7.14% Reincarnated with Fairy Tail System! (DxD) / Chapter 1: Truck-kun?!
Reincarnated with Fairy Tail System! (DxD) Reincarnated with Fairy Tail System! (DxD) original

Reincarnated with Fairy Tail System! (DxD)

作者: Eden_of_Kovir

© WebNovel

章 1: Truck-kun?!

Note: MC's gender will be male but in his past life he was a girl. I just watched some clips from Youjo Senki: Saga of Tanya the Evil and got inspired. The gender change will not only be physical, but also psychological, therefore there will be no gender dysphoria.

This is not a yaoi story aka no man-man romance. MC is into women.

And yes, since is a High school DxD story it will have a harem but it will be different from most harem stories. I read too many stories with MCs who only wants to collect women like a pokemon trainer collects pokemon. The romance will happen later on and will be build, is not gonna be: "Hey you pretty, lets f*ck!" "Hihi okey!"

Mainly this will start as a Shonen-like story, aka MC will grow stronger over time and wont become Great Red`s nemesis and equal by chapter 2.


Elysia Artois, that was her name.

She was a star, the youngest Olympic figure skating champion in history. A prodigy endowed with beauty, intelligence and talent.

By the time she turned seventeen she had already earned enough money to retire. Her career as an Olympian was not very profitable but the many records she broke caught the attention of a lot of companies who wanted her to model for them. From Adidas to Prada, her numerous contracts earned her millions of euros.

Outside of her professional life, her life was not that good (at least not at first); her parents were neglectful at best and emotionally abusive at worst. Luckily she had the best big brother ever: Damian. Her brother was nine years older than her and a true genius. At fourteen Damian managed to emancipate himself and win custody of his sister by threatening their parents to expose all of their dirty laundry. As for money, Damian built a computer security company at age 12 and by the time he was 14 he was rich enough to live comfortably with his little sister in an apartment in the center of Paris.

Life was good, life was great and life ended.

She was barely seventeen when it all ended.

One Friday afternoon she was coming home from work in a taxi, she was talking on the phone with her brother when it happened.

The taxi was waiting for the traffic light to change from red to green.

"- yes Damian, I won't forget. I'll stop by the store later to buy mozzarella, seriously brother, I don't understand your obsession with pizza." Elysia rolled her eyes. Her brother bought a new pizza oven last week and every day he experiments with new pizza recipes. Last night it was a Hawaiian pizza, Elysia looked at the pineapple-filled monstrosity and left the house before Damian could offer her a slice.

"Ellie, don't roll your eyes." Damian scolds her. "Or your eyes could get stuck in the back of your skull."

The traffic light changed color and the driver stepped on the accelerator.


"I raised you, young lady." Damian sounds stern but she can hear the amusement in his tone.

She opens her mouth to reply but is blinded by a yellowish light. Elysia's eyes widen as she sees the front of a truck heading straight for the cab.

Elysia hears the screeching of wheels skidding across the asphalt and then the sound of metal crashing against metal violently.

For a second it seemed that time slowed down and Elysia saw her phone float in the air, she realized that the taxi had been sent flying. That instant broke and all she could feel was pain, pain like no other and then everything went black.

When she woke up again, the first thing she heard were sirens, police or firefighters, she wasn't sure. She tried to open her eyes but all she saw was a pink haze.

`W- what happened? The light? A truck? Truck-kun decided is my turn?' She felt a laugh building up but the amusement was quickly forgotten as she tasted the blood in her mouth.

She couldn't move, she could only hear the sound of the sirens that sounded more and more distant. The pain is there but for some reason it seems to have been numbed, which she knows is not a good sign.

`Is over? I- I am not ready.`

The helplessness she felt at that moment filled her with rage at the injustice of it all.

`I am just seventeen. I still have records to break, places to visit, One Piece is about to finish. I can't miss the ending! I can't die! I don't want to die! I can't leave Damian alone!`

In her last moments, she thinks about everything she still has to do, about the series she still has to see, about the games she has been waiting for for years, about the promises she will break: she promised that she would win the Grand Prix more times than anyone else and Elysia hates not keeping her word, her brother taught her to always keep her promises. Her brother... Damian raised her since she was a baby, he was her older brother and her father. The pain that her death will bring him hurts her even more than all of her other regrets combined.

"Her pupils do not respond." A voice says, sounding quite frantic.

`I want to live!`

"She has two holes in her chest and one in her stomach. Her legs are crushed by-"

|(Oh? Very well then.)|

"She's bleeding out!"

|(I shall intervene just this time. Do not disappoint me child.)|

Elysia feels the world fade away, the last thing she hears is that strange voice.

*** (The pronouns for MC will be a mixture of masculine and feminine during the first chapter, then we will go to only masculine) ***


Elysia hears something but it sounds a bit muffled, and the mere fact that she can hear surprises her as she expected to be dead.

The dead can't hear anything, of that she's sure.

An unpleasant odor was the second thing she noticed from her new surroundings and she winced, it smelled like rotten food mixed with excrement. She instinctively brought a hand to her face to cover her nose and at that moment she realized something very important: she could move.

She opened her eyes in surprise and looked at the building she had in front of her, it was a typical metropolitan building with the walls blackened by pollution and lack of maintenance.

`W- what?`

She looked around and saw she was in a very dirty alley, just a few meters away there were some garbage cans full of garbage bags and several more thrown around it.

"This is not a hospital."

She widens her eyes and puts a hand to her throat: the voice that just spoke of is nothing like hers!

Elysia looks down and sees that the ground is much closer than it should be, not only that but the dumpster she has next to her seems too big.

"They are not bigger, I am smaller!"

She winces at how high-pitched her voice sounds.

Elysia makes the wise decision to inspect her body, she runs her hands over her face, head, torso and-

She regrets her decision as Elysia has just discovered that she is not a "she" anymore.


Elysia looks at the thing.


She keeps looking.


Elysia pulls up her pants and sighs.

"...I got isekaid didn't I?" Her voice is soft and expressionless. "A transmigration it seems."

She or he, Elysia is quite confused, doesn't expect anyone to answer and to her relief no one does.

"I would really freak out if someone showed up out of nowhere." As if the world decided to mess with her, she hears footsteps approaching and she jumps out of his skin. Elysia turns around expecting to see some demon or god.

Is just a drunk staggering toward one of the alley's side doors, the door of a restaurant Elysia thinks. The drunk makes it to the front steps before passing out clutching a bottle.

Her heartbeat slowed down and Elysia shrugs her shoulders and walks towards the drunk, kicks him in the leg and seeing that he is not waking up, she decides to take the opportunity to get something essential for any adventurer: money.

`A gift from the heavens!`

In his wallet, the drunk only has a pair of 20-euro bills and a 5-euro bill.

"45 euros five minutes after being isekaied, not bad." Elysia walks away from the drunk and out of the alley. `So I am on Earth, in Europe more precisely. Though I doubt it's the Earth I once knew.`

Looking around, she sees what looks like an ordinary street: shops lining the sides, people walking on the sidewalks, and cars on the road.

The sight of cars sends a chill down her spine and Elysia feels like running away, away from any road and most importantly: any car.

"Don't stand in the middle of the sidewalk!" A man yells at her and Elysia comes out of her stupor, she glares at the rude man and walks away towards one of the stores ignoring the man who kept talking about rude brats.

Elysia looks at her reflection in the window and the person looking back is very different from Elysia Artois.

She sees a boy of about eight or nine years old with slightly curly sakura pink hair and deep blue eyes with a slight purple tint. The boy is objectively cute, adorable even with his button nose and big eyes; his slightly chubby cheeks practically beg to be poked.

"I am a cute kid in another world. Good thing is still Earth, but the bad thing is I don't know what Earth or how I got here." Elysia mutters under her breath. "I need more information. As big brother said, the best place to learn stuff is the library. Almost every city has a public library so I just have to find it."

Remembering the words of the rude man from before, Elysia knows that she is in a country where they speak German because she understood every word. Elysia is fluent in French, German, English and Russian.

`Germany, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Those are the only countries in Europe where German is an official language.`

"Excuse me," Elysia walks up to a woman and smiles politely at her. "Could you point me in which direction is the library?"

"Sure thing, but aren't you a little young to be on your own?" The woman looks around hoping to find an his parents.

The pinkhead scratches the back of his head and smiles sheepishly.

"My big brother went into the store to buy me a bottle of water." Elysia points to a supermarket around the corner. "We have to meet mom at the public library in half an hour but Damian doesn't know where it is, he pretends he does but I know we're lost! Just because he's fourteen he thinks he knows everything!" He makes sure to cross his arms, puff out his cheeks, and sound very annoyed.

His performance wins over the woman and she chuckles.

"Hahaha that's how teenagers are. How responsible of you to ask for directions." She ruffles his hair and tells him where the library is. "Make sure you look both ways before crossing the streets, there are a lot of irresponsible drivers around here. And don't keep your mother waiting too long." She says goodbye to Elysia who nods.

`People are so easy to fool` She walks with a satisfied smile towards the library.

`I have to look into this world`s history, to see if there are important differences and look for clues.`

After ten minutes she found the library and on the way there she saw a public school with the German flag hanging at the entrance, knowing that she is in Germany is a relief as she knows the country quite well having visited it multiple times.

`I also need a name, Eysia does not work as a boy name.` She makes a face because her name is the only thing that remains from her past, the last gift from her brother (it was him who named her), immediately she remembers a very important detail and a smile blooms on his face.

`Elysia does not sound like a boy`s name but Luka does, using my middle name will be perfect! Elysia Luka Artois: Luka Artois. Yep, it sounds good!`

As he enters the library the librarian, a woman in her fifties with gray hair and glasses dangling from the end of her nose, gives him a curious look but she says nothing. Luka smiles at her politely before looking around the huge room filled with books.

The smell of the old pages is familiar to him and if he closed his eyes he could see his brother sitting at one of the tables reading a book with his headphones in his ears. Luka feels tears sting his eyes and quickly shakes his head.

`This is no time to be emotional! I have to gather information, find refuge and then, only then can I allow myself to feel.`

With eyes shining with determination Luka walks towards the history section.

He picks up several books and sits at one of the tables ignoring the stares of the people around him as he begins to read.

Skim through half a dozen books took him all morning and in that time he didn't learn anything useful, apparently the history of this world is almost identical to his world.

Roman empire? Check.

Industrial Revolution? Check.

French Revolution? Check.

First World War? Check.

Second World War? Check.

Luka stretches after putting the last book in its place, he wants to continue investigating but his stomach has been growling for a long time.

`I saw several restaurants near the library, time to spend the money that the generous drunk so kindly donated to me.`

Being the middle of the afternoon there are not many people in the restaurant where he decides to eat, he sits near the window and waits for the waitress. The waitress looks at him in the same way as all the adults he met thus far, a look that says: What is a boy so young doing alone?

Luckily she's not too nosy and takes his order with no questions asked.

While he waits for his food, Luka thinks about his next steps.

`Before I died I remember hearing a voice. That being brought me here, but why? They said to not disappoint them, that's suspicious. I don't think their actions were disinterested, I have to stay alert and not let my guard down. If there's one thing The Rising of the Shield Hero and Re: Zero taught me, it's how fucked up life in a fantasy world can be.`

Luka takes a sip of water and looks at his reflection in the window.

`Another thing that bothers me is why I am so calm about my gender change. Gender dysphoria is a very real thing, but I don't feel any discomfort with my gender change, or with my body being much smaller than I'm used to. It has to be that mysterious being`s doing.`

While he eats his burger he reviews his last moments, hoping to find some clue about that mysterious being but as much as he tries to remember he only remembers them saying: Oh? Very well then. I shall intervene just this time. Do not disappoint me child.

Nothing to give him any clue as to their identity.



Luka blinks and looks at the words that appeared out of nowhere.

"Countdown 0 seconds, the Fairy Tail System is ready?" He mutters confused. A fry falls out of his mouth.

When he processes what just happened he jumps out of his chair with a giddy smile.

"I have a system!"

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


