/ Games / Reincarnation Of Third-rate Swordsman

Reincarnation Of Third-rate Swordsman オリジナル

Reincarnation Of Third-rate Swordsman

Games 115 章 1.9M ビュー
作者: JMSnovel

4.7 (85 レビュー結果)

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A Third-rate swordsman who's living a normal life with his wife when the heaven's suddenly turned his world upside down.

His wife got kidnapped by his mortal enemy and he was killed by his both sworn brother.

However, when he thought that it's already his end.

An unprecedented thing happened.

He found himself back on his little apartment on earth eight years ago before the Transmigration of the Humans to the new world.

Now, with his Knowledge about the new world join Kim Shin how he planned to use it to achieve his goals.

Would he be able to kill his sworn brother after he found their real reasons?


Would he be able to easily kill his sworn enemy to achieve his dream vengeance?

(Expect that there will be a lot error. I'm not a pro writer. I just make this for some bored person like me. Okay, don't expect this to be something perfect.

This cover photo is not mine.

Kindly pm me if do you want me to take it down)

No One 17 and Under Admitted
  1. Brih
    Brih 貢献した 18
  2. Bakare_Hassan
    Bakare_Hassan 貢献した 8
  3. natsu_Kurosaki
    natsu_Kurosaki 貢献した 5


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット




  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



Hi Guys! Your shameless author is here. Well, I made this story because I'm fond of vengeance types of genre. And I'm sorry about the errors. I'm not good in english that's why I made a lot errors. Still Thank you guys for all the support. ♡♡♡. I will complete this even if I have only one reader. 😊

14 の返信を表示する

It's a good novel with a good scenario, so much space for growth! Don't have a perfect gramatic, but... who am i to have been disapointed by this heheh. Hope this job continues better!

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2 の返信を表示する
LV 15 Badge

Good book so far. The only thing that bothers me (besides the grammar which is understandable) is the skill usage. In the boss fights his most useful skill Over limit is only used last minute or not at all? The skill has a 30min duration and a 40min Cooldown why isn’t he using it every time he fights? There’s only a 10min break when he would be “weak.” I would understand using it as a trump card if the skill has a duration of 30 seconds... but 30mins?? The fights seem to last no longer than 5-10mins if you base it off his acceleration skill. It’s just not realistic that the MC gets handed a power boost with no negatives and he doesn’t use it unless he’s close to dying... why even let yourself get that close when you can be safe... after all he can’t respawn!

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0 の返信を表示する

Well it's kinda interesting.. nice job! I'll wait for more chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More more more More More More More more More More more Moremore More More More More more More More more Moremore More More More More more More More more More more More More More More more More More more More more More More More More more More More more More more More More More More more More More more More

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Gracias por el capítulo ... Tal vez más tarde puedas hacer que tenga una línea de sangre, o un dragón como mascota o monta de batalla ... Jeje

1 の返信を表示する

i like it so farrrr keep on writing mennn i like it so farrrr keep on writing mennn i like it so farrrr keep on writing mennn i like it so farrrr keep on writing menn i like it so farrrr keep on writing mennn i like it so farrrr keep on writing mennn i like it so farrrr keep on writing mennn i like it so farrrr keep on writing menn i like it so farrrr keep on writing mennn i like it so farrrr keep on writing mennn i like it so farrrr keep on writing mennn i like it so farrrr keep on writing menn

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keep it uppp keep it upppp keep it uppp keep it uppp keep it upppp keep it uppp keep it uppp keep it upppp keep it uppp keep it uppp keep it upppp keep it uppp keep it uppp keep it upppp keep it uppp

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Untuk seorang yang kembali kemasalalu, Mc memiliki mentalitas yang buruk. Terutama pada bagian dimana Mc banyak omong kosong saat bertarung, bagi mereka yang memiliki banyak pengalaman hidup dan mati, sangat konyol melihat Mc yang melakukan tindakan idiot disaat pertempuran. Bahkan olah raga lari ringan membutuhkan metode pernafasan yang tepat untuk menjaga stamina, tapi Mc sedang dalam pertarungan hidup dan mati tapi malah mengatakan omong kosong ditengah pertempuran, hanya pemula yang akan memiliki banyak pemikiran disaat pertempuran sengit terjadi, dan juga sangat idiot untuk berteriak kepada monster yang belum tentu mengerti bahasa manusia, bahkan jika Mc ingin melakukan provokasi terhadap musuh, pasti ada banyak cara yang lebih efektif terhadap monster. Selain pada bagian aksi yang buruk, bagian lain dalam novel ini cukup klise karena sebagian besar alur cerita didalam novel ini telah digunakan pada beberapa novel lainnya. Dan saya cukup mengerti karena ini novel pertamamu, tapi saya pikir lebih baik untuk memiliki bab yang lebih pendek tapi tidak memiliki banyak kekurangan. Karena semakin banyak kata berarti lebih banyak kemungkinan kesalahan yang akan muncul didalamnya, tapi semakin sederhana sesuatu maka semakin sedikit kemungkinan kesalahan didalamnya. Lagipula ini adalah karya pertamamu, lebih baik mempuat novel dengan lebih sedikit kata tapi tanpa banyak kekurangan didalamnya, daripada novel dengan banyak kata tapi justru menjadi novel yang penuh omong kosong didalamnya.

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The Grammer is a bit faulty however the story plot is very well developed. In start it will be boring but as you go further ch 20 you will really understand why this noval is one of the best I have ever read.

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A good start to an interesting reincarnation novel :) Although the beginning is worded a bit awkwardly making it hard to read the writing quality has gradually improved with each additional chapter.

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LV 5 Badge

Good novel ..........................................................................................................................................................................

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Mre chapters please, cant wait to see what happened.. This will be my next favourite book in my library list. Hope there will be no over do to the mc.

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LV 4 Badge

Not bad, but nothing new. You'll be basically reading 'The King of Battlefield' and 'Reincarnator'......................................................................

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If you like the reincarnation genre with a lot of fighting and game elements this is your novel.Main character is a little cliche with things like betrayed and seeking revenge.But otherwise this is a good novel.

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.................................. .................................. .................................. ..................................

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A good novel please continue !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

0 の返信を表示する
LV 4 Badge

If you can buy skills from the system shop, than can he get skills from all kinds of classes? So far it seems like the skills you can get are mainly mage skill.

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作者 JMSnovel