I have not used it myself. It was the catalyst for my interest in the microchip era. Only I have control over it. That is why I said, if anything were to happen to me, just burn this PDA." He stated.
"That PDA is custom made. I upgraded it and switched out some devices. It has 1000GB of RAM. The speed is supersonic. Thousands of movies can be downloaded in seconds.
I don't use it for watching movies. It is deeper and far more profound than you can imagine. I'm not going to bore you with details. I have a mini version of it with me. I'll show you how to use it.
I believe it will be meaningful. I'm dealing with people I don't trust, but I've decided to cooperate because they have answers to some of my questions.
I need to figure out who I am. Please do not ask for details about specifics. Knowing will not benefit you. I don't want to cause you any problems.
It took almost all of my time and resources to bring my crazy ideas to this point. See why you see me with strange textbooks and a plethora of laptops?
Please never tell this to your best friend. This is equivalent to me handling my life to you. There are also codes and biometric measures required to use the app. Only you have access to it."
She exhaled a sigh. He was more enigmatic than she had expected. Who would have guessed that the bread vendor and'maigadi' was an ICT guru?
"I don't understand the part about if you're no longer...... what are you keeping?" Don't tell me you're going to die on me....are you in trouble? "Are you expecting to die?" She burst into tears before he could explain.
He had never imagined having someone who would miss him when he was gone, so he was unconcerned. He was crying now because he saw her fear and concern.
He now had a life and desired to live it. He wished to be present for her.
"Not at all, Miss Sunshine." He stated. "I'm only nineteen. Insha Allah, we will marry on March 10th, four years from now. "Note that."
Her gaze was drawn to him by the words he spoke with seriousness and consolation. She blushed and smiled smugly as she wiped away tears.
Gajere was in a car parked outside the hotel. "I believe he's settled in," he said.
"We'll find out tonight, sir, whether he's got the mark or not."
Addy was a confident, charismatic young man who exuded calm and vain glory. He stood tall and had broad Spartan shoulders.
His aggressive jaw was square, and he had a hawk nose and protruding eyes.
He carried himself with ease and splendor, his movements like a programmed drone. He was heavily built and athletic.
He sat on an expensive poolside lounger, watching Lori swim in the Olympic-sized swimming pool of Daralin Hotels, one of Abuja's most expensive hotels with a permanent suite and barred swimming pool.
He was delighted to watch her move her body in the clear water, clad in a bikini, revealing her youth, and a sense of satisfaction washed over him.
Lori Jayden was a twenty-year-old American model. He had a thing for expensive girls, the kind that would bankrupt aspiring millionaires.
He met her in Atlanta six months ago, and their first date was on a private jet lunch. Then she accompanied him to a dinner invitation with the governor of one of the states in the United States.
He fell in love with her and suspended most of his girlfriends. She'd been in Nigeria for three weeks, and he'd been throwing her parties. Only the children of billionaires and multimillionaires were invited to such parties.
But the other kids respected him because they knew it wasn't just about money; Addy possessed something else: power. International power and influence.
Addy had no idea why he had such abilities and connections. What did it matter to him? He was having the time of his life.
Lori emerged from the pool, and he marveled at her slim figure as she took jaunty and calculated steps, shook water from her blonde hair, used her hands to pack it backwards, then came, kissed him on the lips, laid on the poolside bed next to him, and drew her bottle of champagne and glass closer.
That bottle of wine cost 200,000 naira. And she really enjoyed it. She had finished her second bottle of the day. It's all on him. But it didn't matter to him.
He would go to any length to keep her. She stretched her long, smooth legs, sipped her drink, and relaxed. Life was great. He then frowned.
The most recent discovery about Justin bothered him. He could see Dr. Abbas's fear on his face. It was terrifying to think Justin was still alive, especially given what was at stake.
With Justin's presence, the future looked bleak. And what if the truth was discovered? Oh no! That was unimaginable.
They needed to be certain it was him. But he had a feeling it was Justin. Uncle Usman's residence! That's where he noticed him.
What are you doing there? It was, after all, Petra's birthday. He did not attend the birthday party. They did not belong in his class.
He also noticed Aazim. And because his father was a governor, Aazim felt like a big boy. Aazim did not belong in his class.
He never invited him to any of his parties. He had only gone to see Uncle Usman when he noticed him, and it appeared that the man who resembled Justin was trying to hide his face from him.
"What's going on in your head, baby?" Lori spoke in a coquettish tone.
Oh no! He knew she'd leave him once he lost his money and power. That was too much for him. What would happen to his position and status? "I'm fine." He replied her.
"Please allow me to pop some champagne, darling." As she handed it to him, he vowed to kill Justin if he was discovered.
He wasn't going to let Dr. Abbas rely on Gajere. He'd get involved right away. Justin must have to die.
" I was in a plane crash." Walter stated. A pilot jumped out with an infant, and Aadila fell into the sea.
I'm not sure what our connection is, but I'm certain of it. I need your assistance, doctor.
It was a private plane. I obtained some information that may aid in determining who the owner is. I require your assistance." Dr. Mark nodded.
"How can I assist you?" Doctor Mark asked.
"I'm looking for the aviation authority."
"It's not a big deal."
"Who exactly is Don Vasitto?" Walter had no idea where he got the name. It had just come out, but the doctor's facial reaction shook him.
"How did you come up with a name like that?" Dr. Mark marveled, his face betraying astonishment, shock, and fear.
The man with the bald head and Maya had just arrived in Bolivia. They were graced by a Cadillac to carry them. Preparations had been made.
Doctor Abbas might still be alive, and they planned to find him, unless it was someone else who made the EBM beep, but who else had the code?
They climbed into the backseat of the car without saying anything. On the passenger seat was a huge man with a pony tail and tobacco stained teeth. The driver was a short, stocky man in a bowler hat.
"I apologize for this, Mr Mason..." The massive man began. "Shut the fuc* up!" exclaimed Mason, the bald-headed man.
"I made contact with Tiger 606." "You never discovered his body." The plane went down.
They would not have made it." "I suppose he did, and you know what that means...........we have to find him!"
"Where is DonVasitto?" Maya asked.
"I've never heard of him." Dr. Mark stated. "I believe I've done enough. You're back on your feet, and perhaps with time, you'll regain your memory.
"I believe I have a gift for you." He stood up, went to a drawer, and pulled out some cash.
"Please have this. It will keep you for a while, but you must leave immediately." He stated. "And I'd appreciate it if you kept our meeting private. Also tell C Carlos to do the same.
I'm just a doctor, and anything outside of my field is out of my hands. I'm not interested in knowing what you're up to. Thank you for your understanding, and please do not return here to thank or visit me because I will be very busy."
Walter looked at him for a few seconds. Don Vasitto's name must have triggered such an immediate reaction and decision to dismiss him. Then his claim that he had never heard of the name had to be a lie.
It was pointless to argue or plead. He accepted to to take the money. "I have two extra pairs of clothes." Dr. Mark stated.
"Please wait for me." He returned with a small duffle bag. "Please find two sets of clothes, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and biscuits."
"I appreciate it, thank you so much." Walter stated. "May I have a map of this city?" Walter inquired.
"I don't have one with me, but I'm sure you can find one elsewhere." Doctor Mark spoke up.
Thank you very much. "I believe I must return to work."
"What you did for me will live with me forever." I understand that this is due to circumstances beyond your control. I'm hoping to solve whatever it is..."
"Walter, it's nothing."
Walter took the bag and walked away. He hurried down the street after slipping the EBM into the bag.
He walked to the end of the street, unsure of where he was going. He took a narrow street flanked by tall buildings.
Someone called out, "Walter." He noticed a lady approaching him quickly.
"Miss Angela." Walter responded a As the nurse approached, . For the first time, he looked at her. She was a little short for her height, chubby, and had dark bobbed hair.
She appeared more mature when she was not wearing her uniform. He estimated her age to be around twenty-four.
"I was told what happened." She said it all at once. "I suppose you don't have anywhere to stay." Walter gave a nod.
"Let us get out of here quickly." She stated. "I don't want to be seen escorting you. The name you mentioned scared the hell out of him Dr. Mark, and you just mentioned a private jet that crashed with you." She stated.
"He has reason to be afraid. You must have known Don, and the jet was most likely his. Nobody wants to annoy him. Let's stop a cab.
I believe you can stay at my house. I'm very eager and curious about you, and I hope I'm not making a mistake."
"I believe I am taking a significant risk by doing this." She stated. "If the doctor discovers that I am harboring you, my job will be jeopardized, but that is the least of my concerns."
If you are truly on Vasitto's bad side, I am a dead meat."
Vasitto! He saw sputtering images, flying in scabs, which made no sense to him, but something that resembled suits was visible. He could hear a boat rumbling and an infant crying.
“Hola.” "Me lleve a la cathedral parque (Can you take me to the cathedral park)?" she asked a cab driver.
“Muy bien,pero le advierto que ahora mismo hay mucho trafico por alli ("Sure, but I should warn you that there is a lot of traffic around there right now.")
"Pero, por favor, coja el camino más rapido." ( but please try and make use of the quickest route).” She pleaded.
"All right, senora (ma'am)." She pushed open the car door. "Get in." She said it with a Spanish accent. They climbed into the taxi, and he drove away.
They talked less in the car, not wanting to say anything that the cabbie might overhear. The cabbie was correct about the traffic jam, but Angela was not surprised. It was her way back home.
They got out near the cathedral and she called another cab to take them to Gremaro Crescent.
They walked down the street until they came to an old, neat little building. She opened the front door and led him into a small, ordinary-looking boudoir.
She seemed to enjoy the color purple. The walls were both dark and light purple. Then there were purple damask flowered curtains.
"This is where I live." She stated.
"Do you live alone?" he asked
“Yes. My father, who died three years ago, used to live with me. My mother died when I was five years old, and I am now alone." She examined him.
"I have an extra room." She stated. "However, I would prefer that you remain as anonymous as possible." People in the area enjoy gossiping.
It would have been fine if it had stopped at calling you my lover, but I suspect there is more to it. Allow me to prepare food."
"What makes you think there's something more?" "What makes you so curious?" Walter inquired.
She walked towards the kitchen, paused, and then turned to face him.
"Don Vasitto is a philanthropist and millionaire." She stated. "He draws a lot of water here." He is the Vasitto family's patriarch.
My father was acquainted with his father. They were both military men who served in World War II. Something happened that I can't tell you about right now. I'm not sure how involved you are with them. But there are some secrets I learned from my father.
Don's father, David Vasitto, died about twelve years ago..... he wanted my father dead, and my father spent his final years in hiding. He was paralyzed as a result of a bomb blast, and I did everything I could to help him.
The Vasittos are a dangerous and lethal family. You were aboard his private jet, along with a woman and an infant. That I know because you used to come out and say things while you were in a coma.
I work as a nurse. The doctor is not always available. You not only mentioned the woman and the boy, but you also mentioned a man who I know is a pilot. A skilled assassin and one of Vasitto's men.
The reason I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt is because I deduced you were a target. He was probably told to crash the plane and kill you.
That means there is something very important and powerful about you which could cause Vasitto to crash a plane in order to kill you. That means you're important to some people.
Vasitto would simply shoot you and nothing would happen if you weren't that valuable to him. As a result, they attempted to make it appear to be an accident. During your subconscious conversations, you said something like, "My father was never a part of this, I'm moving out of here, get the fuckin* pilot and take me to the ranch."
The Ethics Bastions will never be satisfied." She paused and looked him in the eyes. "Bastions of Ethics," she said again.
"It was mentioned by my father. BOE. And he said it was a secret code word, but he never told me what it was. He stated that it was dangerous. He was part of it . David Vasitto was involved, as was your father, because you mentioned it.
I never mentioned it to the doctor. I believe we can team up together. I want to figure out why my father went into hiding, and by doing so, I'm guessing you'll figure out who you are and why you're here." She stated.