4.34% Rise from the dead as Diablo's Crusader / Chapter 1: I lived and died
Rise from the dead as Diablo's Crusader Rise from the dead as Diablo's Crusader original

Rise from the dead as Diablo's Crusader

作者: TreeBriarWood

© WebNovel

章 1: I lived and died

My name is Slade Dara Bridge.

And this is my story

Born in the prosperous age of 2000, I had what many would call the innate curiosity of newborns who were seeing everything for the first time.

I guess that innate curiosity carried on from birth to my middle ages.

A middle aged man with orange eyes fiddled with the butterfly knife in his hands.

Twisting his hands constantly to make sure that the knife's edge would not cut the worn flesh, his fingers danced as he walked on the streets of the peculiarly empty city.

It made sense though that the dawning hours would have little people on the streets at the time, if anything it was surprising that people were even up and about during the time where most would still be doing their morning rituals.

Stopping his dancing fingers, Slade grabbed the closed butterfly knife tightly and pocketed it before tightening the coat around his body.

The chill of autumn seeped through the cracks of the coat as he could see his own breaths crystallize in the air as white mist.

'Man it's cold'

But nevertheless, Slade disregarded the biting cold that nipped at the exposed skin and continued to walk forwards with steady steps.

Dodging the few falling leaves left on the branches of the many trees on the road and stepping on the orange leaves that signified fall.

Soon enough, Slade reached his destination.

Breathing out slowly and watching the mist form from his breath, Slade fingered the gun hidden in his coat.

He was already discharged from military service a long time ago, but the feeling of cold steel was a calming one as it allowed him to feel in control.

Control of his own life and others.

Contemplating suicide, Slade ignored the intrusive thought that appeared and continued to walk forwards and onto the street.

Well he was supposed to.

A car came screeching around the corner out of nowhere in the desolate city in its dawning hours and bodied Slade.


Getting hit with the full force of a speeding car going a couple dozen miles per hour in the empty streets of the city.

The front of the car became dented and bloodied as Slade was unwillingly tossed to the ground by the power of a car.

Hearing the distinct rumbles of the car that was now dyed in a splash of red, drive away much quicker than before Slade silently sighed with whatever air was left in his lungs and felt his situation.

And honestly?

It was terrible.

The left rib cage had been caved in due to outside forces, all the bones in the body had been cracked and displaced.

And all the flesh in the left side of his body had been mangled beyond recognition.

'I think my left eye popped as well'

Seeing that one half of his sight was gone, Slade groaned painfully.

From an outside perspective, it was a hit and run.

What little people that had the displeasure of being outside at the time instantly noticed the almost corpse in the middle of the road.

Those people did two things, feel extreme emotion and open their phones.

Whether or not it was to take a picture or call for help was unknown.

But whatever people that they called would not make it in time as blood continued to leak out of Slade's body and pool on the ground.

Having past the point of saving, Slade silently closed his eyes and recalled his entire life even as his life force was like a candle in the breeze.


My curiosity got me involved with... let's just say unfortunate meetings.

Slade recalled the time where he was but a small boy and was nothing but a squeaker.

Young Slade stood in front of several much larger boys while protecting another boy that was covered in a series of blackish blue bruises.

"Get out of here! This isn't your business! He owes us money!"

"That's a lie! They're just beating me up because it's fun!"

"Why you little Snitch!"

The Older boy grabbed Slade's shoulder and shoved him aside.

In his teens, Slade had gained a body worthy of envy due to his extracurricular activities that involved everything but conventional sports.

Teen Slade stood with his back facing the concrete wall while being surrounded by a gang of teens with ugly mocking faces.

"Why are all the girls in the school attracted to a bastard like you?"

"I don't know? Maybe it's because your just that ugly"

"Why you!"

The leader of the teens grabbed Slade's collar and dragged him down.

Nearing adulthood, Near adult Slade got involved with a group of bullies just because he rubbed someone off the wrong way.

Sitting in a large empty stadium that was only being scantly used by a few of the athletic people, Slade was surrounded by several renowned bullies in the school.

"Oi Slade! We're here to avenge our friend after you beat them up!"

"I didn't do that though?"

"Doesn't matter! We just need an excuse to beat you up!"

The Large burly boy threw a punch that hit near adult Slade's shoulder.

Past Adulthood, Adult Slade got involved with a gang fight and was mistaken for a part of the rival gang.

Somewhere in an alleyway filled with the grime and garbage that wouldn't be emptied out until next week, Slade was surrounded by scary looking thugs.

"Ye River city bastards don't ever learn do ya!? This is our territory!"

"What? I'm not part of..."

"Ye River City bastards will only learn when we make an example of you bastards!"

The scraggly looking man with yellow crooked teeth flashed the knife and ran forwards attempting to stab his gut.

No matter the situation, somehow through a twist of fate.

Slade was involved with rather violent situations whether or not he liked it.

And being the man he was...

He retaliated.

The Young Slade bit the older boys hand and did everything to harm him.

The Teen Slade head butted the teenage boy before kneeing them in the stomach.

The Near Adult Slade returned punch for punch and knocked out a few teeth.

The Adult Slade dodged the knife and made sure to beat up the man to the point of breaking a bone.

Of course, Slade was quickly beat up by everyone else in the groups he was involved with but he made sure to not go down without a fight.


Recalling his exciting days from child to adult, Slade belatedly realized that he was involved with action no matter where he went.

No point of his life wasn't filled with excitement despite making sure to not involve himself with anything by exploring the city.

It only got worse when he joined the military.

Recalling his action packed life, the distinct feeling of his consciousness slipping away into oblivion alerted him of his nearing death.

Well not really alerting instead of instinctively feeling it near.

Hearing the distinct sound of sirens that belonged to... something.

Slade's mind continued to slow down as he struggled to retain consciousness until death.

Everything around him slowly dulled as his eyes turned blurrier and blurrier.

Feeling his body become warm with the last vestiges of the candle that still burnt in his body started to quickly burn whatever power it had left.

Slade closed his eyes for the last time of his life and embraced the warm embrace of death as the candle snuffed itself out.

Well, what should've been death.


Yello! Rewriting things here! 


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


