1.8% Renegade Jenny (Pokemon Fanfic) / Chapter 1: Reincarnation to Regression to Resolve

章 1: Reincarnation to Regression to Resolve

Officer Jenny of the many Jenny family members that keep the Pokémon world safe from many dangers was facing yet another crisis as she devoted her time and was full of self sacrifice.

She followed the orders of the higher ups diligently, did not step on the toes of her colleagues and she lived to save lives over capturing criminals.

In her previous life, she was within the same profession and had a mentor which had passed down many lessons so that she would walk the straight and narrow path of a good police officer.

She was to prioritise the safety of the civilians so she had to let a criminal get away or think smart so that she could capture them before they could do any harm but it was a tough path to follow.

While she was holding herself back and subduing many criminals, she was met with many who resisted and could cause her harm if given the opportunity.

Some evil enough would use their surroundings and innocents to make her lower her guard or give up chasing them so she suffered many losses and there were many times where she suffered large injuries and almost died.

In her free time, she often played games and watched anime so the Pokémon world was one which she enjoyed because the police that appear seem to uphold their duties well and protect everyone, even if they have a difficult day there are trainers so lend a hand.

She died in a fire saving a child and woke up in the body of an illegitimate child of the Jenny family who had a well trained body but she was so caught up in her trauma of her burning to death previously that she had not been able to adjust to her new environment quickly.

She scored low on the practical and theory tests then from then she had suffered further losses and little opportunities as she could not rise up no matter how well she performed later.

Her first Pokémon had died in a battle due to the opponents underhanded tactics and she suffered a large injury.

From then she tried to use her knowledge of the world to her benefit so she could try to raise a strong team to assist her but her duties did not help to strengthen her team as it only helped to inflict more wounds and losses upon her body.

Following the righteous path when others were out for blood was a path where the righteous would suffer endlessly as they try to remain on that path covered in mental and physical scars.

Officer Jenny had finished ordering her Pokémon to clear away the rubble in the surroundings and assisting everyone in exiting a large building.

Many scientists and others had narrowly escaped death thanks to her efforts and she was preparing to leave but suddenly an order came through. "Good job, one final task. You must retrieve the data from the main room."

She listened to the orders and said in an annoyed tone. "It is too dangerous. If I stay in here any longer then something will collapse and I may get trapped. I am getting myself out to safety."

The voice on the other side turned stern. "It is orders from above, it is of a high importance that you retrieve the data. Follow the orders officer!"

She grit her teeth and then followed the directions as she found herself in the main room while avoiding the dangers that surrounded her.

It took her lots of effort to overcome her trauma of fire but she could feel that old feeling coming back as if she had a bad premonition.

Just as she had predicted, a lot of rubble fell and knocked the door closed as the outside continued to go up in flames even more violently.

She saw that the escape routes were only a small vent so she sighed. "I guess this is really the end for me. I really tried to follow those teachings until the end and be a good cop but look at me now.."

She let out a laugh as she took out her Pokéballs and then wrapped them up as she released one of them.

A small Pokémon appeared but it was difficult to see as the smoke was spreading but the officer spoke. "Go climb through that small vent and take these with you, it is your only chance to escape. After my death.. release everyone and let them go free."

A small sorrowful cry was head before the small figure entered the vent with her help but it was unknown if the small Pokémon and the balls had made it to safety.

She looked at the large computer and started bringing up lots of blueprints and data on the screen. "So this is what they are risking my life for.. haha… hahahaha! No wonder they ordered me to enter even though they knew the chances of me returning were not high. The higher ups sure are greedy! You… argh!"

She let out a sigh and sat in the seat as she looked through everything and tried to understand it.

Perhaps due to her extreme situation and the impending death, she seemed to have grasped most of the design in a short time even if she did not fully understand the greater details. "This is quite the invention. In the wrong hands, it could be used to cause much chaos but in the hands of those in power, it can be used to maintain their position and amass power. If I survive this then I will no longer live this way. I have had enough!"

As an officer, it was a requirement for her to know many different things and be able to notice and remember many details so memorising the data and blueprints was not too difficult for her and the dangerous situation and increased pressure had only helped her to learn what she needed from it before she was to attempt to complete her task.

She knew of the importance of such an invention so if she lived, she would try to find a way to make a living as she knew that she would not come out completely unscathed.

One final movement was done as she copied the data onto a drive and then found a place for it to stored away but even she was unsure if it would survive the destruction that was to come.

Many warning noises were going on one after another until the building had reached a critical point and suddenly a large explosion went off.

Unlike her first death which was slow and painful as she burned, her second was slightly quicker but still painful.

At the end of her life, she opened her eyes again to find herself in front of a familiar scene.

Someone was nudging her arm and they had a youthful appearance as they scolded. "This is not the time to fall asleep. You need to be ready for the tests."

Meanwhile the twice dead looked around the room, at her smaller hands and then at many things around her as she thought to herself. 'First I reincarnated into another world.. now I have regressed. Is this some kind of luck or is someone wishing to torment me? Hmm.. I need a pen and paper quick before I forget about those blueprints. They should prove useful if I really am back.'

She checked out her appearance after she had completed her task and then she smiled as she looked at herself. 'Not bad, no longer any scars, burns and the fatigue that my body had built up. I am in the peak of my youth and health full of potential. I wonder if I can still do that thing. I need to test that out later.'

She was in her early teens with a youthful appearance, slightly tanned skin, red eyes, long teal hair and a slightly athletic but slim body that was dressed in a standard officers uniform.

She was back to the original day that she appeared in the new body where she had to adjust to her new environment without the memories if the previous owner but she had the experience from before her regression to help her adjust.

Much like those of the Jenny family, she was very similar to many of the women within the family but her eyes were a brighter red while her skin was a little more tanned

Her status within the family was not treat because she was from one of the lower branch families and she was an illegitimate child born out of wedlock so her future was limited even if she did well and had many achievements but her previous life made her have an even worse starting point due to her poor performance within the tests.

From there it was a long series of failures, adjusting and more failures and losses until she was able to pick herself up again before her next fall.

If she had not had her knowledge of the world and enough persistence then she would have given up and cracked under the pressure much earlier.

She placed the notebook that was full of all kinds of sketches and information within her bag and closed it as she waited for the following events to play out as she remembered. 'Should I make the same choice this time or should I choose differently?'

She shook her head. 'It would be good to be reunited but I will have to work even harder to raise them so that I can prevent the same thing from happening.'

Her face turned serious as she thought. 'No more good cop.. I will look out for myself and my Pokémon from now on. No more sacrificing myself for ideals that will only bring me further suffering. I need to be more selfish, more ruthless and not follow the rules and orders as much… but I must also be careful not to be caught or found suspicious by those around or above me until I can live as I please without worrying about the consequences.'

A firm look of resolve appeared on the face of the young girl. 'From this day, Kimi Jenny will no longer walk the fair and righteous path of justice.'

She then went on to think. 'I do not care if I am later referred to as a renegade or an evil existence so long as I do not have to live my life like before.'

The two lives of suffering for her ideals or the teachings that she had been taught to follow had caused her to question those teachings which would slowly lead to a more selfish and dark path as an officer of the Jenny family.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


