/ Movies / Revenge of an Isekai

Revenge of an Isekai オリジナル

Revenge of an Isekai

Movies 17 章 49.6K ビュー
作者: Garricks_Corner


詳細 目次


Full synopsis is located as an AUX chapter

Synopsis for Revenge of an Isekai

This is my first attempt at a story. Which means there are going to be errors. So, suck it up buttercups.

Leave me feedback to help me improve.

Now this is a fan fiction that is going to be multiversal.

MC is smart, I hope to convey an actually smart MC without dumbing down the side characters. If something like that is happening, I request that it is pointed out.

MC has one thing as his driving force, that’s revenge. Honestly do not expect too much character growth from the MC. Any apparent character growth probably is a façade. Now that being said who knows what path the MC takes.

I am writing this Fan fiction as I want to read, there will be some mystery, some things will be hidden. This is my way of saying I will do everything in my power never to have an info dump happen. Granted it will probably happen, and when it does, I will do my damnedest to spread it out as much as possible.

MC is going to be so f’ing OP it is ridiculous. So, a few things to note, he is after revenge, the wishes he makes/made usually have a specific reason. His order of wishes are just as important to his end game plan.

No One 17 and Under Admitted
  1. Garricks_Corner
    Garricks_Corner 貢献した 20
  2. George_Scott
    George_Scott 貢献した 17
  3. creekinny
    creekinny 貢献した 5


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット



  • 翻訳品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



We get very little details, and the author purposely keeps the audience in the dark. Never answering questions always creating more. The translation is mt bad, but needs work as well. The conversations are but stagnant. We have a complete lack of descriptions for the setting. One moment he is in the sun. The next he isn't. Kinda loopy and not very clear or concise.

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Not recommended, the story is a brutal mess without any point at all.

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😍 fantastic, I want to read more, and i dont read this type of writing in general! The MC offers more dimension, especially considering i prefer the Movies than the books. kill me, I dont care, I love a good book and this one has caught my attention.

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