as she turned and walked out of the room. When the door closed, Kane looked over to Maya, who still looked a little out of it from a few moments earlier.
"I only have 20 minutes, so hang on." Kane told her before he jumped on the woman.
Sure enough, 20 minutes later and everyone but Tannis was aboard the Apocalypse, Kane's new personal ship.
It was a touch bigger than the Arcadia, with a very similar layout, with just a few small additions. It had the latest and greatest weaponry Kane could create, and was possibly one of the most high-tech creations in the known galaxy.
For a self-defense measure, the thing would unleash 7 BNK-3R's, the ones from Borderlands 2, only these things were way more broken.
They had artificial power cores that ran off Energon, and there only goal was to keep the Apocalypse from ever being scratched, with a few minor orders to not target a few key people, whose energy signatures were registered and stored in them.
On top of that, the Apocalypse also had 3 artificial power cores inside of it that powered the damn thing, and it with half the power of just one of the cores, it could obliterate almost any threat, except maybe a planet. At least with just one shot.
Aboard the Apocalypse were also 3 smaller versions of it, only they were only used for escapes ships in case the worst should happen, or in case someone had to go somewhere that the Apocalypse couldn't go.
They were all the size of a small fighter jet, and could only hold 6 passengers each, or 4 people and Brick. There was only the one compartment in them, but they still had more weapons than God. They were also meant to be piloted unlike the BNK-3R's.
"I wonder how much Sanctuary has changed since the last time we were there!" Luna said excitedly, genuinely curious about the place, whereas Kane was going because it was something different in his regular schedule.
Sure Brick, Mordy and Tina had gone there when they first got back, but they had only been there for a few hours before they came back to Paradise. It just wasn't as fun as they remembered it being, even with Roland and Lilith there.
"According to Brick, it's still a dump." Kane stated, not the least bit interested in the city itself.
"Where is Brick?" Tina asked, finally noticing Brick wasn't in the room.
"Him and Mordy took off 20 minutes before we did. They said something about making sure no one did anything stupid, but they're worrying about nothing." Kane said, having full confidence in himself to not let anyone fuck with him or his weird family, which lets face it, they are at this point.
"I think he's more worried about you destroying the city than anyone in the city attacking you." Radar informed him, which could have been the case, only based on Brick's personality alone than that was unlikely. Brick would probably be the one to set up the explosives to blow up Sanctuary if that was the plan.
Roland and Lilith were the only people he actually cared about in Sanctuary, and he knew that they weren't stupid enough to mess with Kane.
On top of the man being a complete demon incarnate, there were 2 other full grown Sirens with him, another that was still young, but could go toe to toe with the best of them, and a little baby Siren that was a complete unknown.
Then there was Radar, who lets face it, was more than Anyone else on Pandora could handle, as well as Brick and Mordy, who weren't just going to watch Kane get attacked. No, it was safe to say Roland knew better than to mess with Kane.
When they got to the city, Kane wasn't surprised in the slightest when Sanctuary looked exactly the same as it had before. There were a few more buildings that were created outside of the cities defenses, but other than that everything was the same.
Kane guessed the new buildings were for the increase in population, given how Sanctuary was like 1 of 5 safe places to live on Pandora, and none of them were actually all that safe.
Paradise, Oasis, Sanctuary, Prosperity Junction, and Hollow Point were by far the safest areas, and 2 of those cities were mostly filled with bandits.
Paradise was off limits to everyone but a select few, so one couldn't just up and move there if they wanted, and if they tried, well, they were most definitely going to die.
Oasis wasn't anything special, but it was better than Sanctuary and the other two places, so there was that.
Still, with the Crimson Raiders influence around the city, Sanctuary was marginally better than most places on Pandora, which was saying something given the planet.
After storing the Apocalypse, Kane made his way into the city with everyone else following closely behind him.
As they walked through the streets they garnered the attention of most everyone they passed by, but they ignored them all until they got to the first location they were heading towards.
Knocking on the large door, they only had to wait a few seconds before the door swung open and a familiar slab of meat stood before them.
"About time you showed up!" Brick greeted them, then walked over to Angel, who was holding Alaina.
"Want to go for a walk with Uncle Brick?!" He asked the little girl, who in turn held her arms out towards him.
"Just don't go too far." Angel said before she passed Alaina to Brick.
"Don't worry! I'm just going over to Marcus' place. He doesn't believe I'm the God-father." Brick told her before he strolled away with a little girl on his shoulders.
Scarcely had Brick rounded the corner when Kane looked to Radar, who was already deploying hundreds of her little drones to follow after them, not that he thought Brick couldn't handle the situation, but because it was his daughter's life at stake, and he'd sooner kill every person in Sanctuary than let anyone lay their hands on her.
With Brick gone, everyone let themselves into the Crimson Raiders HQ building, which also doubled as a home for Roland and Lilith.
Walking down a hallway, then up a flight of stairs, the group soon found who they were looking for.
Roland, Lilith and Mordeccai were standing around a square table that showed a 3-D image of Sanctuary, and to most everyone's surprise, they weren't alone.
In addition to the 3 they expected, there was a tall man with military buzz-cut light brown hair, with a brown wind-breaker.
With just a glance, Kane could tell right away the guy was military, or at least former military. The way his right hand oh so casually rested on his hip near a gun, while his left hand subtly moved towards a steel tray, most likely to use as shield or throwing weapon of sorts.
If Kane hadn't been looking for these signs, he'd have missed it entirely, which just went to tell him that this guy was good.
As well as the man, Kane saw a young girl, maybe around 15 or 16 years old, Kane wasn't sure. She was short with her red hair in pig tails, and wore goth clothes, but the most notable thing about her would have to be the fact that her left arm was metal.
Finally the last person in the room, a tall lanky individual in a black bodysuit. The helmet covered every part of the head, and it was blackened out to the point that no one could see inside of it to glimpse what the figure looked like.
One thing to note about this person, when Kane was looking him over, he noticed that whatever the guy was, he only had four digits on each hand, and just the general shape of his hands were different than that of a human.
It could very well have been a mutation of sorts, given the shit that goes on in this universe, but Kane doubted it. The things feet were abnormally long and skinny, and if you looked really closely at him, you could see very slight irregularities with him.
The way his elbows cocked out, it was almost as if there were two joints, even though Kane doubted that. It looked more on the lines of having bigger joints that somehow allowed for a wider range of movement.
Despite observing whatever the fuck the guy was, Kane couldn't see any hints of this guy preparing to attack or defend himself, hell there weren't even signs that this guy was breathing.
Kane had observed all of this in a matter of seconds after stepping into the room, then took a seat in the far right corner on a chair while Maya, Angel, and Lilith greeted each other. Roland of course gave him a head nod, which Kane returned.
Introductions followed shortly after, and no surprise to Kane, the individuals were Axton, Gaige, and Zero.
The three of them had apparently joined up with the Crimson Raiders a few months ago, with each of them having an interest in the Vault, though at the moment they were completely stumped on how to further progress in that field considering everything they had found so far had led them to a dead end.
Right now they were raiding what was left of Hyperion in hopes of getting any information Handsome Jack had on the Vault, though so far everything was a little iffy.
Apparently they knew the location of the Vault in Hero's Pass, but there was still a lot of excavation work to be done before one could get to it.
(A.N. Jack knew the Vault location from when he opened the Vault of the SENTINEL on Elpis.)
Thinking about the Vault of the Warrior, Kane wondered if it was even worth opening. He didn't want some giant monster that did his killing for him, that would defeat the purpose of this whole fucking universe.
Coming to a conclusion of his own, Kane decided that he would open the Vault of the Warrior, only it wouldn't be to control some alien monster, but to see if the Vault itself held anything of value, which was the very definition of a Vault Hunter, which he was.
As the conversation moved from certain topics, Kane just kind of sat there with a bored look on his face, at least up to the point where Radar all of the sudden shot to her feet and began moving towards the balcony.
Scarcely had she moved that a loud commotion was heard outside, making Kane almost lose his calm.
Ignoring everyone, Kane appeared on the balcony next to Radar overlooking the main plaza of the city, and after scanning the area, Kane saw what the commotion was, and though he was a little relieved, he was even more confused.
(A Bit Earlier)
(Brick POV)
"See?! I told you!" Brick told Marcus, who could only stare dumbly between the little girl with Siren tattoos and the big monstrosity holding her.
"This still doesn't prove you're the Godfather! It simply proves you're a good babysitter! HA!" Marcus stated with a laugh, still unconvinced that someone like Kane would let Brick of all people raise his kid should anything happen to him.
The two of them argued for a bit, all the while giving the little girl in question a bunch of baby toys and some crackers.
Things were going pretty well, clear up to the point where Alaina suddenly floated up and was hovering almost 10 feet off the ground.
Without skipping a beat, Brick jumped up and was ready to catch the little girl at a moments notice should she fall, but to his confusion, she never came back down to the ground.
On the contrary, the baby floated down the hall, coming to the door just as someone walked in, then flew out the door.
Not sure what the fuck was going on, Brick shot off after the baby, exiting the door only a second later, with Marcus not too far behind him.
Outside the building, Alaina was floating quickly down the street at the same height as most of the buildings, garnering the attention of quite a few people.
"OUTTA MY WAY!!" Brick roared as he dashed through the crowd, not being the least bit gentle towards people as he mowed them over. He even managed to run through a few walls without even noticing, leaving Brick-shaped holes in them.
As he ran after the baby, lots of people around the city also seemed to be drawn towards the little floating baby, and in less than 2 minutes since Alaina shot out of Marcus' shop, there was a hoard of people chasing the baby.
Without realizing it, Brick's eyes changed completely as wisps of energy began leaking out of him.
Suddenly Brick disappeared from his previous position, reappearing on the roof of a nearby building, using the higher vantage point to launch himself towards Alaina, then a second later he was falling back to the ground with a little baby tucked safely in his arms.
Once he landed back on the ground, Brick quickly pulled a big cracker from a pouch on his hip, then gave it to the little girl, getting happy giggling noises in response.
He still wasn't sure what the floating thing was about, but he guessed it had something to do with her powers, her being a Siren and all, but that was a question for another time.
Now that Alaina was stopped, everyone else who had been chasing her had stopped as well. Seeing how a lot of them were staring at Alaina, Brick was going to rip them all limb from limb, but before he could act upon his instincts, Marcus appeared before the crowd.
"Alright! That's it! Go home before you get dismembered!" The merchant barked, shooing everyone away. Most people heeded his warning, but there were 9 people who were a little too focused on the baby.
"That kids a Siren!!" One of them shouted.
"We're gonna be rich!!" A woman shouted, doing a fist pump in excitement.
"Hand over the kid!" Someone else cried out, followed by the others all brandishing some form of weapon, like a machete or an axe. There were 3 people with guns, but they weren't even pointing them towards Brick.
"At least give me the baby before you kill them. We don't want any blood to get on her." Marcus said to Brick as he moved closer with his arms held out.
Brick didn't take his eyes off the people around him as he passed the happy little girl over to Marcus, and the second she was out of his grasp, he vanished again.
Like the Berserker he was, Brick dashed at a blinding speed towards the closest idiot with a gun, grabbing him by the throat and using him as a battering ram to smash into the next idiot with a gun.
Before anyone even knew what was happening, the ranged fighters were eliminated, and by the looks of things, only one of them was actually still breathing.
Everyone else seemed to forget the little girl that was basically worth a planet, choosing to instead run for their lives. Yeah, their lives were forfeit the moment they had stayed near Alaina.
Brick wasn't about to let anyone escape him, choosing instead to run towards the nearest person. As he was about to move onto the 6th target, Brick suddenly noticed that the remaining 3 targets were cut up into little tiny pieces scattered about the area.
Spinning quickly towards where Marcus was standing, Brick saw Kane holding Alaina, making little cooing noises at her. Just looking at him, one would never guess that he just butchered 3 people, but Brick knew better.
Shifting back into his regular self, Brick walked over towards the father daughter duo.
"Hey Kane. Sorry about that, she kind of took me by surprise when she floated away on us." Brick apologized to his bestfriend.
"Don't worry about it, Brick. Her using her powers was quite unexpected to say the least, and none of us could have guessed what she would do. You handled it like a boss, and kept her safe. I would expect nothing less from her Godfather!" Kane told him, making Brick smile an ear to ear grin towards Marcus.
(General POV)
Kane, Brick, and Marcus all stood watching Alaina get smothered in kisses from Angel, who had appeared only seconds after Kane, with Radar and Maya right there with her.
As soon as she got within arms reach of Alaina, Angel snatched her from Kane's grasp and held her close, telling her that everything was fine, not that the little girl even registered that something was wrong.
Hell, she was still happily eating her cracker that Brick had given her without a care in the world.
"Poker at your place tonight?" Marcus asked, not to anyone in specific, but they all knew.
"Sure. By the way, got any Eridium shipments?" Kane said, sounding a little excited at the end.
"I got a decent haul this time, but it's still a little slow right now. Everyone is fighting over Hyperion's mining operations, and there's more fighting than actual minding right now." Marcus answered, making Kane frown.
It wouldn't do for the Eridium production to slow down, so he'd have to take care of that little problem sometime in the near future if he wanted to keep his stock growing.
"I'll see what I can do." He said, then walked off after Angel, who was walking back to Roland's and Lilith's HQ building.
Off to the side watching him, a figure in a black body-suit was watching him carefully with a holographic smiley face showing on it's helmet. "Challenge confirmed." A low voice said, then the figure disappeared.
For the next 3 hours, things in Sanctuary were relatively boring, mostly anyway. After what happened with Alaina and the idiots who wanted to cash her in for the bounty on Sirens, people seemed to keep away from her and the people with her, which was just fine.
Still, with how terrified everyone was, no one wanted to even look at Kane's group, so they were stuck with the few people from before who didn't care one way or the other about what happened.
Granted, Axton sure as hell wasn't about to try and mess with Kane, or Brick for that matter, especially not after he learned of how many Sirens Kane was familiar with.
While everyone else shared a few stories of before and after they joined the Crimson Raiders, a few things caught Kane's attention.
For one, Roland and Lilith killed Salvador, and number 2, Axton and Gaige killed Krieg. The Gunzerker and the Pyscho were dead!
Kane had asked for a bit of clarification when he heard that the bounties had been cashed in on those two, and it was only after hearing the stories that things made sense.
In the game, Salvador and Krieg were some of the greatest allies of the Crimson Raiders, and were crucial to beating Handsome Jack, but with Kane's interference, things went way off track.
The Vault Hunters didn't all survive the train ride explosion that brought them together, so they didn't have that going for them.
With that thought in mind, it was a little understandable how when Salvador tried eating someone when he first got to Sanctuary, Roland and Lilith acted.
Of course someone threw a shot out there, and of course Salvador would shoot back. A good 16 Crimson Raiders had died that day before Lilith finally got to him and stabbed him in the back. Quite literally.
Krieg of course had been mutilating corpses out in the desert when Axton and Gaige came across him. Seeing the brutality, they didn't even bother questioning him, choosing instead to open fire.
Yeah, a turret and a flying robot were bad enough for a guy with no cover, but add on 2 people shooting at him with machine guns, well, Krieg didn't really stand much of a chance.
Kane absently wondered if it was a mistake killing them off, but forgot about it seconds later. They weren't part of his story, so he didn't give a shit about them.
Before long, it was time to head back to Paradise, with additional company in tow. Marcus and Lilith were coming along, and Brick and Mordy pretty much lived there, so they were a given.
Angel wanted to have a girls night or something, and Kane didn't really care considering he had a poker game planned out with the guys, so all was good.
He had invited Roland, but the guy was all work and no play, so he stayed back in Sanctuary to clean up the mess that Brick and Kane had created out in the middle of the street.
Kane figured it was for this reason that him and Brick never got invitations from Roland to come hang out with him in Sanctuary. In addition, Gaige was invited on the girls night out, and for some reason this meant that Axton also had to be invited to game night.
Marcus was all for it, given how it was potentially that much more money he could win, and given how Axton and Gaige just cashed in a $100 billion dollar bounty, their pockets were lined quite nicely.
Finally the last person to tag along, Zer0. Kane still wasn't sure what the hell he was, but the guy seemed nice enough. Granted it was hard for Kane to tell that based on how the guy was completely covered up, but he figured Zer0 couldn't be all that bad.
Anyway, in no time at all they were crossing over the domain surrounding Paradise, at which point Kane gave everyone that wasn't a resident a bracelet to wear.
"This will make so the defenses won't turn you into dust, so keep it on." He told them, getting a few nervous chuckles from everyone.
Once everyone divided into two groups, one going for the girls night, and the other going for a game night, things really picked up. Marcus took most of Axton's money in poker, while Mordy took the rest of it in a few other games.
Rather than just sit at a table all night, everyone split off into smaller groups, playing pool or ping pong, and even a real live Mario Kart game.
Kane only played that one up to the point where it revolved more around hurting the others than it did winning the race. Brick was a sore loser, and it wasn't really fun to play with him when he started throwing pieces of the track at others.
The gun range was fun, but not all that great considering everyone used guns on a daily basis. Still, Kane did pretty good, coming in 3rd place with Zer0 just ahead of him in 2nd place, and Mordy in 1st.
Had he used his powers, Kane would have won no problem, but it ruined the game for everyone when he solely relied on his powers to win. It was still fun without using them, so he didn't care.
Angel and the others did their own thing, but they had just as much fun. There night started off in the pool, then a few contests, many involving drinking, followed by more games until the eventually ended up in the spa.
Come morning all of the guys were picking themselves up off the floor and out from under all the mess they had made. There was a lot of groaning and moaning, but everyone looked like they would all recover. Eventually.
Brick and Zer0 seemed to be in the best states, looking as if they hadn't been through hell the night before, while Axton looked to be in the worst state. Kane actually had to check and see if he was still breathing.
By the time time everyone was awake and mostly recovered from the night of partying, it was time for them all to leave. Kane liked partying as much as the next guy, but he didn't want to binge every night until he couldn't hold on any longer.
Plus after the night he had, all he wanted to do was jump into bed with Maya and Angel and go for a few rounds before going to sleep.
As Lilith and the others were walking through a portal Kane had made back to Sanctuary, Zer0 walked towards Kane and held his hand out towards him before saying, "Are we friends?"
The question was a little out of the blue, but Kane got past it almost immediately as he answered, "Yeah, sure. You're a pretty cool guy, and I wouldn't mind hanging out again sometime."
Kane wasn't sure why, but a holographic smiley face appeared on Zer0's helmet before Kane heard, "Challenge completed!"
He wasn't sure what the challenge was, but whatever. After that, Zer0 went through the portal before it closed.
The following weeks after the game night seemed to pass by in no time at all. Zane had showed up and collected a few contracts that he had gotten from Kane, the most prominent of them all being Aurelia Hammerlock.
It was funny though, in getting rid of her, Zane, and somehow Kane, managed to earn the ire of Lord and Lady Hammerlock, Aurelia's parents.
They were apparently some big time corporate tycoons, who had a kill count that made Kane's look pathetic.
'Oh well, just more people to kill!' Kane thought, not being mad in the slightest when word reached him about the new contracts that had been put out on his and Zane's heads.
He was curious how anyone ever learned of his involvement, but didn't care enough to dig into it. He simply wrote it off as Zane getting drunk and telling about it, which wasn't the end of the world.
When Zero and Axton learned of his little assassination operation he had going for him, both of them joined the group as well. Mostly the hits were Corporate executives, and anyone else who had anything to do with the bounty on Kane's and Maya's heads.
After a bit of digging, Kane found a few people in each Corporation who had bounties on Sirens, and as if to spite them, he put out contracts on them as well.
It would take awhile, but in a few years time, Kane hoped that the rest of the galaxy would get it though their heads that Siren's weren't people that could be contained or controlled.
(Seven Years Later On Athenas)
(General POV)
In no time at all, Seven years seemed to pass by in a blink, mostly because nothing all that exciting really happened, at least to Kane anyway.
There was the attack on Sanctuary a few years ago by an abandoned Dahl battalion, led by a Colonel Hector or something.
Kane vaguely remembered that DLC in the game, but things were completely different this time around. Sanctuary had never been made airborne, and because of this it was still in pretty good shape, with all of the city's defenses still completely in tact.
Not to mention there were quite a bit more people there to defend the place, so there was that. Kane had been asked to help fight a guy that was releasing a gas that was mutating the hell out of people and turning them into plant monsters.
It had been kind of fun to be honest, but it wasn't nearly as dramatic as it had been in the game.
Mostly it was just a way to kill time for him and the others, and a good way to for Alaina to learn a bit more about her powers. That was actually what most of his time was for nowadays.
Alaina's powers were a weird mixture of both Kane's and Angel's, with the added benefit of telekinesis. She could create a domain of sorts, or more accurately a translucent sphere of energy.
She had been floating around them since she was a year old, and had made all of her toys float around her as well, which confirmed that she had telekinesis.
However, at about 3 and a half years old, she had created a bubble of energy that was about a 2 meters in diameter, and it wasn't until she was 4 years old that she figured out what she could do in the bubble.
She could basically teleport anywhere inside the bubble, or move other people around in the bubble. Kane had tried to see if she could do hurt people in the bubble, but she said she couldn't, like the bubble didn't go through them, but around them. The same could not be said about machines, however.
Whether it was by accident or not, Alaina had merged a few parts together and created a little palm sized robot that she had named, Prince Tibbitt, that was basically a glorified doll.
The little bastard thought Alaina was infallible beyond reason, and would threaten Kane at least twice a day that it would stop him from harming the princess. Kane didn't quite like the little stuck up robot, but he wasn't going to get rid of it.
It took quite a bit more experimenting with it, but eventually they had learned that when she created something, she had to be thinking about how it would function and what it's program would be, because after it was created, she couldn't change the code like her mother could.
Angel could see what the program was, and even change it if she wanted, but apparently it was a bit different than normal, like it had a different feel to it.
Over the years of training with her powers, Alaina was able to increase the domain of the bubble, or 'Room' as Kane called it, to 20 meters in diameter. It wasn't the explosive growth that Kane had, but she was still young, and would only grow it out further in the future.
Other than train with his family, Kane and the others went and opened a few more Vaults around the galaxy, including the Vault of the Warrior on Pandora.
Rather than keep the glorified pet, Kane and Brick blew it to smithereens with a rocket launcher the size of a building.
There had been a bit of complaining and such about destroying the Warrior from Roland and some other people Kane didn't care about, but he had ignored them all the same.
Inside the Vault of the Warrior, Kane found a few relics and more Eridium, but there was nothing that he hadn't already seen before.
The Vault on Epitah had some cool Eridian toys that Kane hadn't seen before, but other than the Vault Monsters, the loot was very much the same.
Tannis of course still got some good pieces of equipment that she researched day in and day out, creating her own equipment that would eventually change the universe as they knew it.
After a bit of discussion from everyone in his group, Kane erased both Atlas and Hyperion, using their foundations to create a new Corporation called, Kronos. He did it using fake covers and using a poster boy for the face of the company.
With what he had done, Rhys would never become CEO of Atlas, which was already gone at this point, and Kane figured the guy had a good head on his shoulders for running a Corporation, something that Kane wasn't the least bit interested in.
He only really got into it to get rid of the bounties on him and his group, while making so the other Corporations didn't go to war for the rights to what was left of both of the mega Corporations.
Rhys didn't have any plans for universal domination, simply wanting to create new tech, so Kane grabbed him and put him in charge, which was a shock to the guy to say the least.
There were a few conditions that the guy had to agree to, but he seemed all too eager to agree given what he was getting.
No surprise, but Marcus, Brick, and Mordy were shareholders, hell, even Luna and Tina were. Thinking of those two girls, Kane couldn't help but smirk.
Even after all these years the two were basically inseparable, other than a little lovers spat last year.
It was still weird how they dated other people together, and how sometimes one of them would be done with whoever the poor soul was, while the other wasn't. Eventually they always went back to each other, but it was still weird.
Anyway, I digress. It was using Kronos that they were able to release some of the newly created Eridian technology to the rest of the inhabitants of the universe.
The Jakobs Corporation had close ties to Kronos, and it was that reason that they had agreed to an alliance of sorts. Basically they helped each other out to the point that there was no concern of them stepping on each other's toes.
In less than 5 years, Kronos had taken control of every planet that Hyperion and Atlas had controlled in the past, and had cemented it's place in the galaxy.
Sitting on his couch, Kane was watching some re-runs of some old ECHO broadcasts. It wasn't until a few months ago that Kane had watched these videos, which really got his attention.
Seeing the Calypso twins, he knew the story for Borderlands 3 wasn't too far off, and he was quite excited for what was to come.
Everything would play out completely different this time, given how all of the Vaults from the game were already opened, include a number of others as well.
Still, the Siren twins had no idea about it, given how Kane never advertised that sort of thing, so they would probably still try and do the same thing they did in the game, not that it would work.
For one Kane had all of the Vault Keys, except for the one on Nekrotafeyo, which he would be getting sooner or later. Hell, there were some Vaults he had found that required that key to open them, but he simply marked them down to be opened at a later date.
Another change in the story, Atlas wasn't around on Promethea, it being the Headquarters location for Kronos. To try and attack the planet was akin to suicide, something which all of the other Corporations knew about, especially Malliwan, or at least what was left of Malliwan.
They had a string of unfortunate events where they lost years of research, money, weapon shipments, and their executives simply disappeared without a trace. It was almost as if someone had it out for them.
Without the Corporation to back them, the Children of the Vault, or COV as they called themselves, were going nowhere, something which seemed to be lost on the millions of followers.
Kane wasn't sure how these idiots could just follow someone like Tyreen and Troy with the idea that they were Gods, especially when Sirens were known throughout the entire galaxy, and yet these people with tattoos were just different from them.
'People are so stupid!' He thought, watching the number of subscribers to the twins grow ever higher. Most of the idiots on Pandora were apart of their little group, which wasn't a surprise to Kane, given how everyone on the planet was insane.
Funny enough, he even had his own little following, although they were more interested in killing people for fun than they were with worshipping some idiots claiming to be gods.
"Daddy!" Alaina shouted upon seeing him as she entered the room, breaking him out of his musings.
"Good morning, my little princess!" Kane shouted back, mimicking Alaina's joy at seeing him as he grabbed her from a portal and pulled her onto the couch with him.
"Stop! That tickles!" She cried out with laughter as Kane tickled her toes. Alaina had to actually create a room with her powers and teleport out 3 times before Kane finally relented.
"Are you hungry?" Kane asked the little girl, who was pretending to be a corpse in his arms, doing the whole tongue hanging out of her mouth and everything.
Seeing her not answer, Kane made a crepe with strawberries and whipped cream appear in his hands, then making exaggerated movements so she could see it, he said, "Oh well, I guess I better eat this by myself then."
That did the trick, because Alaina shot up and put her face in it before he could even get a bite in. With her face covered in whipped cream and fruit, Alaina began laughing uncontrollably at the mock-surprised look Kane was showing her.
It was about that time that Angel and Maya walked into the room, both of them smiling at the sight of Kane holding the little girl.
"Good morning!" Angel said happily as she walked over, giving Kane a kiss before poking her finger in the whipped cream sticking to Alaina's face.
"My, what a messy eater you are!" Angel said to the little girl, who could only laugh.
"Good morning, momma! Good morning, Aunty Maya!" Alaina shouted to the two women, who both smiled wider.
Maya even walked over and took Alaina from Kane, then licked some of the whipped cream off of her.
"You're so yummy, I'm going to eat you up!!" Maya told the little girl, who let out a cry of excitement as she suddenly disappeared from Maya's arms and appeared a short distance away before she began running towards the door.
Not about to be outdone, Maya Phaselocked the little girl and pulled her back towards her.
"No fair! That's cheating!" Alaina cried out, then disappeared from the purple bubble once again.
"You started it!" Maya stated as she appeared in front of the door and scooped up the retreating little girl into her arms and began to tickle her.
"You win! You win!" Alaina cried out through her laughter, hoping to get Maya to stop. When Kane and Angel walked over, Alaina pulled herself up into an upright position, keeping one arm wrapped around Maya's neck.
"Is everybody hungry?" Kane asked, already holding out an additional crepe to Maya, while holding the one Alaina had smeared on her face out to her.
"Daddy, what are we going to do today?" Alaina asked after swallowing another bit of her crepe. She hoped it wasn't training, but wouldn't make a scene about it. Not after what happened that first time.
"Well, I figured we could go to Pandora and see your Uncle Brick! He told me that another Siren showed up to Sanctuary last night!" Kane told her, getting a cheer of agreement from the little girl.
It had been weeks since she saw Brick and the others, and she would rather go see them than train.
"Is it Amara?!" Maya asked, actually a bit excited at finally meeting the woman. For years she had been following the exploits of the brawling Siren, and she had to admit that she was a fan.
"Based on the description Brick gave me, I'd say it's her. Plus he said her name was Amara, so I'm gonna go with yeah." Kane answered, earning himself an annoyed look from the blue-haired Siren. All he had to say was yes, not drag it out.
"Will Luna and Tina be there?!" Alaina asked excitedly. She considered the two girls to be older sisters, sort of anyway. She never called them sisters, but they knew how she felt about them, and she knew how they felt about her.
"Yeah. Brick said they got back from Tantalus a few days ago. They should be in Paradise right now." Kane answered the little girl, who threw her arms into the air in excitement.
"Lets go, let's go!!" She cried out, urging Kane to hurry up and open the portal.
"Hold on, young lady! Is your room clean?" Angel spoke up, causing the little girl to deflate.
"No..." She said honestly, knowing there really was no point in lying to her mother.
"Finish your breakfast, then go clean your room before you brush your teeth and have a bath. I'll be in to do your hair after. Once you're ready, we'll go." Angel instructed the little girl, who could do nothing but nod her head in agreement.
It wasn't until almost two hours later that they were ready to go to Pandora. Kane was fine with that, mostly because he and Maya jammed in a quickie while they waited. It was nice. Even after all these years, he was still pretty intimate with them.
Tannis spent less and less time with him these days, but she still made it a point to hook-up at least once a month. Radar was also a weird addition to his sex life, but he was the only one who thought that way.
The fact that she could grow a dick to play with the other girls was just fine for them, though he didn't react too well when she made it appear when they were in the middle of foreplay, but it wasn't all bad for him. The vagina she made for herself was really fun to play with. It vibrated.
When they were ready to go, it was kind of funny, because when Alaina and Angel walked into the room, Alaina had asked why Maya's shirt was on backwards and why her hair was all messed up, which kind of flustered the woman.
Thankfully Angel had come to her rescue, saying that the two of them were playing and things just got away from them. With enough said, Kane opened a portal to Paradise.
When they walked through the portal, Kane saw Radar standing just on the other side, like she knew beforehand that he was going to be coming right when they did.
She probably saw them decide that through a camera or something, which wouldn't be completely out of character for the eccentric A.I, given past history.
"About time! I thought I was going to be waiting here all day for you guys!" Radar said as she walked forward and scooped up Alaina.
"How have your powers been coming along?!" She said to the little girl, who was all too happy to see her.
"Great! Daddy said that I'll be able to rip any man's cock-!" Alaina tried to answer, but a hand over her mouth cut her off. Smiling nervously towards Angel, Kane quickly disappeared from the room with Alaina.
When they reappeared, he let go of her mouth before saying, "What did I say about repeating those words in front of your mother?! Do you want us both to be grounded?!"
The little girl at least had the decency to look guilty, but sadly the damage had already been done.
"Lets go see how much trouble we're in." Kane said, knowing there was no getting out of this one.
Angel absolutely did not want Alaina to speak like that, and well... Kane did. Of course she was going to pick up and repeat some of his words, he just hoped Angel wasn't there to hear them.
Needless to say, Angel wasn't too happy with him, though if the past was any indication, she would get over it soon enough.
Silently agreeing to lecture him later, Angel and the others walked off to go find Brick and others. Seeing everyone again went about how Kane expected it to go, and after telling a few stories, everyone decided to head off to Sanctuary to meet Amara.
Meeting her went about exactly how Kane suspected. Upon finding out that five additional Sirens had just arrived in the city, Amara was shocked to say the least.
She was even more shocked to learn that Kane was also a Siren, him being a guy and all, but she got over that part pretty quick.
With her and Lilith, there were seven Sirens all gathered together in one place, which probably hadn't happened in... well ever!
They told stories about their pasts for well over an hour, at which point Maya had asked Amara if she would be interested in seeing the Hall of Sirens the following day, which Amara agreed to almost immediately.
'Oh great! I get to be on portal duty tomorrow.' Kane thought, already knowing that he would be bringing them to and from Athenas, but he couldn't complain too much. After all, he didn't have anything better to do.
The weeks following that first meeting with Amara were a bit slower than usual, but that was because not too much was going on.
The COV were still doing their own thing, mostly letting themselves be drained of all life by Tyreen, and killing the odd group of people every now and then, but they weren't doing anything out of the ordinary.
By the looks of things, Kane guessed they were still trying to find the Vault Key before they made their move, so he figured he would give them a hand to get started.
With Radar's help, Kane made it look like the a random group of Vault Hunters managed to find the Vault Key and spread the information all over the ECHOnet, even going so far as to claim that the group of would-be Vault Hunters were departing Pandora in 2 days time to go find the Vaults.
Just by checking Tyreen's broadcasts, Kane was able to see that they Twins were gathering their followers to go and raid the 'Vault Thieves'.
Kane didn't quite get how he was a Vault Thief when it was him that found the keys to begin with, and it was him who opened said Vaults. Dismissing it as nothing more than a propaganda thing, Kane went to get things ready for the upcoming fight.
2 days later, Kane, Radar, Brick, Axton, and Zane were all standing near a small spaceship, looking as though they were loading stuff onto it so they could depart Pandora.
It was all just a cover of course, and soon enough their targets showed up, just not like one would have expected. Tyreen must have been pretty confident in her abilities, because she didn't show up in full force like Kane expected her to based off of broadcasts.
No, instead it was her and Troy, while off to the side there were maybe 15 or so idiots with guns.
Not believing this could be all of them, Kane pressed his ear piece before saying, "Hey, Babe? Could you check the area and see if there is anyone else in the vicinity?"
There was a short pause before Angel's voice answered, "I'm seeing a large caravan heading your way, and about 60 or so choppers. They're about a minute or two away from your position. Most of their followers must be waiting somewhere else for when they decide to leave Pandora."
That made a bit more sense to Kane, though he still couldn't understand why the hell they didn't wait for the rest of their group.
"SUP, VAULT THIEVES!" Tyreen shouted cheerfully towards them, almost as if she was greeting friends. Yeah, they weren't her friends.
"Can I kill her now?" Brick asked in a low tone, getting a shake of the head from Kane.
"Not yet, Brick. We gotta kill her last." Kane whispered back to him, already having her death planned before hand. Everyone just stood there while Tyreen and Troy got closer to them, waiting for them to get just a little closer.
"Why don't you heretics just hand over the map, and we'll kill you slowly?! HAHA!! Classic!" Troy said with a cocky grin, earning himself a grunt from Brick.
"What about him? Can I at least kill him?!" Brick whisper shouted, almost pleadingly.
"Oh yeah. He's fair game. Just wait a few more seconds." Kane said, wanting nothing more than to kill the little leach.
As soon as Tyreen and Troy got close enough, Troy made a little floating video drone appear, and then as if to be even more stupid, him and Tyreen ignored them while they spoke into the camera, introducing themselves as Gods.
Having met a real one, Kane could safely say they weren't even specs to the real thing, and that it was actually laughable the way they thought they were unkillable.
He would be proving just how wrong they were. Kane waited until they were done with their idiotic introductions and were now looking back towards him and the others before he finally made a move.
With a quick gesture a portal opened up right in front of Brick, and without being told or prompted, Brick slammed his fist through it.
Tyreen and Troy were obviously confused at the weird hole in space, but that confusion was ended when Brick's meaty fist connected with the back of Troy's right leg, taking it off right at the knee.
Troy cried out in pain as he fell to the ground, his screaming causing Tyreen to be confused as to what the fuck just happened.
It was in that confusion that Kane created another small portal right next to Tyreen, which he used to reach through and grab the shield off of Tyreen's waist.
As soon as he held the shield above his head, a bullet ripped through Tyreen's left arm, taking most of it off at the shoulder, leaving just a small piece connecting them so the arm looked like it was hanging by a thread of skin.
Tyreen falling to one knee was apparently a signal of sorts, because not even a second later and everyone was rushing them.
Axton and Zane were firing from behind the crates they had been pretending to haul into the ship with SMG's, and Brick and Kane were already standing near Troy and Tyreen.
As for Radar, she was currently invisible at the moment, leaving everyone to wonder where the hell she was.
"What were you saying to me before, you little piss-ant!" Brick roared angrily as he reached down and grabbed Troy's remaining leg, then used him like a ragdoll as he smashed him back and forth into the ground like the Hulk did to Loki in Avengers.
Troy's metal arm was no longer attached to him, and his left arm was kind of twisted at an awkward angle, at least to the point that it definitely wouldn't be usable anymore.
Holding a mutilated Troy by his only remaining appendage, Brick looked towards the floating camera that had been videoing everything he had done so far.
"Here's a message to the fools who follow these idiots! I'm gonna make you bleed!!" Brick stated, then finished his words off by slamming Troy's head into the ground to the point that he was no longer conscious.
It could have been due to blood loss, but the hit in the head really put him down for the count.
While Troy was being ripped apart, Kane was standing over Tyreen with a smirk on his face.
"You're not a god, and you were never going to become one. A disgusting piece of flesh, maybe, but never a god." Kane said to her as she tried and failed to hold back her screaming.
To add a bit more insult to injury, Kane fired two quick pistol shots, putting one bullet into each of her kneecaps, earning even more screaming from the woman.
"You're pathetic! Nothing but a piece of shit claiming to be more than the garbage she could only dream of becoming!" Kane stated as he injected her with a shot of plasma to keep her stable.
Still not wanting to take any chance, Kane pulled a collar from his inventory and slapped it around her neck, causing more pain than the whole kneecapping and dismemberment combined.
It was right about that time when Tyreen's reinforcements arrived, but then again, so did Kane's. Maya, Amara, Lilith, Roland, and everyone else showed up to the party guns a blazing.
A massive explosion from the rear of the caravan told Kane that Tina and Luna had arrived, which was to be expected from them.
In less time that it should have taken, the enemy forces were retreating, or at least tried to. As soon as they crossed a certain distance, the vehicles and choppers seemed to just die.
Radar soon appeared before them, revealing herself to be the cause of what happened. Needless to say, it was an utter and complete bloodbath, and the best part, it was being recorded live for the rest of the stupid ass cult to watch.
Kane had no doubt there would be a few people who left the cult after this, but just the same, more idiots would join up with it in hopes of finding the Vault and becoming Gods themselves. It was just how idiots were in this day and age.
Once everything was all over and done with, Kane's group patched up their wounds before heading back to Sanctuary to party.
While they did that, Kane walked through a portal that led into a cave system, dragging a broken and bloody Tyreen behind him.
At the end of the cave, there was a stone archway with a pedestal in front of it, something which was all too familiar to Kane at this point. Once he got to the pedestal, Kane pulled out a weird looking Vault Key that looked like a pentagram, one that definitely shouldn't have existed before.
Laying the Key flat on the pedestal, it sank into the ground, at which point the archway lit up into the familiar rift in space. Walking over to the doorway, Kane tossed Tyreen through it, then pulled out giant bomb Brick and Tina had made for just such an occasion.
Setting the timer on the bomb, Kane tossed it through the door as well, then walked back over to where the pedestal should have been. After he removed the key, the rift in space closed, sealing Tyreen and her powers in there forever.
Still holding the key, Kane used his spatial powers to cut it into tiny specs of dust, to the point that it would never be able to be put back together again.
Sure another key could be build, but he was the only one who knew of the key's design because he was the one who created it.
He was also the one to create this Vault itself, having learned enough from Tannis' research and his own powers to complete this much.
Knowing that if someone ever discovered this little room he was in, Kane knew they would try to uncover a Vault her, and if someone ever figured out how to replicate the Vault Key's like he did, they could use the pedestal to figure out the key's design, something which Kane would never let happen.
Like the key before, Kane turned the archway and pedestal into dust, then placed another bomb with a timer on it. With everything ready, he opened a portal to go back home, finally done with the biggest threat in this universe.
Walking through the portal, Kane appeared outside of the Crimson Raiders HQ building. Even from outside he could hear the laughing and shouting of everyone on the inside.
'Yeah, things are pretty good.' He thought, smiling at the fact that most of the major threats were now dealt with.
All there was really left for him to do was to kill off the rest of the COV and anyone else out to get him and his friends, maybe open up a few more Vaults, then just take it easy and live out his life.
He liked that thought.
Well, here's the final chapter. Sorry it took so long, but I've been sort of busy lately, and I've just been a bit hesitant on ending the book, but I've gone as far with it as I can. I don't want to keep dragging it out and ruin the ending, so I hope this ending satisfied you. With this one done, hopefully I can focus more on the Game of Thrones one. Also, there will be another book coming in the future, but I'm still working out the storyline. A little spoiler, it will be in Naruto.
Thank you all for reading, and I hope you enjoy. If not, just keep it to yourself!!
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